• My Little Musical

    Auditions for My Little Musical are now open! Have some copy paste!

    An audio production in the making, My Little Musical is a re-imagining of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that is currently looking for voice actors and musicians! Planned to be released as a concept album and radioplay in the future, this project needs help from all different angles to be lifted off the ground!
    SYNOPSIS: In the magical world of Equestria, all species have been able to coexist in peace for many years. However, when a group of adolescent dragons overstays its welcome in the tranquil town of Ponyville, the balance of the entire land is put into jeopardy. Can the magical Twilight, her young dragon assistant Spike, fashionista Rarity, and all of their friends calm the turmoil? Or will war break out in Equestria for the first time in over a thousand years? And will one pony‟s heart make a decision that could destroy the bonds that she and her friends have nurtured for so long?
    If you are interested in auditioning, or just want some extra information, check out the Ponychan thread!

    28 kommentaari:

    1. Sounds like something I would be interested in if I could sing or had a nice voice.

    2. I have no musical talent whatsoever, but I am intrigued by the prospects of a fan-made musical. I'll be keeping an eye on this project.

    3. QSA: I wonder if they'd need a sousaphone player...

    4. Sounds interesting, Will definitely keep an eye for that.

      I have a voice actor-wannabe friend who might be interested.

    5. i am already preparing my audition track and working on the song i'm going to sing. I think it'll be perfect. I love this community and their ingenuity with the arts.

    6. I have a semi-decent voice, maybe I could be a background singer? I shall try!

    7. I could only do the voice for Spike or Soaren, So I think I'll pass in signing up.

      I will be watching it when it is finished though.

    8. Will this be some sort of animated thing, or actually live-action? I have seen live versions of animated shows before, and generally speaking, they are pretty bad.

    9. Oh derrrr. Audio only.

      That's maybe not as frightening then. Good luck.

    10. Hmmmm, Interesting... *Goes off to buy a better mic*

    11. I could do a very off key Cutie Mark Crusader.

    12. Too bad there are no British characters to provide a voice for

      oh well, I can't sing anyway

    13. @Anonymous

      Maybe someday in the far-off, distant future, a stage adaptation could be made!

      But yeah, no; audio only for the time being.

    14. This musical may need some rockin' guitars.

    15. @Anonymous

      I don't know about that! While riding this, I've always heard Ocean Mist as possibly having a British accent. In fact, any accent would work for him, seeing as how he comes from across the seas.

      Don't let boundaries stop you from auditioning! There's something for most everyone!

    16. @Anonymous

      Meant to post that as me, sorry.

    17. Okay, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but whenever I try to download the embedded document I just get a bunch of HTML mumbo-jumbo that I can't read. Could somepony possibly post it in a format I can read? Or maybe tell me how to turn this stuff into readable English?

    18. @Anonymous

      If you can't read the doc file in the OP, I have uploaded a txt file in the thread here: http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/5440.html#i5515

      It's not optimal, though, so I'll try to upload a pdf file somewhere soon.

    19. I've applied for helping out orchestrating the songs, hopefully everything will go as planned and it will be amazing!!!

    20. Hurrah, my musical theatre diploma becomes useful at last! ;-)

      My character alto should be a good fit for Pinkie, I just hope my poor netbook mic is up to the challenge. *G* So excited for this!

    21. Oh, I am SO going to try to join the music force on this one.

    22. I would love to do this, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't have the time :(

    23. this is interesting i am intreeged

    24. Totally doing this. Need something to keep me busy until university starts back up. Now if there were only more brony roles. :)

    25. Too bad that everything's happening overseas. Hopefully I'll be there in few years to attend in some of these...
