• Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 3

    Artist Training Grounds, I should have banned Pinkie Pie edition. I think in a week or so I might experiment with disallowing the images that follow too obvious, but now that I've typed that I out it feels too mean. Perhaps an incentive system? You can get bonus points for looking for ways to trot off the beaten path, and then at the end you can trade in your points for... shoot I don't have anything to give away except smiles and hugs. I hope those are good enough! Today's image count: 277 ponies in all!

    We have a new system for submissions now, sure to cause 63.7% less stress. Roughly speaking. See this post for details. Also, as this is already becoming something of an issue, here's an extra reminder to pay attention to the theme. I'm giving you guys a huge amount of leeway, but part of the reason for the themes is to force you to exercise your creative muscles in as many different ways as possible. If you give me 30 days worth of ponies standing there like lumps with placid smiles, that's not really helping you out! When I ask for jumping ponies, I expect them to jump. Or have jumper cables attached to them. More on that after the break.

    The Theme of the Day

    Draw a pony dressed as The Great and Powerful Trixie! That's right, to please our prestigious premier purveyor of pony pleasures, Phoe presents this perfect proposal: it's Trixie Cosplay night! Bonus points for including an irate, disrobed Trixie somewhere. Remember, Sethisto is watching! =D

    I think I've rambled enough for one evening. Get ready everypony, because the exctiement is just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump away!

    edit - actually, a personal note. It's super late at night right now, and I just got off the phone with my sister. She was calling to inform me the cat that we've had since I was 11 years old was put down this afternoon. I loved that cat. I keep trying to say the word 'goodbye', and every time I do I burst into tears. I've got a lot of backed up images right now and not a lot of time - I'm working but it's hard to focus. But, one thing I've noticed is that many of you have been sending me words of encouragement or notes of thanks along with your images. These things might be directly related, but it's really helping me a lot. So thank you. You're all awesome. And now, your regularly scheduled pony influx. New edit: All entries now posted. Whee~

    1) By Tanya

    2) By AFistfulofApples

    3) By Alleydodger

    4) By Anakah

    5) By Auburn Pixel

    6) By BlowingBomb

    7) By Blueberry Muffin

    8) By Captain British

    9) By CatDogJoe

    10) By ChaosDrop

    11) By Chromadancer

    12) By Cybie

    13) By davide112002

    14) By DiZaster321

    15) By Doc New!FillySAOwk (I knew you guys wouldn't let me down!)

    16) By Dorca

    17) By DramSyral

    18) By Easteu

    19) By EssAeEm

    20) By Evergreen II

    21) By Fallin' Winter

    22) By Fish0and0Chips

    23) By FrostV952 By

    24) By Goggle Sparks

    25) By Grendel

    26) By grimbloodyfable

    27) By James Lyons

    28) By Flaskgarg

    29) By Ki

    30) By Kitty Tail (you know, with all I've seen in this event I think Lyra is becoming one of my favorite ponies...)

    31) By Konig

    32) By Lacrox

    33) By Latte

    34) By Linx

    35) By Makku

    36) By Midnight Shadow

    37) By Milk (pogo pogo pogo pogo)

    38) By Misharra

    39) By Mister Bristle

    40) By Mr. Wonko

    41) By nuclearsuplexattack

    42) By Petal Burst

    43) By PinkiePied (Damn it, Trixie you will jump when I tell you to!)

    44) By PonyStark

    45) By Rai-dash

    46) By RainbowRash

    47) By RexRoyale

    48) By Roper

    49) By Sageling

    50) By Shinepaw

    51) By Shiver

    52) By Skia

    53) Strawberry Spice

    54) By TayTay's Key

    55) By Partition (I hadn't even considered this one... nice!)

    56) By Thanqol (I am apparently now a pegasus by canon. Good to know!)

    57) By Thunderthorn

    58) By TopoCruz

    59) By VeoBandit

    60) By Water Cycle

    61) Zu Kraze

    62) By Arcani

    63) By Blü

    64) By Chance Witte

    65) By Damian Foxx

    66) By Kelz

    67) By Neoridgeback

    68) By Tarynsgate

    69) By Buttery Buns

    70) By Desert Rose

    71) By Rinzler (... *snicker*)

    72) By Smock

    73) By Alleen

    74) By Darken_Skye

    75) By Fetchbeer

    76) By AlterForm the helpful commentary pony

    77) By jaayro

    78) By Mockingbird

    79) By nanapuff

    80) By Niblic

    81) By Pwny Pokes

    82) By Shadow Dash

    83) By Xeonneo

    84) By ZAquanimus

    85) By Zephire

    86) By Black Yousa

    87) By Eliwood10

    88) By Farvei

    89) By fr

    90) By KilobyteBrain

    91) By SilentEcho

    92) By Taco Bandit

    93) By Brongaar (them Duke colts are in a heap o' trouble now...)

    94) By Acoustic Brony

    95) By Afentis

    96) By Apple Cinnamon Crisp

    97) By dillman502

    98) By Doombah

    99) By Erthilo (I used to have one of these when I was younger. I miss it...)

    100) By Fenix

    101) By Frank Fronk Fradoodle

    102) By Hipposaurus

    103) By kjh242

    104) By Krys (it's because you have hooooooves)

    105) By Lyus

    106) By Shockwave

    107) By Mere Jump

    108) By MoonFeather

    109) By Oelderoth

    110) By Phillith

    111) By Prismatic Pretzel

    112) By Shiko

    113) By Sprinkle (who I'm told is a 12 year old girl. Oh my gosh you guys, 12 year old girls watch My Little Pony!?)

    114) By The Obsessor

    115) By Windfall

    116) By ClearSkies

    117) By Dragon Rage

    118) By ecmc1093 (how did it take this long to get one of these?)

    119) By Ego

    120) By IckyPenguin

    121) By Invidlord

    122) By Kapten-N

    123) By Moabite

    124) By Pyrate

    125) By PyromanDan

    126) By Quill

    127) By rich-tea

    128) By Tarragon

    129) By Amehdaus

    130) By Anello

    131) By Boy Blue

    132) By Chriss

    133) By Fickle

    134) By Foxdeimos

    135) By Game Broth

    136) By IAreLemons

    137) By Issy

    138) By Kaiserin

    139) By Lunawings

    140) By Mini-Shot

    141) By Omega RKB

    142) By 8ftmetalhead

    143) By Bananizen

    144) By Chessie2003 (Thank you!)

    145) By DCN

    146) By DJ RBDash

    147) By djTeka

    148) By DTK

    149) By GeeSee

    150) By Gnutrino

    151) By Immersa

    152) By Kentora

    153) By kna

    154) By Kt Kat

    155) By Lorina

    156) By MidwestBrony

    157) By Miguel

    158) By Nido Media

    159) By Omega RKB (er... whoops! Have it twice, I guess!)

    160) By Pineapple Skitter

    161) By PinkamenaPie

    162) By Quiet-Lamp

    163) By redcladhero

    164) By redenchilada

    165) By Saphin

    166) By scio

    167) By Sneo

    168) By ThatOnePegasus

    169) By Thattagen

    170) By The Wise Wolf

    171) By Uncle Leo

    172) By Zachary

    173) By Atlur

    174) By Condor

    175) By Crimson Risk

    176) By Filiecs (so much dawww)

    177) By Hawkeye92

    178) By Kitsune

    179) By Liska

    180) By Lolstaz

    181) By Mintz

    182) By Starlite

    183) By StarSongPony

    184) vicking1

    185) By zorg

    186) By Crowfall

    187) By Phantom G

    188) By Trot Pilgrim

    189) By Vega (Wow. I have been completely one-upped.)

    190) Ekkosangen

    191) By MHPayne

    192) By Drilltooth

    193) By kits

    194) By Passer Palmatum

    195) By Alipes

    196) By Browen

    197) By ∞

    198) By Chistery

    199) By Dr. Whooves

    200) By BronyQuest

    201) By Buddy Vox

    202) By Circuit Mane

    203) By Coal

    204) By Display Name

    205) By Dr. Trotson

    206) By Duskfly

    207) By Epona666

    208) By Facelessguru

    209) By Frith

    210) By grant10man

    211) By Illumina

    212) By JanzyBrony

    213) By Justmysketches

    214) By kmmgreen5

    215) By Leaf Growth

    216) By Lucky

    217) By Macon Mixx

    218) By Mendicant Brony

    219) By Muffinsforever

    220) By Natry

    221) By Nicole

    222) By Nicollette

    223) By panda_instinct

    224) By Portalsoup

    225) By Rainbow Derpy

    226) By Rainbow Flash

    227) By Relias

    228) By Riokenn

    229) By scrittah

    230) By SiuiS

    231) By Systemdertoten

    232) By Affinity

    233) By Basharoonskis

    234) By BC

    235) By BenaSPACE

    236) By Canadian Bacon

    237) By Clevinger

    238) By Da Chi

    239) By dhas

    240) By Jackolako

    241) By

    242) By ninjawarior

    243) By Professor Basil

    244) By Rapidash

    245) By RaspleZS

    246) By Rraden

    247) By Sherlock Hooves

    248) By Snarkyshark2010

    249) By Starlight Bolt

    250) By TapeDiggity

    251) By T-Brony

    252) By toonboy92484

    253) By Xiagu

    254) By A Terrible Person

    255) By Aeiou (who continues to write me love songs in the form of pony pictures)

    256) By By Andï

    257) By Arcum

    258) By axl1u

    259) By Candlelit Procrastinator (that's a really romantic user name...)

    260) By Coat Rack

    261) By Corgi

    262) By dd

    263) Firetaffer

    264) By FlareBlade

    265) By Kupwn

    266) By MasterofRoku

    267) By nairodresom

    268) Ori

    269) By Periphery

    270) By Proxy_Drone

    271) By Sage Leaf

    272) By Sapphire

    273) By SpiritofthwWolf

    274) By Spurs

    275) By StarStep

    276) By tenchii Outsuno

    277) By Theokid

    278) By Trankquel

    279) By Rannva

    119 kommentaari:

    1. aww my drawings not up there
      and i sent it before 12 to ;___;

    2. i really need to learn how to draw so i can participate...

    3. Yay #59 today!

      Everypony is jumping around!

      haha that sounds retarded!

    4. 219 YA! I wanted it to be a litle more 4th wall kinda, but ripping space works.

      I will say now that just throwing a drawing into Gimp without knowing how to use it is a bad idea if your on a sorta time limit. Curse the blue dots and white grays!

    5. So sorry to hear about your loss! Stay strong!

    6. What the... #172 (mine) and #200...
      How? What? Why? Get outta my head!!

    7. Hooray! Mine is the same number as my favorite picture from yesterday's post! COINCIDENCE IS AWESOME!

      ~Display Name

    8. SO... MUCH... PONI...
      Woo #103!

    9. I didn't expect so many gasp pinkies, awesome!
      -The obsessor

    10. Aw, Phoe, I'm sorry.
      Would you like a hug?
      (To be honest, I don't care about your answer, I'm hugging you anyway!)
      I've never got a chance to own a cat, even though I love those little animals oh-so much.
      I hope you feel at least 20%(100% is more acceptable) better soon!
      -On a slightly related note:
      #37! I hope my first ever attempt at Pinkie/Pogo Pie was at least slightly pleasing to everyone!

    11. I'm so sorry about your cat. S/he's at the Rainbow Bridge now, waiting for you.

      Pony hugs <3

    12. @Jake
      I'm sure they'll get to yours, alot of drawings were sent. Mine's isn't up there...yet.

    13. Looks like I wasn't the only one with the idea to draw the CMC on a trampoline! But it looks as if my rendition if the poorer-looking of the two. S'all good, though!

    14. *huggles Phoe* My heart-kitty died a few days after I went back to college. I know it hurts a lot.

      It will get better, I promise.

      . . . and only semi-related . . . thanks for all of your hard work sharing these pics! :D You must be incredibly patient.

    15. Aww, poor cat, I hope you get better! I had the same with my pet fish, Bacon and Eggs.. they were good fish..

      I'd love a cat too. Keep trotting along, seth! :D

    16. Wait, how did you figu- I Mean I'm not John L. I'm Flaskgarg. Who is this John L. person? And why is he, the handsome, implorable, awesome devil that is he, using my picture? hmmmm.....
      Also, sweet mercy, this newbie training thing is totally epic.

    17. Still going with the community even through a loss like that, Your quite the pony aren't ya Phoe
      (also i'm perfectly willing to wait till tomorrow (or later today technically) to see the rest of them if you need it, and i'm sure most others would agree)

    18. #206!

      Why so many pogos? Never has that cross my mind.

      I knew Pinkie Pie was going to be the spotlight of this theme. Lot's of them as predicted.

      Other than that, it's just great to see everyone-elses work. Lots of fun.

      I even improved on my drawing skills. I was able to draw much quicker than before and able to get it colored.

      Great job everypony!

    19. #43 reporting in!
      >see comment from Phoe

    20. #137 is mine! SO happy as to how it came out being the FIRST anything i've ever drawn.. eee! -RBD fangasp-

      THANK you very much Phoe for this AMAZING event!

    21. @ZMorris

      I was going to draw a dazed Scootaloo poking her head out of the hole she made in the ground, but... I got lazy. :D

    22. I'm really sorry to hear about your cat Phoe. But I'm glad that we can help you this way by drawing ponies that make you smile! Live brony strong! And know that we support you!

    23. @Jake

      If you sent it to me before midnight PST and don't see it, that either means you sent me a non-jumpy pony, or it's one of the 24 I didn't have time for. I have those saved and will upload them after I sleep. It's 3:30 here in Phoeville.

      Goodnight, everypony. I love you all.

    24. Just read up on your cat, bromod, saaaaaddd times we be facing for a while. I now feel bad, your cat died, I didn't know your cat. And for some strange reason, I only feel bad when someone or something I didn't know dies. Can make for awkward conversation.....
      Anyway, hope you cheer up, my bromod.

    25. @BronyQuest

      Damn you laziness. Still, at least yours is colored too.

      Also, I just realized nobody did a Supah Mario jump and I now hate myself for not thinking of it.

    26. #3. wow didn't think i got it in that early. So many awesome Ponies!!

    27. G'night Phoe. Thanks for your time with this.

    28. Phoe I'm truly sorry to hear about your cat. *hugs* That cat is in a better place now and one day you guys will meet again

      Great job everypony! A little less then last time but great pictures nevertheless. I'm sorry about the Pinkie Pie, it was obvious with the jumping and I went with it. I'll try to make it more of a surprise next time.

    29. Wow, lots of great entries! My chicken scratch doodles pale in comparison... Drawing has never been a strong point for me, but I want to get better.

      Also, sorry to hear about your cat :(

    30. Sorry about your cat, Phoe...it's always hard losing pets.

      But hey, rocket pogo stick to cheer you up.

    31. Wow. Only 2 ponies, #55(tekkorun) & #245(me) thought of jumper cables?

      But on the other hoof, more than 1 pony thought of jumper cables!

      ...and condolences on the loss of a dear friend.

    32. FAVOTIRES(typos are funny):
      Oh dear Celestia I could be typing this all night...
      Goku Pony (65) and Batmare (69)
      All the ones with Derpy
      Pinkie + Kangeroo (85)
      Rainbowiyuken! (89)
      Colts of Hazzard (93)
      Exploding muffin (111)
      (138) What a cool OC/anime pony

      Argh! I give up!

      Mine is...169! Another of my OC's ponified! Chelsea "Celare" Arineo, now better known as "Sidearm" has retained her ability to hide countless small and medium-sized firearms with sleight-of-hoof, but the fact that she doesn't have any fingers makes them difficult to shoot! The entries from last time inspired me to improve, so I added color, then went crazy with effects. I don't know if I can outdo this one!

      And sorry about your cat, Phoe. Keep strong!

    33. Dang, I caught a few errors after I submitted it. That always seems to happen to me.

    34. Aww I'm sorry for your cat, it hurts so much when a loved one passes away ;(

    35. Oops, forgot to change the subject of my email for yesterday :/ C'est la vie.
      Feel better, Phoe!

    36. @ZMorris
      Hmm, looks like my comment didn't go through.
      I would have drawn poor ol' Scootaloo, but I haven't slept in over 40 hours, and I had already spent an hour on that picture. Maybe if I manage to get some sleep, I'll feel up to spending more time on tomorrow submission.

      And I'm stealing that Mahweeo jump idea in case any future themes allow me to use it. You've been warned.

    37. @Spurs lol, happens to me all the time too once i actually post/submit my art :P lol xD

    38. Aww, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, Phoe. I know how hard it is to lose a pet unexpectedly like that :( You have my deepest sympathy for your loss *hug*
      So many great entries again! And more than once I found myself laughing at the situations people put the ponies in.

      Though now I feel a bit guilty about drawing Pinkie Pie in #85. But... it was too good a chance to pass up. I'll make up for it by drawing some less common background pony next time, I swear.

    39. I know I'm not the first to say it, but hearing about your cat, added onto the fact you've been going through everyone's pictures to put them up here, you are a real pony trooper, Phoe.

      I hope you can feel comfort in these hard times, and know that there are probably many (including myself) that couldn't handle this as well as you are.

      Sorry I couldn't include a pogo stick in mine, but look on the bright side, I didn't use Pinkie! (Hmm, is that really a bright side?)

      Anyways, good job everyone, and good luck to everyone in future days of the Training Grounds! (that includes you, Phoe. Hope the new system works better for you. :] )

    40. @BronyQuest

      Hey, I'm in the same sleep-deprived boat man. I really shouldn't be online at all right now... Meh.

      Also, stealing? *monocle pop* Oh my.

    41. I only now realize there was a dog hair on the paper when I took a picture of my drawing. It's on the muffin in #82.

    42. @JakeI know how you feel

    43. I'm sorry for the loss of you cat. I have lost a pet too.

    44. @ZMorris

      Aha wow. Actually man, my friend immediately thought of the Mario jump thing when the theme came up, but he scrapped that after he thought too many people would be doing it.

      Awesome ponies btw guys.

    45. #18 "yay! my first pony" here. Completely unimaginative, I know, but I'll try to improve.
      D3 underway.

      Great work everypony!

      Phoe, I want to cheer you up but I don't know what to say. I hope you'll feel better soon.
      Oh, and thank you for advice on backgrounds.

    46. I cheated...slightly...I've drawn The Great and Powerful Trixie, dressed as the Great and Powerful Trixie.

    47. #45 here :D yay! Funny story- this was the second time I drew Fluttershy in this pose because the first time flash crashed on me T_T. Still, I'm happy it's up! I like #131 the most. Now I'm off to draw somepony wearing a trixie cape and hat...

    48. the quality is going way up

    49. Sucks, I can't see mine.
      Oh well. These pictures are good ,BTW.

    50. Nice event , too bad i dont have much time to draw ponies :(

    51. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    52. Hey guys, help a brony here. Is PST GMT -8 or GMT -7?

    53. Woo! I got in at #141!
      But I'm not happy about the fact that the jack-@$$ at #159 copied me! Bloody "OmegaRKB", who the hell does he think he is, stealing me work?
      And sorry to hear about your cat Phoe. =(

    54. #118
      How in the hay was I the only one to draw Twilight saying "yesyesyesyesyesyes"?

    55. "Hey guys, help a brony here. Is PST GMT -8 or GMT -7? "

      I live in CA and it is 3:38 right now
      UTC/GMT -7 hours

    56. Thanks. Then why isn't mine up there? I posted about 8:30 PM in my time, so it's about 3:00 AM there.
      Was it too bad?

    57. # 19 checking in.

      Phoe, I am so sorry to hear about you loss. I'm a cat person, too, so I have some idea of what you're going through. I also want to thank you for all the hard work you have put into this event so far. It's been a really fun way of stretching me as and artist, not to mention how fun it is to see everypony else's awesome drawings. Keep your head up.

    58. Also, my condolences. I loved my pet cats very much and my day would turn sad if any of them passes away.

    59. Oh wow #30 was exactly what I was trying to do! That person is awesome for having the same cool idea. I wasn't able to pull it off though :/

    60. #22 again. What a coincidence. I thought I was original with the old "hopping over a chasm" trick. Apparently not...

    61. Oh I dun derped D: Completely forgot Appleblooms ribbon >.< (on 167 that is)

    62. @Thattagen
      #123 here. Thank you so much!

      Artists went wild with this theme. There's a lot of funny and imaginative entries. In particular: 55, 69, 89, 96, 120, 122 and 232.

      Sorry for your loss, Phoe.

    63. I'm sorry about your cat, Phoe... :(


      Should have colored it though.

    64. #143 here. Woah! That's quite a lot of pony, and a lot of pinkies. (although I'm guilty of drawing Pinky too)and also quite a lot of pogo-sticks.
      well done everypony.

      I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Phoe.

    65. an episode with Pinkie Pie as a Pegasus would pwn
      Too bad the auction lasted just 1 week

    66. Oh Phoe, I'm so sad to hear about your cat. :( My family's dog of 14 years - the one I got in second grade and grew up with - had to be put down last March. *huuuugs*


      And now ponies. Number 49! One of the people who sent in a Pinkie Pie! >>

    67. @ #24 - Goggle Sparks

      OMG OMG OMG Another brony into bocking :D Do you have a pair? Portalsoup (#224) and I both have em :P They're so awesomely fun!

    68. #23
      The caption says "By FrostV952 By"

      I'm special!

    69. Too bad i dont have time for drawing ponies,other ways i would join this event :(

      Also nice art btw.

    70. #95 here.
      Looks a lot better than yesterday's entry. Spent the better part of my day on it.

      Phoe, Sorry to hear about your cat. I know how you feel.

    71. #250 here. My family picked up the ashes of our cat Ripley last week, so I know exactly what Phoe's going through. She's a trooper, that's for sure.

    72. And here I thought Pinkie bungee jumping was an original idea...
      #144 (Mine)

      Oh well, you know what they say about great minds!

    73. So many people had Luna over Moon Jumping Idea, Im so glad!!! :D (I was hoping I wouldn't be the only one, #84)

      87 eliwood Much better
      103 KJH242
      123 Moabite (why does this make me feel like something didnt work >.>)
      185 Zorg
      236 BV

      Yay for moon jumping shoutouts!! :3
      96 apple cinnamon crisp
      164 redenchilada
      214 kmmgreen5

      LMFO (Laugh My Flank Off)
      136 IAreLemons (APPLE!! APPLE!!!)

      232 Affinity (Celestia? twi-yes jumping? LOL)

    74. Awesome use of Harmony, #209. I could never get those darn brushes to work well...

    75. #201 today.

      I'm not surprised that I wasn't the only one to have Pinkie jumping into space.

      ... I am surprised that I was the only one to include the Space Sphere. I thought it was mandatory nowadays.

    76. Aaaaaaand we are all caught up! Thank you for your patience everypony! If you still don't see yours, please first look again - there's a very real chance I derped your username and that will mess up all you ctrl-f folks. And if it really truly isn't there, that means there was a problem. I had at least one picture mailed to me that turned into an incomprehensible blob of code when I opened the e-mail, and apart from that there were a few naughty ponies who just wouldn't jump. I've sent those to the moon.

      Can't wait to see today's entries! And get my new robot servants to compile them for me! =D

    77. Mine must have been one of those coded messes then =( I'm pasting it here instead! ^^ http://crazytiny.blogg.se/images/2011/cmc-bungy-jumpers_150152593.jpg

    78. Just confirming, mine didn't look like it was flying at all, was it?
      Also, sorry to hear about your cat.

    79. I'm 154... been drawing all my life and still I make major mistakes like making Applejack a pinhead. .___. I fixed my version of the file but I had already submitted it here. Oh well, this is all about learning! :D

      Anyways, I'm glad I didn't go with my original idea of the CMC on a trampoline as BronyQuest and Zachary already did, heheh! ;) But glad somebody did it! Way too cute.

    80. @Rannva

      I have corrected this grave injustice in the name of everypony in the world still looking for their special talent. Too awesome.


      Unfortunately, yours was one of the ones I had to disqualify on the grounds that it looked pretty clearly like a standing pony. If I misinterpreted the action then I apologize, but I stared at that thing for like 15 minutes trying to come to a decision. I wanted to post Freddie Mercupony! But if I don't draw lines, then I'm undercutting my own attempts at encouraging creativity. Sorry...

    81. Good to see I'm not the only one that had a pony jumping dramatically from an explosion (#173)

    82. Yay, mine is 90 (I'm honestly surprised that more people came up with a jumper cables pun than this.) 113 is awesome, especially considering the fact that it's by a 12 year old! Other than that, my favorites are probably 133, 152, 201, 267, and 270.

    83. Seems my pic did not find its' way there.

      *shrugs* T'was just another Pinkie Bounce(tm) anyway. Can be found here if you're curious: http://foxofwar.deviantart.com/#/d3heot4

      Onto next challenge!

    84. My picture didn't make it again. :( I just realized that the e-mail I was using just might be problematic, so I'm kinda glad that we aren't doing it through e-mail anymore.

    85. Our 17 year old dog is on his last leg these days, so I will be going through the same thing soon :( Sorry about your cat, but maybe some awesome pony pictures will help cheer you up! :)

      Number 248. yay!

    86. Everybody, these are some really nice drawings.

      Mine was #109. It came out better than expected considering that it was the first pony that I didn't flat-out copy from the show.

    87. Mine's 77. Urgh the head looks so awkward

    88. Just realized by updating the images I broke the part where Seth pointed everypony to the new submission system. I fixed it now, and hopefully I'm finished derping for the day. Exceeding my quota.

    89. Mine didn't show-up this time.
      And I was sure the CMC were going to finally find their cutie marks this time.

    90. Mine is 110. I regret not writing his name. It is Bomb-bay -_-.

    91. Mines number 70.
      And considering i haven't drawn anything semi-seriously in 5 years.....

      Also went into gimp for 4 hours to attempt to colour it....
      I wonder how much easier it could be with Photoshop

    92. 30: Love the swooping motion. Very cool.
      50: Beautiful shading.
      55: Clever girl...
      72: And then she grabbed the apple, and they made out. It was hot.
      80: I find something strangely intriguing about this style. I'd like to see it used with a more detailed piece.
      86: Reminds me of that old book "The Phantom Tollbooth." Man, nostalgia...
      89: 623P
      92: Didn't Pinkie cause a massive explosion the last time we gave her coff-- BOOM
      102: Those are some incredibly creepy expressions. Me likey.
      119: Can you read the third line on my cutie mark? Good!
      129: I LOL'd
      154: Love the linework. This one is going in my design reference folder.
      173: Cool foals don't look at explosions. They just blow things up and then JUMP AWAY.
      189: Rocket pogo stick. Nice.
      198: ow...ound...round...ground! I assume the petunias are lamenting their fate off screen.
      209: ...whoa. Way cool.
      232: U MAD, PONIE?

    93. @Phoe

      Okay, that's what it was. 55 ought to be under the name "Partition"

      100% understandable though, I know what it's like to lose a pet that's very close to you. Lots of love for you, Phoe!

    94. #67 checking in

      I was trying to go for an in your face jump which went relatively well, still haven't quite gotten the hang of the ponies form from all sides but I'm getting there,just wish I wasn't doing these so late at night cause I could put some time into colouring if I wasn't, what do you guys think?

    95. What I learned today:

      RD can do a shoryuken, derpy can't jump, and CMC always gets hurt doing something jump related.

    96. GHOST BLOWJOB WOO WOO WOO. I drew 270, feels john goodman.

    97. #264 here. My first try at a yonger pony.

    98. Phoe, you are a force of nature.
      Also, awesome drawings you guys :)

    99. I missed day 2 but I'm drawing for day 3!

      And sorry about your cat Phoe, that's rough :(

    100. Is it possible for me to get away with drawing a non-pony character from the show? I've got this idea that I really want to do.

    101. @Neoridgeback

      I tried to do something similar with #269, but yours looks clearer. It was a tough pose to figure out, especially since I think this was the first time I've ever drawn anything that wasn't directly copying a reference. I'm not sure mine came out looking like she was pouncing at the viewer. I couldn't at all figure out what to do with her hind legs, so I guess they're out of sight behind her. Plus her mouth looks awful, but I didn't have time to make it better...sent it in 3 minute before midnight.

    102. Whoo! Number 133 again!

    103. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    104. Yeah. my drawing was kinda vague. Seeing Freddie was a performer, he would be jumping and such. I knew that I should've done it with a program and added a stage. Oh well. TO THE NEXT CHALLENGE!

    105. WOOT! 108, my life is complete

    106. Huh, I'm not there yet. I sent it in the correct time slot...

    107. @Anonymous and Alterform

      Glad you liked it. The standing pony I did for day one came out much better but I finished it too late. So I posted it elsewhere. It's hosted here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/59082944@N06/5768074578/

      I didn't use harmony brushes, I used ZeFrank's Scribbler ap.

    108. @AlterForm

      (edit: reply above was about image 209, "posted elsewhere" means in a Scribbler Art community I made on Dreamwidth, and I've been using the Scribbler 'cause it's cool and no one else is doing it and because drawing with a tablet makes it look like I'm in kindergarten.)

    109. Dammit. After spending (nearly) all day researching, sketching, researching some more, planning, transfering, transforming, pasting together and generally making a mess, now I really want to know what tomorrow's challenge will be. %^*

    110. I can't draw a face/head to save my life...
      Day 3 submitted.

    111. I'm sorry to heard about your cat, i lost my dog a month ago (april 11th), her name was "Bronaca" and we used to call her "bronis"

    112. Well first thanks for all the hard work Phoe and my condolences about your cat.

      Next thank you for the compliment Thattagen.

      Finally wooo ponies. If I have missed anyone I blame it one the flood of ponies.

    113. Just sent in for Day 3. Not that I'm expecting many ponies to still be reading down this far in the comments this late in the post's life, but here's a tip for those that are scanning in drawings:

      Be sure to make your lines really DARK. Outline everything with a pen or sharpie if you have to. So many of these scanned images are too hard to see because they were too light when scanned into a computer.

    114. We need to challenge the artists to draw ponies with open eyes. Too many people are avoiding the eyes by having them closed. Don't be scared, they're not as hard as the look.

    115. What happened to mine? It looked like it went through fine, I got the "Submission complete, thank you for participating!" confirmation, it was within the filesize limit, it definitely fit the theme .-.
