Dash shipped with everyone edition, As always. Lots of Madmax in this one. I don't know how she draws so quickly.
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164 kommentaari:
16 is the best here.
VastaKustutaQuite obviously.
I love number 26.
VastaKustutaI have mixed feelings about 12.
#32 must happen now.
VastaKustutaman :/ I suggest a separate thing for like shipping and then regular fanart. I've always loved to like see people's artwork and stuff, but I'm not exactly a fan of shipping at all :( I dunno if there are many out like me but hey, if lots of people agree maybe you could like split up the drawfriends to be shipping / nonshipping
VastaKustutaWhat rides do they have at Derpy Land?
VastaKustuta#11 & #10
I mean... Dat plot... BUT WHY?
That was awesome, I laughed a lot in this drawfriend. I love the Twilight Sparkle one, that's hilarious, and Luna eating a Moon Pie was just perfect.
VastaKustuta21 as wallpaper would be awesome :D
VastaKustutaSay no to segregation! Equal rights for equal ponies!
31# Looks SO awesome!
VastaKustutaAlso, Derpy Land. DERPY LAND xD
2 is the greatest one there. Spitfire FTW
VastaKustutaI absolutely adore #9. I have no idea why, but I love it. Is it The lighting effects? The distinct but entirely fitting body structure? The slick artistic style?
VastaKustutaAlso, #10 and #11. lolwut These are getting racier and racier.
That awful Blogspot resize doesn't do #31 justice at all. The full version is hypnotically detailed.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one getting sick of all the overly sexual Pony artwork making it's way in here?
VastaKustutaSeriously, #31 has to be seen full size on DA to be believed. The attention to detail is downright insane.
VastaKustutaAnyone else notice that in #21 (zombie ponies) Derpy is not actually undead?
VastaKustutaOtherwise, the lack of landscape art is disappointing.
#14. I need to meet the person who drew that so I can give them a billion brohooves.
VastaKustuta31 is impressive!
VastaKustutaThis is internet.
1. Which one is the lady and which one is the tramp?
VastaKustuta16. Rainbow Dash might be taking advantage of the fact that she's popular with everyone.
17. That's adorable if it weren't loaded with Acid. I meant holy water, which is acid.
21. Derpy your not a zombie so please get in the group.
23. Sepcial delivery.
24. She's the evil enchantress and she does evil dances, if you look her deep in the eyes she'll put you in trances. She's the great and powerful Fluttershy.
29. Show off!
32. The muffin topia cornicopia!
33. Pinkie with straight hair is still cute even while looking somber.
VastaKustutaThis is internet.
Why can't I find 17 on max's page?
VastaKustuta#18: "Nerf gun not included"
#23: DAW'd
#32: Totally gave me an idea for the game mod achievement-thingy (it involves Left 4 Dead 2, new art/models I can't make, and "Holy shit guys, DERPY LAND!"
@Anon 12:17 (first one)
VastaKustutaFrankly, I think not, and as much as I consider creativity sacred, as the second Anon at 12:04 suggested we could have separate drawfriends for shipping and non-shipping content. This way, everybody gets space to express art, and people don't necessarily have to see things they don't want to. I understand every artist wants an audience, but I think we can all get along like this, can we not?
14) XD! Derpy is peeking out from behind a cloud in the backround!
VastaKustutaIt's the internet
For those of you that don't know, #8 is a gif.
VastaKustutaHah! I was suppossed to get a drawing in the Ponychan thread where 10 and 11 came from.
VastaKustutaNumber 10.
VastaKustutaYES, finally a Touhou reference!
And it's Remilia at that!
If 18 comes with both Rarity *and* the gun, I'd totally buy such a thing in real life. It'd be epic.
VastaKustutaActually, now that I think of it, I seem to just find the idea of Rarity with long-range weapons and Fluttershy with bladed weapons really funny and almost cool. Doesn't work for any other character for me, though.
#31... HOLY S---. AWESOMEST. RARITY. EVER. You really do need to see the full version on DA. And he plans on doing the rest of the mane cast as well!
VastaKustutaGood to see some Touhou.
Ha! I love 18. I can just hear Rarity now...
VastaKustuta"Got any questions about fashion? Or fashion accessories?"
I love #1 and #16. I wish I can switch with Pinkie/Applejack;-)
VastaKustutaWhen I look at #18 I have to think of the "Annihilator 2000" from Beverly Hills Cop III XD
I love how Derpy is with the zombies.
VastaKustuta1: I just love Dashi's face :D
VastaKustuta12: KILL IT WITH FIRE!
15: How literal...
17: Kinda old
18: I am starting to like her :D
Rest: To much shipping
Funny how I was using #21 as my wallpaper for a day or two now.
VastaKustuta#20 and #21 are apparently the same artist, fiarel.
So many of these were great! I don't even know where to start. :D I like this drawfriend.
VastaKustutaThey were probably commissions. AFAIK she doesn't have a habit of putting commissions up in her gallery.
VastaKustuta18. Why isn't my Vulcan this FABULOUS
21. Wait, Derpy's not a zombie, what is she...OSHI DERPY IS A NECROMANCER! SHE FOOLED US ALL!!!
31. While the detail on this is simply amazing, it's somehow giving me nightmares of the show going 3D :x
33. Pinkamina is not amused by this drawfriend post.
VastaKustutaGledelig 17. Mai!
VastaKustuta19: Rarity Scarlet is AWESOME.
VastaKustutaVinyl Scratch wearing vinyl. Or is that latex?
VastaKustutaEither way, that pic is just inviting pervs to doctor it and give her cameltoe. It's pretty close already.
#8 Now I want pie...
VastaKustuta#12 At least the premise is better than the original! And it features Twilight Sparkle, which is always a plus.
#15 This made me lol very hard, bonus points for historical accuracy!
#17 Put down the gun Fluttershy! We can talk th-- ARRRGH! IM WET!
#21 Looks like even Pinkie couldn't stay jolly. Well I have one piece of advice for her; GIVE IN TO THE CHAOS PINKIE PIE, REVEL IN THE DESTRUCTION!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!
#28 Nice!
#34 Go Norway!
yet another fantastic drawfriend... i really need to sort through my pony folder...
VastaKustutaLove the detailed Hydra, and the 3d model of rarity, freaky detail skillz!
VastaKustutaIt's not just you. Minor shipping stuff like hugging is okay but stuff like 10 really crosses the line for me.
#34 Noway!
VastaKustutaHappy constitution day everypony!
This is in response to those that think that because of a few .."saucy?" pics that we should have separate drawfriends for different "tastes".
VastaKustutaI went back and looked at the 1st drawfriend in the archive and low and behold 2 of the 8 are shipping; 1 also used a derogatory remark. Heck, the 2nd drawfriend had PP and RD kissing for like 3 panels. Point is is that shipping (and to a point, sensuality) has been a part of drawfriend -this whole website- since the beginning. And seeing as EqD is about to hit 6 mil hits, I don't think it has hurt anything. As long is it's not outright pornographic I think whatever Seth posts is for the greater benefit.
On that note,while I agree that there is definitely a difference between outright pornography and tasteful art, and that the former would find a better home at fimchan than EqD; I disagree that the pics shown hardly fit in that category. Seth has a done good job finding pics that appeal to a broad user base, and I'm confident in his discernment.
tl;dr Chillax and realize not everything is meant for your tastes :3 Oh and another awesome drawfriend :D
10 and 11 make me cry.
VastaKustutay u do dis, internet?
VastaKustutaSame here pony. I jus dunno. Those two are what I would call taking it too far. the rest are fine, IMO.
VastaKustutareturning anonymous that first suggested separation of shipping and nonshipping
I agree that Seth has done a pretty good job of filtering out the pornographic stuff. He's done a great job with the blog so far and I always do enjoy the drawfriends regardless, I just try to skim over the shipping. However, I'm simply suggesting separate posts. It doesn't take anything away from anyone. People who enjoy shipping and regular stuff can click both links and people who don't like the idea of shipping, like me, can avoid it. And if I'm alone or the idea isn't a popular one then that's fine. As part of a minority I simply have the right to voice my opinion and have it heard but not the right to decision regarding such ideas. I understand that the inclusion of shipping isn't there to please or displease my "tastes" but I always viewed the site as one for people who love the show and as such I just think that separation of the drawfriend could help please the "tastes" of people who enjoy ponies and people who enjoy ponies and the shipping of such ponies. And I realize that all the drawfriends have had it, I'm not suggesting that it has changed or anything.
returning anonymous that first suggested separation of shipping and nonshipping
VastaKustutabut yeah 10 and 11 kinda put it over the top for me. Sorry Seth :/
I think people are overreacting on the shipping stuff. Are your sensibilities really so easily offended? There's nothing at all objectionable about the shipping images Seth posts; stop being buzzkills.
VastaKustutaI loved it. Easily one of my favorite Drawfriends.
VastaKustuta#10 is a stealth pun; anyone get it?
VastaKustutaIf not; think about what material Vinyl's outfit is made of.
VastaKustutaThis isn`t even about shipping, actually. If you look at the posts we're talking about. (since there is only one pony each). It's a display of sexuality that crosses the line for many, myself included.
tl;dr shipping = ok .Sexuality = not okay.
This isn`t even really about shipping, as the posts in question only have one pony each. It's about too much sexuality.
VastaKustutaI love the loop in #13.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous i feel the same, but i do like seeing them for some reason..., although i just dont think they should be on REG. Equestria daily
VastaKustutaI'm not saying they're objectionable in general I'm saying they're not for certain people. And if this opinion is shared among a bigger portion of the community then maybe it would be easier to split them up.
VastaKustutaI'm going to have to agree. Although I am a massive fan of shipping, I'm tired of seeing comments in this posts about people not wanting to see shipping. I second this motion to have shipping/non-shipping drawfriends posts. Then everybody will be happy!
As awesome as #31 is, I'm so glad the show wasn't another low budget 3D cartoon. I think being animated in flash has given the show a lot of character.
VastaKustutalove #33!
VastaKustuta10 made D.J-pon3 20% sexier
VastaKustuta11 just..just... <__< >__> .___. *clop clop clop*..
Everypony, stop overreacting about 10 and 11. Yes they are questionable, but if you want them removed, talk to Sethisto and stop complaining.
VastaKustutaYes please separate the shipping/clop art from the normal Awww cute stuff. The shipping/explicit fanfics I can avoid but drawfriend is mixed and I see things that make me uncomfortable along with great G rated images. Please work something out.
VastaKustutaI would totally go to Derpy Land.
VastaKustuta#15 probably looks like it could be the cover of a rock album or CD, did the CMC decide to try again to be a rock group!
VastaKustutaI agree with what people are saying here about the over sexualized drawings. Btw I don't have a problem with shipping as long as its not overly sexualized like #25 in drawfriend #80. For example in #10, I'm a fan of Vinyl scratch but the image is extremely derogatory to the character. just makes her seem like a some mindless bimbo. I think a poll needs to be made up as to whether images like that should be made separate. I'm a huge fan of Eqd and would hate for an issue like this to loom over everyones heads. I believe we should have a concrete decision laid out for us.
VastaKustutaAnother sheer display of intelligence by our resident blog runners.
I started giggling uncontrollably when I saw the grenade in Fluttershy's hooves in #21. Good show I say.
VastaKustutaThank you for adding the last one today of all days, it made this Syttende mai even better
VastaKustutaMy favourite by far is #1, especially as I was the one who commissioned it, lol.
VastaKustutaI could possibly maybe do shipping stuff at the bottom, but these take so long to create now with all the sources.
VastaKustutaI lol'd at #15. XD
VastaKustutaAnd I can just never have enough Appledash. Never. Enough.
#10, derogatory to the character?
VastaKustutaIts a cartoon pony.
Stop taking yourself so seriously.
VastaKustutaYour right it is a cartoon pony. As such we shouldn't be turning it into a sexual object. I don't mean to come off too serious guys. I still love all u bronies.
#15. "We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders~! On a quest to eradicate Islam~!"
VastaKustutaAre you sure this isn't "Don't think naughty thoughts" edition?
VastaKustutaNot to do so would strip away some of what makes us human.
VastaKustutaI feel like that is debatable. It is human to crave sex but I don't see how its in human nature to sexualize depictions of animals.
VastaKustutaanyway, hell are we getting off topic. I don't want to start an argument over whether or not its OK to sexualize ponies. the point I was trying to make is that we should have a poll or something to decide whether or not to separate the sexualized drawings from the normal ones.
1, 14,16, 23 and 29 are so cute. 28 is scary but not as scary as 12. and yay derpy land i wanna go.
VastaKustuta10 & 11, I just threw up in my mouth a little. Honestly, if you want to have sex with ponies, whatever I guess, but I don't want to see your drawings.
VastaKustuta#16 - uhhh shipping pic
VastaKustuta#20 - stop maing pictures like that, my screen can't take any more hugs :(
#32 - Where can I get tickets and a map to its location?
#33 - Erm. Yeah. What?
Blew-My-Mind-With-Confusing-Thoughts edition.
23 is so cute, cuz Derpy's face says so much.
VastaKustuta"Hey, how'd you get in there you little rascal? You missed Mommy?"
$15.99 for a pony!? SOLD!
VastaKustuta#31 looks full of win. Very detailed!
VastaKustutaA: don't confuse "Shipping" with "Porn". There was a recent AJ and Dash "hugging" picture which was amazing and also very innocent. However, 10 and 11 in this batch aren't "shipping", they are just overly sexualized. Maybe put a NSFW fold at the bottom of the page, Sethisto?
VastaKustutaB: #21..LOL zombies don't realize Derpy isn't a zombie, and Derpy doesn't realize what's wrong.
C: also #21: Psycho Pinkie, Super-Twi and Serious Dash is pretty much the ultimate kickass team. I doubt anything could seriously pose a threat. the only question is can they "save" the other ponies from Zombiedom, or do they just magic blast, buccaneer blaze and..whatever it is pinkie does.. them into oblivion.
Quite a bit of PLOT in this particular drawfriend..
VastaKustuta#25 isn't by Madmax. It's by, um... me.
VastaKustuta#34 Fuck yeah, Norway! :D
VastaKustutaCutie Mark Crusaders during the Crusades.....
VastaKustutathis is fucking BRILLIANT
^Overly sexualized children's cartoon characters edition.
VastaKustutaFix'd. Not that I'm going to pretend to be some kind of pure-hearted white knight, but let's at least call it what it is.
VastaKustutaBut now I'm wondering who everypony else would be...
Obviously Pinkie is Suika.
#15 rocks.
VastaKustutalol, 'cuz of two images? And why does their being from a children's cartoon make it somehow "worse" as opposed to if it were done to a character from some other random "adult" cartoon? Personally, I think people are getting a little oversensitive. Why is gratuitous violence more acceptable to the average North American than any kind of sexuality? That makes no sense to me, personally; and I live in North America myself.
Anyway, those ponies are wearing more than they usually do, lol. If you want to complain about dressing them up in clothing that "sexualizes" them, you may as well complain to the animators, as well. When Dash was doing around with that towel wrapped around her hair at the beginning of Episoe 26, she looked more naked than she ever has before, lmao.
Whoa, go run some errands for a lil bit, and ppl seem to be up in arms ;P. First off, I realize that specifically #10 and 11 are not shipping; they are "sexualized" artistic representations of imaginary beings. Be that as it may, the question really is is do they go to far? IMO, no. But that's me, others obviously disagree. Ultimately, who decides what is obscene? Seems like a very slippery slope to censorship.
VastaKustutaObviously though it'd be the one running this Dog and Pony Show, Seth (... >_> <_< >_> ..nothing? ..ahem.. moving on). I see drawfriend as I would any art exhibit, some things I appreciate, others I do not, but I respect the curator's freedom to select the works he/she pleases and am grateful for being able to experience a gathering of art I might otherwise never see. If Seth (or Cereal) decides to take on extra labor (I presume) to set apart those pics that might offend some to the "back of the thread" so to speak (or another thread entirely), then that is his prerogative, and in no way will diminish my enjoyment of this site (though I would be a lil sadder inside).
Anyway, I understand why some would want to segregate "mild" from "wild" so that their sensibilities might be un-battered; however, I think it's the wrong approach. The main problem I have with separating even something as innocuous as fanart is that it is -imo- inherently against LOVE and TOLERANCE. Isolating something to a designated area is -again imo- one of the first steps toward vilification and repression. Basically, going from love and tolerance to hate and control.
I'm probably making a bigger deal out of this than most, but I've anecdotal-ly seen this happen in MMOs, churches, after school clubs, workplace, read about it in history, watched it in movies, etc. I see it as an unfortunate part of what happens when ppl come to form any sort of organization. I think it's something that we have to be proactive in fighting in even the smallest case, otherwise we are in for a rough downhill ride.
really tl;dr Love and Tolerance only works if practiced and if Seth and Cereal want to go the extra mile to separate everything, more power to them.
P.S. That all came out a lil more brown-nosy than I intended but whatever lol, Seth and Cereal are doing an awesome job *thumbs up* :D
P.S.S. Hopefully the tone didn't come out too confrontational, I really am trying to be as matter-of-fact about all this :)
VastaKustuta*facehoof* lol
really tl;dr Love and Tolerance only works if practiced and if Seth and Cereal want to go the extra mile to separate everything, more power to them.
31 --> the awesome 3d Rarity by Ig-64, not only comes in mind-blowing super-size, but in a version you can see in real 3d, if you have the funky coloured glasses (I don't). Ig-64 plans on doing the rest of the mane cast too.
VastaKustutaAs for the ponies in leather or underwear and sultry looks -- so what? I place them on the same tier as ponies with guns and zombie ponies. To each their thing, and what Anonypony at 5:02pm said. So... peace, ponies, profit!
Are we going to start seeing a trend of sad Pinkie Pies?
VastaKustutaLoved both pics with Soarin in them. I hope he gets a bigger role next season. He's such an awesome goofball!
VastaKustutasethisto, could you maybe hold back on all of the sleazy stuff? at least keep it PG?
VastaKustutaITT newfags who weren't here since January
VastaKustuta"Sleazy" is highly subjective; not everyone shares your sensibilities.
19 : I just love it when the two best communities in this world are meeting each other like this.
VastaKustutaonce again my panty ponies cause disconfort...
VastaKustutamission accomplished
Not only Madmax but also Johnjoseco is a machine at drawing good quality poneis!
VastaKustuta#21: At first I was like "OH NOES THEY GOT DERPY"
VastaKustutaThen I was all "Derpy, get back in the group. Your not a zombie. You don't even like brains."
VastaKustutaI would like to know, did you submit that? Or did the blog owner just find it and put it up?
Obviously Seth is still a giant idiot for posting it in the first place, but it would help knowing the root of the problem.
Also, no discomfort here, just revulsion.
16 is something I commissioned...lol forever ago
VastaKustutaIt is quite an uproar.
Anyway, I usually just roll with what deviant art allows, and these are totally up there, completely unbanned.
I'll probably start dropping controversial stuff to the bottom or something.
VastaKustutain fact i expected those on the old ling post
Others have already said it, but hey. Stop whining about "overly sexualized ponies." I don't clop to ponies, and I'm not sure what exactly went through the artist's mind when he drew them, but I like the pictures. They're well drawn for the most part.
VastaKustutaKloudmutt must be stopped. I mean, sometimes johnjoseco does some stuff I find questionable, but he also does some really good ponies. Kloudmutt has basically never produced anything I've enjoyed.
VastaKustutaYay, I'm glad everypony likes my render (31). Believe me, I'd be just as upset if the show went 3D - I absolutely love the charming 2D style of the show and I think that's a big part of what makes it so great. I just have an interest in converting 2D styles to 3D, and with all this feedback I seem to be doing something right :)
VastaKustutalol, go practice your hypocritical morality policing elsewhere, friend. The world doesn't exist to serve your arbitrary whims and censor everything that might offend your delicate sensibilities.
in five minutes drawfriend can give me all the awesome pony art it would take me 3 hours to dig up elsewhere with a fraction of the over-the-line erotic stuff i would be exposed to doing so -- thanks a lot seth. keep up the good work
VastaKustutanow i must apply for a job at derpy land
#21 Oh Derpy. You are not a zombie. What are you even doing there? That is so silly of yoOH SHIT ZOMBIE PONIES!!! RUUUUUN!!!!!
VastaKustutaHow do I feel about 10 and 11?
VastaKustutaI Never really liked vinyl, so I have no real feelings for her, so I say feel free to degrade her image and make her a sex object. I'm sure that there are many people who would disagree with me, but vinyl is only shown for a small portion of one episode ( someone check that for me ), so she all she has to stand on is fanbase. So, she has nothing going for her. Maybe his is the actual vinyl, this is what she actually does. Maybe vinyl is more than just a DJ. The possibilities are endless, as she is only shown once.
As for #11, I just think that if you don't like that, then you shouldn't be here. I've been progressively looking through all the drawfriends, and even back in the 20s, there were a few controversial pictures.
The fanfiction 'cupcakes' was extremely controversial, yet it got posted. So no matter what anypony says, it's all on Sethisto on what to post and what to not post.
Okay. Rant over.
Sorry about my bad grammar/spelling. It's really hard to type on an IPod.
VastaKustuta@Nvr Rmbr: "cupcakes" shouldn't be posted anywhere. That thing is a crime against humanity.
VastaKustutaLove 8 for Luna eating her Namesake's Pastries and 31, WOW.
VastaKustutaCan certain pics be hidden by a spoiler mechanic? Just to shu--.. ahem, soothe those defending the community standards? There's a line, sure, but this debate is seriously sowing undue weariness.
VastaKustutaVery awesome discomfort.
#5, 10, 11, and 16 make me uncomfortaable.
VastaKustutaI think a lot of us would appreciate that seth. would really cut down on all the drama.
Also to everyone this isn't just about people getting offended. Equestria daily is pretty much the flagship site for bronies. this shouldn't be the image we confer to the outside world.
VastaKustutaFREE ARK
You people complain a lot.
VastaKustutaWhat is wrong with you?
@Nvr Rmbr
VastaKustutaI don't think people are worried about offending a fictional character, or disrespecting a fictional character. It's the actual people who are being disrespected that matter.
#5 and #10 DAT PLOT!
VastaKustutaI can't stop laughing at all the prudish little cunts complaining about the risque pony art. Don't you whiny bitches have anything better to do than tout your oh-so-precious little morals and opinions?
VastaKustutaBut it's okay - watching you all get so mad brings me and the other NSFW artists much happiness. :>
Looks like C&C finally got their cutie marks!
VastaKustutaBrink Derpy is so cool.
VastaKustuta#10 - tooooo hot! <3
VastaKustutaI know don't feed the parasprites but you're honestly the worst example of a fan I've ever seen. I'm sorry that you never got to understand anything the show tries to teach. Ya know, stuff for little kids. Maybe just grow up a little more before you're mature enough to appreciate the idea of the show.
VastaKustutasorry, I should have just read your profile before even responding. I know it's cool to be accepting and stuff but try not to associate yourself too much with this community alright? thanks
"I like drawing weird porn that no one will probably want to fap to.
And I want to murder everyone. "
this isn't someone I think should be watching this show in the first place.
Jesus Christ, Kloudmutt!
VastaKustutaI hate you!
kloudmutt will be first against the wall when the pony revolution comes
VastaKustutaMy armor is contempt.
VastaKustutaMy shield is disgust.
My sword is hatred.
I'm out of here.
VastaKustutaand #31 indeed needs a link to the real full version, you can see the damn stiches on the doll!
Somepony with some Photoshop skillz must realize the potential in #13 to be an awesome recursive Pinkie Pie .gif!!!
VastaKustuta#20 and #21 have no sourse, i don't have my gallery on web. There some arts on ponibooru by tag "artist:fiarel"
VastaKustutahttp://ponibooru.413chan.net/post/view/12837 here is #21 HR.
I think people have got it wrong against us bronies who don't want to see the so called 'clopart'.
VastaKustutaI for one am not saying that it is a crime against humanity, different strokes for different folks but please do not put the more specialized interest pictures that some people uncomfortable next to the non-controversial stuff that most can agree on. It makes it impossible for bronies like me to avoid it. Its not for me about 'morals', I know this type of stuff has a good sized fanbase and who I am to judge people on their likes? But please just keep it separate so those that like it can see it and those that don't like it can easily avoid it.
TL:DR It's not about 'morals', some of us just dislike the so called 'clopart' but that doesn't mean that we are on a campaign to rid the web of it. There needs to be different sections of drawfriend for different interests. I'm not saying take it all off EQ, just please have a separate post for it.
#34 Norway...FUCK
VastaKustuta@Anonymous nah, I think that Twilight would be Reimu, AJ as Marisa (duh, it suits her), and Lyra as Sakuya.
VastaKustutaAs for bosses, you can take a big fat guess who Cirno will be played by...
What do you people find wrong about #10 and #11?
VastaKustutaRule 34 of the internet: If it exists, there is porn of it.
U-hu, like, i dunno, drunk drivers run over people, what's wrong with it? It happens. Logic at its finest.
VastaKustutaI love u
but srsly, those where ingended for the lingerie post, sooooo... in fact i wasnt xpecting to see them here, so yeah perhaps a little division or spoiler might be nice
#21- >mfw Derpy is normal and not a zombie
VastaKustuta28 is amazing. More monster art please.
VastaKustutaWhat? They never said porn and murder were wrong in the show!
Awwwwwwwww. #20 is so presisos!
VastaKustuta*looks at #10* *nosebleed* o o;; Dammit... now I have to draw a picture of Vinyl Scratch in a vinyl suit.
VastaKustutaI don't mind #10 and #11.
VastaKustutaI definitely love #29. I love Derpy/Dinky pictures.
Finally: Why oh why would someone inflict something as horrible as #12 on the brony community?
#27, I took it, resized it. It's now my wallpaper.
Oh COME ON, am I the only one who thinks Brink didn't suck?!
21) Heh. Derpy, you so crazy. Now... we ARE missing some people. OH GOD. NOT LYRA AND BON-BON...
VastaKustuta#5 - Kind of nice having a different POV...the tree's maybe?
VastaKustuta#28 - Yeah, that's a doozy if I ever saw one...
16 reminds me of a fanfic about how rainbow dash is turned into a colt so that her and applejack can have a foal.