• Flankbook Opened Under New Domain!

    A few days ago, I posted about a facebook style website called Flankbook, but after receiving a few emails complaining about its co.cc domain, I deleted it while at work.

    The admin has heard the concerns, and moved the site to a normal .com site,  so Flankbook is back in business! 

    If you are interested in checking it out, you can find the link below.


    29 kommentaari:

    1. I hope it doesn't get something like appleville

    2. Oh lord...this might actually make me create and use a social networking site. Granted, it'll be a fake one for a ponysona but still.

    3. I don't see what's wrong with co.cc...

    4. Hmm... Looks like something that still needs work.

    5. I'll only do it if I can add Sethiso. ppllllleasseee

    6. I made an account but I can't sign in

    7. DJ Furtive Otter9. mai 2011, kell 00:42


      Same problem here, plus I have yet to receive a confirmation email at all... obviously Seth has sent so many bronies there with this post that the Flank Book's servers have completely overloaded.

      Also, what's the problem with co.cc, exactly?

    8. .CC and .TK are usually used for malicious activities on the web because you can spoof a domain with them.

      For example: Google.com is the regular site
      Google.tk could be anything.

    9. Also same problem. I'll head to bed and hope it works in the morning.

      Also, there was nothing wrong with co.cc. It's easy for scammers to malicious websites using a co.cc domain, but I highly doubt these guys were using it for malicious purposes. Whoever started that scare over it was being overdramatic.

    10. I don't see a problem with co.cc either. I even run a forum using co.cc.

      Anyhoo, I might sign up, I might not. I dunno.

    11. Warning: The site will sing Pinkie's Singing Telegram on random pages. I kid you not!

      Does anyone else think it'd be cool if all pony sites used openID? Cuz it seems like everyone has a Blogger account just for ponies anyways.

      Definitely liking pony facebook. Could be very awesome.

    12. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    13. Omicelestia. I had a DREAM about this site. I must be physcic.

    14. Lol... I like the auto-play invite when you make an account xD

    15. Hey Guys! Flankbook's admin here... no really it's me! @Gent funny your should say that because I will be implementing openID along with other sign up methods, also, @DJ Furtive Otter and other users who are having problems signing up. Check your spam folder, I will also manually activate users.

    16. @Gent
      It auto played the song when I was at school in a computer lab with the speakers on high...

    17. All non-activated users are not being activated, also new users will not have to activate via email. But will eventually have to use a CAPTCHA to confirm they are not a bot.

    18. I'll just wait till you implement openID. :)

    19. "Error establishing a database connection"

    20. Nopony's said it?
      Just call it Flankbook. Drop the "the." It's cleaner.

      Or whatever...

    21. DJ Furtive Otter9. mai 2011, kell 09:49


      Man, I was waiting until I finally got logged in to post that on the front page! I'm sure we were all thinking it, though. Actually, TheFlankBook works a lot better than TheFaceBook does, but I digress...

      @aaron524 Glad to see the manual activation has been done and processed! I never ended up getting an email, spam or otherwise, but at least I can log in now anyway. :)

    22. Error establishing a database connection

      gosh I wanted to sign up this time.

      Was looking for this the other day too.

    23. we have been having database problems, I will look into them. @fluttershypony or anyone who has the database problem, just refresh the page a few times it should fix it's self.

    24. I'd love to use this site once all the glitches are out and it's been cleaned up a little!

      When I try to upload an avatar, it crashes.

    25. My host is having problems with their server, they said they will fix it soon. Also
      OpenID can now be used!

    26. I already posted this on the site, but how long till we can get an official Equestria Daily group up on there? I'd do it myself, but I think it might be a better idea to let one of you who actually manages this site run the group instead.

    27. looks interesting, I will chack it out

    28. I would like to thank EVERYPONY we have over 270 members right now!

    29. http://flankbook.com/sys/

      Dear users of Flankbook

      Thank you for using the site and sticking with us for the months we have provided you with service. We would like to inform you that we are shutting FlankBook.com due to the fact that we can not pay the bills.

      Your information will not be given out, it will remain in a secure location.

      Sorry for not warning you, the issue suddenly arose without warning to us even.

      Thank you to ALL the people who used the site and thank you to ALL the people who have tried to help us improve the site!

      Thank you to Celestia Radio for running our Raido Ad, thank you to The Rainbow Dash Network for being our inspiration.

      Thank you to The Brony Show and Midnight Run for interviewing us.

      If you know anyone who owns a site or company, or if you yourself owns a company or site and you would like an ad placed on the site for a monthly fee we would be able to get the site back up and running. If we recive enough offers we may be able to re-boot the site.

      If you have some offers email them to: webmaster@flankbook.com

      or if you have comments also email them to the same address.

      -Aaron Shea & Mike Pappas

      Look for us else where in the community and PONY ON!

      http://flankbook.com/ now points to http://ponysquare.com/
