Tinker's throwin' a party! In New York!
From her email:
I have over 30 confirmed going to the inaugural NYC brony meet in fabulous Manehattan! There are going to be games, prizes, gifts, sweets and more! And after the pizza, everypony is invited to Tinker's Lab for ponification... I mean for VIDEO GAMING! On the infamous Rainbow Dash Arcade Stick, no less!Way to go, Cereal. Way to be on the opposite end of the country.
If you can make it, the festivities start at 8 PM at Lombardi's pizzeria in Little Italy!
Be there or be a square pony!
Texas brony here.....*sigh*
ReplyDeleteIf one of these ever happens closer to me...
ReplyDeleteDamn, me too...wait: TEXAS BRONY MEETUP!!! Problem solved.
Yeah, Cereal, god damn.
ReplyDeleteHave the courtesy of being where the party is at nest time, geez. [/silly]
I'm with you, anon.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you.
Massachusetts. So close, yet so far :|
ReplyDeleteNorthern Canada ;_;
ReplyDeleteDamn shame I can't join the fun D:
ReplyDeleteBut we will be there, in our hearts! XD
Someone buy me a plane ticket?
ReplyDeleteHow about getting one in the Virginia and/or D.C area huh? That'd be cool..
ReplyDelete~looks up airplane ticket prices~
ReplyDeleteUhhh... That's a lot.
~looks up spells to transform into a pegasus for a day~
Baltimore. Not that far, but with gas prices the way they are I'm not going to be able to pull that off.
ReplyDeleteTexas meetup sounds good . . but remember, Texas is like the second largest state in the union! WHERE it TX would we have the meetup? ;)
ReplyDelete@9:35 Anon
ReplyDelete~looks how much someone would buy a kidney for~
Hell, I'm in Jersey.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm 17, and can't drive. And I have two birthday parties to go to tomorrow.
New Orleans, anyone?
ReplyDeleteSame state different area =(
ReplyDeleteAnon 2 here: I'm in West Texas currently, but I'm headed off to Fort Worth in the fall. What about y'all?
I are confused... the Brony Meetup group says 5pm >.>
ReplyDeletenot 8
Also, I'll be there :3
ReplyDeleteDamn my inability to go places due to funds, age, association, scheduling, and other miscellaneous factors including but not limited to having to shower, do laundry, eat, do pony related activities, do pony related activities, do pony related activities, and eat again.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia brony here :-(
ReplyDeleteNeed one in NorCal, preferably the San Flancisco Bay Area.
@9:36 Anon
NorCal meetup time?
ReplyDeleteWill there be goodies like sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sun-beams and sarsaparilla?
ReplyDeleteUgh, I live just an hour outside of the city but I'm too busy to go tomorrow. I would have absolutely jumped on metro north and headed down there if I had the time.
ReplyDeleteProbably has something to do with the timezone. For example, ED says that I made this post 3 hours before I actually did because of my timezone.
California bronies UNITE! Preferably in the vicinity of southern California, if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteI can't make it (I'm a few hundred miles away)
ReplyDeleteSo you MUST post pics.
Also, any North Carolina bronies wanna do a meet up sometime?
Hmm. This makes me wonder how many bronies there are in Florida, or at least central-north-ish Florida.
ReplyDeleteThere should be a holiday for this, national brony get-together day.
According to Google Maps, if I start walking right now, and walk approximately 12 to 13 times the average walking speed of a human, I'll make it just in time! (I'll also get to ride a ferry at some point, I've always wanted to ride a ferry.)
ReplyDeleteSeconded. I've already marked March 20 on my calendar as Winter Wrap-Up.
Well I know what I'm NOT gonna be doing at that time. :P
ReplyDelete*lives in Indiana*
I'm in baltimore, taking a bus up, bus back, only 35 dollars. Gonna be awesome.
ReplyDeleteOther side of the country? try OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.
ReplyDeleteGood ol' aussie brumby here sitting in Cairns.
(Brumby means wild horse btw :P)
ReplyDeleteIm in DFW but Id meet as far south as Houston
Crap. I live in Richmond.
ReplyDeleteI'm an LI brony, but my parents are away on vacation and they left me housekeeper >.> Also, I've never been to a meet-up of any kind. I just find the idea of one uncomfortable seeing that you meet complete strangers you talked briefly to online IRL. Oh well, hope the rest of you NY bronies have fun :)
ReplyDelete+1 for Texas meetup.
ReplyDeleteWe need a San Fran party NOW!
ReplyDeleteI'm going ^.^ So excited! Also, it's 5pm not 8 :U
ReplyDeleteLI Brony here, I know where Lombardi's is as well since I've been there before. But alas, I don't have the money for a train ticket.
ReplyDeletesan fran... how about los angelos? so NoCal and SoCal can both come?
ReplyDeleteI TOLD YOU
South Texas Brony reporting in. :D
ReplyDeleteDamn you Ohio <.<
ReplyDeleteI'm face hoofing so hard, I was in newyork just two weeks ago. Here's to hoping there's a miami meet up at some point.
ReplyDelete...Fucking Chicago... WHY AM I STUCK HERE?!!
ReplyDeleteMan, New York is too damn close for me to miss this.
ReplyDeleteI hate not being able to drive.
Post those pictures I want to know what I missed!
Mabye a New Jersey meet up?
ReplyDeleteI be in Ohio! And I am always down for meet ups! Also possibly thinking about planning a mid-west Brony camping trip this summer.
Arizona anyone?
ReplyDeleteWhat just me?
I live in NJ . . . i dont know how to get there . . . . Im not a big city pony anywho . . . . Never did like them crowded streets and hustly bustly walkin areas and stores and bleh . . . If i knew how to get there ( and knew sooner to plan accordingly, yes i missed the initial announcement ) I woulda tried to come. My 26yr old merc diesel needs a good long drive too.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletecould you move the meet up to the other side of the world?
ReplyDeleteI must be the only brony in all of Las Vegas. foreveralone.jpg
ReplyDeleteWhat about being in the opposite side of the world! Try being a brony in Argentina :P
ReplyDeleteEeeeeeeerg, I wanna go, but there's stuff I must do and aaaaaaagh stuff. Im gonna be very close on Sunday though, at Waltz Astoria, 23-14 Ditmars Boulevard playing a show with my band at 6pm. I'm going to make a shout out to find any bronies in the audience in hope of randomly creating my own brony get together to make myself not feel bad for missing this one, but it usually doesn't happen, and I've only got one sort-of brony who hasn't joined the herd yet in my band. Life as a brony is lonely.
ReplyDeleteHell yes, a Jersey City meet up or maybe Hoboken.
ReplyDeleteNyeh... Why is there nothing in Ontario! It's just north of New York!
ReplyDeleteAll y' Texas bronies, I'm down nouthwest in the big bend area - Del Rio to be exact. Fort Worth miiiight be doable, but I'd have to bum a ride off of a friend, so who knows? :P
ReplyDelete*Southwest. I'm pretty sure 'nouthwest' isn't a real word.
ReplyDeleteWell haha, most of you are atleast on the same continent.
ReplyDeleteHello from northern europe. xD
I wish we could throw a party here, but I don't think there are too many bronies around here.
...If we have a Texas Meetup can you at least wait until I get back home in late August? I'm on vacation until then!
ReplyDeleteArizona Brony Here. So sad that there are no Bronys at Phoenix ComicCon
ReplyDeleteBrunei brony... notice the singular lol ^ ^ gah! have fun you guys anywho.
ReplyDeleteI'd be there.
Florida here. :(
ReplyDeletePlus the fact that everyone there is going to be at least 5 years older than me...Awkward.
Another Texas brony here
ReplyDeleteTotally need to get a meetup rollin'
In the Houston area and willing to go where the bronies go
I would have loved to go to this meetup, but my schedule is dumb. However, I'm definitely going to the June one!
ReplyDeleteCanadian Brony here. From what I can tell, we are spread across the whole damn country in small numbers.
ReplyDeleteTask one for Canadian bronies, Convert EVERYONE
Second task is meet-ups
Texas brony #something silly here, he votes for austin, as he doesn't have a driver's license.
ReplyDelete@Shining Sparks
ReplyDeleteI don't mind making the trip down to L.A for a day or two...
Looks like I'm the only one from Illinois so far.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, we musical bronies need to get together for Austin City Limits.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though- were I 21, I would suggest sixth street, Austin.
Well if I wasn't afraid of posion cupcakes I might be tricked into eating and the big 'ol city, I might attend. But since I am i'll just sit this one out until the next one, or atleast when the cupcake threat is no more.
ReplyDeleteCity shy, thats why I'm a Jersey brony. Nothin but sand and condos round here.
Too bad, it is so close.
ReplyDeleteI live in Mane, and sometimes that makes me a sad brony...
But, I have no way of getting there besides walking sooo I can't make it.
Also, I doubt the party/meetup/game session/jam session needs any young(read age) blood like mine.
Colorado pony here... *sigh* It's so far away... I hope those who go have fun nonetheless. Be well, everypony!
ReplyDeleteOh well.
Nobody seems to care about bronies in Horsetralia =[
ReplyDeletewait 8? I thought it was 5, anyways I will be there.
ReplyDeletecanadian brony here, on the wrong side of the entire continent. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteAt least you're not on the wrong side of the planet... :(
New Zealand :(
ReplyDeleteDang that's a lot of Texas bronies. Good to know I'm not the only one. Judging by all the other comments, it sounds like somewhere in the DFW area is the most recommended location, which is rather nice since I live in Arlington. Just name a date and time with a location around here, and I'll do my best to make it!
ReplyDeleteD.C./Virginia Brony Here. We definitely need a meet up.
ReplyDeleteIt also would be pretty cool to spread some pony at the capital. Perhaps we can hand cupcakes and love to some congressmen
New York is to far out of the way for a filly like me to go on such short notice and for only a day.
ReplyDeleteNoticed two Baltimorians in here. I'm not to far outside the city. I'd love for there to be a pony meet-up in MD, maybe at the inner harbor.
Oh, damn. Now I have to choose whether to go to the pool with my friends or this.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it starts at 8 PM Eastern time. However, myself and several other ponies will likely be in the area earlier, say from around 5. Official festivities start at 8 tho.
NJ bronies: Try NJ Transit! :)
ReplyDeleteI think my friend and I are the only KY bronies in existance... *le sigh*
ReplyDeleteB-more bronies represent! It's nice to see a couple of people from MD and DC. Perhaps Baltibronies and D.C. Colts can coordinate a meetup?
Too bad that I'm yet another Brony who lives on the other side of the world.
ReplyDeleteBest regards from the arctic circle of Europe.
Way to be on the other side of the world, chinlamp. Australia here, damn it all.
ReplyDeleteWould come, as I'm a Long Island local, but in Washington State now unfortunately. For college. If you have a west coast meet in Seattle sometime, then I'll gladly come over.
ReplyDeleteWish I could go but Im also on the other side of the world. Located in Manila,Philippines. =(
ReplyDeleteAlright as much as i'd like to come see some bronies, I can't cross the world to get there. Maybe when I'm rich and own a harrier jump jet I can. To the 0.05% of bronies that made it, I envy you.
ReplyDeleteWe need to organize a brony meet-up in NZ, I'm thinking Wellington because it's pretty well in the middle, and 'cause otago to auckland costs a pretty penny.
Stupid Atlantic Ocean, why are you in my way ?
ReplyDeleteHope you guys have fun !
Kentucky Brony here.... MAybe we can set one of these up in a bunch of different cities? I'd love to see one in Louisville.
ReplyDelete*sheds a silent tear*
ReplyDeleteEurobrony from Middle-Europe here.
Anyways, I wish you bronies there a great time, have lots of fun, may it be your best-night-ever :)
Oh and don't forget to make photos and other stuff, even if we can't be there you could share a bit of the fun :)
Nate here. So close, but so far... Even for a Rhode Island brony New York is a stretch. Oh well, have fun guys ^_^
ReplyDeleteHow do you think I feel? I'm in Canada!
ReplyDeleteHow do you think I feel? I'm in the Netherlands, in Europe! ;D
ReplyDeleteOh why do I have to Live in California Sometimes! ;P
ReplyDeleteAny bronies in Malaysia? Anypony?
ReplyDeleteI wonder why there are no Colorado bronies.
I could get there in an hour but I'm only 15, it would be awkward for me to go :(
ReplyDeleteI'm in NYC, but I couldn't go! ;____;
ReplyDeleteAt least you're on the right continent, Cereal.
ReplyDeleteWashington State... T_T
Cant go, but I would really appreciate it if someone could like...record it or something. Im sure im not the only brony who wants to know what they missed D:
ReplyDeleteI'd roadtrip if gas wasn't so expensive
ReplyDeleteCheck yo inbawx, Cereal. I have a proposition for you.
ReplyDeleteCome on guys we need a Cali party out here :D
ReplyDeleteI could probably make it to the one in the DFW area, since I'm hailing from SE OK.
ReplyDeletegive me a a month's notice on any D/FW gathering so I can get the powers to be to get me into the 'main yard' for that week. Being a cross country driver requires alot of flexibility and creative planning.
ReplyDeleteDue to a bout of unplanned unemployment, I won't be able to join the festivities. :<
ReplyDeleteHave fun everypony!
Georgia brounies we need to party :)
ReplyDeleteFar east...where a brony cant find another brony...
ReplyDeleteCereal is on the oposide side of the country... that's nothing ..I'M ON THE OPOSIDE SIDE OF THE PLANET :))...
ReplyDeleteBrony forever :D
Why doesn't somebody make a UK meet up?
ReplyDeleteThis sounds pretty good, I live in Nova Scotia though, so deflate my hair.
ReplyDeleteI'm officially screwed... Nothing ever happens in Southeast Kansas... 'cept friggin tornadoes...
ReplyDeleteOh please let's have another meetup anywhere in Europe. Anywhere, I'll find a way to be there. It'd be much cheaper for me than having to cross the ocean to get to the States.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't the Texas bronies all be in the Panhandle? Dx I would love to go to a Texas brony meetup if places like Dallas and Houston weren't so far.
ReplyDeleteCan we get a visual on that for all those that couldn't attend? I want to feel like I was there even though if I had been I would have been so Hyped it would not have been funny, but disastrous.
Washington state needs some lovin.
ReplyDeleteHello Every Pony Im A Texas brony and along with the bronies i know personaly there are alot of us on this theard here so i say lets all meet up in our own time in dallas if interrested email me at [email protected]
ReplyDeletegod my last comment was ghastly i was so excited i forgot to spell lawl
ReplyDeleteNot unless you're 11.
Feh. Why does everybody plan meetings in California, Seattle, and New York? Never Texas.
ReplyDeleteSon, I am dissapoint.
why am i the only brony in queensland........ why? :'(
ReplyDeleteBrony who has work...sigh.
ReplyDeleteSouth California brony....sigh...
ReplyDeleteI don't like traveling to Dallas, why not Fort Worth Texas Bronies?
Same here. I'm a poor European. Forever alone.
ReplyDeleteWe need on in Texas people!
ReplyDeleteAre any Texan Bronies living in Fort Worth,'cause I've never seen one at my school nor social places like a mall,store, bowling alleys, ect
ReplyDeleteIm a wichita fall TX brony and i wish i could meet up with someone.