• Story: Trix of the Trade (Update Complete!)

    [Normal] Today totally would have a trixie banner due to the insane amount of trixie that is about to be posted, but I know you guys would absolutely hate that.

    Author: Miyajima
    Description:The "Great and Powerful" Trixie has headed out to Appleloosa for a new start and a clean slate, but can she really leave behind a lifetime of bragging and showmareship?
    Google Docs
    Trix of the Trade
    Trix of the Trade Part 2
    Trix of the Trade Part 3 
    Trix of the Trade Part 4
    Trix of the Trade Part 5 (New!)

    FF.net All Links
    Trix of the Trade

    Additional Tags: Trixie, Appleloosa, OC, Showmareship, Snake Oil

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Very Trixie. I liked it, but it was a bit short.

    2. Reminds me of O. Henry's stories. I like it!

    3. Magna potensque Trixie

    4. but...but..I like large ammounts of Trixie...

    5. Just make a trixie banner and doooooo it.

    6. you can never have enough trixie NEVER

    7. Hate it? Hate it? I'd love it!

    8. its always trixie time!

    9. A 'Snake Oil Salesman' is the old-timey phrase to describe a phony 'Doctor' who sold fake medicine. IE, like Leechcraft.

    10. Last part is ''Bofff...''... a bit bland I would say.

      Not bad, mind you... just not much to it, really.

    11. The link to the Googledoc for part five is broken; it goes to part four instead.

    12. >implying the current banner isn't already a Trixie banner

    13. The link to chapter five leads to chapter 4 :<

    14. It does? Woops.

      Here's part five on GoogleDocs, then:


    15. Wait, complete? Talk about an open ending... Euhm... Sheesh. I don't really know what to say about this one. I enjoyed it, but... It doesn't feel finished by a longshot. And the last couple of lines feel kinda forced now, knowing its over. Seems like Trixie kinda accepts everything out of nowhere now. Mainly the being an assistant thing, that should rub her the wrong way with her ego and all.

      I don't know, this wasn't at all what I was expecting. I thought we were going to see her slowly warming up to Leechcraft and in the meantime helping both of them in such a way that they wouldn't need to con anymore. It just feels like you thought "I can't be bothered anymore, lets just make up an ending here".

    16. Based on all of this negativity about the ambiguous ending, this calls for...

      A SEQUEL!!! (dramatic music)

      Which would actually be pretty awesome, since this is one of the best fanfics I've read. Please get on to doing that, Miyajima!!

    17. >“Doctor Leechcraft, and his assistant: The Great and Powerful Trixie.” She thought to herself, smiling. “I can live with that.”

      -Wait ? This is it ? THAT is the end ?

      ...well... Don't know ?
      Really doesn't feel like an proper ''End'' of story.
      Seems like there's a part missing or something.

    18. Broken Link:
      The Googledocs link to part one is a link to the FFNet copy instead.

    19. This isn't Gadget's Trix of the Trade
