Her Royal Majesty's Edition. Oh Celestia, How glorious and amazing you are!
48 images
In 36 hours
And I am really picky too. How do you do this?
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Source 20-(Confound this Madmax she makes me want to commission an OC pony of my own!)
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Source 24
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Source 37
Source 38
Source 39
Source 40
Source 41
Source 42
Source 43
Source 44
Source 45
Source 46
Source 47-need
Source 48
+1 to my Appledash collection. :D
ReplyDeleteYou broke my save button.
ReplyDeleteSome of these are just adorable as always. #23 gets me right here though. ;o;
ReplyDelete#22 o____o; *run*
And #40 is freakin' hilarious. :3
i like #s 4,13, and 40
ReplyDeleteMy Email as I pormised
and #5 cute but Creepy
...I want Gummi-Pinkie (Gummi as Pinkie, not Pinkie as Gummi)
ReplyDeleteHow haev I not seen that AJRD yet
Oh wow.... #10 us positively astounding!!!!
ReplyDelete#26 reminds me of my fanfic XD
#39 is pretty epic as well
#40 Lol twilight
#48 is D'awwwwwwww
source for #13 is http://lavosvsbahamut.deviantart.com/
ReplyDelete#40 is a-freaking-dorable.
ReplyDeleteDE MAGICKS <3
ReplyDeletePony mages are the best thing of all time...
ReplyDelete...next to pony Death Star.
This much good fanart in under two days? This fandom is insane, in a good way.
ReplyDeleteThe mages are great. All of the classes fit the ponies perfectly.
11 makes me think she needs pointed teeth in that one
ReplyDeletePinkie's hair is going through some serious overpoof in #7!
ReplyDeleteOh, wow. 41 is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait until that happens.
Luna rules!
@Nine Tempest
ReplyDeleteYou mean #38? I'm an avid AJRD hunter and I've never seen that one before either. :l
#35 Colgate is secretly the Doctor's daughter!?
ReplyDelete#7 Proof that pink goes with everything. Even if it's a Pinkie.
22 - Fluttershy looks pretty hot when she's angry.
ReplyDeleteChao + Fluttershy?
You're trying to kill me by overloading me with cuteness?
You're pretty good.
Wow, so many this time *____*
ReplyDeleteWhy does #37 make me think of a Gundam series' final battle?
ReplyDelete10,47,48 <3
ReplyDelete4,13,40 <3
ReplyDeleteWhat, the Scratch picture wasn't good enough?
ReplyDeleteThat part where they kill you, this is that part.
I just love #22 so much but I don't know why.
ReplyDeleteI find #32 kinda cute.
#40 needs to be an episode so bad, my stomach hurts just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteSo... so much win on one page.
ReplyDelete47 is from qwert5. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/qwert5/
ReplyDelete#7 is great, but also drives me crazy. Why. Are. There. No. Pinkie/Twilight stories!? Seriously!
ReplyDelete#12- Stop that! Stop that right now! I will not tolerate Pinkie Mena Diane Pie reminding me of Toya! It's just too awesome!
ReplyDeleteWow, very nice Drawfriend! And 48 images in just 36 hours? Dang, this fandom is crazy productive. Let's hope we can keep it up over the summer!
ReplyDelete4. Derpy does it again as a adult.
ReplyDelete7,8 and 9. It's true and so will Rainbow Dash, lets see who wins the most shipping competition.
27. Fluttershy in a chao garden, nothing could be simpler. Fanfiction of her dreaming of that world.
40. Gummy and Pinkie inverted, Great Pumpkin Applejack, Rainbones, Frakenspike, Twilestia and Bunnyshy. Note: That isn't Rarity, she doesn't have a tail and it just might actually be the bride of Frankenspike.
wait, 12 = emo pinkie? :/
ReplyDeleteLol'd at #41
ReplyDeleteThat's no moon, Luna!
However, if you're hitting Celestia with that laser then by all means go right on ahead! Of course, it'll destroy all of Equestria with it but...ONWARD WITH THE LUNAR REPUBLIC!
#40 Not only is this clever and brilliant, DASH looks BADASS in that outfit.
ReplyDeleteWow Sethisto hates me, 48 pictures and I can't find mine :(.
ReplyDelete#6: Y U HAVE NO WINGS?
Mine wasn't in there this time... :(
ReplyDeleteI really hope for a halloween party episode. Halloween is still one of my favorite holidays!
#20 reminds me of Kaleidoscope chapter 12.
ReplyDeleteCheck it out, it's a great fic.
41 is now my phone background. LUNA RULES!
ReplyDelete2 she dreams of chasing stars
ReplyDelete4 forget the teapot, save the muffin
7 what no Lunapink?
13 One pony to rule them all, and under Luna bind them.
22 I'd run but it's to late for that.
32 For some reason, I don't think Twi is reading.
40 Never to early to start on costumes.
41 yea
42 Soundtrack in head: Memories from Cats
44 Nothing that can't be fixed with duct tape and a screwdriver.
46 more please
48 say goodnight, Luna
i literally crashed firefox trying to save all of these
ReplyDeleteWho got Panty & Stocking in my poni?? To the moon with them!! D:
ReplyDeleteWhat's an OC?
ReplyDeleteseth chose 3 out of the 4 pics i sent him #s 4,13,and 40! YES!
ReplyDelete22. is so awesome. Pinkie's eye is just amazing.
ReplyDeleteSo many good ones saved! Though my favourite is the Halloween one, Pinkie and Gummi made me literally laugh out loud.
ReplyDelete#22 scared me so badly that I peed a little. If Pinkamena and Psychoshy ever teamed up, everypony in Equestria would have to love them and go to their parties, or something vvvveeeeerrry unpleasant would happen...
ReplyDelete#24 is pure Rainbow Dash badassery distilled into a fine liqueur and mixed with concentrate of awesome sauce.
#39 is one of a number of Drawfriend images that makes me want to write a battle to the death between Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. In SPAAACE!
#40 ohdeargodpinkieisgummieandgummieispinkiecannotcontainthecuteness
I'm better now.
Why did you do that to poor colgate? Why?
ReplyDelete.... Whyboner.jpg
#26 Rainbow Dash just got 20% DEADLIER!
ReplyDeleteSource #10 just links to the image. I must know who made it!
ReplyDelete#34 :D
ReplyDeleteIgnignokt and Err FTW!
Needs more Octavia.
ReplyDeleteFranken-Spike on 40 is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm Commander Dizzy, and this is my favorite Drawfriend on the Equestrianet.
ReplyDelete...can I get home now, Celestia? Please?...
22 is very stunning
ReplyDeleteNumber 22. The Ultimate alliance.
ReplyDeleteAnd lol wat, 44. Derpy should totally join geek squad XD
Hey Rainbow Dash, I really like your Lite-Brite costume.
ReplyDeleteMan, I didn't even COMMISSION number 20. Madmax just drew it for me because SHE IS AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteIf you were wondering, it's the character Incendia from Antipodes.
32 - "This clopfic is great."
ReplyDelete#22 I wake up handcuffed to a bed.. naked..
#20, is that the one OC pony that (warning spoiler) that saved the main two characters in the newer chapters of Antipodes? The thing on the shoulder makes me think that...
ReplyDeleteYup, that's her.
@Anonymous eeyup, that's her!
ReplyDeleteLook Ma, no wings!
ReplyDeleteThat statement isn't accurate because that pic just makes her seem like just a lesbian.
Replace Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity with AppleBloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith to make it more true.
30-31. Fashionistas and Fashionistos! <3
ReplyDelete36. Rainbow Dash's Greatest Rival, Robot Unicorn!
14-15-17-18-19. Awesome MLP Human Warrior Versions.
34. Moontime Fun with Luna and the Mooninites (Did they get Banished, too? ;P)!
41. Luna's Ultimate 'Ride!' :D
When I see number 9, the only thing I can think of is "Get out of my car." I need to stop watching that youtube poop.
ReplyDeleteWe need more Nurse Redheart fanart.
ReplyDelete1- all hail celestia!
ReplyDelete3, 14, 15 ,17, 18 and 19- i like these alot very well done
5- cute
22- very scary
29 and 47- yay more octavia
30- i approve of this pairing
31- narcissism at its best
35- wont lie, kinda hot
41- lol and so cute
Oh god PSG crossover.
#34 - That's one small step for Luna, one giant leap for Luna kind!
ReplyDeleteOh wow...so much awesomeness! The Lunar campaign has borne some excellent fruit!
ReplyDeleteC4tspajamas is amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhy must you overload me with cuteness? now i have to play some sonic adventure... lets see, sa2b... or sadx?...
Omigoshomigoshomigosh! My art...it's posted. Words cannot explain my excitement.
ReplyDeleteSA2 definitely, then you can play City Escape while listening to this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGBw_hlMK7g
ReplyDeleteDo it ! While we're still on the moon ! I've the Death Star schematics over there...
oh . . . . wow, these are all just awesome. Really a treat to see everyponies pictures. I would love to comment on them like before but i dont know if my multipost LONG WINDED posts are frowned upon or not. I normally like to ramble on . . . i have soo much to say and really dont get to say it to much anypony else really.
ReplyDeleteI want to post my thoughts and a completely and utterly long thought comp inspired by the wonderful picture #32 ( fav picture in this set ). Its really about Me, Twi, and what others may think on the subject. But i dont know the best way to post it, is there some place i can post them onlne and provide a link to it instead of littering up the reply thread soo much? So if sompony interested wants to read the post i rambled on about could. Can we suggest polls?
I really like the concept of 40.
ReplyDeleteEspecially Pinkie's costume.
Plus, something about a flash cartoon with characters in silly costumes reminds me of Homestar Runner.
Man that was a lot of pictures.
ReplyDeletewell done, everypony.
I love these drawfriends keep up the good work eveypony
ReplyDelete#7 Subtlety is lost on RD.
ReplyDelete#39 You cannot defeat me! I am the protagonist! MWHAHAHAHAAH!
#41 You wish!
Great Drawfriend.
ReplyDeleteLooks like vacation on the Moon provides an excellent boost to creativity.
#22 - I LOVE this! (and I don't even want to think of consequences of not loving it)
so much pony ;3
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong that I see #9 and the first thing that comes to mind is "Rarity's Magic Book" by Butterscotch Sundae?
ReplyDeleteNumber 7 is great! Pinkie Pie is a total Playa!!!
ReplyDelete21, so cute!!!
#30 was a good observation...
#40 is AWESOME!!!
But #43 is my favorite!!! Yay Griffindor!!!
(and no offence, I just don't see Derpy as a beater)
original source for 39:
number 41
ReplyDeleteFoalishly, Celestia sent us to the moon, not realizing that it would be the perfect opportunity for us to construct..... THE DEATH MOON!
Great works... like ever.
ReplyDeletecould have had the rapidash twilight sparkle too
FOR THE LVE OF GOD, DON'T DRAW PONIES IN LINGERIE. Everything else is fine, just I don't wanna see S&M ponies k?
ReplyDeleteOMFG. Frankie+RD+Fantasy archer=WIN.
ReplyDelete#4 - Darn those chairs...pony body not compatable...
ReplyDelete#30 - It works...a cute couple
#7 Pinkie Pie is the Jack Harkness of My Little Pony.