Guess what? It's time to draw ponies! Are you excited? 'Cause I'm excited. I've never been so excited! Except for the time I went -- oh, right. Sorry. All right then, Heaven or Hell. Let's rock!
The Rules of Engagement
So here's the deal. Starting from right now, it is your job to draw ponies and send them to me. Every night at midnight, PST (that's Pacific Standard Time) I will pop out of the shadows and hand you a new assignment. Whether or not you take this assignment is up to you, but the more assignments you complete the more practice and exposure you get, so try not to shy away, either. You will have until midnight the following night to send in your work. For obvious reasons I'll be writing the actual post a bit beforehand, so if you're a late entry and don't see yourself right away don't worry, I'll get to it. For those of you interested, there's some helpful stuff over in the announcement post, like links to all those awesome tutorials. With that said, let's go over the rules:
- Send your submissions to [email protected] The subject line should include the phrase Artist Training Grounds, as well as the day you are submitting for. The body of the e-mail should contain an attachment to your picture, and the name you want to be known by. You must give me a name, or I can't post your drawing. These are the rules of Thunderdome.
- You're free to interpret the theme of the day pretty much however you wish, as long as you work it in there somewhere. Be as literal or as open minded as you want. If you choose to go a spicy or a bloody direction with a particular theme, please keep it within reason. Overly explicit images will not be posted.
- Any format you are able to draw in is fine. Digital art, a hand drawn sketch, whatever. If you handed me a doodle on a napkin I'd scan it myself. I'm cool like that.
- Have fun. I command it.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony standing. Something very nice and simple to stretch your sketching muscles with. Ok? Ok! Hop to it!
Well here comes a bunch of Lyra and Octavia drawings.
ReplyDeleteBut it's daylight time. So shouldn't it be Pacific Daylight Time?
ReplyDeleteRight, I've been looking for a reason to start learning to draw (ponies) again. Looks like this might be it, in between assignments, exams and other things. I might not have a scanner, and I decided against buying a graphics tablet yesterday, but I have a pencil and a camera. Hah.
ReplyDeleteNice idea too by the way.
does it have to be a pony?
ReplyDeleteToo hard! I give up.
Kidding, might do all the cutie marks or something.
Wait, so...just standing on all fours or "standing" standing?
ReplyDelete0 Drawing experience, GO!
...I don't have any way of getting these online. I should just go to Best Buy today and buy one of those drawing tablets. I've meant to forever.
I'm going to be in on this. Expect some......
ReplyDeleteTwilight. She's got an easy mane.
I'm not an artist, but I will particpate. Beware.
ReplyDeleteMy body is not ready.
It's a good thing Seth isn't doing this.
ReplyDeleteEvery theme would be The Great and Powerful Trixie...
Yay, a chance to inflict the world withh terror! I mean.. not quite good but not quite enough to be laughed at Pony drawings..
ReplyDeleteI'm scared.... I opened up photoshop but I can't.. I CAN'T. LAWD HALP ME.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it, I believe in you!
Oh, and Phoe, could you please add a link to the original post for the Newbie Artist Training Event? 'Cause I believe there are the tutorial links in that one.
ReplyDeleteSounds good!
ReplyDeleteI'll send a hand drawn little something later.
Maybe drawing ponies will keep my form insanity back in college! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, that was an excellent suggestion.
Submitted mine about 10 minutes ago, although it is one of my friends' OC ponies so hopefully I don't get any flak for that. It's also on paper. And recorded by a bad laptop camera. At least it's being seen!
ReplyDeleteSmall question, can it only be one pony or can there be more then one?
ReplyDeleteMaybe, expect massive amounts of Rainbow Dash, thanks for putting this up though. There have been too many times where I've wanted to start drawing but just never do it :D
ReplyDeleteDear god I just sat there for 15 minutes doodling and I only have one thing to say. Oh lawds dem proportions.
ReplyDeleteI had been working on a pony for an hour prior this post, and after spending another hour I've submitted it, feelsgoodman
ReplyDeleteFinally! A reason to finish my half done pony drawings.
ReplyDeleteDa Chi, ready for artistry!
I'ma do this but you can't see it since I used ancient pencils and paper and don't have a scannner.
ReplyDeleteOhh Celestia... Photoshop is a tad harder to use when you don't know what you're doing than I thought.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll start by just trying to get a decent outline of a pony from the show and just work with that somehow.
I gotta say, i LOVE this idea xD haha, its nice to see EqD giving every else a chance to shine when it comes to drawing :D and yeah to everyone who wasnt sure, draw the pony on all 4 legs, not just the two hind legs :P lol
ReplyDeleteI'm no good at drawing...
ReplyDeleteI CAN however add badass effects to anything in existence. (Turning a pristine royal guard poster into a realistic-looking, post-apocalyptic masterpiece!)
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ReplyDeleteSo, I just got the sketch of one of the ponies I plan on using in this series of drawings. But to be safe, do you guys think it is okay if I use two ponies or can I only have one?
ReplyDeleteI sooooi wish I could draw :( I've tried of years, really did. But all I can manage are stick figures, and even their proportions are all messed up T_T
ReplyDeleteLa dee da submitted.
ReplyDeleteThis is fun already. Tho now I gotta wait a whole DAY for the next assignment...
ReplyDeleteMy first attempt at drawing Fluttershy was a "possible" success! (Also the third pony pic I've ever made. I'm movin' on up, baby!)
Just sent my submission~
Hope it's pretty!
Hooray for submitting bad Applebloom GIMPs.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely will be taking part...
ReplyDeleteBut not sharing. -_-
I may be good a vectoring, but that doesn't mean I can draw. :p
First time drawing a pony?
ReplyDeleteBring it on. I plan to completely erode my eraser away...
I might actually try this out. I'm good at drawing, but rarely draw characters as far as I remember. I'm more focused on geometric shapes, or something along those lines.
ReplyDeleteI love my super badass poster I just made...
But I think the bottom left-hand corner is too darkly singed...
ReplyDeleteWell this is convenient. gonna pick up my first tablet today and this will be the perfect practice.
ReplyDeleteYea, suppose I am kind of obliged. Not that I really needed yet *more* reasons to draw ponies, but oh well.
ReplyDeleteToo bad I don't have a tablet(been meaning to get one and learn to use it, for roughly forever and a day), so will have to scan these things. Oh well.
Works well with my own personal challenge of trying to draw something every single day this summer. ;)
Fickle.. LOL win :P
ReplyDeleteStanding on 2 hooves, 4 hooves?
ReplyDeleteWell, I lasted two hours before giving up. And even made some horrible art in the progress. Too bad my camera decided to be horrible or I'd actually upload it.
ReplyDeleteyeah... not happening any more. Turned out waaay to creepy when trying to colour it.
ReplyDeleteAll these horrified reactions to their own works... I'm terrified of starting, now D:
ReplyDeletecome on guys dont give up! mine were hella crappy too! when i first started out! :P perseverance! also, use lots and lots of references if you have to :P (screencaps) :D
ReplyDeleteAlready sketched out my pony drawing...during class. Boo.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to get home so I can pop this abomination onto Illustrator and pretend I know how to use it...
Sent in my phone camera'd 5 minute sketch with only one practice outline on the side. Definitely looking forward to this so I can quickly draw ponies everywhere on my paper and whatnot.
ReplyDeletehehe good reason to learn to draw ponies :P for school(well graduated as of sunday woot yay me :P) i had one folder, for all 6 classes; full of ponies/pony references on it :P lol and on all my homework/classwork, i drew a derp face on each one lol :P
ReplyDeleteLet the embarrassment Begin as i have sent mine a while ago... after beating myself half to sleep trying to think of a cutie mark.
ReplyDelete@Lyushey, if thats your first time drawing ponies, then thats a hell of a lot better than when i started off! XD haha, you did the proportions almost spot on and it doesnt look nearly as blocky as my first attempt.. lol :P (I also noticed im pretty much every other comment lol.. the joy of it being 11:59pm right now and no need to sleep :P)
ReplyDeleteSent mine in not too long ago.
ReplyDeleteIt was really frustraiting. By the time I got to the cutie mark I was like...Fuck it, and drew what came to mind.
A Tic Tac Toe board... I need to sleep...
It was fun in the end though. I think I learned a few things between furiously erasing mistakes.
>use MS paint
ReplyDelete>expecting to make something that looks vectored
>knowing that won't happen
>went better than expected
@SonicRainboom93 11:59 huh? its almost 3:15 were I'm at, and thanks. I have a ton of references and it helped that I took an art class at the local community college here were i live
ReplyDelete@Lyus ah nice, and yeah, being in Hawaii has its benefits :P lol and yeah, references/the how-to's on drawing help a lot too XD
ReplyDelete@SonicRainboom93 now for my next feat... a pony that has color
ReplyDelete@Lyushehe, good luck! XD i believe in you! :D id give advice, but i didnt color much :P (i color with the tablet now so yeah :P) lol
ReplyDelete@SonicRainboom93 I'm hopping to get to the point were I can draw Neighpolian Ponypart ridding Napoleon Bonaparte
ReplyDelete@LyusLOL do it, never heard/thought of that before/yet XD haha, im drawing Luna right now :P hopefully itll make it onto Drawfriend 81 :P lol
ReplyDeleteCutie Mark Crusaders newbie artists! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI like this idea so much that I'm now determined to draw something, no matter how awful it will be (and probably it will be pretty awful). So showing the result to anypony is beyond me at the moment.
oh neato, I'll be sure to catch todays
ReplyDeleteWhat can more experienced artists do to help out/add to this event?
ReplyDeletePractice with us I suppose! You can always improve!
ReplyDeleteAh, it would be fun, but I've already heard the "I don't want to take part because x is," song and dance on projects before. Its very unwelcoming to have people back out of art groups because they think its a competition and don't want to play with someone who might have more knowledge.
Phoe's first act upon being promoted to Blogqueen was to steal my idea! >:|
ReplyDeletePrepare to face the consequences of your actions, in the form of having to look at my art!
I am so there.
ReplyDeleteDoes one have to be a complete newfoal to drawing or can already existing drawfriends submit as well?
ReplyDeleteI guess, if I get my scanner working, I could send in what I do... Since I don't have a tablet. ;-; I'm stuck with just pen and paper.
ReplyDeletePonies of all skill levels are welcome to participate. The idea is to give a fun way to practice, and nopony is ever so good they couldn't use a little bit of that!
By the way, since this seems to be an oft repeated question: I was serious when I said you could play fast and loose with the theme. Standing on two hooves, standing on four hooves, one pony two pony red pony blue pony, heck, draw a pony sitting behind a pony stand. Just work in some vague representation of the theme somewhere!
Is there any better ways to draw on a computer than ms paint?. id like to try drawing but ms paint is awful and everything i draw with it is complete garbage.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go ahead with this mission later tonight. I need to learn how to draw ponies.
ReplyDeleteIf you want free stuff, there's GIMP for a Photoshop clone and Inkscape for an awesome vector editor.
Awesome! Now I have even more excuses to draw ponies!
ReplyDeleteSubmitted. Good fanfics make me do fanart, so combined said idea to this. Two ponies with one stone? Or something.
ReplyDelete...and what was supposed to be relatively quick sketch turned into a shading job (nearly) overdone because I suddenly had an hour and half of empty time in my hooves at work today...
I'm excited, I gave it my best and it turned out pretty good. I did a pony standing showing a side view of it. Will send right now. Also haha good job referencing Guilty Gear. I will also like to take this time in thanking you for (in a way) pushing me to draw ponies. I probably wouldn't give it much a try if you guy didn't do this. Thanks :3
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I wake up in about 10 hours, I shall draw the standing pony, and immediately start disliking the arduous process of coloring and whatnot. :P
ReplyDeleteSent in a pic that I took with my laptop camera. Hopefully I'll get hold of a less suckish camera for the next upload. Also, I might have upped the ante on how and where the character is standing.
ReplyDeleteDefine standing, cause ponies stand on four hooves and rear on 2
ReplyDeleteI'm old fashioned, pencils and paper for me!
ReplyDeleteNameless OC pony storm, here we go!
ReplyDeleteSent in a pic of some random red pony with teal hair leaning on (standing at-BAM) a bar. originally had a stick figure thinking OMG TALKING PONY but i cut that out. I also drew the example topic of checkers. Giant board, yellow pony screaming NOOOO b/c he's about to lose.
Also, read the original post, you can interpret the topics however the buck you want.
Sent in my sketch, didn't color it like I originally planned...'cause every attempt turn out horrid.
ReplyDeleteI hope it got sent properly, though. I'm always anxious about sending e-mails.
@SonicRainboom93 LUNA! can never have enough Luna
ReplyDeleteI estimate lost of Luna
ReplyDeleteLots, derp
ReplyDeleteAND sent. Where are these going to be posted?
ReplyDeleteSomething to motivate me to draw, I'll try to keep ups ometimes.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a tablet, so it's pencil and paper for me. At least I have a drafting table and supplies.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if my printer has a scanner on it, so if I send any drawings, it'll be in photograph form
I'mma give this a shot, since I've already put down what I had in mind in GIMP. But does it actually matter if you're a newbie or not...?
ReplyDeleteSo....ummm...can we do this is we're already sort of good at drawing?
ReplyDeleteScanned and sent! My art pencils ran out of lead so i had to use a regular mechanical pencil! :(
ReplyDeleteI drew Luna.
ReplyDeleteIt came out much better than I anticipated.
Turns out, I'm not as bad an artist as I thought...
Can't make a living on it, mind...
It was done with a No.2 pencil as I haven't fancy ones.
Would it be haxxors if I submitted under a different name tomorrow? 'Cus I used the wrong name and it's not connected to any of my other stuff yadda yadda yadda....
ReplyDeleteJust give me a note telling me who you were and who you'd like to be from then on. It's not really necessary to even do that much, but proof I'm not going crazy is always nice. Do try to stay as consistent as possible, though. Otherwise nopony can tell what kind of progress you're making!
Why do you need a name? That is the only thing I can see holding me back from this.
ReplyDeleteSent mine now. Was hard to start off but ended up being tons of fun!. hopefully mine isnt too bad lol.
ReplyDeleteSpent hours sketching a sketch, still looks like a rough sketch even with the guides erased, don't have any colours to colour it, doing it in Photoshop looked tacky, had to take a picture on a crappy phone camera. Hours of work for a pretty crappy outcome...
ReplyDelete...And I'm going to do it again tomorrow regardless! =D
aww man 5 hours on luna learning to draw from scrap on a tablet... tomorrow ill just jack my friends scanner i think -.-
ReplyDeleteI need a name so that anypony who's watching and wants to offer advice has a way to track your progress and keep their pointers relevant. Just make up something unrelated to your normal personae, and in a month it'll be like you never had the name at all!
I just sent mine in.
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty wawesome. I'm not gonna saw it looks like crap though, what if some pony else does a worse job? That would be awkward.
I'll say mine looks like crap later when I'm better. After all improvement of skill happens overnight right?
Now I've got some motivation to draw something.
ReplyDeleteDamnit. I will most likely not send my first drawing, as I really need better pencils. But I got the basics down in building the body, so hopefully my later additions will be awesome.
ReplyDeleteSubmitted mine! It's nice to have something to get me to draw again because I've been in a rut for awhile.
ReplyDelete@Phoe Okay, thanks! I'll send you another email.
ReplyDelete@^Graff Don't worry, all you need is a pencil and paper, nothing really fancy other than an inspiration to draw ponies. My profile picture is my very first drawing of a pony, all i used was a mechanical pencil. just make sure to keep the pencil sharpened and have a spare eraser handy as number 2 pencils erasers are not really the best choice for erasing mistakes.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh I totally just sent in my picture! It's the first pony I've ever done (except for a *cough* incredibly bad practice attempt *cough*). Rarity, because she's got my favorite design. :)
ReplyDeleteAaaaaand submitted. Used Illustrator and relied pretty heavily on references and tutorials, but it turned out pretty nicely and at least I became a bit better at using Illustrator.
ReplyDeleteI just sent mine it, and by god, it looks bad. You'll see, its a pencil drawing of Luna, and I made myself sad drawing it. My favorite character shouldn't look so bad. ;-;
ReplyDeletePhew. After four hours struggling to get to grips with the tablet I borrowed, Paint Tool Sai and the pony tutorials, I finally got my drawing submitted... such as it is.
ReplyDeleteMan, after a few false starts, I finally got it down and scanned it. Took an hour to draw it to my parameters (I am very picky) and 45 minutes trying to get the dang scanner to work XD.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to clean it up, but I'm too tired to mess with itm anymore and make myself angry/deppressed.
My deformed creation shall stare into your soul!
Mwuh ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Just submitted mine and looking forward to doing more! This is great practice :D
ReplyDeleteDrawing submitted; I'm going to look through every one of the entires as they are posted because I know I'd like my drawings to be seen too. It would be hypocritical of me not to return the favor :)
ReplyDeleteI finally submitted a sketch I did today. Be thankful everypony, I decided against submitting my very first attempt at drawing a pony. Rarity will never forgive me...
ReplyDeleteDid my first drawing of anything other than graphs for the first time since an art class in junior high. Hope its not too terrible. >.>
ReplyDeleteFlash apparently doesn't like my scratch drawing.
ReplyDeleteAnd standing Lyra made flash die, and then cry. And the it died again.
Submitted and stuff. God damn time-zones, I'll be asleep before the next one gets posted.
ReplyDeleteOh well, sleep is good too.
Just submitted mine. I can draw a bit but I'm still fairly new to ponies, and the practice will definitely help. They are...deceptively simple-looking. :/
ReplyDeleteJust submitted mine and looking forward to doing more! This, for some reason, is giving me the motiviation I need to get better at drawing. (:
ReplyDeleteSubmitted. My artistic muscles are crabby, having woken up from a 14 month long nap, but I'm fairly satisfied with the result, given the circumstances :)
ReplyDeleteSubmitted my picture. I didn't have the right colors for Doctor Whoof, so he ended up coming out something like a Simpsons character. But it still turned out OK. *shrug*
ReplyDeleteWoo! Got mine done, and on the first try, too. I may have a talent for this!
ReplyDeleteI just submitted mine, and now Phoe is blind.
ReplyDeleteAh well it turns out I have not gotten better by not drawing. Any way my submission is submitted and perhaps this practice will help me do better.
ReplyDeleteMy incredibly terrible drawing of Derpy Hooves has been submitted. Pretty fitting choice of subject, I'd say. Can't wait till 10:00 when the second post goes up!
ReplyDeletehope mine is any good. sketched it in math class, had to scan this at school and had a lot of kids looking at me funny the whole time!
ReplyDeleteGyah, So many errands to run today. I just managed to sketch something up last minute though. Bad-drawing incoming to email. >:P
ReplyDeleteYay, something I can participate in!
ReplyDeleteJust barely made the deadline, now to await the next one.
(also--woot! my first post here!)
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ReplyDeleteI decided to take the safe route and ponify one of my OCs. I think I messed up on the head proportions, but ah well.
ReplyDeleteSubmitted my... submission. I've been drawing infrequently for a while, so I like the idea of having something new to draw everyday, so I'm definitely going to try to do each one. Work schedule will make getting them in by midnight PST a bit hard; hopefully my speed will improve too.
ReplyDeleteI sat down for four hours, and all I managed to squeeze out was a piece of manure.
ReplyDeleteAlso last minute ftw.
Hmmm. I think Im going to make my ponies on Forza Motosport 3. I am also going to sell the clippings for from 5,00 to 10,000. I think thats fair. For a video game.
ReplyDelete* If I ever find time.
Did I ever mention how extremly lovely the top image is? :)
ReplyDeleteIs it to late to join?
ReplyDeleteI hope not I want to do this so bad but it's been going on for 11 days now :/
I will do it anyway and try my bestest to catchup!
Is this thing time set or is it for 30 days from whatever day you started? Cus I kinda wanna join, but Im not sure how it works...