• The Great Brony Hunt

    Plaster the Returner sent me his report on ponies at conventions.

    It's a pretty interesting read if you are curious about the state of the hostile takeover of pony!

    You can find that in the google doc below!

    The Great Brony Hunt
    Doc 2

    75 kommentaari:

    1. "There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later." xD

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. no youtube links?
      what is this. the XX century?

    4. There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later.

    5. There are currently too many people viewing this document. Please try again later.

      We're not hostile Seth, why would you ever think that....???

    6. There are currently too many people viewing this document
      yay I opened it *read title*
      and then for no reason my browser crashed. well... i think i'm going to bookmark it
      (and download firefox)

    7. Nopony seems to have paid any attention to that tip about bypassing the viewer limit.


      Well, you DID stare down both a dragon and a cockatrice...

    8. lol Doc got raided, before I exited it out it had about 1k bronies/fillies reading it.

      To bad bronies really can't cosplay there favorite pony... >.>

    9. @Anonymous:

      Snips and Snails raid incoming.

    10. @Display Name

      Only to help my friends, I'm a non-violent pony.

      Do you honestly think I could hurt another?

    11. @Fluttershy:

      Well, there was that squirrel running around the Gala with teeth marks in its back...

      ...Alright fine, I don't. Why you gotta be so innocent?

    12. @Display Name

      is it a crime to carry a squirrel in ones teeth? I would never take a bite out a poor defenseless creature.

      I just couldn't live with myself if i did that...

    13. Sounds like I'm going to have to play Homestuck now aren't I?

    14. Sadly, I wasn't able to get any pictures, but I was working in Artists' Alley there and met some awesome bronies. PinFilly was just down the row from me, and I'm currently wearing one of her AWESOME Rainbow Dash cutie mark pins! Somepony whose name I can't remember was across from us and sold me a t-shirt that had RD's cutie mark and said "Needs to be about 20% cooler" and threw in some free cutie mark stickers because, well, she was just that awesome! I later wore this shirt while making Rainbow Dash drinks (from Renard's guide) for everyone in the hotel room I was staying at.

      There was also a very cool group of bronies in the registration line, one of whom was the RD cosplayer with the cutie mark skateboard. Unfortunately, I was in a rush so we really only had time to compliment each other's rainbow hair and swap numbers.

      Due to usual con craziness, I never got to be a part of any actual meet-ups or whatnot. Hopefully some of those who were at the con live in the area, and maybe we can figure out some sort of brony hangout day somewhere in the Chicago area in the next month or so. I would gladly volunteer to help organize it, if anypony is interested. Just email me at [email protected]

    15. @Fluttershy:

      Oh, I know, I just tend to bring things up sometimes...Everypony knows you'd never hurt any creature, big or small.

      So, did you and Major Rains ever get to go on that date? What happened with Rains anyway? I know there was some sort of drama involving him, something about a spy? but to be quite honest I'm not even bothering to determine whether or not I'm still on the Moon any more.

    16. @Display Name

      So far no, he was last on the run from Celestia and her guards. Then he returned now I'm not too sure what's going on.

      He's not a spy, he was sent to watch over me, Twilight, AJ, Dash, Pinkie and Rarity.

    17. I had the pleasure of meeting Derpy Hooves at Sakura-con Seattle. The one that caused a big stir back in Fall. I kicked myself for the other con days for only taking 2 pictures.

    18. @Fluttershy:

      Sounds like things are rather confusing at the moment, and that's coming from me,the one who's used to constant confusion (mostly self-inflicted).

      He was sent as a sort of guardian, then? Interesting.

    19. LOL all of that for almost nothing. At least some popular dudes, but objetive was to find bronies and take pictures of them fail.

    20. Yes that's how I understand it.

      [if you're interested in reading the full story up to the last entry, the Major and I put it on google docs. Oh you're in there too]

    21. Ahh, the comments are all on Google Docs? That greatly simplifies my project. Do you happen to have the link?

    22. [I can email you the link if you'd like. Due to size it was put on 2 pages, though it will most likely need to go to a 3rd once it continues further.]

    23. [I need to ID the characters a little better, maybe I can fix that tomorrow. I just took and updated the doc to the last time we rped]

    24. [Oh, hey, I just realized the brackets are there for a reason. Yeah, that'd be [email protected], although I don't much see the issue with just posting it in the comments here. Either way works.]

    25. I was at that acen. I saw that Rainbow Dash guy and rarity. Told them about the meet ups. One did occur at six in the hyatt down the stairs and escaltors by the main doors into the hyatt. Not many did show up so we disappaited. Met someone with a "this sign makes this costume 20% cooler" doing free hugs.

      Oh I bought both fan badges that the woman in artist alley was selling plus the my little ponyta shirt. I figure this would be the only time I would actually buy mlp anything.

      Sadly the next day I was my friends and they started a mlp bashing by watching the first episode, and most of them do know I watch it. Feels bad pony : (

    26. [that's true, I need to fix a few things and make sure all entries are correct. I have the links in my email. I'll just forward them to you]

    27. I was floating around ACEN Saturday in a t-shirt with a Rainbow Dash cutie mark on it and a RD sticker on my badge. Didn't cross paths with any Bronis though, kinda made me sad.

    28. Oh and if someone wants to do a pony meet up in chicago, I would be happy to go as I'll be down there all summer attending summer classes at UIC.

      And I'm sad I didn't see any other shops selling MLP stuff.

      There was fanbadge woman, and someone selling stuff for their site plus a mlp fan shirt. Where was this woman who sold pins? Or the t-shirt with 20% cooler?

    29. @Anonymous

      *gives you a big, pony hug*

      It was so crowded and crazy at Acen; I'm surprised I was even able to find one brony. I'm sorry to hear you weren't as lucky, but hopefully a hug will cheer you up. :>

    30. "Rolling down highway 41 Towards Milwaukee"

      Wait, towards Milwaukee--- where are you from?

    31. @Anonymous:

      Definitely Hawaii.

    32. @Anonymous

      or Antarctica. I hear the ice is now sand. Look again it's Diamonds!

    33. For all of Saturday I was wearing my cutie mark pins and carrying around a large "Brohoof" sign. A surprising number of people recognized it and fist bumps were exchanged. I also tried to go to the meetups but I couldn't find the 1:00 one and the 6:00 one was a bust. There was like five of us in total and we only hung out for a few minutes and talked about the show. I suggested we go get some food but everyone had plans.

      Hopefully next year will be better. I'm hoping for a panel!

    34. @Anonymousfox valley, in the middle.

      also to the people from the artist alley, I REALLY DID TRY TO FIND YOU GUYS, I don't know if i was just suffering from male pattern blindness or what. But I am REALLY sad i missed out on stickers and other cool merch.

    35. @Fluttershy:

      I think I see what you did there.

      ...I wish I could be the Old Spice colt...

    36. @Carnith

      PinFilly was on the, er, restaurant side of the Alley. (If you still have your Con Guide, her booth was #14, I think). She only had two pins when I first found her, so I got lucky on that one. She does sell them online, though: http://ponyorders.wordpress.com/pony-pin-pre-orders/

      The 20% Cooler t-shirts were being sold towards the middle of Artists' Alley, across from the booth where the guy was playing/selling music (which I was occasionally working at). I honestly can't remember the name of the artist/booth/etc., and it seems as though my Con Guide was stolen so I may not know unless a friend still has one.

    37. I was in AA all weekend sitting at my table. AA didnt close till 7pm, so I missed any meets that occured before then. Met Scootaloops and RainbowBrisk. A few other bronies showed up at my table.

      I was table 14 if that helps. Though on Saturday I was gone for 2 hours cause I had a panel to run.

    38. @Plaster

      Don't worry about it. It turns out that most of the work I did at my friend's booth involved running around and other things that would have made it difficult to find me anyway. I say we just make some better plans for next year so that a really sweet brony meet-up can actually happen. If nopony else is wanting to do so (or perhaps already is?), I'd be glad to start some initial planning for next year. I LOVE planning things, making checklists, and all that other Twilight Sparkle stuff. :3

    39. @Scootaloops:

      Don't know if any of them are the same designs, but "T-shirt brony" in Google brings up the first result as something that looks like what was described.

    40. @Kanamai/Darkly Cute/PinFilly
      oh! THOSE pins! When are those going to be shipping btw?

      I feel pretty bad now, I should have seen them, i passed by the auction area a few times too.

    41. @Plaster

      They will be arriving from the company sometime in the next week. So I will work on starting to ship them in the next 2 weeks.

    42. I was helping Kanamai out with her art table and only got to talk to a few bronies in passing. We need to be more organized at future cons!

    43. @Plaster:

      The official date is "early June". Unfortunately, that probably means "I'll get them right after I get back from visiting my best friend therefore preventing me from giving one of them to her".

      Silly pin companies, not rushing perfection.

    44. @Kanamai/Darkly Cute/PinFilly
      sweet! i made a news post/advertisement on derpyhooves to help you sell the extras! best of luck and thanks for doing this!

    45. @K. Chan

      Yeah man. I was there : (

      I alteast did give you a fist bump, and that person did have the mlp backpack. I should be there next acen. A meetup (proper one this time) should happen.

    46. @Northern Dash

      That was you? Bah, I'm really sorry we didn't talk much. I got almost no sleep that weekend, so I wasn't exactly a social genius when attempting to converse with new people. In other words, I apologize if I was seeming to ignore you at the booth. My brain just was full of apples 'n such. I really wanted to hang out with you two for longer, but I didn't want to be creepin' or intrude on your ability to get some art sold. I hope everything went well for you two!

    47. @Pinfilly:

      By any chance, do you think it would be possible to have the pins shipped out by, say, June 5th or maybe 6th? Not that I'm getting my hopes up, but (as mentioned in my other comment) I'm visiting my best friend across the country and intend to be there either late 7th or very early 8th, and it would be just awesome if I had them before then so I could give her one.

    48. i wish i was old enough to go to these things :(

    49. @Hamyojo:

      You and me both. It would be awesome if I weren't in high school. :/

    50. Just a comment to Plaster, you put in that you yelled out 'Rainbow Dash! Twilight Sparkle!' when it should have been RD and Rarity, just thought you should know.

      I'm also 90% sure that myself and my five friends are the only bronies in my city. Then again, we're in Australia and don't have the show and only got the 3.5 toys two weeks ago.

    51. @chinlamp
      oh i forgot to clarify that it was the rainbow dash who noticed me first and shouted that. I responded immediately after hearing that and recognizing the situation. thank you

    52. I wish there was a UK equivalent of this.

    53. Bubblegum Bounce24. mai 2011, kell 01:40

      @K. Chan really sorry bout that K Chan wish we could have hung out more its me Dyll BTW

    54. I saw the Rainbow Dash cosplayer while riding in an elevator. The doors opened up and I saw him lying on the ground. He got up and asked if we were going down. After we replied in the negative, he swore and lied back down. I managed to get a picture of him with Rarity and Pinkie Pie later, and told them that they had made the convention about 20% cooler.

    55. Oi!!!!

      Luna Shoes?!!?


    56. Just like in the Winter Wrap up you need organisation your head is still confused if it's a good idea to pose as ponies or not(but kinda hard to do that, you being humans and all)

      Now off topic: HOLY FUCKING SHIT 200k Views in a day!?

    57. I really want to go to a con, But I live in Ireland. We only have 2 cons a year here and even then they are often poorly advertised.

    58. I was at this convention friday and saturday. I was looking for pony stuff but did not find anything on friday. I used this as a excuse to spend more time at the panels then the vendors saturday.

      One of the panels was the east vs west discussion in which I was expecting ponies but apparently it was more of a comic book vs manga discussion that was kind of open discussion. (Aka I was the one who brought up ponies in a discussion about the American cartoons having Japanese similarities)

      In between panels I did explore the vendors one more time but only found a place that sold a "my little ponyta T shirt" in which the line was unorganized and kept piling up constantly so I did not ask if the T-shirt was sold out seeing as it was 3:00 pm in the afternoon. At the end of that day I ended up just buying 2 awesome portal 2 T-shirts and a panda cap and never went to the vendors for that whole day as I was exhausted.

      Maybe next convention I should search harder and much more often as well since I explored it about 2 times fairly well but not good enough.

    59. She's escaped into the real world! HIIIIIIIDE!

    60. Judging by the appearances and assumptions I now have about fellow bronies, I may just be the most masculine one here. Feels alpha, man.

    61. @Display Name

      I can attempt. Send me an email so I can get yours shipped earlier.

      Also I was the girl in pigtails with the MLP backpack. So you might have seen me one of the few times I was not at my art art table.

    62. Now we must prepare for the COMICON in San Diego.

    63. Awww, It seems they didn't see me with my rocking rainbow dash hoodie I made. :(

    64. Yeah I just got back home from A-cen a few hours ago and read this post. I didn't know there were other bronies out there. Let alone a meet-up. Could have sung Winter Wrap Up in the Karaoke room

    65. This was an awesome read. And these comments are pretty awesome too XD

    66. More Parallells being made here.. but this is going to be an awsome year.. I expect to see a few Bronies running around the renfaire circuit as well .

    67. Homestuck has the largest amount of cosplayers ever, it's inevitable that you're going to encounter a lot in cosplays.


      I was at Acen too :3, we should have organized something.

      Only saw one Fluttershy cosplayer. Aside from that, a few shirts and a backpack.

      I hope all of you took advantage of the art table that was doodling people as ponies, it was awesome!

    69. Yeah Homestuck had a large cosplay base with the trolls. How do I know? Three of my friends did trolls and had me do Bro from it.

    70. Love that Rainbow Dash Skateboard! :D

    71. *reads story*
      Half of the terms were totally unknown to me, I feel so left out. :(
      Oh well, apart from that, it sounds like you had an exciting day of brony-hunt, hope you enjoyed it and I'm glad bronies are meeting up in real life :)

      Hurray for the pony fandom !

    72. OMG! I was Pinkie Pie on Saturday also! I had a Gummy with me :D

      Is there any way I could send you pics to post up here?

    73. Those One Piece cosplayers don't look like ponies...
