Awesome copypaste below the break.
"Equestria Heavy Industries Presents:
*Miss Sparkle Dishwasher Tablets*
"Earth ponies, are you tired of shattering your glassware with hooves ill-suited for dextrous tasks like washing dishes? Scrubbing off food stains with your mouth can be a pain, not to mention highly unhygienic! Without the aid of unicorn magic or Rainbow Dash's patented 'Rainblow Dry' system, washing and drying dishes can be a difficult, if not downright impossible task for the average earth pony!
"Well, fret no more, sugarcube! Equestria Heavy Industries proudly presents 'Miss Sparkle Dishwasher Tablets!' Just place one of these tablets in your sink and let magic take care of your mess! Miss Sparkle Dishwasher Tablets use state-of-the-art magical unicorn horn derived cleaning ingredients* to get even the toughest jewel-encrusted dragon cutlery sparkling clean in just ONE wash! Use Miss Sparkle Dishwasher Tablets and never worry about chipping another dish again!
"Miss Sparkle Tablets are imported direct from 'Luna Laboratories'--a Japonyese chemical manufacturing subsidiary of Equestria Heavy Industries. Miss Sparkle Tablets are 'Celestia Approved' for use in all Equestrian households. Warning: contents are highly carcinogenic. Do not ingest, inhale, or come into physical contact with Miss Sparkle Dishwasher Tablets. Keep out of reach of fillies.
*'Magically cleaning' active ingredient: Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, also known as 'soap'.
**Fresh almond scent is hydrogen cyanide. If you smell almonds, seek professional medical help immediately."
Hopefully somepony will recognize the source where I got the inspiration to make this ridiculous box."
36 kommentaari:
Mr. Sparkle!!!! is wait i can't speak Japanese
VastaKustutaseriously I thought I was gonna fall out of my chair when I saw this, then I read the ad. Then many lawlz were had.
This is perfect XD
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaIs this based off that one Simpsons episode? That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this.
VastaKustutaThe Simpsons...
VastaKustutaI love the text with this, I even caught myself giggling.
VastaKustutafor anypony that doesn't get the reference.
mmm... almonds
VastaKustutaWhat a brave pony logo!
VastaKustutaCan we have a Twilight Sparkles - Edward Cullen thingaling now?
VastaKustutadomo arigato twilight sparkle!
VastaKustutaQuestion what two companies did that put together to get Twilight Sparkles face on that box? Homer Simpson was a fish and a lightbulb.
VastaKustutaMy guess is Twilight Sparkles face was made incidentally by a surfboard and cookie company.
My work gets a post on Equestria Daily?
VastaKustutaI AM A HAPPY PONY.
[What's been going on Fluttershy?]
VastaKustutaFor those who can't read Japanese, the title just says "Missu Supaakoru (Miss Sparkle)," and she's saying "Poonii Kuriin (Pony clean)"
VastaKustutaFirst the pony cereals and now this!?!!
VastaKustutaGAFAahahaahahah WTH that this made my day! ANd it was another boring one at that. THANK YOU!
VastaKustutaShe will banish dirt to the land of wind and ghosts! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M SERIOUS?
VastaKustutaOh god, the picture itself made me laugh so hard! Then I read the ad...
VastaKustutaFirst, funny stuff.
VastaKustutaSecond, forensic scientist here, can't leave well enough alone. Cyanide smells like *bitter* almonds. The things in your trail mix are sweet almonds. Most people (US at least) don't know what bitter almonds actually smell like because you can't get them unrefined. (Because they have cyanide, duh.)
If only she had large, anime ey-
VastaKustutaOh wait...
Wow it sounds like it is designed to kill earth ponies
VastaKustutacant touch or ingest? how will the ponies even move it from box to sink?
I wouldn't get the reference if I hadn't watched the director commentary for Serenity and gone all "wtf" when Joss Whedon started talking about Mr. Sparkle.
VastaKustutaI could use this- *Read Warning Label* Neh, worth a shot! :D
VastaKustutaGet out of my way, all of you. This is no place for loafers. Join me or die. Can you do any less?
VastaKustuta(Read in Twilight Sparkle voice.)
VastaKustutaJust a warning... your final Katakana on "clean" is reading more as a ソ (so) instead of an ン (nn). The dot's throwin' me off.
@Geldon Yetichskyすべてのあなたの、私の方から入手してください。これは、靴のための場所です。私に参加するか、死ぬには、任意の少ないを行うことができますか?
VastaKustutaanother chemistry-inclined brony
VastaKustuta@Geldon Yetichsky
VastaKustuta*Cows die in a million pieces*
XD I literally ROFL'd when I saw this. Back when the simpsons was actually funny...
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
VastaKustutaTwirei Spariku!!!
VastaKustutaSuper Happy Fun Fun~
VastaKustutaTwilight: Cant take the pill of friendship?
VastaKustuta... Well good it comes in a supostory
Wonderful. Simply wonderful. A new kind of Ryan Industries. Now, onto Fluttershy Futuristics!
VastaKustutaWonderful. Simply wonderful. A new kind of Ryan Industries. Now, onto Fluttershy Futuristics!