• Fanfic News...Again! (Added sci-fi)

    Sorry if these are starting to pop up too much! Especially for you non fic readers.   I just want fanfiction here to be as streamlined as possible!

    So here are some points after the break for those interested
    Comedy /Adventure /Sci Fi
    I'm adding these, I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.  If you have a fanfiction that should be classified as one of these, feel free to email me with TAG CHANGE in caps.  It may be a bit delayed, but I'll get around to it.  I'm a bit swamped right now!

    (I'm out of colors :x)

    Fan Fiction Length
    It has always been somewhat of a mystery when it comes to length for fanfiction here.  Over time, the requirements have increased, so it's difficult to give exact numbers.  Here is generally how it "currently" works (Subject to change, we were much more picky 3 months ago than now!)

    Multi-Part Stories->  These are bumped when new chapters/parts hit.  I have sent people off several times in the past few weeks for "more chapters".  Multi-part is primarily for long stuff. It's difficult to gauge how lengthy your story will be, but a general rule of thumb is at least create a good foundation.  A lone prologue or 1000 word chapter 1 will probably be sent back for more.

    One Shots-> These are allowed to be short, but not too short.  A good one shot can sit around 1500 words, though some can be a bit shorter.  If you really want to write 1000 word short stuff, go ahead and do 2-3 and send them as a compilation. 

    More Pre-readers!
    I'm taking a few more pre-readers! If you have had at least 3 stories submitted to the website with 4+ stars, feel free to send me an email.  Those that sent requests when it was closed are more than welcome to send another!

    Images Used
    I don't know where everyone got the idea that I don't use people's requested images! If you want a specific image for your story that hasn't already been used, feel free to ask for it!  Just make sure it's reasonable quality and not too tall. 

    New Fanfiction Archive
    One of my newbie programmer friends is building a new fanfic archive that will be at least 20% cooler, though I honestly like the current one.  Having everything on one page makes CTRL+F really easy, at least for me.

    The new one will be more like a traditional search, with categories, check boxes and filters.  No idea when this will be complete, but it should be soon enough.

    Until then, no one has complained about the current one, so hopefully you guys like it! I try to keep it as organized as possible.

    The Great and Powerful Trixie
    Beaten only by Twilight, Rarity, Lyra, Luna, Celestia, and Octavia

    49 kommentaari:

    1. Finally! A real Fanfic archive! I suck at programming so bro-hoof to the brave programmer tackling it!

    2. Good timing as my semester's almost over. Eventuality for fanfic writing will be increased approximately 60% as a result.

    3. Oh good, all the stories I've written-but-haven't-finished so far are well within that requirement. Hay stacks, I hit a thousand words just writing the opening to the first story I started for the 300-word event.

    4. What about the idea with sidemenu with "epic-lenght" multi chapters fics to follow easier?

    5. You could do a Sci-Fi tag. Or is there already one?

    6. The main problem with fanfics is that they're really just not suited to a blog format. If nothing else, they completely swamp all other news.

      And yes, if I dig through all the sections I can find the non-fanfic stuff, but it's still very easy to miss things.

    7. Augh, I'd love to be a proof reader but I only have 2 damn stories (though one is kinda longish).


    8. I do quite enjoy that last part, as I feel it's aimed directly at me XD

      " A lone prologue or 1000 word chapter 1 will probably be sent back for more."

      Lol, I had a 1000 word prologue x3

      almost done with first 2 chapters

    9. Will there be even more fanfic news at 7000000 views?

    10. I like how I tend to upload 2 chapters for each of my first things.

      Hmmm. I may have to use that adventure tag soon.

    11. Hmm. If this new system is finished? are you planning to keep the current one as well? I agree with you, ctrl+F works nicely.

    12. Can you choose a new color for the adventure tag? The current one destroyed my retinas.

    13. I've been dreaming for a comedy tag for so long *_*

    14. This is great news!
      I'm on the verge of submitting the 1st chapter of a new fanfic I'm writing. A friend/editor is reviewing it as I'm writing this and I know for sure I will use the "Adventure" tag on it.

      Since this is my first MLP:FiM fanfic I know I probably can't ask for pre-readers, but I'll be more than happy to see what people think of it and its potential.

    15. My Fanfic is set for 6 chapters, and the prologue is well over the 1000 words, so I think I am safe there.

    16. Yay, a fanfic archive that doesn't flood out the other news! Will it link to stuff on FF.net?

    17. @TGPFluttershy

      If there are no grimdark elements in it, I'd be happy to read it. But of course, if you send it to ED the normal pre-readers will read it anyway. I'm just a random brony who reads way to many fics ^^

    18. @TGPFluttershy

      Send it to fireant.blog@gmail.com, and I will pre-read it for you xd

    19. @Zeeth
      I don't think (at least from the sounds of it) that the new archive will change how fics are handled. Unless it integrates a comments systems too? At least then there wouldn't need to be a newspost for each new fic, which tends to account for at least half of the front page at any given time.

    20. About fanfic archive: Please let there be a button "Classic view" or something, cause I like the current one-page setup too :)

    21. It will still be on the front page. Honestly news would be pretty barren without the fics. A tiny little niche like my little pony isn't exactly bursting with interesting things to report on ;p

      The archive will be embedded into a post, the same way a table would be.

    22. What does the Adventure tag mean?

    23. For an idea of what adventure means.

      It means traveling.

      It means fighting.

      It means experiencing the unknown.

      It means finding wonders in the world were one treads.

      How can you not know what an adventure is.

      I'm busy writing one called Mail Ponies 2: Postal Ponies and I've been thinking about sending in both my Mail Ponies stories to Equestria Daily. (The reason why I haven't is because my writing falters and or sucks quite often and the first is not as good as the second which I'm making epic in length)

    24. *Sees rules on short stories*

      Yeah, I can live with that.

    25. I would submit to be a pre-reader, but my third story hasn't been posted yet, and I will have to wait a few days before it gets some stars, so that's a no go.

    26. I found myself reading more fanfics lately, and being one who never touched them before, I find this a positive progression.

      No longer do I merely tolerate the fic posts; I now thoroughly interact with them! xD
      Will love come next? Stay tuned!

    27. I shall make wonderful use of the Adventure tag. Oh yes, I shall.

    28. I'd love to do pre-reading for you! I just need to write more =/
      Hopefully I'll stop being distracted by other fics long enough to get some writing done ^.^;

      Now if I can just stop doing thing like refreshing EqD...

    29. I didn't know there's a fanfic archive...

    30. Seth, I'm having trouble understanding the part about "The Great and Powerful Trixie".

      Could you please elaborate more? :P

    31. @Sethisto
      If by 'barren' you mean you'd actually be able to see something other than fanfiction, then yeah, I suppose you're right.

      I just don't think there's really that much of a drought of news that every single new fic needs a post of its own. It completely swamps everything else. The art posts work well enough by combining everything into manageable groups, why is fiction so different?

    32. GroudonRobotWars22. mai 2011, kell 16:39

      Now I can finally try and get that fic I made to be on this site andthen I would try to finish my new full fic random story too also because my 300 word event story was a flop.

    33. I'm kind of confused: what's the distinctions between Comedy and Random (and, to an extent, Normal)?

    34. I believe it would be a good idea to add these rules for writing in the FAQ section, or somewhere that people will see other than this post. That way more people can understand the rules.

    35. Good idea to add a more organized fanfic setup. Now that everyone is on vacation, fanfic writing will increase by 75%, easily.

    36. I have to agree that all the fanfiction posts are 'flooding' the news. Just yesterday I counted 8 out of the 13 posts on the front of the site were just fanfiction. Awhile back you made a post asking how we would like for you to correct this issue. It seemed a VAST majority of the people wanted you to group the stories together into single posts, in the same way you group PMV's and Art posts. Sadly though, it seems like this idea had been swept under the rug, because every hour there is still new fanfics being posted all the time. I'd be very interested in seeing a NEW poll about what people think of the fanfic posts. A long while back you did a poll about whether or not the fanfic posts annoying people, and I remember the "it doesn't bother me" option won by quite a bit. However, this was back when we'd see maybe 3 or 4 fanfic posts per day. Now it seems for every 5 stories posted, theres some kind of news post. It isn't just because news is slowing down either, but that is slightly contributing.

      I don't want to sound like I'm whining and complaining because I hate fanfiction. I honestly dont, and I've read some of the ones that have been posted, but this is an issue that has been really bothering me as well as my friends that frequent this site. If you don't come on for a few days and you want to catch up, going back through the pages is a big pain with all the stories you have to go through.

      As someone above said, grouping fanfic posts together would totally solve this issue. Just put them together in a queue like you do for drawfriend or PMV posts. I've always thought of this site as a news site first and everything else second, but it's very quickly seemed to have turned into the place for everyone to submit their fanfics.

    37. ^Split the page into fanfiction posts and actual news posts then?

    38. @Heireau

      Having a separate section of this site just few fanfic posts would solve the problems people are having it seems.

      News for MLP is actually a lot more consistent and steady than a LOT of other things, it really doesn't need to be "padded" by fanfiction stories. Just look at mmo-champion. They're a newsite for World of Warcraft (and other Blizzard news as well), the BIGGEST online game, and they post maybe two or three things per day. Course they're more of an official-ish fansite, so they can't post things like youtube poops, but the fact of the matter still stands that MLP has a lot more news than I think it gets credit for.

      Course I'm just a silly pony so who knows. The fanfcition itself isn't bad at all, it just seems to take up a lot of space. There doesn't HAVE to be a new post on here every hour.

    39. On the topic of length and multi-part stories, I was wonder if since now there's a word minimum (of sorts) is there also a word maximum? How long should a chapter run before it's broken up?

    40. Would there also be a 'warm and fuzzy' category or sorts?

    41. Remember there are also us fanfics readers who constantly refresh to see if any new fics are up.

    42. @Baree yeah I'm not saying to remove fanfiction from the site or anything like that, I'm just saying it should either be grouped together or posted in a section where it doesn't come up in the news.

    43. I'm looking into a way of separating fanfiction

    44. @Patchwork Poltergeist

      I tend to break chapters at a point where the emotional content is about to change. This is taking cues from TV, for example, where the characters work up to something interesting, and then a commercial break happens.

      You can also break chapters at a scene break, or day by day, or some other pattern where the story has a functional shift.

      I wouldn't worry so much about chapter length, though if you have a 2500 word story, you probably don't need to break it into chapters.

    45. How do you even submit fics to this site? Ive never seen any way of doing it. Or do they only post the ones they like personally?

    46. How do you even submit fics to this site? Ive never seen any way of doing it. Or do they only post the ones they like personally?
