• MLP RPG Templates for BESM

    One of those crazy RP Bronies from over on the Fillydelphia website has created a template for RPG pony characters using the "Big Eyes Small Mouth" 3rd Edition template. 

    If you guys are interested in some pen and paper pony RPG, this is probably the best resource you can find for it!  The google doc (Found below) also includes a rule book download and a few other neat additions. 

    MLP RPG Templates for BESM

    15 kommentaari:

    1. "Big Eyes Small Mouth"? Yes of course that's the perfect system for ponies.

    2. BESM? Ponies? Two of one of my favorite things combined in a neat little package? I'LL TAKE IT

    3. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerds.

    4. Stuff that requires work? Yeah, like I would do that.

    5. Oh, god, check out fluttershy's character sheet. Take a good look at the skills, near the bottom.

    6. Totally read that as BDSM.

    7. @ Anonymous:

      You may also want to take a look over at Pinkie Pie too~ I tried to incorporate aspect of both the fanon and canon into the characters

    8. Holy shit! I used to play BESM!

    9. Big Eyes Small Mouth the (now mostly defucnt) Anime Role Playing Game.

      I prefer second edition myself, but I do have the Big Red Book (3rd)

    10. I had a friend who tried getting me into this years ago, going so far as to make a race just for me. Honestly, the kitsune race was over-kill. She had me at androids and cyborgs. She moved out of state without ever inviting me to any of their rp games.

      Then, a few less years ago, an rp group started at school for D&D. It went for about four sessions, then stopped after one of the guys kept making a big deal out of picking specifically on me and my wolf, both in and outside of the game.

    11. @Luna

      Oh, Luna... I'm sorry to hear that your experiences with pen and paper gaming haven't gone well so far. As I'm sure you noticed, the people you play with will affect your game more than any other element--it is a social game, after all!

      I've been rather fortunate to have had a roommate who loved to run the sessions and was good at selecting players who wanted to have a good time (and not pick on other players in the process). I know that this isn't always the case, however. Another good friend of mine who is rather endearing in RL is quite a dick in RPGs. I will admit though, he has always found rather interesting ways to kill 3/4 to all of the party single-handedly...

      I realize that not all bronies will have a group of friends in which they can game with--let alone with ponies! However, there is Fillydelphia (www.fillydelphia.com) if you want to try your hand at role-playing with a group of bronies.

      They appear to have a more social role-playing scene going on there, and they seem to really only use the combat system of BESM in one chatroom (As I said before, I should get more involved with Fillydelphia, but professional school is a cruel mistress). The act of making a character sheet for fillydelphia may have more merit in designing and flushing out a character's skills, attributes, personality, and history more than making them combat-ready.

      In sum, if you're interested in giving gaming another shot, I'd try fillydelphia. Being bronies, I'd imagine friendship (and not heckling players) is still a virtue over there.

    12. This system was at the top of my list of suggestions for Pony TTRPGs. I'm glad somepony something together for it.

    13. I want to made a quick suggestion here - There needs to be a Spike Template.
