All Source-needed stuff at the top!
Source 1-Needed
Also alternate of above, with cutie mark, defeating the purpose of her being naked.
Source 2
Source 3-Needed
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 28-Megasweet
Source 29
Source 30

Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Beg pardon, Sethisto, but we don't normally wear clothes.
ReplyDeleteAlso, #15 - FOR PONY!
Number one is so beautiful, any thing with Luna is beautiful for that matter.
All the Derpy ones are just too excellent(and funny) for words, and a drawfriend post wouldn't be complete without more Luna arts!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso lol@Poptart Pinkie
11- dark side NOW¡¡¡¡¡¡
ReplyDelete28- O_______O
9- mine MINE mwahahahahaha¡¡¡¡¡¡
Oh my god that nyan one is gold xD
ReplyDelete#2- Is that Applejack as John Marston? Almost didn't recognize know, no scars. Not that Applejack needs scars to be badass.
ReplyDeleteHad we not posted #24 already?
ReplyDeleteAnd dont you think 28 might be a tad to suggestive?
i'm becoming worried about sethy...
ReplyDeleteDinkey and Ditzy is win, Luna being genuinely joyful is SO MUCH WIN and also OH GOD STOP DOING THAT TO FLUTTERSHY, OH JESUS.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this, Stupid Sexy Edition? Yikes, confound these ponies...
ReplyDeleteNeeds more trixie. We need another complete trixie edition
ReplyDeleteNot that there's anything wrong about moar Luna, but...
ReplyDeleteEvery Luna pic that goes up increases expectations for the re-introduction of her in Season 2.
...Oh well.
ReplyDeleteHmm... Whatever happened to posting the racier stuff at the bottom?
ReplyDeleteAlright at all the Luna pictures, Luna over flowing with popularity!
ReplyDelete#8 Really nice attention to detail. It really came out nice!
#9 All bets on Fluttershy!
#11 Cannot resist... Because obviously Resistance is futile!
#13 :3... I cannot think of anything else to say about this... Actually, if she handed that to me I'd say I'd have a date for the night lol.
#19 I think they need to replace applejacks song "who's a silly pony" Ditsy/Derpy...
#22 If I were on red team, I honestly couldn't fight Flutter... I'd lay my weapon down and walk away... Just cannot hurt Flutter Medic heh!
#25 Luna,"You... Love me... You really love me!" and yes... yes we do Luna...
#31 this... caught me off guard... lol I've seen Dash take over the cats roll... But Pinkie?!
#33 Dawwwwwwww'
#13 AUGH! You made my heart melt.
ReplyDeleteAnd wet Applejack. Need I say more?
In before shi--oh, never mind, it's already started. Carry on.
ReplyDeleteAJ and Luna got some good ones this round. My personal fave is the #12 Rainbow Dash, not to belittle any of the other awesome ones.
Wait, wasn't #24 in one of the other drawfriends?
ReplyDeleteSo ponies without their cutie mark are NAKED?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, though, 1, 7, 10, 13, 17, 24 and 28 are all at least partially going for the hawtness. How damaged am I if ponies are becoming arousing to me?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous They're already naked regardless AJ stated this in the last episode
ReplyDelete#26- I wonder if muffins are the devil?
ReplyDelete#13 Shows a lot of Luna love!
ReplyDelete#25 Sometimes loud music makes my eyes cry too!
Since #2 is John Marston can we assume that #4 is Cole/Colt Phelps?
Luna is the best pony
ReplyDelete#28: Hmm... Draw what you wanna draw, I don't care and I'll skip over it and not make a fuss... But there are those who might.
ReplyDeleteJust saying.
I approve...
#16 Ponyta and Blitzle.
ReplyDeleteMy little Pokémon~
13....I....I think my heart just expl
ReplyDeleteSo much Luna! I don't know if there can ever be enough Luna art.
ReplyDeleteI dunno if I should email this, source for #2:
ReplyDelete11- only for you, princess Luna.
ReplyDelete30- yes. Just yes.
31- wouldn't pinkie just eat the poptart?
number 9: how to catch a predator.
ReplyDeleteSo much Luna!
ReplyDeleteYay, Zecoratul. Also Pokemon + MLP is godly.
ReplyDelete#28 is a bit much....
ReplyDeleteDammit I always do that!!!
Lots of good crossovers! My favourite being 15; gave me a good chuckle.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I like 13 ;) All hail Luna!
25 is so great.
ReplyDeleteWe love your night, Luna! ^^
ReplyDeleteI personally vote for a whole Drawfriend devoted to Luna. Just throwing that out there.
ReplyDeleteAlso, #11 might just be the cutest thing I've seen all year.
15 finally someone did this!
ReplyDeletei hope this drewfreind won't happen like last time...>_>
ReplyDelete11 - You convinced me. All hail the dark side!
ReplyDeleteSuggestive you say on the first??
ReplyDelete# 15 Zecoratul...
ReplyDelete1 yes, my Mistress I do love the night
ReplyDelete4 A grey night in a city that knows how to keep its parties secret, one pony seeks out them out. Pinkie Noir, party eye.
11 I joined for the cookies, I'll stay for the plushies.
13 why hello, Beautiful
19 not what i meant by more Ditzy ship.
25 I work here. Seriously
27 epic
31 great now pop tarts join the list with cupcakes.
33 now I've "Summer Nights" from Grease stuck in my head.
Can we please remove the suggestive pictures? It's just wrong... Lets keep the fandom clean?
ReplyDelete#24 - It's wonderful. I want to print it and hang it on my bedroom wall so much I like it <3
ReplyDelete#28 - That's probably one of the steamiest drawings I've seen you posting here. And I love it.
mfw Little Strongheart
ReplyDeleteIt is "wrong"? Define wrong?
I'm not really a fan of watching ponies go at it [via #28] but this isn't necessarily a PG site (look at all the GRIMDARK fanfic.)
ReplyDeleteNot to mention borderline clopfics...
#5 - I can stare at that all day and never be freaked out about it.
ReplyDelete#8 - I love the stature and depth on this.
#16 - WIN! My Little Ponymons!
#19 - Nice Try, Ditzy. But funny.
#24 - Seen it already in 'Drawing Stuff #87' but hey, even I still fall for Luna in broad daylight. I just want to give her a morning hug.
#27 - Needs to be slightly more bigger
#28 - Umm........yea.
#31 - Oh Gawd! She ate the magical Poptart.
A lot of Luna pics this round.
I'm all about shipping (AJxRarity anyone?), but something should be done, Seth. A lot of people would like to admire the fanart without having to look at the more racy pics along with them. Hell, sometimes I'm just not in the mood for that kind of stuff. I mean just LOOK at #28. WOW.
Could you possibly implement a "spoiler" or "NSFW" feature akin to Ponychan? If you could I think a lot of people would appreciate it.
#28 FLUTTERSHY NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!. Is nothing sacred?
ReplyDeleteDamn you Seth.
Ponychan isn't a valid source for qwert5 work!
Here is the for #27:
No. 11.....
ReplyDeleteDammit... they dark sides got cookies, plushies, AND darth Luna?!?!?
Things really are 'so easy' when youre evil :D
Speaking of #27, has there been any fan-fiction stories featuring the Ursa Major? If not, there should be. I think it's pretty cool how Twilight and Trixie used the flight spell in that pic.
ReplyDelete#28 i have... mixed feelings about this
ReplyDeleteAbout #28 and similar ones:
ReplyDeleteIf you like it, good for you, but a lot of us don't, and would prefer not to see things like that mixed in with awesome artwork.
Instead of including it in the drawfriends, could they maybe get their own compilations? Someone said how this isn't exactly a PG site with stuff like grimdark stories on here, but we aren't forced to read them when we browse through the new fanfics, but we are inadvertently forced to see fanart that we don't enjoy.
I'm sure I speak for many of us when I ask if it could be possible for those sorts of pictures to get their own posts. I want to keep these characters 'clean' in my mind, so I would really appreciate it if there could be some sort of filtering going on here. Putting that sort of art at the bottom of the post was a good idea, but it sounds like it may be even harder to maintain.
Please consider this.
ReplyDeleteThere's Paradise. Don't think there's any epic battle with it though.
So much cute and awesome!
ReplyDeleteYeah #27 really needs to be seen in the full res, it's too awesome to shrink!
And I gotta agree, I'd really rather not see ponies making out while looking through the drawfriend updates :/
ReplyDeleteCensorship: How it Begins
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing people use the censorship argument but it doesnt make any sense. how is what TotalOverflow's suggesting count as censorship? he's merely proposing that we should seperate thigs so that those who don't wish to see suggestive content don't have to see it. Censorship would imply making said content impossible for those who wish to see it be able to find it. Your definition would suggest that Art museums are guilty of censorship because they don't include porn in them.
You know what is disturbing? The fact that Ponibooru - a site that is nothing more than a glorified pony-related image dump (this includes shit like Scootabuse), and has almost zero quality control, STILL provides 'questionable/explicit' tags for those who don't want to view crap like #28.
ReplyDeleteThat's right folks - EqD has officialy become worse than Ponibooru.
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing people use the censorship argument but it doesnt make any sense. how is what TotalOverflow's suggesting count as censorship? he's merely proposing that we should seperate thigs so that those who don't wish to see suggestive content don't have to see it. Censorship would imply making said content impossible for those who wish to see it be able to find it. Your definition would suggest that Art museums are guilty of censorship because they don't include porn in them.
#28 shes just giving her CPR....
ReplyDeletethey're giving each other CPR.
I really need to stop reading comments on Drawfriends. I do side with the overall sentiment but the presumptuousness of some of the protesters is sandpaper on nipples.
ReplyDeleteWell done, artists.
oh my
I can't believe people are trying to make seth do more work than he has to do just because some people can't take a picture of ponies kissing..
ReplyDeleteExactly. I know there are people who want to see that sort of thing (Even if I don't understand or agree with them) and they should be able to, but 'forcing' those of us who don't want to see it to see it is what I'm addressing here. There seems to be enough of those sorts of fanarts coming in that they would constitute their own posts, so it seems reasonable enough to me that they get their own, so they aren't mixed in with all the rest, coming out of left field for those who don't want to see it.
ReplyDeleteJust further validates how much everyone should love that picture of her highness <3
ReplyDeleteDon't get me wrong I don't mean to imply that I don't apreciate the work Seth does. In fact I owe alot to him, all bronies do. What he has done for this fandom is immeasurable. I just don't think that its fair for those of us who want to see the awesome drawings bronies do have no way to avoid the iffy content.
ReplyDeleteSwitch out Rarity with Big Mac
Sorry about the double post, but I just wanted to say that this sort of discussion needs to stay true to the brony mantra: Love and Tolerance. No flame wars here please.
ReplyDelete@Anon 11:23
I don't run a website, so I can't say how much more work it would entail; I just wanted to make a suggestion that I think many of us would appreciate.
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense he stays on FIMchan and not Ponychan.
@ Anon 11:29
ReplyDeletePonychan would just outright ban him like the Gestapony they are.
ReplyDeleteWell, there's always bronibooru? *shrug*
And yeah, I don't think anyone's getting really up in arms about this. Seth has done so much awesome work for this community, and I know running this blog can't be easy. It's just separating that stuff from the normal drawfriend updates doesn't seem too unreasonable, and it would really be a change I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate :)
I could see a more suggestive image bothering someone, but a kiss? Really? I mean we see kissing in cartoons on tv all the freaking time.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I love how anyone who doesn't want to see ponies in sexually sugestive pictures is labelled a nazi.
@ Anon 11:42
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's a show where there' explicit tongue-on-tongue action between two female talking marshmallow ponies.
ReplyDeleteIt's called Freedom of Expression, you terrorist.
@ Anon 11:43
ReplyDeleteIt's called Freedom of Expression, you terrorist.
ReplyDeleteNot french kissing with tongues all out like that. I've never seen that in a kids cartoon. Personally I'm cool with drawings of normal kissing though. Happens in disney movies.
The super-ultra-cute filly-Luna with plushies in #11 gave me a sweetness overload. :D
ReplyDelete#7 and #17 show that Applejack can be sexy if she wants to.
And #25, with happy Luna discovering Canterlot's nightlife, is just *Awwwww*!
I find it hard to believe that a bunch of grown up people are complaining about ponies kissing. If you don't like it, scroll down to the next image and act as if you hadn't seen it. It's fine not to want to see certain types of drawings, but complaining about something that's not a big deal is just annoying. I feel bad for seth, he even tried separating the more suggestive images to the bottom of the post before, and people still complained.
ReplyDeleteJust let seth do his thing.
ReplyDeleteNo one is denying you your right to draw ponies making out, but it doesn't mean everybody has to like it.
You don't see porn movie directors demanding their movies to be played on national TV in the prime time. This has nothing to do with censorship.
Also - calling someone else a terrorist over their dislike of pony porn. Stay classy, pony fandom. Stay classy.
ReplyDelete#28 - *George Takei* Oh my!
ReplyDeleteNo one is denying your right to draw ponies making out. but don't expect people to like it or even tolerate it. This isn't censorship.
The fact that you likened someone who dislikes lesbo pony art to a terrorist speaks volumes about you and the fandom as a whole.
I always thought little strongheart was a boy.
ReplyDelete@ Anon 12:36
ReplyDeleteYou are the right one, sir. I don't like lesbians and I don't want some website shoving pony porn down my throat.
The real 'terrorists' are the ones who draw ponies making out as well as porn. Who's with me?
15. Evil Zecora! :o
ReplyDelete16. PokePon! ;D
ReplyDeleteKissing is not porn, no porn is being shoved down your throat.
ReplyDeleteMe smells a parasprite.
Anyway, in case you are serious, and to anypony else, I'm pretty sure the ole' Godwin comparison was sarcasm, this being the internet and all. Though even if it wasn't, claiming that that ONE pony somehow "speaks volumes about ... the fandom as a whole" is probably an even more ludicrous conclusion.
Though the first part of your statement is what I'd really like to point out, "..don't expect people to ... even tolerate it." That's the part that ultimately bothers me. If we are to Love and Tolerate, then we have to Love (those we disagree with) and Tolerate (the things we disagree with). Words without corresponding action is hypocrisy. IMO anyway.
I understand the desire to censor "racy" material, I truly do; for the various reasons already presented. I (as well as others) just feel that unless somepony offers up THEIR OWN TIME AND ENERGY to put in to censoring the pics, then we should just tolerate what we don't approve of and love the person WHO IS doing all this for us, regardless.
**TL;DR** Troll logic is fail, Love and Tolerate should be action not just words, & *in Arnold voice* Stop Whining
@anon 12:36
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you can't handle a little making out shows that you are a repressed prude. I bet you go to Ponychan.
ReplyDeleteKhasar De'Templari!
Zecoratul ftw.
#28 - Um lol. Nicely drawn, as to the subject matter. I see this making a fanfic header at some point.
ReplyDeleteSo are the fascists the ones who post provocative pony pics or the ones who forbid them to be posted?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:14
ReplyDeleteAre you the one whining about the Fluttershy/Rarity pic?
It has been said, but must be said again.
ReplyDelete27 - ...EPIC!!!! *Sounds of explosions fill the air, from nowhere a Dragonforce ballad backs the battle. Inexplicably, the artist's muse smashes an electric guitar into a stage amp and screams, "THANK YOU EQUESTRIA!"*
*gasping, panting* ...yeah, THAT epic!
Silly Filly Seth, Ponies without Cutie Marks aren't naked. They are Blank Flanks!
ReplyDeleteWho's a silly pony? Derpy is!
To me, #28 is way more suggestive than those lingerie pictures were. Most of those were just cute, but 28 is a bit much. But couldn't suggestive ones simply be put under some kind of spoiler button? I don't think having to click one button to make a picture visible can really be called censorship, and there are quite a few who would appreciate it. Good will gestures go a long way.
ReplyDeleteSo much whining. Perhaps Seth should end every Drawfriend post with this:
Preadator MLP crossover must happen now.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you think of someone as a prude because they dislike a picture of two ponies from a cartoon for little girls making out, shows that you are a creep with a persecution complex.
ReplyDelete"The fact that you think of someone as a prude because they dislike a picture of two ponies from a cartoon for little girls making out, shows that you are a creep with a persecution complex."
A cartoon for little girls.
Lauren Faust has forcefully and publicly rejected your characterization. Furthermore, I doubt you're a little girl, so... why are you posting on a My Little Pony fansite?
Could it be that mature storytelling transcends age?
That said, it's perfectly reasonable to dislike a picture. It would be a miraculous Drawfriend post if everypony liked every image in the post.
However, you're complaining that a small fraction of the images aren't the type you want to see, and demanding they be exiled so you don't have to scroll past them to see the images you like.
#3 source
ReplyDeleteSO MUCH LUNA! Reminds me that I'm not only a Royalist, but also a Lunatic :3
#11 It's D'awwwth Vader. She'll Force huggle you death. I'm okay with that.
ReplyDelete#12 Pony anime? Sure, count me in. I have to admit ponies look pretty good anime style, what with their ginormous eyes and all.
#13 Speaking of anime. This reminds me of Kore wa Zombie Desuka? with the adorable mute necromancer. It makes this picture that much more adorable for me.
#16 Aww, Twilight and Zecora are hanging out =P
#24 Didn't we post this one already? Oh, we haven't. Maybe you should post it again next time too. And the time after that as well. *Not sarcasm, just love of Luna*
#28 I read "Megasweet" and thought, "yes, yes it is." Then I realized it was only the artist.
#31 Poptart Pinkie Pie! Alliteration is awesome. Also Rainbow Dash's face is hilarious.
Zecora reminds me of Raziel from Soul Reaver.
ReplyDelete#11- Must...Resist...Evil...But...Need... Plushes...Aww, screw it I've resisted for long enough. At least I gave in to something worthwhile, not just cookies like those silly Sith offer
ReplyDeleteGood Lord. You guys complaining about the ponies having sex appeal must just be conflicted about how arousing you actually find the material. I'd imagine if someone had NO reaction (erm...physically) to pony sexiness, you'd just find the fact that some people DO mildly amusing (as I find furry-ized pony art pretty amusing, since they hold no real appeal to me).
ReplyDeleteThe fact that some are actually UPSET about it betrays a much deeper issue, imo. For crying out loud, just because we watch a show with an intended audience of little girls doesn't mean you have to whine like one when exposed to something that slightly displeases you.
Raziel(pretty much a prottoss) And Zeratul are pretty much the same, glowy eyes,glowy swords. Imagine if BLizzard actually got Raziel as an easter egg into Starcraft 2
ReplyDeleteBtw Season 2 needs a night flight with Luna
And definately a Night Disco Tech, you can put Luna and Vinyl Scratch into it at once xD
great drawfriend, but #28 is a little..., well its not so much i have a problem with it, because it reminds me of that one fanfic called Turntable Turnabout so i have no REAL problem with it, but at least make sure it goes at the bottom with the other suggestive stuffz like last time
ReplyDeleteYou know... It's possible that Sethisto was just trolling us with picture number 28.
ReplyDeleteIt obviously worked, if he was. Well played, good sir.
@ Every single brony/person/whatever that carried on a silly argument just because you "like/dislike something" in a place that OOZES with teachings of friendship and tolerance:
ReplyDeleteLike Anonymous(5:41) above me was getting at, there's a much deeper issue here. Let me emphasize once again: FRIENDSHIP and TOLERANCE.
Calling people Nazis? Terrorists? Prudes? Creeps? ANYTHING? How is that even CLOSE to friendly behavior?
Calling people anything or saying that they hang out at specific places in the point of insulting them? How is THAT even close to tolerating what they do?
Everyone: Cool. Your. Jets. It's. Just. A. Picture.
Or several pictures, maybe. But that's not the point. Point is you can't - CAN NOT - start ripping ties and bonds that we MIGHT have had all because of one person's likes/dislikes.
Now I'm not going to preach against the "evils" of PONIES drawn up in a homosexual manner, nor am I going to start ridiculing those who don't like that sort of thing as "homo-phobics" in ANY way of expression.
We have something that most other "memes" don't have - It's pretty much why this has spread out of the realm of being a meme. But if we lose that - Cut our ties to each other and start bickering about things that the REAL world hasn't been able to "fix" for centuries, then we might as well cut the tie we all have to the theme that "Friendship is Magic", and let our world drift back into meme-ness and let it be lost forever.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure haven't forgotten the "Love and Tolerance" Letter. Maybe some of you need to give that a good read again.
And for those of you that need a reality-check and can't comprehend what on Earth "Love" could possibly be getting at - It means "Friendship" of the closest kind, not - I repeat: NOT - having sexual relations or sexual intercourse with every other living thing we see.
Quit cutting ties, quit bickering about something we can all just move past some way or another (the rest of the world's been doing that for centuries), and
You want Seth to make a filter button? Get up off your metaphorical butt, LEARN to code, and MAKE A FILTER BUTTON.
You want people to stop constantly nagging about something that you don't find to be a big deal? Get up off your metaphorical butt, learn WHY EXACTLY they don't like that sort of thing, and MAKE A COMPROMISE.
But whatever it is you do, DO. NOT. CUT. TIES.
There is only one issue we need to address as a community, and that is our bonds with each other. This world of friendship we're making for ourselves can not work if that one detail is still a problem for us.
Sorry for speaking pretty sharply. I don't mean to cut people off from doing what they feel is right for them even while I'm saying to not cut people off from you.
Again, I'm sorry, I'm just sick of arguments popping up in this environment of all environments.
#11 and #32 are amazing. I've been looking for some type of Luna/Nightmare Moon combo-picture. I think this one's the best so far.
ReplyDelete"So ponies without their cutie mark are NAKED?"
SO does that mean that the fillies are always naked? which means that there has to be a pedo-pony somewhere in ponyville! I BET IT IS MISTER CAKE!
ReplyDeletePreach on, Brony! It really is that damn simple, if you don't want to see something, don't look at it.
You know, I've never thought of myself as better than anypony else, but mayhap my stomach is just a bit stronger than most, because honestly I have never understood the notion of losing your lunch/will/interest/sleep/etc... over an image, movie, or story that I didn't like, and lord knows as much as I love the ponies (and yes, even some of the...lighter... shipping) I have absolutely no desire to watch two equines going at it, in any sense of the phrase. But I see it, I ignore it, and I move on. Can somepony, ANYpony, please explain what the big deal is?
Anyway, other than my two cents, Cogweaver is dead on. Let's please drop the nonsense and get back to what we are really here for: The ponies, friendship, and magic.
we need some LunaxAbacus shipping ASAP
ReplyDeleteThank you! The name calling was bothering me.
Anyway, I was wondering, is it possible to make two cuts on the drawfriend posts. Like have the first cut be the more controversial stuff, and then the second cut be the safe stuff. That way if people don't want to see the controversial stuff, they can click on the second cut. Then when they want to make a comment they won't have to scroll past the controversial images. I don't know if that makes any sense at all, or if it would work, but it's just a suggestion.
I don't think there needs to be a filter button but the more... saucy pictures, like 28, shouldn't be grouped with the tame pictures. They should get their own post, warning the pictures are questionable. If that sort of thing is your fancy, that's fine, but to others that's the kind of thing they don't want to see and it creeps them out. It's not as simple as "scrolling past it and pretend it doesn't exist".
ReplyDeleteSeth..? You're choosing shit that's going to scar children for life.
ReplyDelete@ Anon 8:51
ReplyDeleteThis, basically. Unfortunately, it's just something that's hard to communicate, but for some of us, even just seeing the picture for a brief moment could bother us.
I wish I could say it was that easy, but when you carefully look at each posted piece of art in turn and you come to that one, there was no warning and now you've looked at it. With stories it's much easier, since there's the synopsis and the tags. You don't inadvertently or accidentally read them when scrolling through the new story posts.
I think that an 'After Dark' sort of thing could work. Like I've said, I don't want the pictures to be removed, just not posted with the tamer ones. It also makes it extremely awkward for those of us who are showing the fanart to friends or family. :|
Nothing as complex as a filter button, just it's own post. That seems reasonable to me, and relatively easy to do.
Love and tolerance, guys. This really isn't a big enough matter for any of us to get angry or upset. Maybe this is the wrong 'forum' to discuss this sort of thing, so I may send Sethisto an email about it. But like CogWeaver said, don't let something so trivial as this break the ties that were formed here. Friendship IS magic :)
#11... What is it you say? D'aww, right?
Simply put, beautiful.
I'm defiantly joining the dark side!
ReplyDeleteALso to pic 11....I WANT A PLUSHIE FROM FILLY LUNA!
ReplyDeleteI imagine Twilight would make a better representation of Phelps. Perhaps Pinkie is Gallaway?
Pinkie: "It's the Rusty Razor, Twilight! Geesh, everypony knows that!"
Twilight: "What's the 'Rusty Razor', Pinkie?"
Pinkie: "Whoever's making cupcakes with em is the one who did it! I mean, Duh!"
I'm with CogWeaver - what makes this fandom awesome is, in part, the love and tolerance. However, separating the "controversial" artwork from the "tame" artwork would go a long way toward maintaining unity and peace. It's not much to ask - just do 2 posts. Those of us who don't care for the suggestive stuff will be spared, and those who like it can enjoy it as they always would.
ReplyDeleteA cutie mark is like a magical tat, hence, alternate Luna is STILL naked.
ReplyDeleteI really like number 4. It's neat. Number 20 is cute, I like the stuff showing off the ponies with sisters.
ReplyDeleteA show with predominantly female cast and a largely adult following is bound to have fanart like #28. Deal with it. If you don't like it scroll past it and behave like a mature person. We are mostly adults after all. Even the ones who are not act maturely for their age as the show's nature acts kind of like a "filter". One silly image should not be enough to cause flamewars and hate on a site dedicated to a show about friendship.
ReplyDelete#17 I like AJ with straight hair :D
ReplyDelete#24 Has to be my favorite fanart of MLP ever! That picture alone converted me to a full on Luna fan!
Heh. Lotta controversy and stuff over that one pic -
Source on #9 (the newer version of the pic)
Love all of these pics :D
ReplyDelete@LoLZorzs But Zeratul doesn't devour souls in order to survive o.O
@Everyone Else Can we just DROP the topic of certain pictures entirely now?
ReplyDelete"for some of us, even just seeing the picture for a brief moment could bother us."
Then Seth is doing you a favor, helping you cure a common form of fragility. You would do well to find an image that makes you uncomfortable, and examine it until it no longer bothers you.
Seth, do us a favor and post MORE saucy pics like #28!
ReplyDeleteThis post has a serious lack...
ReplyDeleteOF ABACUS!!!!
still pretty great set of pictures all around.
#24 "And good morning to you as well, Princess."
ReplyDelete(A muffin to whoever gets the super-obscure reference)
Good morning Luna ^^
ReplyDeleteLast night a DJ saved my life!
Singin' a-hah,
Stayin' aliiiiive~
'Cause-a youuuuuu maaaake me feeeeel~
That THAT'S the way,
I like it!
I'm goin' to dance all night!
iiick... must. stop. looking. at. tongue. action... damn you teenage hormones clouding my brain with your distasteful defilery of nice show. the artist is fine people like that, but not myself... then why do i keep going back to it? curse this human psychology and the lust that out-- screw it, i dont want to look, but im going to, simple as that.
ReplyDeletemore luna pics :O
ReplyDeleteGASP! another picture a friend made? nice job sara!
Whoah, my picture is on here! That's pretty awesome! Thanks for the kind words, you guys and gals. ^_^ These are all pretty great pictures! I especially love the derpy ones.
ReplyDelete/\ (sara) :3
ReplyDeleteBlitzle and Ponyta are PWNIES.
ReplyDelete#28- O--o....... Me gusta?