• Music: Pinkie's Lie // No Fear - a strings remix // Flutterrage

    This first song

    It makes me so happy.

    Hopefully the dubstep thing below makes you dubstep people happy too.  

    1.) Pinkie's Lie (MLP FiM Remix)
    2.) No Fear - a strings remix
    3.) Flutterrage


    1. Pinkie Pie would love Dubstep

    2. the first one was fine...the others was great!

    3. I dig the first video so much.

    4. The first one isn't Dubstep......It's 100 times better
      That's like better than, Quality Dance Club music.

    5. A little to dark for my tastes i'm afraid =/.

    6. Industrial for the third one, nice.

      Two was great too.

    7. i liked a lot first, loved third and "wtfawesome" at third

    8. How much ponystep, ponycore and ponyhouse is there now? I've lost track. 0.o

      And for that matter, how many times have Pinkie Pie's Giggle at the Ghostie song been sampled now?

      I approve of all 3 songs. More ponytronical music for my collection.

    9. The first song is genius. Clever use of sampling vocals from Winter Wrap Up and Giggle At The Ghosty to create almost entirely new lyrics.

      The pitch shifting also has been wonderfully, giving the lyrics a more natural flow that matches the nature of the song.

      This, fillies and gentlecolts, is how you make music.

    10. Needs more wub.

    11. All good representations of ponytronics.

      From a technical standpoint, the completely re-tuned and re-timed vocals on that first track are godlike...really truly good.

    12. Downloaded them all. This was really good =)

    13. I loved all of these. As mentioned, the pitch shifting did wonders for the first one, and the third one was just sick as hell (though it could have maybe used more variation).

      I wonder if I'll hear ponystep in a club (or on the radio) one day

    14. I really liked the first one. Is it based off a song, or is it original?

    15. Well, I loved the first one. The second one I really didn't like, just my taste. And I do love dubstep, but that third one... err. It wasn't right.

    16. SHEIZE!shit just got real!
      I fucking dog all the vids! Epic post is epic!
      1st one was fucking mindblowing, it motherfucking joined IMS tier to make WIMS tier!
      2nd one was refreshing, great, dark, love it. I call it twilight tier.
      3rd one blew my ears off! fucking dubstep!

    17. someone needs to redo the third one with actual clips from that episode. i wish i had editing skill. and i really liked it.

    18. I thought the dubstep was pretty boring.

    19. For some reason, the second video is reminding me of Donkey Kong 64 music, and that's a good thing.

    20. I want the first and third ones.... Just need to know where to download them...

    21. Pinkie's Lie was cool

    22. Pinkie's Lie coming to a club near you.

      I'd stereotypically fist pump to this.

    23. I definitely enjoyed the Fluterrage Dubstep the most. I've had it on repeat longer than Equestria Girls :P

    24. where exactly did Pinkie's Lie base off?
