At this rate, you might as well just ditch the standard banner! But I'm not seeing a battle here sir, I see either a flattened Trixie or angry sex. Maybe both, if Twilight gets too enthusiastic.
Why do 90% of my comments get deleted? I said nothing remotely bad except "angry sex" which two other people have said while stilling having their comment visible.
*The Great and Powerful Trixie cast a spell to make everypony but her sleep... FOREVERRR. But who's that pony on the horizon? is not a pony!, it's Zecora to the rescue! yay~*
Gentlebeings, gentlebeings, please. Let's observe this confrontation in a dignified, elegant manner, as etiquette requires.
*Pulls out a huge "Go Twilight go!" banner, five noisemakers, an entire set of "T.Sparkle" brand fireworks, a loudspeaker and a "Twilight forever" purple hat with a fake horn*
I think that between Twiligh and Trixie, Pinkie Pie will win. Seriously Seth, you will make Pinkie pop out of somewhere random and save Equestria, right? Pwetty pwease? With cupcakes on top?
:) Heck, if you're accepting banner submissions, I wouldn't mid trying my hoof at that at some point. Probably won't be anytime soon, but I could see others entering banner designs, that seems to be Google's approach - entries are encouraged by the opportunity to feature your work on a popular site. Perhaps each fan-made banner could include a link (say a small text link below the banner) to the original artist's page/blog/etc?
@Rainbow Derp That's actually a blue-colored vector of Twilight's flashback, when she was watching the Summer solstice and Trollestia flew-up in front of the statue and turned into a silhouette.
The great and powerful Trixie burns with the anger of a thousand incredibly flammable objects (the sun doesn't burn so there) no Purple coloured foal is going to stop her, though angry sex does sound intriguing.
The outcome of this battle depends on whether Twilight's input to the battle is purely as a battle steed or if she also uses her magic. If she's just a steed and Spike's lance skills determine the battle then Trixie loses. If Twilight uses her magic then Trixie is humiliated.
48 kommentaari:
Great Banner! I'm thrilled to see how the great, climatic battle will end!
VastaKustuta(predicting angry sex)
Looks like Spike is joining the battle!
VastaKustutaWhen will we see the evil bucket of turnips?
If you do change the banner every couple of days or so, you don't need a news post to do it. Just slap a humourous pic up there and focus on the news.
VastaKustutaConsidering how fast the ponies are spreading into the Greater Internets, you might have more work ahead. Don't push yourself too hard.
A banner of crazy pinkie wouldn't hurt after one more month of Trixie.
VastaKustutaAlso I don't think we're going to make 5 million for the season finale unless we turbo the pageviews!
Prepare for sudden death!
VastaKustutaAngry sex is how every Twilight x Trixie encounter should end.
I'm placing my bets on Twilight the steed.
VastaKustutaCrazy Pinkie banner and the bucket o' turnips brigade for next banner!
VastaKustutaBut until then three months of Trixie fighting Twilight Sparkle like a dragged out fight scene in Dragonball Z.
Always bet on the du- er, Trixie.
VastaKustutaAt this rate, you might as well just ditch the standard banner! But I'm not seeing a battle here sir, I see either a flattened Trixie or angry sex. Maybe both, if Twilight gets too enthusiastic.
VastaKustutaWhy do 90% of my comments get deleted? I said nothing remotely bad except "angry sex" which two other people have said while stilling having their comment visible.
VastaKustutaI fight for camp Trixie! All hail The Great and Powerful One!
VastaKustutaIs that the new slogan? I like it much better than "All the Pony Fit to Print." Since, you know...websites and print are two different things.
VastaKustutaI like that you actually have a little story going here.
They fight until the battle knocks a bird's nest from a tree, at which point Fluttershy arrives and Stares them into submission.
VastaKustutaI'd like to see the poll expanded to include which pony type you'd like to become if you say yes.
VastaKustutaI call pegasus! n_n
Aw, you should have waited until tomorrow, then put one of the girls in their gala dresses for the last episode of the season.
VastaKustutaYou could have used the title "Equestria Finale."
*The Great and Powerful Trixie cast a spell to make everypony but her sleep... FOREVERRR. But who's that pony on the horizon? is not a pony!, it's Zecora to the rescue! yay~*
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaI think google just randomly choose people for some reason. it makes no sense to me either.
anyway restored it.
VastaKustutaZecora used "Rhyme"! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!!!
VastaKustutaIt's not a big deal, just frustrating sometimes...
@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaAngry Twi X Trixie sex? So... what you're saying is that who ever loses, we all win?
@Anonymous Haven't you heard? Zebras are unicorns who lost their horn because no one believed in them.
VastaKustutaI think followers of both Trixie and Twilight could agree with that ending.
How about once a week?
VastaKustutaGentlebeings, gentlebeings, please. Let's observe this confrontation in a dignified, elegant manner, as etiquette requires.
VastaKustuta*Pulls out a huge "Go Twilight go!" banner, five noisemakers, an entire set of "T.Sparkle" brand fireworks, a loudspeaker and a "Twilight forever" purple hat with a fake horn*
As long as Trixie is present, I don't care what the banner looks like.
VastaKustutaThat being said, Trixie and Twilight have to team up to fight common enemy, calling it now
Seriously, why not just drop the whole "Equestria Daily" and go with "Trixie Daily"?
VastaKustutaI think that between Twiligh and Trixie, Pinkie Pie will win. Seriously Seth, you will make Pinkie pop out of somewhere random and save Equestria, right? Pwetty pwease? With cupcakes on top?
VastaKustutaI'd like to see some angry Twi X Trixie sex.
VastaKustutaI'm only gonna break break your, break break your horn
VastaKustutaAnticipating the episode tomorrow, verily hoping that it doesn't suck.
:) Heck, if you're accepting banner submissions, I wouldn't mid trying my hoof at that at some point. Probably won't be anytime soon, but I could see others entering banner designs, that seems to be Google's approach - entries are encouraged by the opportunity to feature your work on a popular site. Perhaps each fan-made banner could include a link (say a small text link below the banner) to the original artist's page/blog/etc?
VastaKustutaAlso, Seth - what are your thoughts on animated banners? Yay or neigh?
The blue bird design in the middle looks kind of like the Zelda Triforce bird design.
VastaKustutame gusta
@Rainbow Derp That's actually a blue-colored vector of Twilight's flashback, when she was watching the Summer solstice and Trollestia flew-up in front of the statue and turned into a silhouette.
VastaKustutaThe great and powerful Trixie burns with the anger of a thousand incredibly flammable objects (the sun doesn't burn so there) no Purple coloured foal is going to stop her, though angry sex does sound intriguing.
VastaKustuta@Parallel Logic
VastaKustutaProbably not, that might be a bit laggy!
The outcome of this battle depends on whether Twilight's input to the battle is purely as a battle steed or if she also uses her magic. If she's just a steed and Spike's lance skills determine the battle then Trixie loses. If Twilight uses her magic then Trixie is humiliated.
VastaKustutaAll hail the Great and Powerful queen!
hi, Im new in this part and I want to know, what battle are you talking about?
VastaKustutaI didn´t see anything about that
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSorry Seth,I'm Voting for Twilight.
VastaKustuta*Insert Jingle Bells Music*
Jingle Bells,
Trixie Smells,
Snips And Snails Laid Eggs,
The Trixiemobile Broke it's Wheel,
Twilight Got Away-
*Is pulled by Seth* ahh!
@marianne I'm Sorry i wasted your time with Spam.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous who voted for twilight;I AGREE!
VastaKustutaSo,who won? Because i was the last commeter before you stopped using that banner i believe it was Twilight.