Where's my Pony MMO? Get on it, guys!
We've been sent another pony game for you all to try out! The creator would like to point out the fact that is quite young and this is his first time using the Blender Game Engine, so if any experienced modellers/animators/scripters are feeling generous and want to help on this project, he welcomes the assistance.
The game itself is a little over 100MB in size. It's hosted here- there is also a readme for your perusal here. If you prefer a smaller game size (minus the music), you can find that here.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs that a screenshot?
ReplyDeleteIf n64 era graphics is what they were going for, good for them.
If not...
hey¡ it say that the serve its not found
ReplyDeletecan´t download it
If you have trouble with the first link go to the readme, no idea why but that link worked and made the other link work O.o
ReplyDeleteyour need fix it friend
ReplyDeleteThese look like OK results for ultra-low poly. I wonder if the game has some major performance bottleneck, requiring such low poly models.
Better than what I can do but I will say it needs work. One of the biggest problems was the feeling of speed compared to the world; flying and running. Another was (lol), for laughs and giggles, I turned off flying and fell on my side onto the ground, and ironically I was moving faster than when I was flying as I slid across the map. Also the rainbow from the rainboom liked to spaz out, the rainbow trail was neat though :P
ReplyDeleteno music dl is showing an error. Will try when that gets fixed
ReplyDeleteThis preview is very good.
ReplyDeletethe flying is fun to do but the flight controls are awkward.
i like the SonicBoom you put in :P
The doc is not locked. pls someone inform the guy, before someone trolls the shit out of it
ReplyDeleteNot working for me. It downloaded fine, just when I went to run it (I tried both 64 and 32 bit versions) 32 cape up with an error saying something was not found (curse my short term memory) and couldn't load up properly. 64 bit, well my computer isn't 64 bit so yeah lol. Shame, I wanted to give it a go.
ReplyDeletedat gravity
ReplyDeleteIt's got potential. I like spawning ponies on top of each other so they fly up in the air.
ReplyDeleteYeah someone need to get the locked quickly.
Non-editable link.
Yeah, that does seem like a case of bad judgement.
Not bad for a 14-year-old programmer, I'd say.
ReplyDeleteThe scale seems off. The world is huge but the ponies move really slowly. Also, it crashes when I press any of the music buttons.
ReplyDeleteDoing Sonic Rainbooms is fun, though. It's got potential to be a good game.
"Python not found" :/
ReplyDeleteNever saw a Real Time edition of a Doc Text in googledocs. Protect document or something.
ReplyDeleteThis guy should team up with awesomedreamcoder on YouTube.
ReplyDeleteI think I might open this up in blender itself to see what I got to look at here
ReplyDeleteother then that, it's not working, python not detected and all I get is a teal wide screen and no music
tried the no music thing, didn't work
hmm, on second thought, I'm not gonna go through files just to look at the ponies
ReplyDeleteit's just a test though, no hard feelings, just means you gotta fix what you got ^^
ReplyDeleteStep 1) Create horizontal line of mane cast
ReplyDeleteStep 2) W+I+L
Step 3) Instant fun!
I love how everyone is having a conversation in the comments. Also the editing has mostly turned out fine, one person reviewed it, several others made the controls easier to read, and the comments range from normal to ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteIt was very well done. The only hard part was flying, but the rest of it was AWESOME!
ReplyDelete@Gale "Diz" Spark
ReplyDeleteYou mean it does something other than crash the program?
Can you only link to the Google Doc please as the downloads links are changing all the time
ReplyDeleteHi, this is the brother of the author here. I'm at work, so I can't spare much time, but I'd like to thank you all for giving this a look and for your feedback (he'll be able to see it once he's back from school :p). Special thanks to all those organizing and commenting at the readme, and testing and uploading versions for OSes. This community really made leaving it editable work out.
ReplyDeleteSpazturtle has a good point; perhaps simply emphasizing that 'going to the readme first is best' would be the best solution.
Are the models scratch made by the brony who made this test game?
ReplyDeleteIf yes, then well done.
If I had the program, I would love to help.
ReplyDeleteMy Little Polygon.
ReplyDeleteYes; I think the music, skydome, and maybe the dirt textures are the only things he didn't make himself. The modeling/animation is all his. If anybody wants, I could upload a zip of some of the earlier versions to see how it was made.
hey Cereal, who's the guy that's doing this? I've been looking for a game to jump into.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't work for me. :/
ReplyDeleteWhen I run the EXE it opens and shows a bunch of trees and some grass but it's just frozen like that.
@Anonymous press 1, then you can move with WASD and fly with F
ReplyDeleteBronies I'm proud of you and of being one of you. What happened to that readme document is amazing.
ReplyDeleteOn topic:
The game itself (even in it's current state) is rather impressive. I wish the author good luck.
I am sorry that I can't provide any direct assistance with the project.
Re 'from scratch?': I think the music, skydome, and maybe the dirt textures are the only things he didn't make himself. The modeling/animation is all his. If anybody wants, I could upload a zip of some of the earlier versions to see how it was made.
ReplyDeleteRe 'who's doing this/jump into': My brother. His email should be in the readme, or you can email me (we're in close contact). Also, neither of us have much experience with organizing projects over the internet. So far Google Docs looks to be very useful for it, so we might run with that, but anybody who has a better idea should let him know.
It might just be me, but everything except the trees turns up white. I can barely see anything (I have to look through the character's reflection on the trees to see where I'm going.
ReplyDeleteI also fell through the floor and made impossible jumps that crashed my game.
Everything is white because your graphics card doesn't support GLSL textures. I discovered this at school on the laptops we use. I might have to release a Multitexture verion of the game, which seems to work.
ReplyDeleteCan't get Music or WIL to work in 32 bit version. If I try any of them it crashes.
ReplyDeleteI made Rainbow Dash fly much faster by rubbing her head into the ground holding shift.
ReplyDeleteThis is great!
OMG wow, congratulations! This is incredible. At 14 I could barely make a website that didn't cause eye strain lol. I couldn't do this even today! What i'm trying to say is you have done an Ace job and I hope some kind pony helps you make this into the game you are dreaming of. PS.... I also really love your Fluttershy model :D she's my fav pony and you made her look good :)
ReplyDeleteI'll give it a shot, downloading right now. I would love to help in development on this game. I will help in anyway I can, so please feel free to ask!
ReplyDeleteDear li'l 14 year old brony, you have the start of something with potential here. Flying around as Dash and creating rainbow trails is good, stupid fun. I suggest going full FPS controls, though, with A and D being strafing, and the mouse being used to turn.
ReplyDeleteBeyond that, though, this is good stupid fun.
Brilliant work, mate! I literally spent at least half an hour flying as Rainbow then trying to run to the edge of the world as Applejack. I haven't had so much fun doing "nothing" in a game since... I don't know when. Probably back when the N64 was still new.
ReplyDeleteI have only one suggestion. Instead of strafing when flying, is there any chance you could change it to y-axis (yaw) rotation? It'll greatly increase the amount of control for the player. Keep the crazy rolling ability though.
i suggest name pony box
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure whether I like these models more or awesomedreamcoder's. Dreamcoder had cool mane physics and such, but GOD THOSE EYES.
ReplyDeleteI do want to help with this though. Python for dummies! Awaaaaayyy~
I would love to see a My little pony snap come out of this :D
ReplyDeleteif you need help for some models i can help ^^
ReplyDeletemaybe you can ask to this guy too
he is an amazing modeler and coder
I just spent 2 hours staring at the different ponies headbanging.
ReplyDeletePssst. everyone hit W-I-L :3
Some of the controls could be easier. Also, ability to switch to a different pony. Also also . . . actually, I'ma leave some suggestions in the text.
ReplyDeleteShameless Plug!!!!
Made a recording, a PMV so to speak XD
I'm excited just looking at that image. Twilight must be stoked about her front legs.
ReplyDeleteShaders not supported :(
ReplyDeleteCan't get music files to work for some reason...always had trouble with .ogg files (not that I know how a computer works anyway >.>) Had fun spamming ponies and messing with it. Also, if you spawn 1-6, all ponies will move in unison. So spam like, 10 Rainbow Dashes and you'll get 10 Sonic Rainbooms :D
ReplyDeleteWhat does holding W-I-L do? Whenever I do it, it just gives me an error and closes >.>
ReplyDeleteClick my Link and you'll witness 2nd hand.
If not then just know that it makes the ponies headbob as Haddaway plays.
okay... I've downloaded the game and opened the files, now how do I play it? Is there another program I need to apply it to? Something about Blender games? Where do I go from my desktop where the folder sits?
ReplyDeleteI have to say, the amount of cooperation amongst everyone in the readme is phenomenal. It's been up for quite a while now, and while some people *have* tried to troll the page to death, more of us fought back at them. Someone even tried to blank the page once and it was locked and brought back fairly quickly. There's even some extra editors on hand now.
ReplyDeleteMade a video walking through the "game" a little bit. The music is buggy at best for me though. And the W-I-P function doesn't seem to work for me.
Things have finally calmed down a bit, and I have finally found the time to respond. For starters, I have to say thank you to everpony who helped me get the game released and working (for the most part). Without everyone's support I wouldn't have been able to go as far as I did today. I hope many people will join the development team, and that we will be constantly updating and improving the game.
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
lol this is too complicated for me. And by 'this' I mean getting the game to run. I downloaded blender and python but that still didn't change the error messages.
ReplyDeleteEh never mind. I figured out what I was doing wrong.
ReplyDeleteworks on 32 bit linux too
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ReplyDelete>Oh, Mediafire, you make me LOL.