• Music: Rainbow Rhapsody // Giggle at the Ghostly (Easymix)

    Two new remixes!

    Rainbow Rhapsody (inspired by Notacleverpony's Sonic Rainboom remix)
    Giggle at the Ghostly Remix (Easymix)

    Both found after the break!

    Rainbow Rhapsody

    Giggle at the Ghostly (Easymix)


    1. Two amazing songs and remixes!

    2. The Mix was creative - fun listen.

    3. Bricks were shat. Several times.

    4. 2:00 first video = savedtofavorites&downloaded.jpg
      i wtf'd at 0:17 on second vid, very nice remix

    5. That was epic x.x

      Rainbow Rhapsody
      It reminded me so much of a disney movie (hercules)
      Then of gears of war
      then of halo
      then of gears again
      then some awesome movie stuff
      then some HTTYD
      then some disney again (hercules specifically, again)

    6. .... 1st vid.... 1 min in... already got a good 152 ideas for fics thanks to it

    7. #2 seriously needs a download link!

    8. My 8G mp3 player is currently 4% Pony.

      This is why.

    9. I need an mp3 of the second one.NEED IT.

    10. On the mix... the part: "Make them disappear" makes me think about Psycho Pinkie...

    11. Listening to the first song while actually watching Sonic Rainboom makes it about 400% cooler.

      (Pro-tip: start at 14:40)

    12. JerryTheRacecarDriverMay 17, 2011 at 2:41 PM

      Came here expecting a Rainbow Dash Bohemian Rhapsody remix and was pleasantly surprised. Rainbow Rhapsody is a very well down composition, it even gave me goosebumps.

      As for the "Giggle at the Ghostly" remix, I'm usually not into techno music, but the Pony tracks are usually rather good and this one is no exception.

      I love them both, instant downloads!

    13. Both were far beyond epic.

      Doesn't matter what you compare those too, those two videos are 20% Cooler.

    14. #1 felt like Superman

      #2 was smooth

    15. @Anonymous

      I disagree. Not 400%, 20,000% cooler.

    16. Loved them both.
      REALLY liked the 2nd one.

    17. Thanks for the comments, guys! :)

      Throughly enjoyed the second one myself, absolutely charming and smile inducing XD

    18. These remixes are amazing! :3

    19. Thank you for the comments! Love ALL of you.

      I just added a download link to the description part of the mix. Sorry about that guys, I'll be sure to get that taken care of before I upload vids from now on =)

      Rainbow Rhapsody is reeeeally good by the way.

    20. WOW this version of giggle at the ghosties is my absolutely FAVORITE version. And its crazy at how CLEAR her vocals are. BROHOOF!!

      Now for something epic, Rainbow Rhapsody . . . . . i really like this mix . . its extremely expressive. The scene it paints in my mind is something soo RIANBOW DASH.

      The scene.

      First part.
      Its a bright clear sunny morning as rainbow is given orders for the daily weather change. A confident and proud smirk adorns her muzzle. Content with her orders she cheerfully blasts off into the atmostphere to join her fellow pegasi in pulling the clouds in for a storm. " This is going to take a while."

      "The storm clouds are almost in place, within a mere few minutes its going to start." Rainbow flies high into the sky to inspect the work of the other pegasi. Noticing a small spot bare off into the distance she races to pull in a few clouds to cover the hole. The clear out warning was given as Rainbow was trying to fix anothers blunder, although she was just out of earshot.

      The storm starts to rage just as Rainbow finishes covering the bare spot she had noticed. The winds have picked up quite rapidly now, blowing her off in all directions. Lightning strikes and the wind howls, rain soaker her down to the bone as she tries to fight her way back into ponyville and get to safety. The rain soaking her wings has made it harder to fly and menuever against the winds and avaoid the lightning. "PONYVILLE is in sight, just a little further, i can land on Twi's balcony" Twilight happens to look outside of her window, seeing Rainbow is struggling her way back in the storm, she runs into the her guest room to get help from Applejack and Fluttershy. They run upstairs onto the balcony. Fluttershy is too afraid to fly into the storm, but Applejack and Twilight help her on, Aj ties a rope around Flutterhy's girthpath and then to the balcony. Fluttershy reluctantly takes off into the sotrm with AJ and Twi supporting the rope. Fluttershy is having tremendous amount of trouble flying until she sees that Rainbows wing is nicked by lightning. Fluttershy can see rainbow falling towards the ground, with all her will and muster she races towards rainbow as fast as her wings will carry her.

      third part, where the music lets up.
      Just in time mere feet from the ground she flies under rainbow, as the poor mare flops onto back. AJ and Twilight pull on the rope helping to guide Fluttershy back to the library balcony. Rainbow half conscience can see the soft yellow rain drenched coat and pink mane of her savior pony as she passes out, just before landing on the balcony.

      Does that not fit the musics tone or WHAT? :3

    21. #1 AMAZING!

      #2 Made me plug in my Sennheisers just to hear its pure awesomeness!!!

    22. @Makkon

      Thank you. Its something i love to do . . . but never really show. Music has this odd effect on me, i tend to mentally paint pictures or draw them . . . in this case i had to write it down. I just wish i was better at drawing and writing LMAO. I really appreciate it. Thank you for such inspiration there.

    23. Oh... Em... Gee... 3:40ish in Rainbow Rhapsody was unbelievably epic. Great job. Now to listen to Giggle :)

    24. I'm left all-a-shiver after listening to both of these - hands down some of the best remixes I've heard so far. Bar of course, the Lunar Republic perhaps, but certainly on par with it!

    25. I haven't gotten around to listening to too much of the music fans have made, but I LOVE both of these. Both artists did a great job on them!
