• Drawfriend Stuff #81

    Recovery edition!

    This was originally drawfriend #80, but my draft got destroyed by the blogger outage. 

    Unfortunately I don't have time to go re-locate all the sources for it (I usually do it when I find the image and delete them when I create the post).  I still have a bunch of email to go through and achievements to update before work tonight.

    Feel free to send me a list and I will drop it down at the bottom!

    You have probably seen a few of these images over the past few days for various things.  Sorry about the repeats.






















    94 kommentaari:

    1. what's with no 19?

    2. @Anonymous

      minimalist ponies
      top row is the mane 6 celestia/luna and spike

    3. seth, I think you broke it again

    4. Next row of that being Big Mac, Granny Smith, Gilda, Zecora, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie belle, The Great and Powerful Trixie and Cheerilee.

    5. There are only TWO characters in #19 that I can't name, the very last one and the one between Braeburn and Photo Finish.

    6. lol i hoped for my picture to show up in next drawfriend and it didn't :(

    7. who is this green unicorn? does she have a name?

    8. This community has some great artists in it!

      #1 Very scenic!
      #3 Very nicely drawn! Good shadows.
      #4 I thought he threw out the manual. Good on Twilight for finding a backup!
      #6 It's PonOS?
      #9 Pinkie is like Jesus, she loves everyone!

      #16 Comrade Pie has been promoted!
      #18 D'Awwwwwww
      #19 I don't get it... Is it abstractionist art?

    9. @Anonymous
      What? What green alicorn?

    10. 19 scares me for some weird reason @_@

    11. @Anonymous
      Sapphire Shores possibly?

    12. @Anonymous
      DERP, I misread "unicorn."
      I think that's lyra.

    13. More #19 (I think?)
      Row 3 = Mayor Mare, Mr & Mrs Cake, Snips, Snails, Pony Joe(?), Hoity Toity, Photo Finish and Sapphire Shores.

      Row 4 = Wonderbolt members (Middle must be soarin', can't decide who the other two are), Derpy, The Doctor, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Buck Norris (or whatever his fanon name is, the tennis pony?) aaaand I don't know who the last could be.

    14. are Applebloom and Dash supposed to be making a recognizable shape in 10? I can't puzzle it out...

      Flutterheart is adorbale though!

    15. Bottom row is the wonderbolts, derpy, dr. whooves, Lyra and bon-bon, hoity-toity and... vinyl scratch?

      I see Photo Finish in the third row.

    16. Please source the images.

      Thanks in advance.

      (I'm number 1 wooo)

    17. Is the last one in #19 Vinal Scratch?

    18. 6. Oh damn!
      7. Hello! Spoilers?
      8. Hilarious. That's canon for me.
      14/15. Really like the art style.
      18. D'awwww.

    19. I'm going to be spending too long trying to identify everyone in 19, now.

    20. This is a great overall bunch... but #18 is the cutest most wonderful thing. :D

    21. 19 IS AWESOME!

    22. Whoa! Number three is beautifully painted!
      And the brony who drew/painted #14/15... Needs more practice. Haha

      Other than that brilliant group!

    23. Yes, #18 is the cutest thing ever.

    24. @Paperpony: Ahah! I think the last one is Scratch, and I found out who the second-to-last one is: Ace. That tennis-pony.

      Third row is, Ma(yo)re of ponyville, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Snips and Snails, Braeburn, Hoity-Toity, Photo Finish and... no idea what the last one is. But we've identified the rest!

    25. 10 is so cute. love how fluttershy is making a heart

    26. Whoop, #7 would be http://sagebrushpony.deviantart.com/#/d3g2wku !

    27. #1 Reminds me of a pciture. It was man standing on a cliff overlooking mountains and landscape, abnove the clouds, with a walking stick in his hands. Pretty similar, even the coloring :P
      #2 Totally using that as wallpaper !!!
      #5 Nope its NOT !!!
      #7 Is that the continuation to that picture where Twilight is standing over the bloodied, bruised up body of Celestia?
      #9 At first I was BWAHAHAHAHAH. Then I started to shiver.
      #10 Cute overload imminent!
      #16 We are doomed. Now someone draw that in manicpinkie version.
      #19 Personally I think that one is ingenious :)


      Bloody Hell, I'm tripping balls, bronies.

    29. Last of the 3rd Row is Sapphire Shores, I bet.

    30. #19 spoilers

      Row 1: Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, Spike
      Row 2: Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Gilda, Zecora, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Trixie, Cheerilee
      Row 3: The Mayor, Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake, Snips, Snails, Braeburn, Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores
      Row 4: Wonderbolts[3], Derpy, Doctor Hooves, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Ace, Vinyl Scratch

      The last two Wonderbolts are Soarin' and Spitfire; Ace is the tennis pony from CotC.

    31. The last two are Ace, teh tennis poni and Vinyl Scratch, for those interested.

    32. Is that... is that a fucking Caspar David Friedrich painting with Rarity??? MY body WAS NOT ready.

    33. @Anonymous
      HAH I knew it I saw it somehwere !!!

      Didn't know who painted it thought but I recall using that picture on a website I did like...pff...lots of years ago as a kid :P

      Thanks for the name brony ^-^

    34. 19 reminds me of a DNA map...

    35. I quickly glanced over #1 and didn't pay much attention to it then I realized that I've definitely seen that before.

      I pretty much jizzed when I realized what it was based off of, because it's probably my favorite painting ever.

    36. 1st row: mane six + Celestia, Luna and Spike
      2nd row: Big Mac, Granny Smith, Gilda, Zecora, CMC, Trixie, Cherilee
      3rd row: Mayor, Mr and Mrs Cake, Snips and Snails, Braeburn, Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores
      4th row: Wonderbolts, Derpy, Dr Whooves, Lyra and Bon Bon, that tennis pony, and Vinyl Scratch.

      I am way too good at this. To think we can recognize ponies just by a couple of coloured stripes.

    37. 19 is just pure win!
      I really like how he got down Zacora and Celestia

    38. Now I got an image of the original Caspar David Friedrich and checking it next to #1.

      Whoever did it, you have all my respect.

    39. The fact that I was able to recognize all the ponies in #19 without looking at the comments scares me.

    40. These are all so very wonderful.

      And I love the minimalist one =D

    41. Source for #10
      RD is a fan.

    42. 19 seems to be organized by height/age too, as Celestia is the tallest and the CMC are the shortest. So why is Applejack taller than the rest of the mane 6?

    43. #2 is simply brilliant! Absolutely incredible!

    44. Because of the hat.

    45. Love the detail on #3, then again I love everything with AJ in it.

    46. #8

      Greatest Party Ever.

    47. Good lord, is that a fire giant from the first series?

    48. @Ewyndall
      >> #7 Is that the continuation to that picture where Twilight is standing over the bloodied, bruised up body of Celestia?

      Not exactly a continuation but mostly re-imagination. Happy, no-violence version, that fits MLP more.

    49. Call me a nerd but #19 made me LOL.

      For those of you who are confused, 19 is the the characters on spectroscopy form.

    50. I'm not usually one for the humanized ponies, but #12 is incredibly well done.

    51. #7 Twilight was so upset after she failed the "unscrew and empty a bottle of Heinz-legs Ketchup onto a row of hotdogs" spell. Thankfully Celestia was there to comfort her.

    52. Dr. Derpenstien, PHD15. mai 2011, kell 16:22

      Is it odd that I knew all of the ponies in #19? I went herpa derpa when I saw that...

    53. I can name all ponies in 19 too, I was kinda aroused by it as well.

    54. Number 2 is amazing. Absolute quality.

    55. 3. More Applejack! Yay!

      16. New royal decree: Party. Every. Day.
      Also, "I know everypony, and I mean everypony, in Equestria!^-^"

    56. on # 19:
      Twilight, AJ, FS, RD, Pinkie, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, Spike

      Big Mac, Granny Smith, Gilda, Zecora, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, Trixie Cheerilee

      Mayor, Carrot cake, Cupcake, Snips, Snails, Braeburn, Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, Saphire Shores.

      Wonderbolt, Wonderbolt, Wonderbolt, Derpy, Dr. Whooves, Lyra, Bon-Bon, That pony with the racket from episode, I don't know...

      Is it weird I was able to recognize all of them but the last one?

    57. Because I'm a harlot for guessing games, my guesses on #19:

      Twilight, AJ, Fluttershy, Dash, Pinkie, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, Spike
      Big Mac, Granny Smith, Gilda, Zecora, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, The Great and Powerful Trixie, Cheerilee
      Mayor Mare, Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake, Snips, Snails, Braeburn, Hoity-Toity, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores
      Random Wonderbolt, Soaren, Spitfire, Derpy, Dr. Whooves, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Whatever-the-hell-the-fandom-has-dubbed-the-tennis-pony-from-Call-of-the-Cutie, Colgate(?)

      Celestia dammit, I have too much free time on my hands.

      On a unrelated note, Canterlot at night may well be one of the greatest pieces of fanart ever.

    58. The last one in 19 is definitely Vinyl Scratch/DJ-P0N3.

    59. Ohhh my Gosh #10 and 11. aaaaaahhh!

    60. 19 reminds me of Vzones.

    61. Still waiting on my Luna with glasses and an abacus.

    62. Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog!
      Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog!

      I know people already recognized it but I am nerding out so much right now that that was made!

    63. The fact that I could name every pony represented in #19 from memory simply by color recognition makes me think maybe I need to take a looooong break from ponies... >.>

    64. I love that opening headline pic of Rarity
      She looks soo bold in that picture, would like to know if there was some inspiration for it. I know she isnt a happy pony there . . . Its one of those pics that i wish were in a widescreen format . . . . just would be such an epic background image.

      pic 1 isnt loading, its blank for me, even after a refresh with a cookie cleaning.

      pic 2 is wonderfully done, the glow on canterlot is rather pleasing, perfect example of an awesome background image pic.

      pic 3 Our fav stetson wearin, hardest workinin, apple buckin, big sis doin what she does best. Keeping them mghty tasty apples from spoiling so everypony can enjoy them. Its another one of those pics i cant tell ( like headlined rartiy ) wether its painted by hand or digitally, either way its still just a treat to look at, i commend this pony/brony for such talent.

      pic 4 I can see this being an episode . . . . lol Im waiting for twi to team with whooves for a sciency-type episode. lol

      pic 5 WHY, RAINBOW DASH? . . . you changed yer mane style . . . cooler yes, is it you? no. Soo much prettier with it down. LOL

      pic 6 If i was walking into a room with anypony and seen that . . . well i would definately bite my lip and SCOOTALOO . . . . ahahahah clever pony is clever . .. .

      pic 7 PLS PLS PLS . . . .we need backstory on this O.O Its just soo touching . . . Is cely's horn BROKEN?!?!?!

      pic 8 anything . . . i mean anything is 20% cuter with our fav mare derpy in it!! MUFFINS GET!!!

      pic 9 PINKAMENA and FLUTTER-RAGE, i could soo see some extreme things happening here. That face Pinkamena is making used to make me laugh . . . . but now it sorta scares me. Intellectually im depressed to know our cupcake bakin, party throwing, hiccup-snorting, giggle factory has some issues she needs to come to terms with. While i can see an epic story of unkown demeanor coming from this . . . . I dont know if i could read it >.< Im saddened to know she is this way. Flutter-rage . . . well you cant be butterflies and squeaks all the time. LMAO

      pic 10 i ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS PICTURE. Its utter and scary cuteness makes my mind race . . . . lol and it sorta looks like our little Apple Bloom there is ready to do a spind-dash . . . . Rainbow Dash is on the floor laughing, and Fluttershy is sleeping ever soo soundly despite RD's voistrous behavior, maybe Rainbow is laughing at Apple Blooms impersonation of sonic, DOING a spindash. I just dont know what else to say about this pic.

      pic 11 HMMMM Rarity has flavor!!! This DAWWWWW pic is just too much after seeing pic 10 . . .it made me laugh for sure.

      pic 12 Stylized . . . not my thing but bravo for catching each personality so visually. n.n

      pic 13 . . . . hmmm 13 . . . . im not superstitious or nothin . . . but 13 + troubled Rarity . . . its kinda making me wonder, i hate seeing any of the ponies sad/troubled. So other than a perfect visual representation of her poor self stressing during the dress making incident i cant say much of or look at a pic of Rarity like that.

      pic 14 WHOO Derpy, LOL. Looks as she is coming home from a long days work, seeing the smiling faces of the friendly ponyfolk of ponyville would have me smiling gleefully at the end a my day as a mailpony too. Nicely done on the shadowing and coloring . . . the texture really makes the pic unique!!

      pic 15 Hoping thats traditional media . . . its always a joy to see a picture of this caliber posted, its fun to see unique stylized lines and personification of the portrayed character thru the artists work. Hope to see more of Scratch in the show n.n

    65. pic 16 Pinky Pie as an alicorn . . . . *nods* yeah i can see this! THat face is just too gleeful. If i had a friend who was like that all the time . . . i sure as sugar wouldnt turn them away. Tho it makes me wonder why Cely is sooo big compared to everypony else . . . . even luna who is the same blood is the same size as the ponyvillians.

      pic 17 streeeeaatch little one. The sun has risen on a brand new day, its time for you to go and play! Wow its sorta fun to try and talk like Zecora sometimes . . . Its hard to not be smiling when you see a foal face like that :D

      pic 18 mom . . . . . :'( i miss you both. . . . This is touching . . .ever so . . . . as much so that this young stallion's a little misty eyed.

      pic 19 I get it . . . . but i dont know how to react.

      pic 20 DASHIE!!! LOOKIN GOOD!! ( stickly in a complimentary way, im not a perv pony. O\../O They all looked exception well in the Gala gowns. I love the forelock (crown) rarity set up for Rainbow, it was in perfect taste aswell as an excellent compliment to an already stunningly colorful mare.

      pic 21 AHH soo BOLD, determained, confident and rather intimidating. The art style here is very complimentary of the mood. This is one of my fav things about everypony in the mane cast so far. When their morals are confronted ( themselves, friends and others ) They turn into these extremely adorable demolishers of the bad. I know i met anypony like this id definately steer clear. If friendship is magic, its also the power to fuel limitless anger.

      pic 22 I dont know whats going on in this pic, but GO TWILIGHT SPARKLE!! SHow that golem(?) that friendship is much stronger than MIGHT!! I really like the rough sketchy lines used here, it shows the anguish the mob is putting up with. *whinnies cheers for twilight sparkle*

      pic 23 Ahhhh Trixie . . .yer close to the bottomg of my list . . . right there with gilda, no one likes a show-offy, snooty head pony. But you are rather friendly looking when you want to be . . . Hopefully the others can see your redeeming qualities eventually. I just hope you let others see them for once. Tho im not a fan of snooty ol' trixie. I really would have liked to see her redeem herself to the ponyvillians. I want to like trixie but i just cant. Even with a superbly crafted pic of her like this. She is rather fetching in her own way.

      SORRY for the wall of text, i feel bad some of the artists pics are never commented on whenever i see these drafriend collectives( im guilty of not commenting my self. ) but i feel the artists put out soo much effort to show us little different sides of our ( idols dare i say LOL ) That they should all be recognized. I draw, not very well mind you, but even one comment on a pic i have done makes me feel much happier and willing to draw more.

    66. @Doc Steedly

      Thank you man! You commented on both mine, 14 and 15... haha!
      It makes me happy that you appreciate my traditional junk!

    67. Color palettes, sweet.

    68. DrOrbitalDeathRay15. mai 2011, kell 21:51

      #23 Dat Trixie.

    69. Hooray! Thanks for posting my Doctor Whoof! Sadly, that's the second revision, I think the final copy is at least 20% cooler! http://fav.me/d3g5em1

    70. Is the last one in 19 seriously scratch?
      Someone fucked up the color of her coat, it's supposed to be white, not that dark color

    71. 19 is awesome. my new phone wallpaper

    72. matugi I am impressed with your style. I'll be looking for more of your arts in the future.

    73. Another awesome drawfriend.

      Also lololol, banner xD

    74. The detail on number 3 is Famazing. Almost kid's book-quality.

    75. Goddess Pinkie Pie! LOLOLOL
      She looks cute! <3

    76. For the ones who asked, in image 10 Applebloom is making the form of an apple (with a bite)and rainbow dash is making a helix

    77. I think if you look at the file description of #7 you can start to understand what the artist (presumably)was thinking. After all these stories about Twilight's power taking her over and overpowering Celestia there had to be a moment where it all came to a head, either destroying Twilight, or destroying the rest of Equestria.

      Or...there could've been a a third possible outcome: at the last moment, using all of her power, Celestia was able to stop Twilight's rampage, and give the pony a greater degree of control over her own magical powers. Finally, exhausted and wounded, both collapse on the ground, Celestia maternally protecting her protege.

    78. #12 is my favorite

    79. @fieryShaman
      eeyeah, applebloom is an apple.. idk what dash is.

    80. OHHH! in know who the ponies in number 19 are now... twighlight, aj, fluttershy, dash, pinkie pie,rarity, the princesses and then spike, then big mac,granny smith,gilda, zecora, the cutie mark crusaders,the people ,trixie,?, then the mayor lady... errr....idk, idk, the mares frome dash and fluttershy's flight school,i dont remember the rest in that row, the wonder bolts, derpy, and idk the rest.

    81. #17 is http://lkittytaill.deviantart.com/art/Lyra-208472172

    82. I would very much like #19 as an art print so I can express my fandom while leaving people guessing.

    83. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. #7,like,makes up for celestia doing wayyyyyyyyy too many pranks.

    84. 18 is soo cute! ^^,

    85. #19: There is an extended one here:

      Row One:
      Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, Spike.
      Row Two:
      Big Mac, Granny Smith, Greta Griffin, Zecora, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, Trixie, Cherilee.
      Row Three:
      Madam Mayor, Mister Cake, Missus Cake, Snips, Snails, Braeburn, Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores.
      Row Four:
      Soarin (Wonderbolts,) Spitfire (Wonderbolts,) Derpy Hooves, Dinky Hooves, Doctor Whooves, Lyra, Bon Bon, Ace, Vinyl Scratch.

      In the Extended I linked these are the ones I've figured out so far:
      Row Five:
      (Unknown,) Nurse Redheart, Berry Punch, Pinchy Punch, Caramel, Rose Diamond, Carrot Top, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara.
      Row Six:
      Twilight's Mom, Twilight's Dad, Colgate, (Unknown,) Peppermint Twist, (Unknown,) Screw Loose, Lotus Blossom, Aloe.
      Row Seven:
      (Unknown,) Pipsqueak, (Unknown,) (Unknown,) (Unknown,) (Unknown,) (Unknown,) Lucky, (Unknown.)
      Row Eight:
      (All Unknown)
      Row Nine:
      Octavia, Fancypants, Princess Cadance, (Unknown,) Dragon-Who-Lost-His-Mustache.

      I feel like such a Brony failure to be able to name so few :(
