I hope you are all finding your day to be absolutely marvelous and filled with endless amounts of friendship! As you know, it is my royal duty to ensure the well being of all ponies across Equestria, and seeing the smiles on the faces of fillies and colts alike makes the tireless work I do raising and lowering the sun even more worthwhile!
Now some of you may have heard of a certain...event today. Unfortunately, the return of Princess Luna has gotten in the way of some extremely important preparations, and to top that off, my four avatars of death, famine, plague, and war are nowhere to be found. Sadly, without their assistance, I will be unable to burn every single one of you to a crisp and rip the world asunder until at least next year, probably some time around August.
I hope this doesn't inconvenience anypony! Maybe next time I won't be such a klutz :D
Your Glorious, totally non-tyrannical leader
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
What a nice lady our God-queen is.
ReplyDeleteCelestia is posting things now?
ReplyDeleteHi Luna! I love you!
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, we your faithful ponies will wait until that day that you come and bun us all.
ReplyDeleteyou're supposed to add more P's not more S's
ReplyDeleteP.S. stands for post script
A love letter from the Princess! How nice! :)
ReplyDeleteAll hail Trollestia!
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasant surprise!
ReplyDeletepost script, post script supreme, post supreme script... s... i got nothin
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia,
ReplyDeleteToday I learned a valuable lesson that copious amounts of drinking made me forget soon after. So is your sister single?
Your faithful student,
Nexas <3
Its P.P.S.!
ReplyDeletePost-post-script you damn illetrate!
I want to go to Pony Heaven...
ReplyDeleteI bet Offler wouldn't have messed up the end of the world.
ReplyDeleteUnless of course he is too busy trying to get the Ice Giants to turn down their music. (It's always far too loud)
I, for one, welcome our benevolent and majestic overlord.
ReplyDeleteAnd so, the population of the moon increased by one.
Well at least we have time to prepare for the end right?
ReplyDeleteCan hardly wait !
ReplyDeleteUm... Your highness? You were going to kill us all today? O.O *Meep*
ReplyDeleteI think I'm afraid of Celestia now... O.O
Shouldn't they be extra P's not extra S's?
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming! We're all gonna DIE!
ReplyDeleteNormally I'd be worried.
...but she just trollin'.
Oh sure, it might be over 90 here today, but that's pretty normal for this time of year. In fact, it's actually a bit cooler than normal.
Don't worry, your highness, I'm sure you'll get it right one day. ;P Until then, I'm going to sit back with a tub of popcorn and enjoy the show.
ReplyDeleteAw it's okay Celestia, if not today or October, I'd be happy with December of 2012 :D
ReplyDeletePrincess Trollestia *salute*
ReplyDeleteLove you Luna :)
World best not end in October, I'll miss Pony!
A play on May 21st being the end of the world, no? *Smote down*
ReplyDeletedang I was hoping to go on a psychotic rampage. guess since the law enforcement is still there I can't do that.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope the REAL Celestia would never resort to something like this...
ReplyDeleteThey're not postscripts. She's whispering.
ReplyDeleteI sense DOOM on the horizon.
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia,
ReplyDeleteToday I learnt that everything I know is wrong and that you were a horrible teacher.
Your rebelling student, Twilight Sparkle.
"P.S.S.S.S. THE GREAT AND PO..." <== why HELO thar, Trixie...
ReplyDeleteHi Luna!
ReplyDeleteMy Queen! *bows* I have been a faithful servant of yours ever since I first heard your word, preaching the magic of friendship across the hills and fields of the interwebs. Might this tired servant humbly ask to be granted entrance into your Heavenly Equestrian kingdom upon the coming of the Pony Rapture?
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of us are missing the important thing here.
ReplyDeleteLUNA SAID HI.
Hi Luna! Did you know you're the best pony ever?
Luna should make a post on here sometime.
For the Republic! For Luna! Muffins!
We will wait until you kill us!
ReplyDelete-Praise Princess celestia!
And I thought today was going to be the end of the world! Now I'm sad.
ReplyDeleteYesss!@!!@!@! Mail from Fan based Personalities of the characters which we know...so let's see:
ReplyDeleteWe got TyrantLestia, Trollestia
Cupcakes Pinkie
Derpy Hooves
Vinyl Scratch
Maybe Zecora?
I await the eminent doom. Until next time Celestia, until next time.
ReplyDelete(HI LUNA!!)
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ReplyDeleteI DID NOT SAY 'HI'! Stop making lies about me!
ReplyDeleteI swear, if it wasn't for my credit score being worthless after a thousand years, I would have moved out as soon as I got back!
This is GREAT news! The Lunar Rebellion can proceed as planned.
ReplyDeletePS stands for Post Script.
ReplyDeleteAs such, it should be PS, PPS, ect.
...Your highness...
No death by burning today? I was wondering why it seemed about 20% cooler.
ReplyDeleteSay hi to those Apocalypse ponies for me. And Luna. She could use some affection from someone other than you. Since you know, you show your affection to her by sending her to the moon because she wants some attention.
JT (Just Trollin')
Seriously though, say hi to Twilight for me Trixie. Kthxbai XD
ReplyDeleteBACK OFF she's MINE! XD
*Ignores all the writing up till, Luna says hi* :D Hi!
ReplyDeleteYou are both mistaken. Luna in mine.
@Princess Luna:
ReplyDeleteOh...Well you're still the best pony ever!
ReplyDelete'Hi, everypony.'
There, are you all happy now?
@Narwhal's Bend:
ReplyDeleteI'm prepared to fight for this argument.
@the (fallen) Princess Luna
@the (fallen) Princess Luna
ReplyDelete...What if I say no..?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteWe already did this once, remember?
Hi to you too Luna.
ReplyDeleteSiiii~iiiiis! I'm pretty sure everypony is ignoring your fake threats.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know some are clo-... why are you selling pictures of me?
@Anonymous (4:41pm)
ReplyDeleteCelestia will bun us all? Is that a good thing? Sounds kinky.
Arright, chums back off! Luna need a gentlecolt.
ReplyDeleteNot like you lot, that's for sure.
Sorry, just stating a fact.
Someone sucessful, kind, considerate, that type of thing.
Sweet Celestia and Luna alike... LOOK AT THE PAGE VISIT COUNTER! IT'S GOING UP SO FAST!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease tell me somepony image capped this!!
ReplyDeleteHai Luna!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBtw, she Mai waifu, you guys are silly mistaken muffins.
This comment was removed by Celestia
ReplyDeleteCelestia is moderating comments now!
@AnonymousPost Supreme Script SUPAFLY
ReplyDeleteIsn't that right, Dashie-dear?
What's this I keep hearing about a rapture today?? O.o
ReplyDeleteObviously, the fight over the heart of Princess Luna can be solved in only one way. Friendship Beam Weaponry at dawn.
@the (neglected) Princess Luna
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash gets all the mares!
Oh, well.
ReplyDeleteGuess I can hang around another year then, I suppose. But don't let me catch you doing this again Princess! (Haha I am just kidding.) I know there is much to being a princess. Don't overexert yourself, you hear. :) Also say hello to Luna for me. I am glad to hear that she finally agreed that theocratic monarchy is the way to the future.
/Your faithful servant
The Masked Mask
@Narwhal's Bend:
ReplyDeleteOh, I know. Except this time I brought a friend for backup.
*Evil-faced Moon from Legend of Zelda breaks through clouds*
We're not ignoring her fake threats, just the real ones...Also I should probably give back this painting that you made in second grade.
I'm kind and considerate...Successful is a completely different story.
ReplyDeleteOH YOU.
Last day on Earth...
ReplyDelete...Spend it watching My Little Pony
ReplyDeleteSo... not you then, right?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteThen I'll bring that evil sun from Mario Bros that tries to kill you. You're not the only one who is friends with celestial bodies from video games!
Oh Celestia. You would try to burn us all and then fail at it. Lemme just ask you something. Can you give us a warning the next time you try to kill us all? Thanks babe.
ReplyDeleteOh, and hello Luna! I'm your biggest fan! We should like. Meet up sometime =)
Great screenshot at 6666666 on the day of the rapture. I believe it is a sign D:
ReplyDeleteIf Luna is ruling beside you again, shouldn't you be the white and pink pegacorn instead of the ultra-pastel and magnificent one you are now, Princess Celesita? You banished her again, didn't you. Where are you hiding Luna this time?!
ReplyDelete@Display Name Painting? I've never painted anything in my life.
ReplyDeleteNow crayo-...
*Ahem* [Deadpan] I do not make pictures. [/Deadpan]
Yay! All of Luna's plan's are going accordingly! Fight for the Lunar Republic! Fight for the muffins! (hi Luna!) Now, I was thinking that as soon as Celestia raises the sun to burn us all to a golden brown crisp, Luna could keep the moon up keeping us all from dying. How about it Luna?
ReplyDelete@Narhwal's Bend:
ReplyDeleteWell then, I guess THIS...
*slaps across the face with a hoofglove(?)*
...is a Gentlecolt's Challenge.
However, since we all know Luna is better than Celestia *holds up shield*, of course the Moon will beat the Sun.
ReplyDeleteWha? But, it says right here on the back...
*raises fist to sky*
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteThe sun is bigger and would incinerate the moon before it got close enough to do any damage. *pulls out a sword* Luna is mine.
@Alexandrite Diadem
ReplyDeleteI'm not banished. I'm just trying to find some way to move out from under sis's hoof. It's not easy to find a place when your credit score is a thousand years off.
I'm glad we weren't all struck down by our fanatical tyran- benevolent ruler!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think it's cute that Luna has her beloved abacus, these things deserve more love!
We should actually start worshiping Celestia and Luna, call ourselves a religious organisation, and apply for tax exemption. It worked for scientology, didn't it?
ReplyDelete@Narwhal's Bend:
ReplyDelete...How are we holding swords with hooves and no hands?
...You make me really regret giving my extra apartment space in Filly Delphia to my best friend.
ReplyDeleteBUT Y
I, for one, welcome our new Trollestia overlords.
ReplyDelete[spoiler]Please don't smite me.[/spoiler]
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteI'm holding the sword hilt in my mouth.
@ the (stunning) Princess Luna
ReplyDeleteShe's just making you say that. We want to help you Luna, let us. Ready your ships, to the moon!!
ReplyDelete...Well, then. I still don't know how I'm doing th-Oh, wait!
*holds up Equestrian Innovations Self-Adhesive Material*
That explains it...Where were we, again?
@Alexandrite Diadem SHHHHH! Don't let her know you know that she doesn't know that you know what she doesn't want you to know!
ReplyDeleteYou trying to get us both banished!?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteWhat did you say? I was busy talking with Luna while you were taping that shield to your hoof.
ReplyDeleteAs one of your many sta-err, admirers, I should advise that you might not want to say that.
You'd be surprised how many of us are willing to be sent to the Moon just because you're there.
ReplyDeleteConfound my ADD, it drives me to...*looks at passing chariot*...hmm? Oh, yeah! Confound!
...So why exactly are we fighting over Luna when she's sitting right there talking to everypony who will talk to her?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteBecause we can. And I think I'm going to sleep now. (Sorry I can't stay up later Luna!)
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteI am? ...
-With a mighty flap of her majestic wings, she jumps onto the passing chariot to make her escape-
[Chariot Driver] 'Hey, you can't-'
I'll give you... -She fumbles with her coin pouch- thirty bits if you get me out of here!
[Chariot Driver] 'Look, Filly. I don't even know-'
I read this in your voice, Celestia. :)
ReplyDeleteHoly mother of...
ReplyDeleteThat is insane. I am at a loss for words.
As long as no one tries to claim Fluttershy, I'm happy. SHE IS MAI WAIFU.
ReplyDeleteWait, the end of the world was meant to be today? :( I missed my chance to mock the apocalypse!
ReplyDelete...Did both Luna and Narwhal just leave at the same time?
ReplyDeleteNow I feel lonely...
Oh well back to fanficcing.
Also, Fluttershy doesn't believe in polygamy, sorry gentlecolts.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy > Luna > Celestia = Trollestia
ReplyDelete@Major Rains:
ReplyDeleteBut if she doesn't believe in polygamy, aren't you going to have some trouble yourself? After all, everypony who's anypony knows that she's been seen cuddling Rainbow Dash in the park for the past few weeks.
Last I heard, that purple unicorn was courting your yellow pegasus 'waifu'.
ReplyDelete@ The Lunarian Waifu Wars of oh-eleven
ReplyDeleteOh, you kids.
Everypony knows Fluttershy and Rarity have been 'trading sewing secrets' if you get my drift.
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ReplyDelete@Black Yousa:
ReplyDeleteWouldn't oh-eleven be 20011?
I never said I didn't know about that...
Black Yousa's from the FUTURE!
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ReplyDeleteBlack Yousa sounds too much like Black Mesa...
♫ Go ahead and leave me,
ReplyDeleteI think I'd prefer to stay inside...
Maybe you'll find somepony else to help you!
Maybe Black Yousa!
Anyway, these cupcakes are great,
They're so rainbow-y and moist... ♪
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ReplyDelete@the (majestic) Princess Luna
ReplyDeleteummm I don't know what you've heard Miss Luna, but I am no one's waifu
@fluttershyI never said you were, just that I've seen that unicorn courting you.
ReplyDeleteThe red cream filling in these cupcakes is a little thick.
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ReplyDeleteThen would you do me the honor?
@the (majestic) Princess Luna
ReplyDeletecourting? For loss of better words my barn door does not swing that way.
I'm not entirely comfortable discussing my love life, where every pony can read this
'Am I the only stallion still here? Better not screw this up...'
ReplyDelete"So, ladies, any plans tonight?"
@Major Rains
ReplyDeletewell I umm, don't know. I'm never much for saying yes to somepony i just met after all
@the (majestic) Princess Luna
ReplyDeleteMine seems to be a bit crunchy...
We could make it a double date! I know the perfect guy for Luna... I think you may know him Fluttershy.
ReplyDelete@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteDouble date, I umm never said anything like that. I'd like to know you better before going that far after all
Oh, uhh I might.
Oh, Iiiiiiiuhhhhh just remembered I have thousand-year-old laundry to do...
ReplyDeleteWait? What did you think I mean- Oh. OH. No! Nothing of the sort! I AM a gentlecolt after all.
ReplyDelete@Princess Luna
ReplyDeleteLaundry, but doesn't Princess Celestia have ponies that attend to those matters?
Oh Princess Luna, there are servants that can do your laundry for you. Not to mention it should be like, antique by now. Might be better to let professionals clean it for you.
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ReplyDeleteCome on Luna! You've been on the moon for, what? A thousand years? You need to get out, meet new people! I'm sure you'll like him!
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ReplyDelete@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteoh dear I made a slight typo there :)
Well, you did say a double date now didn't you?
I must be misunderstanding something here.
Well, if you are a gentlecolt as you say maybe :)
there now that makes a bit more sense
Oh, but I had the mooni-...
ReplyDeleteRight, nothing living on the moon!
Princess Celestia? is there any way for us to ensure we don't get burned to a crisp?
ReplyDeleteIf you don't want to go on a date, Princess Luna, I could take you shopping. I know just the place to get a nice hat to brighten that smile.
ReplyDeleteOk, so you know Applejack's brother Big Mac right? Well, we're old school buddies, and we always spent afternoons getting into all sorts of mischief. Anyway, I thought that he and Luna could join us at Sugarcube Corner for dinner.
ReplyDeletethe world cant end yet the PSN still a'int back
ReplyDeleteUmm yes I know him pretty well, his yeps make me smile :)
ReplyDeleteOh well that wouldn't be too bad then, then we'll see how it goes from then.
May I ask your name or are you really a Major?
@Major Rains:
ReplyDeleteI do hope you aren't talking about Macintosh. Poor Luna has already had quite a few rather...awkward experiences with him, from what he's told me during downtime at the market.
But if you're not...Then what were you and Dash doing at Ponyville Park the other day? Are my eyes failing me?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteif I'm not what?
Oh, nevermind. I was lost in thought for a minute. Oh I know what you mean, Dash was showing me her new pet turtle she named him Speedy.
I told her if he ever needs healed to let me know post haste
Well... If you must know, my real name is Torrential Rains, and I work for Princess Celestia. Me and Macintosh were best friends, and I assumed we'd both join the guards like we'd always planned. But when his littlest sister was born, he had to back out. I Can't exactly say why, but I was recently transferred to Ponyville, and we've been hanging out since then.
ReplyDeleteOh, so Dashie finally bought herself a pet?
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why I'd seen her going into the pet store so frequently.
Wonder how she'll manage to get him to stay on the clouds without falling?
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteYep, oh dear I never thought of that. I surely hope she figured something for the poor dear.
I'd rather not think of the possible injuries Speedy could incur from a fall that high.
@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteOh I see, so then you're one of Celestia's guards?
If so that is SO exciting (I really mean that not sarcastically or anything)
Maybe he's some kind of...magic turtle...?
ReplyDeleteI got nothin'.
ReplyDeleteHmm...Perhaps she was going into Sugarcube Corner yesterday to ask Pinkie Pie for balloons...
...I really need to pay attention to the construction on my record store rather than watching everything else going on around the street...
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteRecord Store, oh yes I see to recall hearing something about that. It's located near Quills and Sofas right?
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not one of her personal guards, and there's no REAL military to speak of, but I do have a pretty important job.
@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteBut you're still a guard nonetheless correct?
I'd say I'm head of a more... how should I put this... clandestine branch of operations.
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia:
ReplyDeleteYour avatars -- Death, War, Pestilence and Famine -- can be found here:
Bring them on and let the rapture commence!
@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteyou're not a spy?
Either way you seem real nice, maybe we can plan a date for that dinner out
The PonySation Network never goes down in Equestria. Unless sis chips a hoof again or- I SWEAR SIS! I WASN'T CALLING YOU TYRANNICAL AGAIN!
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ReplyDeleteI'm not a spy, but what I do isn't something Celestia wants made public.
Tell Celestia that I thought her joke was hilarious.
@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteGotcha, then for your safety I won't inquire any further.
Nice to see Flutershy able to get a nice date! She certainly could use it!
ReplyDelete@T.O. Brony
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether to thank you or be offended.
Besides, you know nothing of my love life anyways and I don;t want to lead anypony on so I'll let it there.
No, it's ok, I just can't tell you what I'm telling her. I can be a normal pony, I just can't share certain details with anypony else.
ReplyDeleteI certainly didn't mean to offend at all, I was just saying that you're such a nice pony that I'm definitely happy for you!
ReplyDeleteOh Princess Celestia, you're such a kidder. Like someone as benevolent and kind as you could ever bring about the end of days!
ReplyDelete@T.O. Brony
ReplyDeleteOh I'm sorry I clearly misunderstood you. Please have my sincerest apologies.
Aww you really think, thank you :) :)
@Major Rains
ReplyDeleteI completely understand, I don't want to risk anypony's safety.
and I apologize to ask again, but are you a Major or are you not permitted by Celestia to tell anypony. I don't want you to get sent to the moon over that.
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ReplyDeleteNo, seriously, it's fine! I am a Major in the guard, and why I'm here is nothing special or top secret, it's just that the princess doesn't want to make WHY I'm here public. I will say that it involves someone special who recently arrived here though...
ReplyDelete@Major Rains
ReplyDeletewish you wouldn't keep letting on information you make me quite curious.
Oh a major well, then. I feel little more better about what we had discussed earlier.
Great, don't tell me she sent you after me again.
ReplyDeleteI swear, it's like she's doing everything she can to stop me from moving out...
You should teach Luna a lesson and try again on her special day, the longest night. I hear it's on the 21st of December. Not this year, though. Give her a year to forget, my liege.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't send me after you Luna, SHE'S got that covered... I meant someone who moved to Ponyville recently.
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ReplyDelete*yawn* gosh it's getting late, I'll be getting to bed soon. If Torrential is still here, umm maybe we can plan something after all.
ReplyDeleteHope you read this and let me know. I'm not sure how to tell you how to reach me, I get so many ponies mailing me everyday. It's SO annoying, but maybe we can figure something, hopefully :)
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Dear Princess Celestia,
Observation of VIP [REDACTED] is going according to plan. Close-range observations of VIP #2 through agent [REDACTED] is minimal, but more than expected. Have yet to come into reportable contact with VIPs #3,4, and 5, but made contact with #1 today. I am slowly establishing a platonic relationship with VIPs #2-6, but [REDACTED] I think those reports on friendship from [REDACTED] would be of in!@$%!!@#%&4356!sgr%ja^80fw!%
Oh, hey Fluttershy! What are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteoh uhh... nothing, nothing at all. Nope nothing just wondered where you went
ReplyDeleteWhere's our transport?
ReplyDeleteOk, so the Sugarcube Corner tomorrow?
Dear Princess Celestia,
VIP [REDACTED] is potentially joining VIP [REDACTED] and I tomorrow. This could potentially allow more close-range surveillance of VIP [REDACTED].
So soon? I just met you after all.
ReplyDeleteBut maybe we can work something out after all.
(nah I don't want to call him that, that'll just make me sound too desperate. C'mon Fluttershy you can do this)
Ok, great! But I thought we'd already agreed on the time and place? Anyway, like I was saying earlier, my job isn't that special.
ReplyDeleteWe did? I don't recall that. But it you say so, must've slipped my mind.
ReplyDeleteI don't know it sounds remarkable to me
Sorry to leave so abruptly, Flutter, got a call from the construction workers. Apparently those two young unicorns...Snails and Snips, was it? got onto the site and started messing with things.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, yes, it's going up not too far from Quills 'n' Sofas. To help get the business going I'm trying to stock it with CDs from bands that are popular in the area, you wouldn't happen to know anything about pop culture in Ponyville, would you?
(Why do I love these little comment-sations so much?)
Great! See you then I guess.
Dear Princess Celestia,
The mission is going according to plan. VIP [REDACTED] has agreed to meet me tomorrow. Possible observation of VIP [REDACTED] is likely.
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteOh that's okay, I figured you went off to bed.
Pop culture, me? Possibly
Yes Snips and Snails, they've given Applejack trouble when she harvests apples.
Huh, I think I've met them before. They mean well, but they're not exactly the sharpest tools in the metaphorical shed.
ReplyDeletegood night everypony, thank you taking time to chat with me on this glorious evening.
ReplyDeleteand to Major Rains, not sure if you want called that or Torrential Rains, I should be at Sugarcube Corner around 1p hope to see you then. That is if you're not too busy. I'm not quite sure what you look like. But I'm a light yellow pegasus pony with a pink mane and tail, well till then. :)
See you!
ReplyDelete@Luna We have a solid plan to take Manehattan. Give us the word, and we do it.
ReplyDeleteWe also have confirmed military assistance from the goat nation of Rumentia.
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ReplyDeleteUhhh... I'm a member of the princess's royal guard, so...
It was certainly a pleasure speaking with you as well, Miss Fluttershy!
ReplyDelete@T.O. Brony
ReplyDeleteMan, Fluttershy is awesome!
Oh yeah, she certainly is! I tell you though...those two troublemakers...of course, they tend to make some less than competent decisions.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that whole Ursa Minor incident was more than a bad decision.
ReplyDeleteand it was a pleasure speaking with you as well T.O. Brony.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll just overlook that comment you left Torrential.
But thank you for saying that :D
But you ARE awesome! What's wrong with that?
ReplyDeletewell I umm, not use to anypony complementing me that's all.
ReplyDeleteBut I really must get some sleep. Till tomorrow then. :)
(well I want to call him sweetie or dear or another name but will he think too much into that? Well he did say I was awesome after all. I just don't know, after that last relationship I'm sure not I'm ready)
Major, I think she was referring more to the "STOP RIGHT THERE" thing. (She's a rather gentle spirit, if you haven't heard.)
ReplyDeleteEither way, good job on managing to get a date with her. Just make sure to go easy on her, she's a bit timid.
Anyway, Fluttershy, if you think of anything, feel free to drop a request in the mail. I'll go see if Rainbow Dash has any more requests, although I still haven't found some of those rock-'n'-roll albums she wanted the last two times...Honestly, that filly could go on and on about 80's mane metal longer than Luna could about the Moon.