My face when SO MANY PONIES (312!!!). I don't know quite what I was expecting when we launched this project, but this goes so far past that I don't even know what to say. And it's the first day. You're nuts and I love you for it. More on that after the page break.
But with a new day comes a new theme! As before, please send your submissions to [email protected], using Artist Training Grounds Day 2 in the subject line and giving me the image and the name you want to be known by in the body. Attachments or links are both acceptable.
The Theme of The Day
Draw a pony jumping. Dynamic action poses are go! As always, exactly how you interpret the theme is up to you. If I don't see at least one pogo stick, I will be disappointed.
So, these are pretty much all fantastic. I'd like to take a second to tell you all how impressed I am with your initiative: by taking this first step you're already well ahead of the curve on your way to becoming a better artist. A couple of quick points: If you submitted an image and don't see it here, it either means you need to look harder, or Blogger wouldn't let me upload it for some reason. I had this issue with around 4 or 5 images, and I am extremely sorry to those affected. Also, if you see a picture that you think is much better than yours, don't be intimidated. That's just something for you to shoot for by the end of June! All righty, let the Standing Showcase begin!
1) By 4Tens

2) By A. Bernard

3) By AFistfulofApples

4) By Amehdaus (... o.o)

5) By Anakah
6) By Atlur

7) By Basharoonskis

8) By Blü

9) By Blueberry Muffin
10) By Cameron

11) By Captain British

12) By CatDogJoe

13) By ChaosDrop

14) By Comet Catcher

15) By DarkStarZN

16) By Dispozition

17) By DJ Rainbow Dash

18) By Doc New!FillySAOwk

19) By Eeful

20) By Evisk

21) By Fallin' Winter

22) By Fish0and0Chips

23) By Flash Bolt

24) By FoxOfWar

25) By Frank Fronk Fradoodle

26) By G-Rocks

27) By Haileo

28) By Hamcha

29) By HayateCooper

30) By Iknimaya
31) By Jasmine

32) By Jimbo1023

33) By Kaiaa

34) By Kentora

35) By Kitty Tail

36) By Kjh242

37) By Lacrox (Is... is that a chalkboard?)

38) By Latte

39) By Linx
40) By Lorina

41) By Lyus

42) By Makku

43) By Mayo

44) By Melee

45) By Menelven

46) By Milk (I can't type in katakana, sorry!)

47) By Miyajima

48) By Mockingbird

49) By nanapuff

50) By Nmatters

51) By Nullh

52) By Pwny Pokes

53) By PyromanDan

54) By Rex Royale

55) By Sage Leaf

56) By Shark/ParagonofEvil

57) By Shinepaw

58) By Shiver

59) By Smock (can't... stop... laughing...)

60) By Taco Bandit

61) By Tarynsgate

62) By Thanqol
63) By ThatOnePegasus

64) By Tim Taylor

65) By Tomthebrony

66) By ToonNinja

67) By Trankquel

68) By Valfar

69) By Water Cycle

70) By Wendy.jpg

71) By Zachary

72) By Zomgitsalaura (and a Luna! With an abacus!)

73) By Acoustic Brony
74) By Amnal

75) By Apple Cinnamon Crisp

76) By Chronicler

77) By Curtaspian

78) By Doombah

79) By Dorca

80) By Epona666

81) By Erthilio (I was getting worried there would be no Octavia!)

82) By Evergreen II (Vector time!)

83) By Facelessguru

84) By Frostclaw

85) By frostedWarlock

86) By Game Broth

87) By Goggle Sparks

88) By Keiya

89) By kna

90) By loz

91) By MadFlavor
92) By McBehrer

93) By Misharra

94) By niki

95) By Nvr Rmbr

96) By Ori

97) By Quicksilver

99) By Quiet-Lamp

100) By naektpov
101) By Ricky

102) By Saphin

103) By Shockwave

104) By Starshine Dawn

105) By The Obsessor

106) By The Wise Wolf

107) By ZKPony

108) By AlterForm (doing extra credit and offering a hoof to new digital artists)

109) By Farvei

110) By Graff Bluestripe
111) By Omega RKB

112) By Partition

113) By Red Dawn

114) By zorg

115) By Furyhunter

116) By Buttery Buns

117) By Hakys

118) By Mister Bristle
119) By ThatOneBrony

120) By Spark

121) By Alex 132
122) By Bravura

123) By Drilltooth
124) By Flaskgarg

125) By Immersa

126) By Justmysketches

127) By Nido

128) By Pixie

129) By BronyQuest

130) By Vinyl Scratch

131) By DiZaster321

132) By Rex Ivan

133) By Fickle
134) By James Lyons (Who requests help naming this pony!)

135) By Arcani

136) By Brongaar

137) By Noneko

138) By Rainbow Flash

139) By Sageling

140) By Crimson Risk

141) By Crowfall

142) By Emily D
143) By Hawkysu

144) By kmmgreen5

145) By Mere Jump
146) By Midnight Shadow

147) By Moabite

148) By PinkiePied

149) By Roper

150) By Saint Dane

151) By Browen
152) By EssAeEm

153) By IAreLemons

154) By Muffinsforever

155) By TwiLea

156) By Cookie Cutter

157) By Ekkosangen

158) By Pineapple Skitter

159) By Chessie2003

160) By Filiecs (and this apparently on a math teacher's white board. Awesome!)

161) By DNAPony

162) By ecmc1093

163) By FlareBlade

164) By Kt Kat

165) By Orzel

166) By PinkamenaPie

167) By Coat Rack

168) By rhelmot

169) By Sneo

170) By Caramel

171) By Dr. Whooves

172) By Dutch
173) By RedEnchilada

174) By Vega (dat... necklace.)

175) By Alfy

176) By Chance Witte

177) By Kits

178) By Leaf Growth

179) By Moogie

180) By Pyrate

181) By rich-tea
182) By redcladhero
183) By Aeiou (credit where credit is due: you know how to make me blush)

184) By Afentis

185) By Alipes

186) By BenaSPACE

187) By Boy Blue

188) By Canadian Bacon
189) By Circuit Mane

190) By Clevinger

191) By Condor
192) By Cybie

193) By DarthVader

194) By Ego

195) By Ergnon
196) By Fanta5y
197) By FerretWithASpork

198) By Hawkeye92

199) By Hellkipz

200) By Illumina

201) By Invidlord

202) By jaaryo

203) By Jackolacko

204) By Kelz (how dare you!)

205) By KilobyteBrain

206) By Kitsune

207) By Lolstaz

208) By Lopsy

209) By Lucky

210) By Luna (the very same one who rescued us all from the moon!)
211) By Lunawings

212) By MarickLOA

213) By Mournblade

214) By MrInquisitive

215) By Natry

216) By NightGlow

217) By oneiral

218) By panda_instinct

219) By Phantom G

220) By Plummy Press

221) By Prismatic Pretzel

222) By Professor Basil

223) By Pun-Pun

224) By Quill

225) By Riokenn

226) By rkr7

227) By SEGA

228) By Skyclimber

229) By Starlight Bolt

230) By Starlite

231) By Systemdertote

232) By TallTale

233) By Theokid

234) By Thunderthorn

235) By Twinkle Sparkle

236) By Uncle Leo

237) By vicking1

238) By Water Wolf

239) By Yuri
240) By 1337 Br0n-3
241) By ∞

242) By AppleJuice

243) By Buddy Vox

244) By Corgi

245) By dillman502

246) By Dragon Rage
247) By Gear X. Machina

248) By jcool196

249) By Macon Mixx

250) By Marcoooootje1

251) By Nicole (why yes, Fluttershy! They are.)

252) By nuclearsuplexattack

253) By Pony Stark

254) By portalsoup

255) By Sapphire

256) By scio

257) By Shake

258) By SiuiS

259) By Windfall

260) Xeonneo

261) By ZAquanimus

262) By Zephire

263) By Zone804

264) By Ibbleshnabs

265) By DeadManSleeping

266) By DJ RBDash (is... is that... I... what?)

267) By Dram Syral (I am bending the rules slightly for the sake of filly Celestia)

268) By MetalPandora

269) By RaspleZS

270) By Skia

271) By Spurs

272) By toonboy92484

273) By TopoCruz
274) By VeoBandit

275) By Duskfly

276) By Flashgen

277) By Kaiserin

278) By MHPayne

279) By MidwestBrony

280) By ninjawarrior

281) By Noisemaker111

282) By Rapidash
283) By SirTopHat

284) Thattagen

285) By Da Chi

286) By Rydel (silly Bon Bon. Lyra is a free spirit.)

287) By Kupwn

288) By Mintz
289) By SpiritofthwWolf (I had to type that six times to get the intentional typo right)

290) By Wafflepan

291) By Apple Fritter

292) By Chistery

293) By Foozogz

294) By IckyPenguin

295) By Krys

296) By PVRyohei (can you believe this almost didn't happen?)
297) By BronyofTime

298) By Knight

299) By Eliwood10

300) By dd
301) By axl1u

302) By Belmor

303) By Tarragon

304) By GeeSee

305) By Arcum

306) By Lunchmonkey

307) By TapeDiggity

308) By dj Teka

309) By Jer R

310) By Periphery

311) By Rraden

312) By Sumec

313) By Blightedangel
Whoo 156 :D
ReplyDelete: D soooo many ponies It makes me happy!!
ReplyDeleteSO MUCH PONY~
ReplyDeleteI expected a decent-sized group of pictures, but over THREE-HUNDRED!? My goodness.
This page has so much win and made my browser stutter for a moment.
ReplyDeleteI can't even remember the ones I liked at the top... Off to look again.
also I swear it keeps growing every-time I refresh!
Aaaah No. 54! :D
ReplyDeleteBut seriously though. Over 300! Amazing stuff we got here.
That is a lot of ponies o_o Still I'm glad I was able to make the deadline, I was #309 ^^
ReplyDeleteI was worried when I got to the 300's and didn't see mine, then I went back and saw the "Blogger issues" thing, and I knew mine was there... Stupid little scanner glitched and made it a good 23MB worth picture...
ReplyDeleteOh goodness, I've got the giggles!
ReplyDeleteGood Ponies
ReplyDeleteGood Ponies
Good Ponies
Good Ponies
Good Ponies
Good Ponies
XD Great job guys!
My mind... is full of ponies.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was gonna be like 150, but 312? Daaaang!
I wish I had the patience and time to color mine; all well time to make a pony jump.
These are all good ponies. XD
gaiz im having a problem the "post a comment" doesnt show up and i cant type anythin unless i click reply. any1 else having this problem?
ReplyDeleteAnyways im 148
and id like to give a shout out to some bronies on /art/ that gave me some pointers:
Anonymous poster that really helped me.
So awesome, I'm right up at the top! #7 One of my friend's OC ponies i sketched up, submitted what I had at hand (Next submission will contain 100% more mane 6)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, 312, that's amazing you guys, and look at all these fantastic ponies. I can't wait for tomorrow, this is the best event ever!
ReplyDeletesame here. god damn that is a lot of pony.
im #302 ...defiantly shouldn't have waited till 23:00 to start...
ReplyDeleteI love this and how many people sent their work
ReplyDeleteyay i'm 204
There's just so many of them. Will take days to review them all.
ReplyDeleteYea, the text box under 'Post a Comment' is missing. So I'm using an alternative way into posting.
@Anonymous WTF? now my comment dissapeared...
ReplyDeleteok one more time
SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO BRONIES ON /art/ that helped me out on 148
Anonymous poster that really helped me.
Woah you guys! Huuuuuge turnout! Awesome job, everypony. I love every single one!
ReplyDeleteI did mean to draw something for this, but assignments come first. That said, I did submit a photo of a drawing I did a few weeks ago, but evidently 11:57 is cutting it a bit too fine, hah.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll get onto drawing something else later for tomorrow's one before bed.
ReplyDeleteI never thought there would be so many ponies and interpretations of the word "stand"! It just goes to show that the jumping event will probably be crazy!
Mine is number 284.
ReplyDeleteWow, a lot of these are drawfriend stuff quality!
I don't think my characters appreciate me ponifying them. Then again, I've been doing plenty to displease them lately, such as swapping their outfits against their will!
If you wanna find yours fast, just ctrl + f your name.
@Duskfly introducing ghetto way to post comment! lol (Duskfly, semi-related to you xD haha) but yeah anyways im really PROUD of you guys! :D these are looking awesome! :D :D *sniffles* you guys are making meh proud... :D lol
ReplyDeleteOoooh. I thought a 'standing pose' meant somepony standing on their hindlegs. Hurp. :B
ReplyDeleteI really have no clue why the comment box dissapeared
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping it's a blogger issue, and not this post exploding something ;p
ReplyDeleteHehe, you sneaky thing, you.
But yea, SO MUCH PONY. Mine's #24, born out of simple sketch then further powered by of over an hour of free time sketching and finishing...
Several made me giggle like a little filly.
Anyway, onto drawing a jumping pony. (Hint: "Pinkie Pie bounce is now the only acceptable method of transportation.")
108's mini tutorial is great - thanks :)
ReplyDeletenow I know how to do the nice pointy lines since I got quite confused by the other inkscape tutorial on making them
I'm glad I'm not the only one missing the comment box.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, mines 299, glad I got it in on time :D
ReplyDeleteIt's quite obviously Blogger imploding under the weight of our fandom.
Woo! #269! Sharing my work probably wouldn't have happened at all if not for the ponies, and Brony community!
ReplyDeleteConfound these Ponies, they drive me to start contributing to the internet.
ReplyDeleteOver 300 ponies! Amazing! (#88 is totally the best. And I'm most definitely not saying that 'cause it's mine :P (Seriously though, I'm proud of it, even if it's fairly middle-of-the-pack.)
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a lot of pony! And they're all fantastic~
ReplyDeleteMine is #49, derp. Used an OC pony belonging to a friend.
Honestly guys, I can't have phoe do this every day for the next month, Might have to limit it to 50 randoms a day.
ReplyDelete#194. I liked it when I finished, but now I can't look at it without seeing all the awful mistakes. /)_(\ Augh.
ReplyDeleteMine was 131... I hate my art forever. Also, submitted Day 2's challenge already.
ReplyDeleteWell, Seth, wouldn't it be easier on Phoe if you got her to tell us to put our 'names' on the drawing itself, rather than seperate from it in an email? That way, she could just post the pictures without having to take the time to match the names with them.
I submitted mine far too late it seems. What I get for drawing 20 different concepts before settling on mediocrity.
ReplyDeleteOh well, 2nd day submitted.
Man, I wish I could draw like some of you guys :D
ReplyDelete@Sethisto Alternatively, you could have the users post the images themselves so that Phoe only needs to choose and post the new topics on time.
ReplyDeleteI know what I'm doing tomorrow.
ReplyDelete@Heireau Er, just suggesting, in case that looks demanding.
ReplyDeleteSo much for being the only one to think of stilts (durrr I'm clevurr guyz.) Or keeping my name private... Ahh, who cares. People can see it on my DA anyway.
Also, a LOT of these turned out great! Can't wait for tomorrow night!
273! Jumping will be fun. I'll just sketch the body, and will later wory about the details such as eyes.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a lot of ponies!
ReplyDeleteI'm #163, btw.
mine wasn't posted =(
ReplyDeletei'll go send it again then i guess
Eep, I thought my internet was going to crash, so many ponies were submitted.
ReplyDeleteBut this is seriously awesome. I was thinking maybe 100 -- 200 tops -- would be submitted, but over 300 is astounding. (Though I admit I was starting to panic a bit when I didn't see mine in the first 261 >.>;; ). It's nice seeing such an active fandom.
And great job, everyone! I look forward to seeing what people come up with for day 2 :)
This should be compilated for prosperity and for the good of many fingers and save buttons that will be broken in days to come.
ReplyDeleteSo much pony...the epic lag it generates...I like where this whole daily art thing is going...it'll keep me productive anyway, heh.
ReplyDeleteAnd pogo sticks you say? Challenge accepted -w-
Hmm, turns out I am in there, #270, by God it looks terrible.
ReplyDelete... I have this feeling resizing Day 2's drawing to 600x480 was a bad idea.
Oh would that I had the bravery to participate.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing. Since I started drawing a mere week or two ago, already my imagination and creativity have bloomed MASSIVELY.
ReplyDelete-Read topic for today of 'jumping ponies.' Immediately envision my submission in my head.
Something like that would NEVER happen a month or two ago.
Ooh~ Comment box is back for me~
ReplyDelete#46! Interestingly enough, that was my first time drawing Fluttershy. I hope is passable. x:
Just submitted my entry for today~
ReplyDeleteIt's Twilight after learning that sometimes, friendship is metal.
Wheeee, I'm number 167! Now to figure out what to do for this next one...
ReplyDelete133 OC ponies
ReplyDelete39 background ponies
30 Rainbow Dashes
27 secondary characters (CMCs, etc)
22 Twilight Sparkles
21 Pinkie Pies
16 Fluttershys
13 Applejacks
11 Raritys
That is a lot of pony.
omg this is amazing O_O SO MANY PONI
ReplyDeletei made one but then i doodled all over it ;o;
Things like this that bring the community together make me smile. Knowing that bronies have enough courage to start drawing, and follow through with it, even if it's 'bad'. I think that that courage and ability to try, and to contribute to this community, is what makes these pictures great. I like all of them for that reason!
ReplyDeleteSeth- I was just going to say "you are using script for this, right?" and after seeing your comment it looks like you guys are not.
ReplyDeleteMake a requirement for entering a very strict filename like "ArtWorkName_ArtistName.png" (or .gif or .jpg) and then put all the valid submissions in one folder, than run the script to generate the html.
ok, this is quite a bit more awesome than I was expecting.
ReplyDeleteeven the "less than great" drawings were interesting.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of these. :D
Just to hop in again and say this is such a cool thing you guys doing. It would be for shame if "time administered" was the reason for not doing it.
ReplyDeleteOnly administration should be person looking at submissions in special folder following outlook rule with proper subject and image attached. Person say "this follow the rule" and put image in folder. Once you have folder of images - does blogger gui allow you upload a folder of images all at once? If not then you may have to look into Blogger API - but that will certainly have the functionality. And like I say earlier, it should be the job of a script to generate the html. This system require the submitter to follow strict rules - but once you have the system in place it should not require very much administration.
I'm #1, fuck yeah.
ReplyDeleteI dont think any of us know how to do something like that!
Might have to research it.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes Phoe can do it! I believe in the power of Poni.
Besides, limiting the post is exactly what we don't want. This is the Newbie Poni Training program. We are all in this together.
Ah, damn! #155
ReplyDeleteIt seems as if something fucked up? Because half of my picture is just gray..
Already sent my Day 2 drawing. :D
ReplyDeleteGuess you guys had an issue with uploading my drawing. Oh well. :\
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that so many people participated! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd it only took TWO HOURS!!!!
why do I have so much free time?
I'm looking forwards to the next post my bromods!
Heh I like my number, #222. Tomorrow's turnout ought to be fun.
ReplyDeleteI never thought there would be so many other OC ponies.
Oh, I support this project with all of my heart! Awesome idea, and seeing so much initiative and will to draw in people makes me giddy <3
ReplyDelete#58- I'm about to be hit in the face with that apple, don't I?
#216- this is probably my favourite original character pony :D "Zzz".
#262- aw...someday you will be just as awesome Scootaloo, if not even more awesome.
#299- I laughed out loud at this irl. Then I was sad. I had no idea that everytime I'm too lazy to draw a background I send my characters to the void. Pinkie seems to be dealing with it well enough, but Dash's uncomfortable expression just says it all :c
That there's a lot of ponies! Shame I can't find any paper, might have to do my work digitally today, prepare for the worst!
ReplyDelete#133! Yeeee!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually getting some decent practice from this! But all I can do is pencil sketch...
t first I was hesitant to submit, because I knew there'd be some fantastic images. But even though I was right it still feels awesome to see SO MUCH PONY.
ReplyDeleteWooooo 139! Super excited to see so many ponies, and I can't wait to see them all tomorrow. :D
ReplyDeleteMFW I was one of the people affected. :(
Boo, hiss! I don't see any drawings by Sethisto or Cereal Velocity. Join us!
ReplyDeletedamn it seth, why did you confuse me? -1 pony for this page because of that conflicting page...
ReplyDeleteNumber 69 was mine.
ReplyDeleteI get the best number, let's not mince words. Just "69". We all know what it means.
This is so great, I'm having fun already. :3
ReplyDeleteMine is #243; Buddy Vox is my Pony stuff nickname.
~Buddy Vox
Aww, not there.
ReplyDeleteStill, these are all great.
Oh gosh, SO MUCH PONY! <3 I'm so glad to see so many people giving it a try!
ReplyDeleteYeah, mine is missing too. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to everybody that participated...but I feel so bad for the admins now. Hopefully there will be an easier way to do this without overtaxing them. ^^;
ReplyDeletemine is Garbage in comparison I will try harder on the next One. Some of these aren't newbie artists though, but 286 is hilarious.
ReplyDelete#176 would make so much more sense if I had colored it. I am dissapoint with myself.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure? I remember putting yours up somewhere in the 100-200 range...
A note to all of the late entry folks who don't see your entry here: I was scrambling right up until the deadline getting as many images up as I could. Unlike Sethisto, I'm not on the west coast. I am in fact on the opposite coast. What this means is that I spent almost the entirety of the time between 8 am and 3 am sorting, compiling, and posting these ponies. I kind of... passed out immediately after. I'm so sorry! I'm trying to get everything together but there's just so many ponies...
ReplyDeleteI'm sure some of those OC's are actually crossovers. I know mine #274 was Ronan from GC.
231): It's SystemdertoteN!!
#83 a lot more variety in skill levels then i expected, glad i threw my hat in :D
ReplyDeleteAww yeah, #205. Also, there's a very slim chance that I may know the person who did #279. A friend showed me a picture he drew of Fluttershy he drew a couple days ago, but I don't remember if his looked like that (or if he even comes here)
ReplyDeleteOh my Celestia. That's a lot of drawin's. D:
ReplyDeleteI was scared about my sketch(#253), I'm a very newbie drawer and struggle with the basic form/skeletal structure. But seeing all the other newbies work, I don't feel so alone no mores. We can all practice and submit our lop-sided and wonky ponies together!
These are all good, but I think I like #71 & #59 the most. Cutie-mark Crusader Stilt-walkers! ~yay
***omygosh omygosh omygosh, pony up, breath deeply, it's not THAT bad, come on DO IT!***
ReplyDeleteDay 2 submission sent.
This event is GREAT!
I love 71 :3
ReplyDeleteOVER 300 PONIES?!
ReplyDeleteWe have to find a way to make this work because this is way too much fun! It's so nice to see so many different parts of the community coming together like this; some only drawing ponies for the first time! Hang in there Phoe, we'll find a way!
Aww Yeah! My Handstand @ 187!!!
ReplyDeleteYay I'm 250 :P
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved
Yeah my day 2 is already done and submitted, and I decided to call my pony from day one Sunspot.
ReplyDeletepony # 134
134: Sunflower, perhaps? I dunno. That's just what I get out of the cutie mark.
ReplyDelete305: XD
#22, right up there! I would really like to be able to draw in wonderful block colours, but I have no idea how to draw on a computer, and crayons just don't quite give the same effect. Got my jumping pony in first thing this morning, 9:00 GMT, so just after the challenge opened.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to make a submission, but I hav eno real artistic skills. I was going to make a pony in Inkscape.
ReplyDeleteI'm a programmer, not an artist.
Yay 135! Really impressed with these :)
ReplyDeleteWhoa! I didn't expect over 300 poines! Great job everypony! Good see that everybody giving it a try. Time to work on day 2 :3
ReplyDeleteI'm #268!
ReplyDeleteo.o And wow, that is a lot of pony! Major props to Phoe for getting them all up, that's a crazy amount!
#307 here. I'm paranoid that no one got the Stephen King reference...
ReplyDeleteI'm 196. That's a lot of pony.
ReplyDelete#200's mine. Seeing how many others were new artists, I don't feel so bad about my attempt.
ReplyDelete(although, i think i still like more the Vic Viper I sketched during a fit of frustration yesterday >.>)
It's funny to see someone else had a similar idea! (#129 By BronyQuest)
..... does that mean they're just as crazy as I am? :o
#66 here. Just realized that I derped on Derpy's wings. Oh, well.
ReplyDeleteNope; you'll have to explain it to me.
ReplyDeleteAh, I see now. I have read The Stand, but I'd not seen that cover. Good job.
ReplyDelete... aaaaand I just got the pun. Bit slow on the uptake today.
ReplyDeleteS'okay, dude; did that thing before 3 AM this morning, so I'm a bit slow, as well. Thanks for your interest, anyway!
Number 260!
ReplyDeleteThat turned out better than I thought. Any criticisms or comments mah fellow bronies?
#51 Ah, my favourite medium, lined office paper and biro. Today's will be better, I promise. Also, what was I thinking of with those legs?
ReplyDeleteAwesome, awesome work folks! I hope this doesn't get canned due to responses :)
49 by nanapuff and 71 by Zachary were the winners for me.
Mine's #27. Personally, I think that's really good considering I'm terrible at drawing. Although, I did draw it with the "draw 4 free" app on the iPod Touch using my thumb. <_<
ReplyDeletei love what 72 did (i think it was 72) with Sweetie Belle standing on stilts! Hilarious Zachary!
ReplyDeleteIt's settled, I'm not colouring mine in next time. Made it look horrible, as if it wasn't ugly enough.
ReplyDeleteOn a brighter note, OMGWTFBBQPONIS
101 here. LOL @ wacky-waving-inflatable-arm-flailing-pony
ReplyDeleteDay = made.
Thank you!
#61's mine! Feels pretty half-flanked compared to most on here hahaha
ReplyDeleteI vote that 204 wins. Forever.
ReplyDeleteAww, only 1 Octavia?
ReplyDeleteOh well, better than nothing
Good job to all the other drawers ^^
Huh. I'm 130. I really suck at drawing, though.
ReplyDeleteI'm not the worst, but I can do a lot better.
Aww man, I thought I didn't post a name after I read the rules again.. but my email signature came in just in time! Thanks Phoe! I hope others like my Pinkie Pie!
ReplyDelete-The obsessor
Upside-down Derpy.
ReplyDelete#279 here! Kinda mediocre, but hopefully I'll be better by the end of this!
ReplyDeleteCrap I missed day one! Amazed at the turnout here!
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to be drawing ponies, but my 12 year old sister (aka Sprinkle) wants to do this...I just sent in her art for #2! (She usually uses my OC pony Rocket for her pony art FYI (not that you would care))
ReplyDelete#2 submitted. And I mean that in more ways than one ;)
ReplyDeleteBTW I am 184. It's bad, bad I tells ya!
Wooooo ponies.
ReplyDelete>mfw mine didn't get posted
ReplyDeleteOh well. I actually think the internets is better off without it.
Ah... mine didn't make it. n.n Oh well, maybe next time. =3
ReplyDeleteJust finished an emailed my day 2 submission. Now my wrist is sore. ...What? I drew and colored it in one sitting. stop looking at me like that.
ReplyDeleteI may color Day #3's drawing with colored pencils. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see what it is though
ReplyDeleteFinished my submission for day 2 in 45 minutes, full color and background.
ReplyDeleteIt's rough, but that's all I had time for today. Got a barbecue to attend.
Awwww mine didn't get put up EPIC POUTING MANOEUVRE!
ReplyDeleteAlrighty, finally finished my second drawing an hour ago.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, you shall DEFINITELY see pogo sticks in my submission.
ReplyDelete*rubs hooves together* Yes, plenty of pogo sticks...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-
*cough* Nothing to see here. Move along.
All righty, finished my jumping pony finally. I can't keep colouring these things - it takes bloody ages.
ReplyDeleteJust sent my day 2 submission in. You guys all motivated me to work harder, and I spent like 4 hours coloring it and adding effects. Confound this event!
ReplyDeleteSaw mine amongst all those ponies.
ReplyDeleteI was lucky to make the deadline.
Barely got any time when drawing my pony so I don't feel too bad for it not being as good as most of the other drawings here.
ReplyDeleteNp. Brave going, head-on is tough to nail down! I liked the expression too.
much happier with my submission for 2
ReplyDelete*whispers* Spssss! Spsssss! #176 is supposed to be Renji Abarai (a very failed attempt) FYI. That is all.
ReplyDeleteMine isn't my best work (#308), partly because I've never drawn ponies, but I'm proud of what I did on a day's notice.
ReplyDeleteThinking about this once-a-day thing, it's a bit of a fire under my hooves to push myself further faster, while putting my perfectionist self aside a bit.
I admire other's pictures, and now I'm trying to pick up on the little details that make their designs look well done.
Aside note:
My jumping pony is going to be a bit...weird, hehe.
I turned in the 2nd one, man that was bad. I will now avoid putting sketches into image editing software until I actually know what I am doing with it. I mean really; blur dots, BLUE DOTS popped up on my art after a paintfill; but that was nowhere near as bad as clearing up all the gray that I can't see but the scanner picked up and kept messing up my picture XD
ReplyDeleteO and my first one is #154, a weird long necked Derpy pencil scan...
Woo #36!
ReplyDeleteI actually did better than a few bronies... Not that this is a competition or anything.
ReplyDeleteBehold the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Pony~
Oh my gosh, is that Unico with Twilight Sparkle on #90? Sweet! Two of my favorite unicorns together! How come no one else has noticed?
ReplyDelete17) Littlepip!