We really need an MLP Movie Edition!
Also these are too much work edition.
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65 kommentaari:
Source for 27 is http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5710761/
VastaKustuta#3 HA HA HA, OH WOW
VastaKustuta#28 - looking at Lauren Faust's DA journal XD
VastaKustutalol'd hard at the meme pic, FOREVER ALUNA
VastaKustutaAlso, fucking awesome Thief crossover.
Needs more "LOVE ME!!!!!" and possible a DESPAIR in there somewhere.
VastaKustutaAlso lol at "Tuba Glue"
I chuckled at the scootiana Lones parody
#27 was almost awesome save for that one glaring typo.
VastaKustuta#6 and #3 were great.
#6 is how Twilight's mane got all messy by the time they got to the doughnut shop...
VastaKustuta#12 Applejack/Soren? Someone write this fic.
Also, yay for heartwarming mama's day pictures!
The reason for #28 is #27.
VastaKustutanº3 fluttershy "do not want" xD
VastaKustutaDerpy get out of the fridge.
Aww man these just keep getting better, thanks for continuously posting these Seth.
VastaKustutaAlso @ #33, Scootaloo has the biggest wingboner I've ever seen.
love the mothers day ones, they are so sweet.
VastaKustuta19 scares me and like seeing more weird al pony in 23.
LOL I made #22, it technically wasnt even done yet! XD thats probably my best work so far too o_O lol and lulz, just found this funny XD
VastaKustutaanyways holy CRAP these raelly are getting better :D so much great artwork out there! :D
1. Awesome, but Trixie should watch out.
VastaKustuta2. GET OVER HERE! Applejacks famous Mortal Ponybat move that leads into friend shipping.
3. This will cause laughs.
4. Elegantly done, I commend the artist for this piece of extravagence.
5. Spitfire is now officially on the draw friends list of ponies that target Rainbow Dash for cuddles.
6. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie get drunk and become strippers, though the effect is lessened because by societal normalities their usually nude anyway.
7. Flustershy!
8. She's such a tease, stop falling for her this instant bronies.
9. mmmmmm... yes... world conquest.. mmmmm. (I bet nobody can find what I'm referencing)
10. Celestia is doing you a favor, stay grounded.
11. If only Celestia were her mommy, D'awwww.
12. Rainbow Dash is jealous of the Wonderbolt macking on her sweet apples.
13. D'awww activate for blushy sisters.
14. Ouch... harsh.
15. This is Fluttershy in the aftermath of being a crazy evil enchantress.
16. Luna, Trixie and Rainbow Dash love quadradical for Twilight.
17. Whether it's gold digging or being a jewel thief, you have a Rarity.
18. Pony oriental hot tubs.
19. Fluttershy will never live her insanity moment down, I'm not letting her either. You call that shy and meek?
20. MUFFIN-TROID! I wanted Rainbow Aran though.
21. Run Twilight, Run.
22. Epic.
23. Isn't that posed to be "A tuba glue"?
24. What?! It's just a muffin sandwhich and half your refridgerator.
25. Derpy is as smarter than Eintstein.
26. Spike the pony dragon hybrid who looks suspiciously like Spyro.
27. Applebloom no one can predict your cutie mark based on landscaping, Sweetie Belle is a belle or a microphone and Scootaloo is dancing shoes or a skateboard at least.
28. Surprise Celestia, your sister trolled you hard on the pony threads.
29. D'awww cavity inducing point. I love Derpy and adopted Dinky togetherness.
30. D'awww Twilight and her mother.
31. Looks like a magical silent fart.
32. D'awww isn't birth givers day just grand?
33. Scoot to the future! Wait a minute... did I just seriously drop a good title for a fan ficion?
33(34). She's elegant and cuddly when she's not a storm of rabid killer pony emotions bent on holding squirrels in her mouth.
I don't think my health insurance covers D'awwwing myself to death.
So awesome.
VastaKustutaIn regards to 23, Weird Al really needs to cameo on the show, as a pony, looking exactly like that. Who's with me?
#26 That is the coolest Spike I've ever seen =D
VastaKustutalol @ 23. Also, 29 and 30 made me d'awwwwww.
VastaKustutaGah! =P
#9 reminds me of Misato Katsuragi
VastaKustuta#10 sooo obvious
#16 stupid sexy overimagination
#23 silly Al
#26 Dragon your hooves, eh?
#29 #30 #32 Happy Mothers day all!
Source 21
I commissioned Number 4 <3
VastaKustuta#3 About time
VastaKustutathere seriously should have been a mothers day event...
VastaKustutawelp, there's always fathers day... for those of us that still have fathers, lol.
VastaKustutaObviously Dash is jealous that AJ is gonna get some sweet 'relations' with a Wonderbolt and she will not.
#10 Just say "thank you" and smile, Luna...
VastaKustuta#17 Inb4Fanfic.
VastaKustuta20 "Just what I always wanted. My own little baby metroid. I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and he will find lots of muffins that weird people hide in da walls!"
VastaKustutaThe number 33 is used twice.
VastaKustuta...just so you know.
@2 wat
VastaKustuta@12 Oh god lmao
@14 herpaderp
@34 oh my dawwwww
1) Shit's ballin' yo.
VastaKustuta7) Pretty sure I've seen this one months ago.
14 + 20) Hahahaha, awesome, they really need coloring though.
21) This pic creep anyone else out?
23) Totally read that in Weird Al's voice. Great work!
#29 and #30 literally made me "DAWWW" out loud. LDOL.
VastaKustuta15 - We feel your Pain Fluttershy....we feel your pain. ;w;
VastaKustutaSo many good ones this edition!
VastaKustuta#4 So very well drawn!
#10 So this is how liberty dies.
#17 Rarity would make a great thief, with class!
#23 Lulz
#24 Derpy is the new Roarschach; breaks into your house and eats your food.
Don't get me wrong, they are all good! I just can't come up with comments for everypony!
#33 Sunset? Is that symbolic? Is Scootaloo leading the revolution?
VastaKustuta#19 will give me night-mares.
VastaKustutaSpitfire is officially my favorite pony for the summer~<3
VastaKustuta#25 - Dr. Hooves, displaying her derivation of special relativity from the "Laurens" transformations
VastaKustutaY no sendoff/thank-you art for Lauren Faust?
VastaKustuta#6 That's what happens when you decide to throw a big party when your folks are out of town leaving you home alone for the weekend...and of course they don't know a thing about your party!!!
VastaKustutaOh God, she's going to kill us all.
Wow! Theres a lot of pictures in this one!
VastaKustutaI really like the mother's day, they kindda stuck out to me. They also kindda depress me, I kindda wish I could have done something for mother's day.
Also. Number four is absolutely amazing. Its just so beautiful!
29, 30 and 32 were so sweet! Most of the others were excellent as well! I really loved #19, though...despite the fact it was an extreme portrayal.
VastaKustutad'awwwww 18
VastaKustutaAwesome images...but did anybody but me wince when it was spelled "Nazi's" instead of "Nazis"?
VastaKustutaHahaha Marty Mcfly and scootaloo.
VastaKustuta#15, Poor Fluttershy. Before you try to make others love you, first look around to those who already love you.
VastaKustutaI absolutely adore these drawfriend threads.
VastaKustutaIf any drawfriends see this btw..../ring a drawing of Trixie or Twilight Sparkle vs the Balrog
#4 - LUNA! <3
VastaKustuta#32 - Happy Mother's Day! :D
@Darth Equus, I believe that none of the fanbase even knew that Lauren was going to leave at that time. Wait until either #78 or #79 for that.
VastaKustutaAnyways, I just love those Mother's Day pictures! :D Now hopefully, I could at see one Father's Day picture with Twilight Sparkle and his dad when that time comes.
No. 10, 14, 15. --- D'awwwww :( I almost shed a tear at those.
VastaKustutaNo.19. HOLY SHIT O.o Evacuate the women and children!!!
No.23. I dont get it...
No.27. --- ROFL @ Nazi's Stole My Cutie Mark XDDD
More arts!!!! :D
VastaKustutaNumber 12 is lies and slander.
VastaKustuta19: I lol'ed hard
VastaKustuta#6. Twilight "Well it can't get any worse." Somehow it gets worse.
VastaKustutaand #34 looks awesome.
VastaKustutalast one is the best one
VastaKustutaholy shit that one is good
Source #28
And so, the day is saved, thanks to Alley-Oop and his terrible tuba puns.
VastaKustutaAhhh, Weird Al...
VastaKustuta#3- that is all!
VastaKustuta#3- Would have been better if Celestia had a troll face :).