• Music: Bronies Everywhere // Cupcakes the Musical...

    Up above, we have bronies everywhere! And below... Something that probably shouldn't exist but does. It is in fact, Cupcakes the Musical Listen at your own peril.

    59 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. I agree. Cupcakes wasnt even that good of a story IMO. I got no chills or nothin'.
      I wish the hype of it would go away...

    3. Wow, that first was pretty good. That second one gave me goose bumps.

    4. Bronies Everywhere - epic! Except the fact that the voice should have been louder.

    5. Stop hating on Cupcakes. And by that i mean on the author. Cupcakes is some scary manure, and some people are into that, and you haters are the same as people calling us bronies by the name "ponyfag." Toleration, love, and support, guys! Come on!

    6. I'm glad you agree that the second is scary. I was the one who wrote the Lyrics. A friend of mine, SBoyX made it into a song! I'm glad.

    7. Cupcakes the Musical?

      ...allow me to demonstrate my proper reaction to its existence.

      *adjusts shirt collar and clears throat*


    8. @Anonymous

      I dont think loving, and tolerating applys to the torture and murder of rainbow dash.

    9. I hate to sound like a parasprite here but the second one sounded more like "Cupcakes the Monologue" rather than "Cupcakes the Musical"; granted, I have very little room to argue that point considering I wrote "The Truth About Pinkie Pie" which is mostly just a monologue too but I would really have something so bad that it just meant that I expected some more singing.

      Now, if you take something like Cupcakes and got two ladies signing the part, I think you would be funny.

    10. Rainbow Dash is a fictional character. Person who wrote "Cupcakes" isn't. Therefore I'd rate hating him/her as worse than fictional torture and murder of a fictional character. So - don't hate.

      I still love Rainbow Dash a lot.

    11. Liked the first one - it was upbeat and actually kind of catchy.

      Second one - seemed like an interesting concept (and I have read Cupcakes, so I know what it's alluding to) but I couldn't make out the lyrics, so all I got was the creepy music and images.

    12. Here are the Lyrics:

      Well here we are again!
      It's always such a pleasure.
      Are you wondering why you're in a vice?

      Oh how we laughed and laughed!
      Except, you're not laughing.

      What's the matter my best friend? Am I not being nice?

      I need you for harvesting!
      That's what I'm planning on.
      Sorry your number came up!
      But Oh, I'll feel sad when you're gone!

      She was a lot like you,
      maybe not quite as heavy.

      See little Sweetie Belle is in here too.
      I just went and sowed her up!
      So now she'll last forever!

      It's such a shame the same will never happen to you!

      I hope you will forgive me!
      That's what I'm planning on.
      It's time to say good bye!
      Oh, I'll feel sad when you're gone!

      Good bye my best friend!
      Well duh, of course I mean you!
      That would be funny,
      if it weren't so sad.

      I know you can't be replaced.
      But it's too late for that now.
      When I go eat you maybe
      I'll start feeling real glad.

      You'll be baked into cupcakes!
      That's what I'm planning on.
      I want you inside of me!
      Oh, I'll feel sad when you're gone!
      Oh, I'll feel sad when you're gone!
      Oh, We will soon be as one!

    13. @Batty Gloom

      You may need to listen closely to catch the lyrics. Also its kinda hard to try and get a text-to-speech voice to sing. The music helps it though.

    14. Second one makes me so happy.

      I dont know why, its incredibly well done.

    15. Cupcakes has got to be the most overrated thing to ever come out of this fandom.

    16. The first one could use a little mastering. The voice was a little too soft, but it did sound catchy.

      Not even gonna touch the second one.

    17. *hasn't read Cupcakes, hasn't yet watched the musical*
      *reads lyrics*
      Soooo... it's a Want You Gone parody?

    18. @Anonymous
      Nopony expects you to love and tolerate the torture and murder of Rainbow Dash. All that anon was asking for is stop hating on the author, as he is a real person. Besides the fandom originated on 4chan and 4chan is a weird place. It's normal to see some fucked up shit. Just ignore what you don't like.

    19. @Anonymous

      Thats what the songwriter set the lyrics to. So I guess you could call it that.

    20. What's Cupcakes about, anyway? I don't really want to read it or watch the video, but I am curious. (let me guess....she kills them and turns them into cupcakes?)

    21. Cupcakes was the first fanfic I ever read. I don't think it deserves the hate it gets sometimes. It has solid pacing and its attention to detail is something to be admired.

    22. I liked the first one. It was pretty good.

      The second one was just bad.

    23. @Anonymous

      Never heard the fic itself but I have learned of its infamy and I can see why theres some hate. Honestly, I hear stories being repulsed by this, even throwing up.

      On the other hand, the person wanted to make a horror story with MLP so its hardly something to hate, you knew what you were getting to when you planned to read it.

    24. As stated before, not all people hated the Cupcakes fic. Personally, I thought it was alright. Definitely not the worst thing here on the internet. As for the Cupcakes musical, the only reason I liked it was because I like the Portal 2 credit song.


    25. @Anon:

      Cupcakes is about Pinkie Pie chaining Rainbow Dash up in her basement and slowly disembowling/hacking her to pieces for cupcake ingredients. While going into very, very loving detail on all the gore.

      Oh yeah, and Pinkie Pie uses chemicals to keep Rainbow Dash alive through the whole thing.

    26. 1st vid makes an excellent antidote for the 2nd video

      Vid 1 is complete win

    27. That first song is actually pretty catchy. o_O

    28. > Bronies Everywhere
      Make that voice louder, and that song will be 20% more kickin'! Grats on the brony who sang and the brony who wrote the lyrics.

      > Cupcakes the Musical
      I was excited, but then it was monotone and out of key. :(
      If someone actually sang it, that would be more wicked.

    29. KitsuneCentral
      (The writer of Cupcakes the Musical)

      I'll upload a version where I sing it. But I need practice using Audacity first.

    30. Honestly, am I the only one who found Cupcakes more amusing than disturbing. I mean, upon first read, I'll admit it was mildly unsettling. Maybe slightly more than mildly just because I was unable to finish reading it in one go; had to take breaks between paragraphs. But really, guys? It's just a story. It's not hurting anyone. Why so serious? Just take it as a joke.

    31. @Matthew-147

      I edited Cupcakes. Can I die in a fire too?

    32. Cupcakes the musical was kinda funny but got boring after a minute. Kinda like the actual story, lol.

      Seriously, it was just an adolescent attempt at throwing as much gore into a story as possible with out regard for good story telling.

    33. All the feel-good from that first song were kind of erased by all the brown that's currently occupying my pants after that second one.

    34. The same could be said for the Saw movies. Which I agree. There's a difference between getting into that deep rooted fear of a good horror story/movie, and just trying to gross people out with gore.

    35. @Travis

      Agreed completely, When i read cupcakes(Because i had to know why there was so much controversy over it) i wasn't scared for a scared for a second. IT WAS JUST ONE DISTURBING GORY THING AFTER ANOTHER!!! As for the tolerance thing, i believe that you don't have to tolerate the action just the person.

    36. @Edinpony

      I apologize for the die in a fire thing btw. I was speaking without thinking about it first. After thinking about it a don`t hate the person who wrote it just the thought that writing it was a good idea.

    37. Bronies Everywhere - love it :P
      Catchy as many have mentioned above AND it has the same thing in it that made me like that Fluttershy song (the one working with Owl City Fireflies song).
      It has the genuie fan spirit in it :) Good work :)

      Cupcakes - just no. Me being the very visual type it took me weeks to get that damn story out of my head so I can look at Pinkie and Rainbowdash again without having limbs and intestines flashing into my mind.
      Anyways...listened to it halfways, I wasn't expecting the GLaD voice, and tbh, I don't think it goes well with the entire thing. But I could be biased.

    38. @Matthew-147
      I would like to note this is one of the many reasons why I love this fandom. People are actually not afraid to apologize!!!

      I could count on one hand how many times have I seen someone doing that on the internet in the past 5 years.

      Love you bronies ^-^

    39. Thinking of it, I could see "Cupcakes: The Musical" as an Equestrian equivalent to "Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street".

    40. @Brian

      My stomach flipped just reading that bit. o.o (and I was half right! lol off topic)

    41. Bronies Everywhere isn't my style, but I can dig the effort put forth. Good on y'all.

      No disrespect, #2, but I abstain. I am so indescribably weary of all things related to "Cupcakes". Story's fine for what it is; I'm tired of the pervasive discussions about the damn thing. Carry on.

    42. Man, those were awesome. Definitely adding them to my favorites!

    43. I saw the lyrics to the second one before I watched the video, and I instantly thought, "Portal".

      And then, what do you know!

    44. @Matthew-147

      That's not very brony-like attitude, friend.

    45. Love and tolerance for the author, but the actual story of Cupcakes needs to die in a fire. It's just gorn, and it's poorly written at that. It is wholly undeserving of the level of attention that it gets.

    46. I think that people are missing the point a tad. Don't look at it as a horror story, look at it as something that is trying so hard to be creepy and GRIMDAAAAARRRRKKKK!!!! that it circles around into self parody (Yanno, like 40K?)

    47. I really like the Cupcakes musical, but it would be better except the music is sometimes louder than the lyrics and so it's hard to hear.

      Could go with more actual singing, but the lyrics are well done.

    48. @Matthew-147
      No hard feelings. I can completely understand people disliking cupcakes, and since I mostly hang around on /b/ I'm no stranger to people vehemently expressing their dislikes; I don't let it bother me. Thanks for the apology!

    49. @Anonymous

      No. This is a person who wrote a story about a beloved character torturing and killing another another beloved character. They shared it with the sole intent of upsetting fans. Now it has permanently tainted the image of a character. A part of this show's innocence died that day.

      Why are we perpetuating this? It only serves to remind people about the story, and encourage more people to have their love of the show damaged. And for what, a joke that makes more eyes roll than a Portal joke? I come here for pony news, not to be reminded of a story that made me legitimately depressed for the first time in over a year.


    51. Pinky Pie is composed of two Pinky Pies. The Pinky Pie that is observed, and the Pinky Pie that observes the Pinky Pie. To expound, there is the Pinky Pie in my mind, the Pinky Pie in your mind, and the Pinky Pie in the mind of the creators.

      The belief that one corrupted Pinky Pie can corrupt all Pinkys is incorrect. The Pinky that is observed can only be changed by the Pinky that observers the Pinky.

    52. The musical kind of sucks. Sorry. The lyrics are fine, but the execution was poor.

    53. I doubt many people will ever read my post, but there's a MUCH better version of the Cupcakes song out. /watch?v=F06Nbw06qyg

    54. http://rexcocorps.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3g9z1c

    55. Aragrist Larr Kahn8. august 2011, kell 02:41

      I like the version sung by SailorDigiMoon. Her voice kinda sorta sounded like Pinkie Pie which made it so much better. I also like the Ballad of Pinkie Pie.

    56. That first song at the top is horrible. In fact I don't think guys should be singing any songs about MLP FIM. Leave that to the girls unless you plan on doing a manly song about something in MLP. Or maybe a love song directed at a certain pony but no pop trash. I like the darker cupcakes musical songs and the ballad of pinkie pie a lot more but both need to be redone in a studio or something. Plus there needs to be an original animation made up for it. I'd also love to see a manga series based on MLP FIM in both the happy and dark versions.

    57. That first song at the top is horrible. In fact I don't think guys should be singing any songs about MLP FIM. Leave that to the girls unless you plan on doing a manly song about something in MLP. Or maybe a love song directed at a certain pony but no pop trash. I like the darker cupcakes musical songs and the ballad of pinkie pie a lot more but both need to be redone in a studio or something. Plus there needs to be an original animation made up for it. I'd also love to see a manga series based on MLP FIM in both the happy and dark versions.

    58. @Anonymous i concur but i see where people are coming from. i think it is a great story, shocking as a lightning bolt, but good. i think the creator should create a sequel that includes celestia in some way. like she is involved in the plot

    59. Was severely tempted to stick Cupcakes the Musical on my synchtube room but decided against it. Probably for the better.
