• Music Game Stuff!

    I will use this Pinkie Pie!

    1.) Rock Band 3 custom song (That was fast!)
    2.) Cutie Mark Montage - Rock Band 3 custom song
    3.) Art of the Dress (Euro Fashion Mix) ITG2

    30 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. Rainbowfinchbird27. mai 2011, kell 19:35


    3. >Rock Band custom song

      Yes please.

      >Rock Band 3 custom song


    4. Oh lord.
      Oh me oh my, I wish this was available for download.

    5. Playing Equestria Girls nonstop for hours.

      See Rockband songs.
      No, I can't stop listening to Equestria Girls.
      But then one of the Rockband songs was Equestria Girls.

      And there was harmony in the land.

    6. The Rock Band songs are nifty and all, but personally I'm wondering this: where in the heck are the Stepmania versions of the MLP official/fan music?

      I only ever saw one awhile back, that I stumbled over.

      Well, that aside, this is kinda cool.

    7. I miss having consistent access to a DDR/ITG machine...

    8. i love these RB3 videos, even though guitar hero is better but still :)

    9. Too bad you can't actually share those custom songs...but then no one would ever buy DLC if you could do that...

    10. @purpletrauma: I know there are a few stepfiles out there designed for keyboard. Examples:

      For my part, I'm working on stuff for pad, but I'm away from my pads so the going's a bit slow. Preview, though:

    11. Oh, look.
      They have Applejack on drums.
      Pinkie Pie on mic somehow singing without opening her mouth once.
      Scratch on keyboard.
      And their profile is Scootaloo.
      While there playing a song they made(?).
      I reeeeaaaally want to rob them.
      But that's TERRIBLE.

    12. @Storm

      Thanks for that. I guess I'll keep an eye on your Youtube account for a new one.. though really, I wish there were enough of these to warrant a collection somewhere.

      Maybe I should figure out how to make these files with my copious free time.

    13. @Brett Turner:

      Please tell me you're kidding.

      You haven't heard of Rock Band 3's new features, have you?

    14. OH SNAP.

      The band members--they're humanized ponies!
      First one: Pinkie on vocals, AJ on drums, Rarity on keyboard.
      Second one . . . OK, I'm actually not sure, mostly because those logically might be the CMC members.

      Still, that's pretty awesome and I think I might have to do that myself.

    15. Oh, wait, you're right, that's probably Scratch on keyboard. Still. AWESOME.

    16. @purpletrauma: well, my intent is to do a bunch (next up: Giggle at the Ghostie [ParaParaSprite Mix]), but yeah, it's a copious free time project for me as well.

      I'll see what I can do about getting something worth downloading put together, though.

    17. Here, have some pad simfiles that I did.
      There's also an off sync file of winter wrapup I found, that's not mine though. (google it)

    18. Also after exams I'll be working on more. IE in a few weeks. Those two I did do were more for personal use, as I say, but have em if you want em.

    19. ... did I mention that this is the greatest summer ever?

    20. Yay! Finally some ITG-brony played Renard's "Art of the Dress" chart on ITG!

      Again, very fun chart for a 9-footer~ (Though for me i'll get exhausted at near-end...)

      The Rock Band vids looked awesome as well~

    21. Besides Winning the Game, I'm just Amazed they Managed to get that Song on the Machine. :o

    22. My wife works for a group that does Rock Band Network songs...I've been pestering her to ask about the possibility of getting "Luna" into Rock Band via the RBN.

    23. @Luna: it's an ITG2 machine, which can be set to allow loading custom songs from a USB stick. See http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/Custom_Songs_with_In_The_Groove_2_Arcade

    24. For anypony who is interested, I made a thread in the Rock Band forums about the custom songs. Maybe if we get enough support, we can see these songs in Rock Band for reals!


      Then again, maybe not; but hey, a brony can dream right?

    25. I'm not gonna lie, that is Really Cool! Agreed, wish it was downloadable, so I hope Rock Band can approve. C:
