• League of Legends Pony Compilation

    For those of you who weren't around about a month ago, a contest was held on the League of Legends forums that had artists convert champions from the game into ponies. 

    Someone has compiled all of them into one, easy to use gallery!  Enjoy!

    League of Legends Pony Compilation

    10 kommentaari:

    1. Brilliant! I wonder how many people watch MLP and play LoL. Its not a small number to be sure.

    2. Pity LOL doesn't have a guild function.
      I'm sure we would have a really big one, composed of Bronies.

    3. I downloaded all the contest entries back then. For historical purpose, even the ones I didn't like so much.

      Judgind by what I saw at the LoL forums, there are many. I haven't met anyone in LoL who likes ponies, though I know a lot of bronies from the various "chans" who play LoL.

    4. My favorite is the one with rainbows shooting out his butt.

    5. This compilation suffers from a severe lack of Zilean...

    6. Heart @ Urgot pony

    7. This gallery is tiny compared to all the entries from the forum. Give it time. Hopefully the curator will upload the rest.

    8. Ponies actually got me into LoL. All the people on yari's synchtube channel finally got me to give it a shot.

    9. Can't they do that to HoN too? :(

    10. i would join a bronies guild in LoL
