• No Fanfiction Mode Has Been Added!

    I will be adding a button for this eventually, but for those of you who dislike fanfiction, simply bookmark this link...

    Equestria Daily No-Fanfiction Mode

    You will still see fanfiction news posts, but everything else should be completely fanfic free.   

    Hope this satisfies everyone!

    Also bumping fanfiction has returned, glad thats over! 

    86 kommentaari:

    1. Will there be a way to toggle it back on should I change my mind in the future?

    2. But what kind of crazy person WOULDN'T want to see fanfictions????

    3. Actually, never mind. I just tested it to see how it works. Wheeeeee

    4. Pinkamina Diane Pie23. mai 2011, kell 17:45

      @ anonymous

      It's just another link you can go to. If you want fanfiction, just go to the regular website.

    5. Well, I suppose that's good for some people, but quite frankly, I can't imagine this site without the fanfics; they're my bread and butter! Tasty, toasted bread and butter. With soup. And a nice, tall glass of iced tea.

      Celestia, I should probably stop typing right before dinner. What was I even talking about again?

    6. Is this in replace of the nightly updates thing?

    7. Seth, once again you have proven yourself to be the best of us all. Excellent compromise, I say.

      Now bring me more Appledash, good sir. On the double.

    8. Seriously Why is Fanfiction a problem? aren't comics Basically fanfiction with pictures?

    9. @DissonantNight Seconding this question.
      Bumpage of stories lets me chat with my readers since I'm usually asleep when Seth makes the last post of the night.

    10. well i have to say it's quite a nice way for those who don't like fanfic but then again why would you don't like fanfic??
      anyway nice thing to do seth

    11. The problem with this solution is that you may forget to tag something with the "Not-fanfiction" tag. For example, this post.

    12. This is crazy.

      Fanfic is, like, more than half the site, and there's no problem with that whatsoever.

    13. So basically, this is a fanfiction blog now, with other news on the side?

    14. @smx

      I think it's just because the majority of posts are bumps from new chapters being added to fanfics.

    15. Jonathan B. (Nvr Rmbr)23. mai 2011, kell 17:53

      Equestria Daily is 20% less cool without fanfiction. Just sayin'.

    16. All is right with the world.

    17. I don't see why people wouldn't like the fics, I mean, they're amazing!

    18. Woohoo! I'm right as usual. Filters solve everything. Like ducttape!

      (I mean, good job.)

    19. The BEST thing ever since blog was created.

      Thanks you.

    20. @The Letter J

      Once someone that doesn't want to see fanfiction sees this post they dont have to see it again, that was my logic at least.

    21. @Fire.Esper
      There only two tools a man needs. WD-40 and Duct tape. If it moves and it shouldn't, Duct tape. If it doesn't and it should, WD-40.

    22. So... now everything else is defined by the fact it's not fanfiction?

      I mean really, just decide whether you want this to be a general MLP blog, or a fanfiction one. I understand that yes, there really isn't anywhere better for fanfiction to go at the moment. But when one is clearly swamping the other, increasingly intricate systems will only serve to complicate the blog.

      This may sound crazy but, why not just splinter the fiction off to a second blog? If they're that popular, they could clearly hold their own. Continue to do regular collections here as with the drawfriend posts, authors get all the attention they want (from the people actually interested in fanfics), readers still have a centralized go-to point, and you don't have to try to squeeze everything under one roof anymore or worry about who has to read what.

      Yeah, pageviews might get split, but is that really important?

    23. So... now everything else is defined by the fact it's not fanfiction?

      I mean really, just decide whether you want this to be a general MLP blog, or a fanfiction one. I understand that yes, there really isn't anywhere better for fanfiction to go at the moment. But when one is clearly swamping the other, increasingly intricate systems will only serve to complicate the blog.

      This may sound crazy but, why not just splinter the fiction off to a second blog? If they're that popular, they could clearly hold their own. Continue to do regular collections here as with the drawfriend posts, authors get all the attention they want (from the people actually interested in fanfics), readers still have a centralized go-to point, and you don't have to try to squeeze everything under one roof anymore or offending people.

      Yeah, pageviews might suffer, but is that really important?

    24. So... now everything else is defined by the fact it's not fanfiction?

      I mean really, just decide whether you want this to be a general MLP blog, or a fanfiction one. I understand that yes, there really isn't anywhere better for fanfiction to go at the moment. But when one is clearly swamping the other, increasingly intricate systems will only serve to complicate the blog.

      This may sound crazy but, why not just splinter the fiction off to a second blog? If they're that popular, they could clearly hold their own. Continue to do regular collections here as with the drawfriend posts, authors get all the attention they want (from the people actually interested in fanfics), readers still have a centralized go-to point, and you don't have to try to squeeze everything under one roof anymore or worry about offending people.

      Yeah, pageviews might suffer, but is that really important?

    25. I would embrace no-fanfic mode, but I have to see how Half The Day Is Night ends. ^^;

    26. @LaBarata ...And if it's sad and it shouldn't be: ponies!

    27. @Anonymous The URL is:
      The way it's done is by searching for a label. Additive, not subtractive.

    28. @Anonymous

      This is pretty simple, and is win win for everyone.

      It has absolutely no effect on people that like fanfiction, and people that don't like it have to option to remove it entirely.

      The only one it causes more work for is me, and all that entails is adding not-fanfiction to stuff when I post it.

    29. @Fire.Esper

      I find error in the logic of if it's sad and shouldn't be; Ponies.

      I believe it should be more along the lines of:

      If it exists, ponies. If it doesn't, ponies.

    30. @Sethisto

      seriously guys, he basically made 2 versions of the site for you by doing this. the only reason people who like fiction would want to complain is because of the existence of people who don't like fiction, and vice versa.

      honestly, some of you people are just impossible to please, lol

    31. @Fire.Esper
      Not additive; segregating. It's pretty crazy when you have to start defining stuff that what which it isn't.

      It just sends a message to me that other stuff isn't welcome, because it's not the focus of the blog anymore.

    32. yay.

      Thanks Sethisto, you're awesome

    33. There's no reason this ISN'T a win-win.

      People who like fanfic can totally and completely ignore this tag-search option. Easily. I will never use it and I don't have to acknowledge it's existence.

      Those who don't like it now have a way to look at the blog and never read fanfiction.

      I don't see what the problem is.

    34. Yeah... I seriously do not understand why people are still complaining.

      Seth, awesome you did this, I thank you. For many months this blog has been by far my most frequent visited webpage, and I am extremely grateful for all the work you put into it. I found the nightly summary post a acceptable compromise, but this is pretty much perfect. Keep up the great work.

    35. @Anonymous

      I really think your overanalyzing this. It's good for everypony.

    36. @Anonymous

      it's not about the message, it's the most practical way to do this because as far as I know you can't make blogger omit a tag in the same way it can show only tags.

      geez, you guys are reading too much into this. it's like some race thing to you people.

    37. Seems like a perfect solution to me while only requiring a minimal amount of extra effort by Seth and the readers. Seems like a win-win to me like others have been saying.

    38. *mock complain*

      Sethisto, I hate the drawfriend stuff. I DEMAND, that there becomes a 'non-draw' tag too!!!!!

      *mock complain done*

      Srsly though, good job on the site :)

    39. @Anonymous

      The blog is about everything pony and always will be.

      I just added the option to filter the fanfiction.

      It's not segregation, its just filtering. Do you want me to rename the tag? I can call it "Main Stuff" instead of "not fanfiction" if it makes you feel better.

    40. Thank you so much for this! I only really have time to read fanfiction on the weekends. So it's really annoying during the week when I'm doing a quick check for news and art posts that I have to go the second page because there are so many fanfic bumps. Again THANK YOU I really appreciate this new tag.

    41. This is a lovely option and an elegant solution to a touchy problem. Seriously Seth, this is fantastic

    42. Just another day here on FanFictia Daily...

    43. It sounds like the only bitching here is samefagging and if its only one or two persons then no fuck should be given because literally everyone is happy except him and one person shouldn't dictate things because hes afraid of the plausible message it mite send.

      I was one of those against the nightly post idea and I really like this filter idea for multiple reasons.

      A It stops the vocal minority that doesn't like fanfics from bitching!

      B It doesn't change the site in any noticeable way for me unless I choose to fallow that link witch I wont.

      Seriously if this doesn't please anyone then they are just being impossible and should be ignored because no matter what you do they wont be happy. Unless you implement some radical idea they come up with that's actually terrible and in the end it will end up like art of the dress.

    44. Thank You Sethisto

      This blog is awesome and I have been going to it sense the beginning.

      It has been a wonderful experience watching it grow and im eager to see what the future holds.

      Whatever the outcome with bronies like you im sure it will be epic for a long time.

    45. What is the point of this? Is people who don't like fanfics don't want to read them, then they can browse through looking for other things. Nobody should special treatment here.

    46. I was certainly hoping for something like this. Meaning no disrespect to the fanfiction writers, it's just that there's so much of it that it blocks the other content for those of us not particularly interested in fanfic.

    47. Thank you so much, Seth.

      I honestly dislike fanfiction (Unless a friend of mine wrote it) because I've never been all that into stories without pictures. (Not to mention written humor usually comes off as dry, and descriptive stuff + MLP = ? + shipping = OTL)

      Anyway, thanks for this :)

    48. Wouldn't it make more sense to label the fanfiction posts? "Not-fanfiction" is kinda counter-intuitive.

    49. @Ron The problem is that the fanfiction posts and news posts occupy the same area, so they can't avoid seeing them. Or so I heards.

    50. @Heireau

      Only specific news posts, like fanfic news, since i tend to mix other stuff in there too.

      And I can't filter specific labels, only label everything else and just "not include" it. Blogger has some weird limits sometimes ;p

    51. @Heireau: Still sounds likethe fanfic haters were being whiney bitches to me.

    52. @Sethisto Huh. Weird. Well, long as it works.

    53. As long as I get my pony I'm happy.

    54. Thumbs up on the new mechanic. Keep on truckin'.

    55. Don't listen to the griefers Sethisto, this is an awesome, and surprisingly simple, compromise. Keep up the good work.

    56. Could use a Gilda face next to the button...

    57. Who said anything about being a griefer. I just find it ridiculous that anyone found this to be enough of a problem to warrant this. I have absolutely no problem browsing through ED and finding all kinds of goodies. If anything, I would say the people who complained to Seth are the griefers.

    58. @Ron wasn't talking about your post, I was referring to the previous Anon poster(s) who were complaining, like you said..

    59. Thank you!

      And to everyone questioning it. Some of us like myself, just dont read that stuff. Plus half the fan fics are shipping and grimdark, and some of us just dont want to read that stuff, Or even know it exists,

      Some people want to keep MLP clean and happy.

    60. Good luck with as of the latest Drawfriend, Musical Knight.

    61. Hey Sethisto, thanks for this option! I have no problem with fanfics, but only occasionally read them - it's nice to have the main page just be the most recent news/art/etc. posts.

      I think the idea of creating a separate blog for fanfic is a *bad* idea - that *would* be segregating, where this is, as you said, filtering. There's no doubt in my mind (and in the hit counter on the side of the page) that this is the #1 central site for everything MLPFiM related. It seems that certain bronies only visit certain sites, but EVERYONE visits EqD.

      So THANKS and this is an EXCELLENT option for those that want it! (Again like I said fanfic is great, but I only catch up on it occasionally, I like to see all the other stuff on the front page first)

    62. I'm split about this.

      On the one hand, I don't read fanfiction - I've only read, like, two 'fics ever - and visit this site solely for the other posts. As such, a filter like this is absolutely convenient for me.

      On the other hand, I cannot deny that fanfiction defines Equestria Daily. The other posts...do not. This is fanfic heaven for those invested. As such, a filter like this runs counterproductive to the defining aspect of the site.

      If Seth honestly doesn't mind the bits of extra work, that's fine. But by now, I'm of the mind that the complaining should've settled down months ago.

      Whatever the case, Seth, keep being ridiculously awesome! Your role and importance to this community -can not be overstated- in plain terms. The community is the driving force, but you're doing a stellar job as the beacon. Rock on, Sethisto.

    63. This is a good idea in that production staff might start visiting the site. Viewing or even previewing fan fics is strictly forbidden by production staff.

    64. I would have jumped on this about two weeks ago, but darn it if I haven't started reading some good fiction lately. I still don't give a rip about the shipping fics (which has a high ratio to the other categories), but I can ignore those.

      ~Buddy Vox

    65. Blasphemy! This is like having a no black people button for TV!

      Seriously though I just don't get peoples disgust of fan fiction, they're innocuous. Disinterest sure, but hating them would be like hating turnips on principle...

      I guess this is really for people who only come here once a week or so, and have a backlog of pages to read.

    66. Thanks so much for this! I don't mind fanfiction, but I don't read any myself. This will save my so much scrolling. I don't know why people are questioning whether this is a good thing or not. If you want to see fanfiction, then just don't use this version of the site.

    67. @Bit Probably just confused by the contrast of the love/dislike reaction towards fanfiction.

    68. Thank you. Don't read it so this will take away a lot of the clutter.

    69. And people are complaining because...? Seriously, this is only for people who have no interest in fanfiction. How does this affect those of you who like fanfiction? Like, at all?

      Here's a hint: it doesn't.

    70. @Tekaramity:
      "On the other hand, I cannot deny that fanfiction defines Equestria Daily. The other posts...do not. This is fanfic heaven for those invested. As such, a filter like this runs counterproductive to the defining aspect of the site."

      I would disagree with that, as I've seen with many its only the defining point if you're into them, but I like many, would call the rest of the content that actually shows events and thing like that, "official" if you will things, you know MLPFiM news and all that, as the main point of EqD and fanfics as just a side thing, but of course fanfic people are going to disagree, and that's the thing, also, you gotta remember just as there are many who love fanfics, there are also many people like mentioned before don't care the least for them and just skip the post when they see "Story:"

      This does not affect the site in the least, fanfic people enjoy regular EqD and can jump to the well signaled "Story:" sign at the top of the post when needed, while with this people who are completly uninterested in fanfics can brwose the site more to their enjoyment as well without seeing the flooding of shipping there is (because lets admit it shipping is the #1 cause people turn to/ from fanfics.)

      So I don't see what's the big deal, like fanfics, ignore it, since all are titled with "Story: you can always just use ctrl+F to find all with 0 news too if you really really wanna avoid news.
      Dislike fanfics and want only the "news" (that make this EqD get its name pretty much.) then there ya go!

      No one losses anything!

    71. @Anonimous:
      "Blasphemy! This is like having a no black people button for TV!

      Seriously though I just don't get peoples disgust of fan fiction, they're innocuous. Disinterest sure, but hating them would be like hating turnips on principle...

      I guess this is really for people who only come here once a week or so, and have a backlog of pages to read. "

      I think you're exaggerating a little here, come on, comparing racism and disliking fanfics is a little bit outta line, dude.

      Not even needed to be disgusted to like this feature tho, I don't hate them and even read a few, but sometimes I just like to come here and check on news and videos, all that non 2hr long entertainment, doesn't mean I'll have it on all the time, I may switch it on and off, and many people who like this probably don't hate them either, they're simply uninterested in them.

      Also, assuming only people who read fanfics are the only "true fast" or the only ones who spend time here, daily, is quite an incorrect statement, i myself check the site daily, more than once a day more often than not, and so do every other person I know that's not interested in fanfics, so don't over exaggerate this more than it should, it doesn't affect fanfic-ers, so what's the big whoop, what happened to tolerate everyone no matter what? ;)

    72. @Anonimous:
      "Blasphemy! This is like having a no black people button for TV!

      Seriously though I just don't get peoples disgust of fan fiction, they're innocuous. Disinterest sure, but hating them would be like hating turnips on principle...

      I guess this is really for people who only come here once a week or so, and have a backlog of pages to read. "

      I think you're exaggerating a little here, come on, comparing racism and disliking fanfics is a little bit outta line, dude.

      Not even needed to be disgusted to like this feature tho, I don't hate them and even read a few, but sometimes I just like to come here and check on news and videos, all that non 2hr long entertainment, doesn't mean I'll have it on all the time, I may switch it on and off, and many people who like this probably don't hate them either, they're simply uninterested in them.

      Also, assuming only people who read fanfics are the only "true fast" or the only ones who spend time here, daily, is quite an incorrect statement, i myself check the site daily, more than once a day more often than not, and so do every other person I know that's not interested in fanfics, so don't over exaggerate this more than it should, it doesn't affect fanfic-ers, so what's the big whoop, what happened to tolerate everyone no matter what? ;)

      (PS: I'm also the one who wrotte the previous comment, I just realized I wasn't logged in.)

    73. I saw the post earlier today and wanted to vote against the new idea of no fanfiction bumping, Glad to see that we are now given a choice of whether we want fanfics or not, this choice seems like the best solution.



    75. @Sethisto

      I think this is a great idea. As someone who couldn't give less of a fuck about fanfiction, I really appreciate the option to not have to scroll past it.


    76. Thank you ^^

      I don't mind fanfics AT ALL. But I'm just not interested in reading them. I just want to stick to the main story and whatever fan-based expanded universe that goes on, I'm not really interested in.

      This is a great way to let me follow the MLP news, apparel and video's without having to mentally filter out the fanfics.

    77. "But what kind of crazy person WOULDN'T want to see fanfictions????"

      this crazy person

    78. Anyone knowing other great ponysites?:D

    79. Say, could we have a NON-FAncitcion mode RSS feed ???

    80. @smx

      Not everyone likes fanfiction. In fact, this is the first fandom to originate from 4chan that even TOLERATES fanfiction. It's regarded as needless fanwankery in every other circle.

    81. Just to remind everyone; Not everyone likes fanfiction. This is the first ever fandom to originate on 4chan that even tolerates fanfiction at all. Everywhere else it is regarded as the domain of 12 year old fangirls and autistics. It's simply seen as needless, pointless fanwank. I'd like to be able to link people to EqD without getting a reaction along the lines of "these guys host FANFICTION? What a bunch of children."

    82. Now, how about a fanfiction only mode for people who don't want everything else?

    83. Can we have a not-shipping tag for people that don't want to see every single character in everything trying to hook up with every other character in everything as though the ideal episode of anything would be 22 minutes of non-stop nymphomania?


      Yes. I mad.

    84. I think one of the reasons for this was because people on the show's crew and staff aren't allowed to look at fanfics, but it's still sad that we have to have a tag for it.
