Well, I did say I wanted a pony MMO.
Saltyjustice has sent in a playable demonstration script for another upcoming pony MMO project. It is significantly smaller than the 3D one I just posted!
You can get the details in the thread here, though you need to register. If you just want to jump in and play, you can grab the game here, or without sound here.
There's a video of it in action after the page break, as well.
ReplyDeleteAnypony else notice how much Lyra's mane looks like wings when she's falling?
ReplyDeleteI like how productive & creative this comunity is, but i especially like when games are made, becouse its my fauvorite medium.
I hope its (or will be) a full-blown game!
... We should have Pony Megamam
ReplyDeleteIt's... Nice.
ReplyDelete@Display Name
ReplyDeleteDude, I need your e-mail so we can coordinate on the project!
Oh my gosh that is so frikin amazing
ReplyDeleteso want, now!
@Major Rains:
ReplyDeleteI figured Fluttershy had given it to you or something, it's [email protected].
Lyra Aran: Pony Bounty Hunter of the Equestrian Federation.
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks man! I'll add you to the editors list right now.
ReplyDeleteAlright, you're on the list now, just check your GDocs homepage and it should show up.
ReplyDelete@Display Name
ReplyDeleteI did, I forwarded the last mail you sent me over to him.
@Major Rains:
ReplyDeleteJust got messages about the Docs in the Gmail. Any specific way the storyboard should be arranged?
I just want pony megaman
ReplyDeleteHow difficult would it to be to edit a snes file to replace megaman with lyra?
Or trixie...
There's a lot of talk about MMOs. Are people actually planning on maintaining huge servers for these games to serve hundreds, if not thousands, of players playing at once? It will cost a lot to maintain such servers and to make money from the game to pay for them they will require copyrights from Hasbro.
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of these projects will go that far and they will probably end as free single player games and perhaps have some multi player functionality, but I doubt they will go MMO.
I would call this game Megamane.
ReplyDeleteAlso: Lyra is bad-flank in this game!
ReplyDeleteWhile everything you have said is a possibility I would like to mention the large number of emulated MMO servers such as Project1999 for Everquest as an example. Despite a large number of players they still manage to survive with little harassment from Sony.
Anyhow, we won't know how things play out till these games are complete so lets give them all the support we can.
ReplyDeleteohmygoshohmygoshOHMYGOSH OH MY GOSH! MEGAMAN X AND PONIES?! I love you more then ever, brony community.
ReplyDeleteProject1999 is free to play. How do they maintain the servers that handle hundreds of players? Someone must pay for the bandwidth.
I'm all for a MLP MMO, but a small group of people creating an MMO based on something they do not hold the copyrights for is nothing I've heard of before.
When this releases, pleeeeaaaase tell me it's going to be for mac also. :(
ReplyDeleteThis is nice, but is this just to demonstrate sprites and control, or is this how the game is going to play?
ReplyDeleteI'm happy either way, for whatever that's worth. This looks good, and controls pretty smoothly. It's going to take some time getting used to spacebar being the jump button.
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for the comment, im more or less the the guy helping out and overseeing the art side on this game and your worries are extremely valid and things we have considered.
We are making this with an MMO in mind, the core team is not half assing this. We have sent a letter to Hasbro explaining our position in hopes they may reply. So far they have not replied and even if they dont, we will continue to work on this unless they send us a C&D directly.
I am not the guy in charge of the servers but rest assured we all know what we are doing. We arent just a bunch of friends getting together. We are sourced from all around the world and all have experience, or, like in my case, work and study in those fields that help us build the game.
This is a long term project, and playable alphas or maybe betas may take till season two of the show to get of the ground.
@ Taylor
ReplyDeleteThis is a demonstration of scripts and programming. It is a proof of concept or some other for the software and coding dept.
Such code will be going into areas like the combat of the MMO (which has been shown here before, look through the EQD archvives), and areas like specifics quests/minigames within the MMO itself.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply. It's nice to hear from you and see that you guys at least have considered the problems that might come up. Stating that one is going to make an MMO without having thought things through would be a very naive thing to do. :)
ReplyDeleteI want it to be like Megaman Zero since I S-rank dat shiz.
So many cool MLP games are currently being made. I'm etching to play some beta already. This game is just awesome.
ReplyDeleteThat's definitely NOT an MMO...
ReplyDeletePretty interesting, I do like how the hitbox for both characters seems pretty tight compared to the actual megaman games I remember playing. So many times I'd get a body collision when it obviously shouldn't have.
ReplyDeleteI was in charge of the in-air stuff, like movement while jumping, and the double jump!
ReplyDeleteIt was really cool and stuff but I gotta ask, where's the "MMO" part of it? I don't quite see how could this be massively online...
ReplyDeletecool but it makes no sense no logic