• Escapist Magazine's Pony Trailer Compilation

    And then Escapist turned into a pony blog and EQdaily was no more.

    This is pretty cool! I like seeing our ponies spread.

    Escapist Magazines Pony Trailers

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Welcome to the herd

    2. Another brick in the wall.

    3. The Escapist is actually on of the few sites on the Internet that enjoyed ponies of the more traditional variety. It's not that surprising that they'd embrace the "My Little" type enough to put a PMV Wrap Up article on their front page.

      Doesn't make it any less awesome though.

    4. Ah, my trailer didn't show up. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for showing up late to the party.

      And having 0 video making skills xD.

    5. Oh man, I knew The Escapist was "infected" but I didn't know that it included actual staff members.

      That's all kinds of awesome.

    6. It's a shame there are so many trolls on the Escapist, as evidenced by the "And keep the thread drama-free, folks. Banhammers are standing by" line. I don't even want to see what that thread is like.

    7. @Anonymous

      The thread is actually not going that badly.

    8. I honest-to-Celestia lol'd at the Pirates of the Caribbean one. It would be awesome to see Captain Dash Sparrow.

    9. @Anonymous

      It's less actual trolls and more like "WTF how can you like My Little Pony?!?"

      Keep in mind, these same people are afraid to actually watch the show, perhaps because if they did, well....

    10. Ponycraft 2 is still the greatest thing I've ever seen.

    11. Confound those ponies! They drive me to watch all my DVDs again!

    12. On a related note, google insights says MLP:FIM is on the rise again. For a couple days after the last episode of the season, popularity was declining at a worrisome speed.

    13. Wonder how long it'll be before yahtzee takes a stab at ponies

    14. @Anonymous

      That's a good question. The better question is will the Brony community be mature enough to not lash out?

    15. Well I certainly hope that'd never be the case. :p

      Sorry Seth & Cereal, we need you doing this job, you two are a lot more personable than those Escapist types! >_>

    16. @Anonymous

      He's probably waiting for the first spin-off game.

    17. @Batty Gloom

      Susan loves ponies of all sorts, hell, one of the special badges is Pony, though I have no idea how to receive one.

    18. The Escapist deserves an upgrade from "mild ponies":


    19. The thread is still going strong, 16 pages in.
