• Know Your Meme - A Visual Analysis of the Pony Apocalypse.

    The team over at Know Your Meme has put together the chart above to demonstrate their theory on how we all ended up becoming pony obsessed fiends. 

    It does appear to be pretty accurate!

    Have Rainbows and friendship been locked away deep within our minds for years now?  Only released when the "time is right" and everyone else is doing it?

    Truly this is a perplexing conundrum.

    Maybe Friendship is Magic really was the final nail in the coffin.

    Anyway, back to reading about multi-color equines handling multi-dimentional devices for the betterment of ponies everywhere (This story is awesome btw).

    31 kommentaari:

    1. "Graphs don't lie"

      Especially ones that include rainbows

    2. If there is a appocalypse, our last sights will be Princess Trollestia...
      (She planned the appocalypse!)

    3. What's hilarious is I just got done reading part two of the Portal crossover when I read this lol

    4. Nah, because I didn't really know or care about any of the things listed here. I never even played Robot Unicorn Attack because I just didn't care. Charlie the Unicorn I barely know anything about and I never got into Happy Tree Friends.

      I was already peace-loving and loving in general before this popped up.

    5. Yeah, I finished BLTSaP earlier. Though it wasn't the best story I've read, and the myriad grammatical errors and typos in it were a tad jarring, it was enjoyable!

    6. I honestly expected a giant freaking heart that covers half the page as I scrolled down for MLP: FiM. XD... Sadly they didn't even list it. =( Probably for the better though.

    7. Wow, this graph is nice. And I see they went into a lot of detail, I thought I was the only one who remembered rainbow stalin from ytmnd.

      Buuuuuut.....mlp:fim is not a meme, to me at least. In 2010 I stopped browsing/ b/ and started browsing/ co/ because I was tired of seeing the same oldfag/newfag, raff/ruse, post ending in, us/eu, christian/atheist, cut/uncut and random female adoration threads all day every day. I was sick of memes forever, so I went to a board that had what interested me before/ b/, comics and cartoons. It just happened that mlp started there. It was a cartoon, and I liked it.

      If it is a meme now, ok, but im interested in mlp because its a cartoon and I like cartoons more than internet memes. Cartoons don't go stale.

    8. @Anonymous at 11:45 PM
      Well, the entire chart is written on Rainbow Dash's tail...

    9. Im pretty sure this show has surpassed memedom.

    10. So, if trends continue, we're going to end up smack dab on Rainbow Dash's...

    11. Yeah, guys, we don't like it for the humor, characterization, or interesting plots, we only like it because THE MAN has been conditioning us to like pink and rainbows.

    12. @Anonymous at 12:00 AM

      Agreed. This shows just has a gigantic fandom but that doesn't make it a meme to me.

      Hell Avatar: The Last Airbender probably had a larger fanbase and people don't call that a meme.

    13. @Anonymous
      But perhaps we were more open to it? I mean, Robot Unicorn Attack was badass, right? So... ponies is slightly less badass, but still awesome. Etc. etc.

    14. Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Graph.
      I'm familiar with a few of these, at least. Though, what is "invisible pink unicorn?" Certainly before my time, but I've seen it mentioned a few times before...

    15. @Anonymous at 12:00 AM

      I agree with this. FiM just has a very large fandom. People don't like it "ironically" so its not really a meme.

      I mean Avatar: The Laster Airbender has a large fandom but I wouldn't call that a meme.

    16. @Anonymous

      You didn't notice the giant Rainbow Dash butt?

    17. There are no ponies on here, just unicorns and rainbows...
      And even if MLP: FiM isn't a meme, it's pretty damn significant.

    18. People like My little pony all of the sudden because it was a franchise that's gone from bad to good. It's like what's said in the bible (somewhere in one of the gospels), there will be more celebration over one repentant sinner than a hundred sinless saints.

      So here we have a show that had a wrap for being shallow and overly cutesy (well it still is). Then someone comes in and gives the franchise an extreme makeover. Because we already knew about MLP's existence, we had to see what happened in order to believe that the show has gone from bad to good. Then instant fandom occurs.

      Hook, line and stinker (and I enjoy being hooked on ponies now).

    19. @Anonymous

      You didn't see Rainbow Dash's butt?

    20. No Powerpuff Girls on that chart?! What.

      That show is THE thing that taught me that watching a show with pink hearts and flowers won't automatically make you gay. I'm not even sure that anything else COULD teach that lesson.

    21. ^^^ cue love love love song from powerpuff

    22. Fuck KYM
      1 stared and reported to the police.

    23. When I first saw the ponies on a wallpaper site, i thought "This looks cool!" so I looked into it and found out that it was My little pony, and put it on the shelf for 4 months because it was My little pony and obviously I couldn't watch it. BUT THEN! the cuteness overwhelmed me and I sat down and watched the first episode, I was hooked as soon as Twilight met Fluttershy. I freaking love this show and don't care who knows it.

    24. This chart does fail in the lack of Power Puff Girls. Also because of a certain...exported show...MLP might become Japanized as well some day.

    25. Nice chart. So far in my past time i've watched HTF (are there new characters and episodes already? ;O), seen the Charlie the Unicorn shorts, and then played Robot Unicorn Attack (I still want to joke of that Robot Unicorn's relation to Rabinbow Dash.)

      But the other rainbow-themed stuff I got into since childhood (i'm a girl) are the Care Bears. Crazy over for Cheer Bear (has a rainbow symbol, does that count?) when I was little. =w= Oh then again there's the Powerpuff Girls and uhh.. Anime.

    26. Well, does it really matter? Everyone was drawn to this show, are the reasons really important?
      Maybe they are, but not for the community as a whole

    27. hey guyz if you are from usa and u want fluttershy from blind bag dont worry i found one u can buy it here: http://cgi.ebay.com/My-Little-Pony-G4-FiM-Blind-Bag-Fluttershy-/220782627220?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3367ab8994#ht_500wt_1156

    28. FIM not a meme

    29. @Anonymous

      By itself, no.
      It has spawned plenty of memes however.

    30. I can't even read this.

    31. I wasn't on the fandom by the time this article came out but wanted to comment anyway... I remember having watched G1 MLP seldomly and growing up with the Care Bears... PPG and Dexter's Lab were of my favorite toons as I grew (still remember that episode with Action Hank against the Ponies over the decodifier ring issue XD)... and when I saw the hype over FiM, I was reluctant at first, but when I found out about Lauren Faust I said "why not?"... now I'm a brony and not afraid to admit it... on the internet issue, I only recognized Happy Tree Friends (loved it XD), so I guess I was already made to become a brony...
      and I have to agree with previous comments, this isn't just a meme, it's a full-fledged fandom with it's own memes and even if it takes over the net, I don't care... the net needs to be about 20% cooler anyway
