• Equestria Girls Featured on CNN

    We have successfully taken over one of the most visited news websites in the USA!

    Good job everybrony!

    Now onward to the rest of the world! 

    CNN's Marquee Blog Features Equestria Girls

    Thanks to -RWW for the report!

    Sadly they don't really have their facts straight, but at least it's there!

    129 kommentaari:

    1. the world will be ours in no time

    2. "If you're not 7, there's a good chance that you are unaware of the latest "My Little Pony" re-boot"


      CNN does no research AT ALL? Fail.

    3. dear god... 2012 the ponypocalaps

    4. "If you're not 7, there's a good chance that you are unaware of the latest "My Little Pony" re-boot"

      Yeah that line caught me aswell but some people in the comments are already lecturing the poster XD

      I think our plans for taking over the world are entering the next phase. *just as Pinkie planned*

      It's time to charge up the orbital friendship cannon.

    5. CNN i am disapoint

    6. >almost all of the comments are from bronies
      >not a Gilda in sight

      I do believe we've won. This is the seal of our victory, albeit a poorly-researched seal.

      ~Display Name

    7. Guess they missed the line in the song talking about us Bronies D:

    8. Well at least the reporting isn't as bad as it was for Bad Apple. But as far as I'm concerned, they are still Cirno (9) News Network!

      The video in question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeEIteQmpHE

    9. They used Seth's upload of the video.

      Your a celebrity now.


    10. Wow. I don't even know what to say...




    11. Well at least it's not fox

    12. oh celestia, did they have to use THAT pic of rainbow dash, eh whatever, yay ponies on CNN! have you ever actually seen CNN get something right the first time guys?

    13. All the awesome shots from that video, and they just had to use Bikini Dash as the pic... I guess her reputation precedes her ;)

    14. every time i come here i love these ponies a little more.

    15. first the U.S then THE WORLD!!!!!

    16. wrong again CNN, katy perry parodies ponies.

    17. This is AMAAAAZAAAAHHHHh

    18. @Brett Turner

      They were comparing it to the Katy Perry image, so...hopefully that was the closest the show's come to matching a scene from a Katy Perry music video, but who knows.

    19. We haven't won yet guys. This is only an entertainment blog. We shoot shoot for a feature on their tv channel. Or at least a link on their Facebook.

      I think the only reason all of the comments are from bronies is because we are the only one's looking for this sort of thing.


    21. @Crimson Valor Which is why they're called "the Cirno News Network"

    22. Heavy Weapons Pony29. mai 2011, kell 15:26

      BRB invading CNN :D

    23. Slowly taking over the world with ponies, to spread the message of friendship. Humanity has hope after all :D

    24. 7, seriously?
      Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.

    25. Come on CNN get it together

    26. The first line of the article had me cracking up.

      Ha! If they only knew...

    27. This is the beginning of the end for you folks.

      You know how CNN is. Once they catch wind of the sick and twisted fanbase under the cute ponies, you will bring /co/ to shame once again.


    28. *looks at CNN's images at top*
      Silly CNN, that's not how you post Pinkie Pie!

    29. @Testimar

      I find it odd that you found your way to Equestria Daily to even make that comment in the first place. And /co/ if sharing a website with /b/ hasn't completely shamed you I doubt anything will be able to.

    30. @Anonymous
      Slowpony is that you?

    31. @ Testimar
      Land Sakes,every single time Ponies get a mention in the media people like you treat it as the end of the world. It will be fine and for the most ,part testimar the Fanbase has a decent image on it so far,while there may be some sick and twisted aspects of the fandom I have yet to see that become what it's known for.

    32. "If you're not 7, there's a good chance that you are unaware of the latest "My Little Pony" re-boot"
      Oh, I'm so frustrated I could just scream! "squeeee~~"

    33. @Anonymous

      I haven't seen anything "sick and twisted"

      Sure ponibooru has some weird stuff, maybe a little pervy at times. But its not like anyone is doing anything immoral or illegal. He might have us confused with anonymous.

    34. @Anonymous

      Now look at the comments lol

    35. ^plus every show out there has sicko fans drawing sicko art and sicko fan-fiction so I think it will all be fine :P

    36. @Anonymous
      I was in one of the Sync Tube chats.

      And /b/ is overall known for being terrible, and there's nothing we could really do about that. But not /co/.

    37. @Anonymous
      They same thing happened with the Sonic fanbase. Just look at anyone of BlackBusterCritic's sonicfag videos.

    38. Just as Pinkie-planned...

    39. @Testimar

      And why exactly where you in a synchtube chat?

      You like ponies, don't you squidward?

    40. @Testimar
      Dude you think I let weirdos stop me from being a sonic fan? I have every comic and the fun games. If your so weak willed as to let what other people do stop you from liking something, you might as well not be a fan of anything...just saying

    41. They did no research whatsoever about the fandom/community

      It's not just 7 yo girls...

    42. @crazyredemu
      Probably not, but you should think about the types of people that you're grouped with and how it makes yourself look if you don't do something about it and speak against it.

    43. @Anonymous I should have been more clear I meant the Sick and twisted art of the ponies has not been what this fandom so far.

    44. @Anonymous My sentence didn't make any sense, I meant that twisted art so far has not been what this fandom is known for. As for people getting misinformed about this fandom and being led to believe that we're all wierdos. Bronies have been pretty vocal that a vast majorty of us are not like what they assume. We acknowledge that there are those people in the fandom but that's not what it's all about.

    45. @Testimar
      Im a Christian Im use to people lumping me with cults and hate mongers and crazies, sonic and pony fans are the lest of my worries... luckily there are not that many weird Godzilla and Beast Wars fans lol

    46. @Testimar
      Oh silly, stop being so negative (na-aaaah, "I'm just realistic" won't work here you little silly foal) and afraid of the sunlight.

      This fanbase has nothing to hide or to be ashamed of (well at least not more than anything else out there).

      Enjoy the rainbows, it's time for a PAAAAARTYYYYYY !!!

    47. @crazyredemu
      I've been there. XD

      But MLP is really where I draw the line when it comes to what's socially exceptable.

      I'm not being negative, I'm being a realist.

      By the fact that you all keep mentioning that you're proud of it gives off an odor that it bothers you when people call out your problems.

    48. @Testimar wait, if you don't like MLP why the heck are you here? Just to troll?

    49. @Testimar
      cnn wont give a shit about the fan base of a cartoon unless its a really really REALLY slow day.
      and even then who gives a fuck what some shity biased reporter thinks?

      Also how dose being proud of something = bothered by being called out on our "problems"

      All this is assuming cnn will go to 4chan to research witch they wont if they have a single brain cell left. (they may actually be that retarded)

      Most like the show for what it is and dont make creepy fanfics and rule34 on it so if cnn goes straight there without looking at the majority of fans and create some shock scandal then that just cost them credibility in the end so yeah no fuck given.

    50. To all of the people complaining about CNN not acknowledging you guys, do you really think that they're going to do searches on a stupid fanbase name that was pretty backhanded in the parody video? It's a show on a television network that hasn't even lasted a year, get your heads out of your asses.

    51. @Testimar
      its /co/
      its part of 4chan
      its a place ware grown men talk about cartoons

      >there is nothing to shame

    52. @Testimar Toungue and Cheek? ever heard of it?

    53. I assumed the cnn marquee blog was going to be dead today, glad I was wrong.

    54. @Testimar
      I have one word for you, TOOT

    55. @crazyredemu
      I'm here to speak my thoughts. Go ahead and consider it "trolling" if you want to just because I'm disagreeing with you all.

      "cnn wont give a shit about the fan base of a cartoon unless its a really really REALLY slow day."
      It's a blog post on the entertainment section of the site, not a full ledged report.

      "and even then who gives a fuck what some shity biased reporter thinks?"
      The general audience, probably.

      "Also how dose being proud of something = bothered by being called out on our "problems""

      I just think that it's a fake anomaly to keep on saying that you're proud of watching a show that makes you all look like pedophiles. It's like me calling myself a proud Johnny Test fan instead of just BEING a Johnny Test fan. By saying that you're proud gives off a feeling that you're not, if that makes any sense.

      "All this is assuming cnn will go to 4chan to research witch they wont if they have a single brain cell left. (they may actually be that retarded)"
      They can use Know Your Meme and the archive for that information.

      "Most like the show for what it is and dont make creepy fanfics and rule34 on it so if cnn goes straight there without looking at the majority of fans and create some shock scandal then that just cost them credibility in the end so yeah no fuck given."
      It probably wouldn't be a shock scandal, but I'm pretty sure that they would be giving you all weird looks.

    56. Testimar's a trollin' and bein' a rollin'

    57. @Anonymous
      Yes I have. But there was a guy in the comments over at CNN that formally asked that Brony e-penis should be stroked.

    58. Oh and btw, if it makes you all feel better, Testimar's posting on the CNN comments, also.

    59. @Anonymous
      People talking about a kid's show is one thing. Buying the toys, shipping young girls together, drawing porn, and showing your fake "pride" for something that isn't for you is another thing.

    60. Once I realized he was a troll I stopped caring

    61. @crazyredemu
      So I'm a troll because I disagree with you...

      These are the MLP fans, people.

    62. @Testimar

      I'm just going to leave this here.


      Oh and btw, you silly troll you, It makes you look like an ignorant Republican by presupposing a group of people behave in the same way. Note how I added an identifier to un-generic my namecalling.

    63. Today CNN, Tomorrow THE WORLD!!!


      Your arbitrary social norms have no place on the internets.

    64. Hey Im Rupublican! you hurt my fillings *sniff* but yea that does happen a lot lol

    65. Cool. I don't think we really need any more comments chiding them for lack of research though. It's just a post about a cute music video, not something they'd think to do much research on in the first place, and there isn't really anything inaccurate in their post anyway.

    66. @Testimar People make that conclusion everywhere on the Internet. Dissagreement Not just to people in this fandom

    67. Why respond to Testimar? I don't think I've seen a more obvious troll.

    68. @Testimar
      "By the fact that you all keep mentioning that you're proud of it gives off an odor that it bothers you when people call out your problems."

      Erm...what problems? <.< >.>
      We have problems?
      Or you want us to have problems? You want to make us feel we have problems? Why? :(
      You are a naughty foal.

      No problem we still love you, be a parapsrite or not ^-^

    69. @Anonymous
      But I'm afraid that ponyfans are taking the word "like" a little bit too far with hyper-analyzation and subtext in a kids show that abandoned the Sailor Moon angle since the first two episodes I'm guessing.

      Meering liking something shouldn't and isn't the problem here, treating the show as if it's the best thing ever and better than the projects that the staff had previously worked on and creating a bunch of taboo original content from a show that is seen in the same ledge as something like Dora or Blues Clues is just very strange. That's why I'm taking the time to figuring out what strives these people to be like that to a cartoon by being among them and asking several questions, as well as asking what other /co/mrades outside of the maddness actually feel about it instead of only getting a "LOL U MAD" in return.

      Liking the show doesn't make you look like manchildren, taking the show as something else makes you look like manchildren.

      I hope that that clears up somethings. But you probably won't read it because of you're "Haters Gonna Hate" mentality that's been inpierced into you're brain, and take me as a troll. Whatever. I'm stating my mind, and you won't stop me.

    70. Whoa! Wall of text....well Haters gonna hate...and fill up half a page apparently.

    71. @Yuri
      I don't know why people think the internet is magical law-free zone when it's just a basis of communication that still enacts the law.

      "People make that conclusion everywhere on the Internet. Dissagreement Not just to people in this fandom."
      I don't think I understand what you're saying....

    72. @crazyredemu
      If you're not going to read what I'm saying how about just ignoring it instead of pointing out how long it is,crazyredemu.

    73. @Testimar

      Oh look the troll is trying sound like an academic, how cute.

    74. @Testimar, but were is the fun in that?

    75. @Poe's Raven
      Not replying to my points, hmm? :)

      And I'd to try to get out of the image of being seen as a moron as /co/ likes to keep saying. :\

    76. @crazyredemu
      What's "fun" about telling people that you didn't read what they said and still calling them an idiot?

      Why express you're thoughts about nothing you have seen?

    77. @Testimar People everywhere on the Internet not just this Fandom usually equate someone who disagrees with them and own differing opinion to their own to a troll. So basing this on your interation here today the assumption that ALL ponyfans will call anyone else who disagrees with them a troll on your experience here is a rather rash generalization.

    78. @Testimar
      Cause your failing at trolling that's why it's funny, besides I have a pet fox your argument is invalid.

    79. So testimar what are you? Are you a ponyfan or are you someone from the trying to get a feel of the fandom?

    80. @Testimar

      Point 0- Have you watched the show if not you are coming from a biased perspective of an uninformed outsider.

      Point 1- Show me proof of the fandom, not one person, claiming that the projects of the staff aren't as good, I believe that if you ask around a great deal of us greatly enjoyed shows like PPG and Foster's just as much as we do MLP:FIM.

      Point 2- You commit a fallacy of composition by claiming that fandom strives to create taboo content as its main goal, while some people do, as you will see from this site the vast majority do not create such content.

      Point 3 -I have a Masters and am working on my Phd, so don't go calling me a moron

    81. I saw the best trolls of my generation destroyed by ponies, starving hysterical mad, dragging themselves through the equestrian streets at winter wrap up looking for an angry fix,

    82. "If you're not 7, there's a good chance that you are unaware of the latest 'My Little Pony' re-boot"

      DOH HO HO HO

      Dat slaps me on da knee!

    83. @Anonymous
      Hmm, I suppose you're correct. Not all of the fans have done this with me, but I've seen it happen.


      "Cause your failing at trolling that's why it's funny, besides I have a pet fox your argument is invalid."
      I'd say that ignoring my points completely and trying to make me angry makes YOU look like the troll here.

    84. @Testimar
      Perhaps, but I didn't go find a site dedicated to what ever it is you like and start trying to pester people.

    85. @Testimar
      I see the problem.
      That's why you will never understand what's going on, unless you go a bit further.

      You are still just an observer.

      All you will get are some mere words, some fun facts maybe and a vaguley gathered bunch of incoherent opinions.

      It is kinda the same as if you would try to understand the world by sitting in a house and observing the world through the window. You can only get some "strict data" that way, but you won't understand how it works and why.

      Or take love and hatred. Regardless of how many people showing the "symptoms" of love/hatred you observe, you won't understand it unless you yourself let it inside and feel it.

      Just by being here, commenting and asking things won't get you far. Though I respect your open mindedness, you could aswell just say LOL U MAD and leave since you are not making that one step that would really matter and help understand this.

      I'm actually starting to believe you don't really want to wholy understand this fandom, you are just doing this some sort of weird amusement for yourself, like going to the zoo and gazing as weird lifeforms.

      This is a one time wonder. It won't last forever, we bronies know it aswell deep inside. But as long as it lasts we will enjoy every single moment of it because it IS the best thing that has happened for a long while ;-)

      Join the herd and have fun ^-^

    86. Well Mr. Testimar, you do appear to have stumbled across a website that does nothing but My Little Pony, and you wonder why people call you a troll when ever you try to say we are "Buying the toys, shipping young girls together, drawing porn, and showing your fake "pride" for something that isn't for you is another thing." We will continue to love and tolerate you (as compared to other places on the internet, we are quite controlled and only due a small amount of trolling and jabbing, as you should know) so good day sir, your case has been reviewed and rejected.

    87. @The Mad R@p3r
      "Against the power of ponies, there can be no victory." ;-)

    88. @Anonymous
      I'm definitely not a ponyfan. I'm a /co/mrade from /co/ who has gotten fed up with ponyfans ruining our home.

      "Point 0- Have you watched the show if not you are coming from a biased perspective of an uninformed outsider."
      Well I'm not really criticizing the show here, more about the fanbase's attitude and nature. But I do plan on watching the show in it's entirety and we'll see what happens.

      "Show me proof of the fandom, not one person, claiming that the projects of the staff aren't as good, I believe that if you ask around a great deal of us greatly enjoyed shows like PPG and Foster's just as much as we do MLP:FIM."
      So you want a picture of all thousand-something fans saying that?

      I can try to go into the archives and see what I can find, but I have seen people say that.

      "Point 2- You commit a fallacy of composition by claiming that fandom strives to create taboo content as its main goal, while some people do, as you will see from this site the vast majority do not create such content."
      I don't believe I've said or implied that the main goal of the fandom was to create taboo content. I'd say more of the main goal is to show people how good their show is.

      While this site may not show it because it looks more family-friendly, other pony locations such as /co/, ponychan, and poonibooru probably show such cotent.

      "Point 3 -I have a Masters and am working on my Phd, so don't go calling me a moron."
      I didn't call you a moron. I was talking about what /co/ thinks of ME.

    89. @Testimar

      It appears you have a problem with a specific section of bronies specifically the ones who post on /co/ so instead of coming here, to a site you yourself has claimed to be more family-friendly, and basically venting why not go back to /co/ and complain to them about it. Also since when is wanting to introduce new people to something you think is cool a bad thing.

    90. @crazyredemu
      Trust me, if something like this happened within the Johnny Test fandom or the fandom of other shows I like, I would be doing the same thing.


      I understand what you're saying, and that's exactly what I plan to do with my research. I'm going to get out of my "house" and try to see what makes this fanbase tick and why they do what they do. Try my best to understand by experiencing it in the face. Maybe I;ll grow to respect or even like the show, or maybe once I fully understand I will dislike it even more, but I do need to try it out.

      Thank you for your kindness.

    91. @Testimar
      See now there is your problem I don't go to 4chan, I didn't find out about MLP because of pony spam, I found out about them when I went to check out Transformer Prime, I also heard it being talked about by some of the web comics I read. I like it cause it's funny and uses real humor not fart jokes and gross up close shots.

    92. @crazyredemu
      also I like it cause it's AWESOME!!!!
      But to be fair Im still a bigger Godzilla and Beast Wars fan but they dont have a fan base that is a fun as this one!

    93. @Jace
      @Poe's Raven

      Huh, I guess I'm dealing with a deferent breed of "brony" on this site. I'm just so used to over explaining and getting angry with the /co/ bronies who don't care about the other users in the community while you all have calmed me down.

      I have heard of a separation that happened around the time where the MLP fandom was showing it's id and the decent fans fleed and evolved differently from the manic ones on /co/ and /b/.

      And I have vented my dis-concerns to the "bronies" but unfortunately I've been banned several times by a ponyfan mod for doing so.

    94. @Testimar
      You are most welcome and your efforts are respected ^-^

      Now before I head to bed I will recommend you this link:

      It is a podcast done by a group of three. They usualy discuss movies and animes but they decided to take a peek at MLP:FiM and they have some good points.
      (Warning: 1 hour long.)

      That's all from my part. I wish you lots of fun while researching ^-^

      Love & Tolerance

    95. @Testimar

      You're not the self-appointed guardian of fandoms everywhere. NOT sorry you don't approve.

    96. @Poe's Raven
      "Also since when is wanting to introduce new people to something you think is cool a bad thing."
      Well, it's not. But the /co/ "bronies" spammed MLP on all of the other boards to the point to where a rouge mod got rid of them in the name of justice.

      It's like constantly telling your classmates to look at how awesome your drawing is, even though they didn't care about it the first time you showed them.

    97. @Ewyndall
      I'll be sure to check it out. ^_^

      "You're not the self-appointed guardian of fandoms everywhere. NOT sorry you don't approve."
      I'm sorry for my complaining, it's mostly an in-/co/ problem I have with you people, so you probably don't understand.

    98. @Testimar

      And I believe that any brony here would agree with me in saying that I am sorry that you've had bad experiences with less-than-respectful bronies on /co/. However, I assure you that the majority of the fandom is not like that. The vast majority of us have the utmost respect for the opinions of others and aren't going to berate you for not liking the thing that we like, as long as you don't blindly condemn it and in our case watch a few episodes.

    99. @Poe's Raven
      Thank you for your apology.

      And I do plan on watching the whole show.

    100. @Testimar

      Testimar, I've never been on /co/, I've never been on 4chan, and I am NOT one of "those people". A lot of us are not "those people" who you are treating as dumb, deranged, or sick. It sucks you feel your home was invaded - and I can sympathize. But you're doing the /exact/ same thing.

    101. @Anonymous
      I'm sorry for how I acted in these comments. I would delete if I could...

    102. I like how the article uses the Youtube video Seth posted up, but the people at CNN were too silly to check the demographics button on the side.

    103. @Testimar

      0.o wow... You know, I saw this story a little while ago, and I posted a small bit on the CNN story. I got a barb thrown at me, but my policy has been typically to ignore such comments. I come back here a couple hours later and read the conversation that has taken place... I don't want to pile on, but I just want to say thank you. I guess you just get jaded and think that everyone hurling barbs is a troll, and just move on, but you've got your reasons for being mad, and they have merit. But I want to say thank you because you genuinely seem genuine, and rational, and dare I say apologetic. That is, in my limited experience, something quite rare on these internets. I guess I just want to say thank you for being different, and for proving me wrong.

    104. ...everyone just got trolled.
      CNN actually is the Celestia News Network.
      Or should I say, Trollestia.

    105. @lesserpoet

      It's amazing what a little bit of genuine discussion can do.

    106. What is with people on the internet dismissing every argument as "trolling?" Honestly, this is the internet, people are going to have different opinions.

      This isn't even about right or wrong, you're belittling and dismissing anybody that doesn't conform to the herdmind and it's quite obnoxious.

    107. @Testimar Are the /co bronies staying in their threads? because if so I don't think that it should be a problem. If they aren't staying within the thread I do see where your ire is from. But anyways we do respect those who don't like the show it's just those who blindly say things about it we take issue with.

    108. Wow. What a short and crappy article.

    109. I never noticed before, but those bikini parasprites look a little too happy to be Dashie's bikini.

    110. @Anonymous

      Frankly we should grateful that we got anything.

    111. Testimar has gone from one controversial topic to another trying to get us to react, if he was serious he would most likely either post all the things that he has a problem with in one post or just stick to one topic.

      And just an FWY, I proud to be a brony and would defend any of my fellow bronies for liking the same thing I do in a different way, even if I find it weird. They have a right to like what they like and there is no reason I should stop them unless they commit an actual crime. Even then I would only persecute the person, not the idea. We all are bronies, and we will defend one another despite our differences.

    112. More people must know about FiM, so the rating will grow and we'll have even more ponies...


    113. The best comment I've found in the comments section is this:
      "I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite show in the galaxy!" - Commander Shepard

      I nearly hurt myself laughing.

    114. I have but one thing to say...

      Okay, one more. The publicity is appreciated, hehe.

    115. Even if CNN didn't do proper research, we're still on the news and that must count for something.

    116. C'mon guys, just giggle at the ghosty. Also, BWAH HA HA HA HA! CNN will soon be under our control! Then other news sources, then the COMEDY news sources, then Fox! No, scratch that last one.

      I kid, I kid. Bipartisan brony in the house!

    117. I guess a Mention from the News, even if not Completely what I expected, is still Awesome! :D

    118. Time sensitive, but thanks to all the discussion going on in that blog, a picture of Rainbow Dash is now on the front page of the CNN Entertainment page...


      Pretty awesome, IMO

    119. The ponies are spreading. (just as Pinkie planed) Today CNN tomorrow the world!

      Sure the "If you're not 7" part was not very accurate, but the poster probably didn't spend much time researching the vid or MLP: FiM before making the post. If she had she would have learned and talked about how the show has a large fan base even beyond the original target demographic. Mostly do to the fact that MLP is awesome! But we still got to show them love for spotlighting the commercial.

    120. I guess it is understandable that CNN would not know about us Bronies. The reporter probably saw the video on the Hub on Saturday and reported on it. "Brony" is a generic sounding enough word that if you did not know what it was referring to, along with its timing in the video, you would think it was the name of male ponies.

      Remember we are not the target audience.

    121. Think of it like this, they think we're children, when we fire the orbital freindship cannon in 2012, they will never see us coming.

