• Discussion: Your Dream Season

    We have seen countless discussions on season two predictions, and various other things, but I haven't seen a dream discussion yet.

    So here is how this works.  You are now the CEO of Hasbro, and everyone below you mindlessly follows your Celestian godlike status without any questioning at all.  Season three is yours to do whatever you want with.

    What do you do with our beloved ponies?

    Feel free to take advantage of the anon posting if you are embarrassed about your Super Saiyan, Mary Sue, Twilight SparklexNaruto crossover.

    209 kommentaari:

    1. The entire season follows one continuous story arc that focuses on big adventure, character development, and action. None of the main characters are KILLED or anything, of course, but it still causes things to get a lot more dicey than they did in the first two seasons.

    2. I'd probably have at least 1 of the characters (spike excluded) have a love interest *coughcoughTWILIGHTXDR,WHOOVEScough*

    3. I'd be too nervous about rocking the boat =p.

    4. Octavia makes a comeback

    5. We need a episode where celestia overstep their bounds with her trolling =D

    6. Princess Luna is in every episode, and the great and powerful Trixie makes a triumphant return.

      Also more Trollestia.

    7. First thing I do is get people working on a movie. Not a straight-to-dvd, made-for-tv movie, a real movie that will get a theatrical release.

    8. Dark Side of the World15. mai 2011, kell 20:35

      Way too many ideas to go on. But One thing I would like to see is some overall antagonist more like Nightmare moon and it's efforts to concur Equestria.

      Like Celestia suddenly is trapped in some dimensional trapping spell leaving Luna no choice but to rule in her place while the Mane cast try and find not only a way to free Celestia, but defeat the enemy as well. Of course their would be the usual "filler" episodes that are for character development, but something along those lines.

    9. I'll get my engineers to invent a schadenfreude powered generator, and connect it to the internet. Then release a Celestia-tier part 1 of a 2 part episode.



      Dunno what'd I do with the power though. Buy Kansas or something.

    10. I would literally try to make it as much as season 1 as humanly possible.

      I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment if they are expecting season one quality throughout the life of this series.

    11. - Epic 3-parter where the CMCs get their cutie marks
      - Implement "Legion of Doom" style alliance of villains from previous seasons, led by a mysterious figure
      - steady increase in the amount of explosions, friendship, and friendship-induced explosions per episode
      - Season finale is a mindfuck episode where it's revealed Pinkie and Pinkamena are actually two separate characters and Pinkamena is the leader of the Legion

    12. I'd have stand alone episodes, but they all add to a growing plot that lasts the whole season. Kinda like fringe.

    13. I would lift any restrictions the writers/animators have and just let them 'do what feels right'. Though I might ask for some form of a story arc, doesn't have to be anything major.

      Also, I'd pay Lauren Faust to come back, even to just hang out.

    14. @Anonymous
      It's an unfortunate fact, but I'd have to agree. Although, with the friggin seven month wait they're giving us, I'm pretty sure a lot of bronies will be happy with almost whatever Hasbro decides to throw at us.

    15. The Great and Powerful Trixie is the new main character.

    16. Probably replace the main cast with background and minor ponies.

      e.g. Vinyl Scratch, Dr. Whooves, Derpy and Dinky, Lyra & Bon Bon, Luna, Trixie, Big Mac, etc.

      Also Shipping.

      Lots of shipping.


    17. Fallout Equestria will get it's own series.

      All the best authors of Equestria Daily will get their own episode. I won't have any of my stuff put on the air but at least I can get my OC mail pony in as a background character talking with Derpy.

      Also an episode featuring Doctor Whoof, Dr. Whooves and special guest star Super Muffin!

      I also prescribe at least a fourth season before stopping it all and I will give the fans DVD's with hours of extra content and a bonus never aired episode as incentive.

    18. Every episode would focus on Dash.

      ...So, pretty much like season 1, aye?

    19. After Fluttershy joins the slavers, it's up to Twilight and Rainbow Dash to stop her from dropping a bomb on the Human's realm.
      Meanwhile, Applejack istens to the wall and wants an earthpony revolution, so Rarity assembles her own military. But it turns out Pinkie is actually in charge, and all she wants is to make Equestria into one big cupcake.
      Oh, and Trollestia sends Luna to the moon.

    20. Paradise.

      That is all.

    21. whole episode where luna pranks the crap out of celestia

    22. More puns, Trollestia, character development. Also Luna.

    23. Shipping, shipping everywhere!
      (also a 2 ep special of Dr. Whoof with twiligth)

    24. I would still have the same happy, friendship atmosphere, but each episode would add to the overall main story arc, as well as there being mini-arcs within this that add to it.

      I would NEVER change the spirit of the show, or make it too serious, but still keep the quality of the honesty of the emotion in and between the charachters.

      There definitely would be a main story arc developing all the charachters and revealing more of the series mythos. I would never make it so that ANY episode felt worthless. each episode, would either focus on charachter development( as did season 1), the overall story or mini-arc, or a combination of the two.

    25. answer to the fans an work on better TOYS!!! oh and make Lauren in charge of the tv show ;et her do whatever she wants

    26. SEX!


      Nah, I'm just kidding. I have full faith in the team to deliver a great Season 2.

      (Can I haz moar Luna Plz?)

    27. Firstly, give more writing jobs to Amy Keating Rogers and Meghan McCarthy. If you look at the writing credits for Season 1, they wrote pretty much every single one of the episodes that the community has universally agreed are awesome.

      Secondly, devote a team to putting together a full-length made-for-TV movie, or God willing/forbid one to be released in theaters. The goal would be to keep the lighthearted air of the show, but add in some somewhat darker themes and not be leery of putting the main six in legitimate danger sometimes. Essentially, just do something along the lines of Escape From Midnight Castle, but about 20% cooler.

      Finally, more side characters playing an active role. I'm undecided about what I would do with Derpy (most likely, just make her the slapstick foil for the entire series), but there would definitely be more Big Mac, more Vinyl Scratch (by which I mean, get an actual VA to do some lines for her), and more new side characters in general. Also, I'd really love to see a background special on Spike, with a community vote (hopefully, a legitimate one) on some aspect of the plot.

      And of course, Rainbow Dash needs a pet. Actually, I might just put together a two-part special based on "Fair Feather Friend". Oh, and at least one overt reference to "Cupcakes".

      That's about all I can think of right now.

    28. -More epic multi-parters, perhaps with an overarching story.
      -Background ponies like Derpy and the Doctor given their own roles.
      -More Luna. Poor thing was shelved for an entire season.
      -Include every possible shipping (within reason; if it's a crack pairing, no dice), creating a giant convoluted love polygon just to f**k with the fans.

      Outside of the show itself... MOAR MERCH! GRAAAABBEKLGJHMUFFINSHL

    29. Shit. I forgot at add MOAR LUNA in bolded caps at the top of my post. How could I have been so careless?

    30. I'd have Vinyl Scratch appear at least once in every episode. Other than some minor adjustments, I think I'd keep everything else the same =)

    31. One epic story arc lasting through the whole season
      The elements of harmony become important again
      Many minor sub-arcs for every main character and the CMCs
      CMCs get their cutie marks
      The sonic rainboom is retconned.
      No Luna. Period.

    32. What does mary sue mean?

      P.S. you know Sethestio is ognna post some troll stuff as an anon user

    33. -An episode where the Mane 6 form a band, essentially making a MlP Spinal Tap crossover.
      -Roleplaying episode where Twilight finds the Equestrian equivalent of D&D.
      -Dash being a total prick to Scootaloo, who gets sad and does something stupid, which ends in a To Be Continued, only to have the next episode involve Dash saving Scoot and learning a little something about friendship and magic. End in D'aww moment where they act like sisters or something.
      -Angel gets his own episode.
      -Luna and Celestia get their own episode. Maximum Overtroll.
      -References to as many great films as I can jam into 26 episodes.

    34. 1) Have a few episodes that star some of the background ponies. Give us one with Zecora is the spotlight (and not like Bridle Gossip, where she had the episode based around her, but was still in less than half of the show), another with Big MacIntosh (If any episode is going to touch even briefly on romance, it should be his). Episodes where they have a chance to delve into their characters some, make them more than just one dimensional ponies.

      2) Some more episodes where they focus on parts of Equestria other than Ponyville. Give us an episode where we get to see how Canterlot is set up. Is it just a big castle, or is there an actual town attached to it too? Introduce a few more pony places, such as Fillydelphia or Stalliongrad.

      3) Have a 5 episode long story arc/epic tale. Since this is season 3, the show will start going into syndication soon, and will have enough episodes to be seen Mon-Fri. Use it to start out season 3 with a bang.

    35. Step down, put Pinkie Pie in charge.
      Chaos ensues.

    36. how dare you say no luna, she has the most potentail out of every character

    37. @StreakTheFox

      A Mary Sue (Or Gary Stu) is a character (generally an OC) that's perfect in every way.

      See this for more info:

    38. 1. Trixie comes back to ponyville to become twilight's apprentice
      2. Pinkie gets a visit/goes to visit her family members. Drama ensues
      3. Twilight finds out shes an adopted orphan and that spike was assigned to her (by Celestia herself) to fulfill the role of a baby brother and teach her responsibility and stuff
      4. Applejack and Rarity make a bet to see who could spend the longest time in each others shoes. ie) AJ takes care of boutique and Rarity bucks apples at the farm
      5. A letter to Rainbow saying Gilda is in trouble causes Rainbow to dispute saving her or not. She gets help from friends.
      6. Celestia comes down from her castle in disguise as Luna takes over day duties for the day
      7. Luna decides to come to ponyville, Pinkie throws her a party
      8. Fluttershy gets sick and needs help taking care of the animals. Only Pony that could help is Rainbow
      9. New pony comes into town and shows up each of the mane six in their talents. Each gets furious but learns that this pony only means well, and is a graduate from Canterlot U.

    39. Pfft, I don't have the creative ability to make an entire season of ponies, at least not one awesome enough to meet up to the first and second seasons (even though the second one hasn't begun yet).

      I'd just have them completely re-do the first season, except as an alternate storyline replacing the mane cast with Lyra, Ditzy Doo, Vinyl Scratch, Dr. Whooves, Carrot Top, and Colgate.

      With Bon-Bon and Dinky Doo getting noticeable mention, and putting the mane cast in as background appearances, of course.

    40. Well, either I'd include my three fan characters (not bloody likely, since they're more a group of in-jokes than anything else) or I'd just keep the series the way it is. Why should it change if it's perfect as we see it now?

    41. First off I would kill off spike, fluttershy, Rainbowdash, twilight, pinkie, and that other pony no one cares about. I will bring in a whole new set of pony and add some human interation. since he brings nothing to the table. Then I would change the animation designs to Generation 3 or so. Its because I want the animation to match the toys and big and bulky is cheap to make. I will fire everyone who is currently working on FIM and hire new slaves that will do everything that I would say.

    42. I'd give the most popular background ponies their own episode that also has the mane cast. And for the Dr. Hooves episode I'd try and get Matt Smith or David Tannant as the voice actor.

    43. Leave the writers to do what they do best.

    44. Make a prequel series that explores the origins of Equestria.

    45. And now, instead of doing homework, I'm just going to start spitting out every awesome individual episode idea I can think in the next few minutes.


      - time travel episode: Twilight messes up a spell and sends them back to when their parents were alive; cue epic "Back To The Future" parody and 80's Cheerilee all over the place.

      - aforementioned "Rainbow Dash gets a pet" arc

      - Dash becomes the town superhero and ends up gaining a massively ironic cult following consisting mostly of Scootaloo; moral is something about not hiding your identity, but main draw is Dash being the motherfucking Dark Knight

      - somewhere in some episode, Pinkie has a full-fledged conversation with Pinkamena in a bathroom mirror

      - CMC run away to join the circus; Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash go to get them back.

      - murder mystery in the form of Gummy disappearing; parodies of Clue, Sherlock Holmes, and CSI abound, with the resolution being that Gummy and Angel are totally bros. Actually, it would have a better ending than that, but I'm still in idea-spew mode right now, so bear with me

      - involve centaurs somewhere. Don't know how, don't know when, but it would happen

      And...I'm spent. Make of that text-wall what you will, fellow bronies.

    46. How's this,
      Tank Dempsey (Nazi Zombies) wakes up (as a green unicorn with a blond mane and a star with a skull in it for a cutie mark) in Ponyville after one of rictofens messed up experiments goes wrong, and he must save the town from.... NAZI ZOMBIE PONIES!

    47. First off, d'awww, thanks for mentioning Fair Feather Friend, Aquaman52.

      Second, I'd spice things up a bit. I wouldn't do an overarching plot for the season, but I would include more villains. I might do a re imagining of Castle Midnight and that one episode with the cat-sorceress.

      I might do something like
      1) 60% roughly the same sort of episode as the current season. One or two of these would be Crusaders episodes.
      2) 30% serious villain plots.
      3) 10% (in a 26 episode season, so 2-3) would star various minor characters. I'd want an episode focusing on Doctor Whoof in a sort of fantasy pastiche of classic Doctor Who, an episode where a B team of background characters has to tackle a storyline the main characters aren't there for and one about Derpy.

    48. =======



      I beg you, please...

      400 BABIES

    50. Have an actual storyline. Have more consistently-appearing-and-characterized background and side ponies. Find an editor whose job will be to find animation mistakes (seriously, I love the MLP animators, but). Maybe ask Lauren Faust if she could please continue having at least some active role in the show.

    51. Well, I would pretty much study the most well-received episodes in season one as foundation, and use the fundamental idea of those episodes to build a continual story that spans the course of the season. Other productions would come to a crawl, and the majority of focus would be placed upon this show. There would be return of the elements of harmony, Trixie, Luna, Derpy of course, Lyra, Bon-Bon, heck, I'd even look in with BBC for rights to a time lord pony, and I will use my vast resources to get David Tennant as his voice actor. There would be a love story between the Doctor and Twilight as well. Oh, and tell the toy department to do a better job. Or even possibly hire a better toy department

    52. Keep the series the way it is for now. Ditzy kinda gets a role along the lines of Big mac.

      An episode featuring Pinkie's Family and her life prior to Ponyville.
      Vinyl Scratch and Octavia make muliple appearances.

      Luna and Celestia get into a some sort of argument hilarity ensues for the main 6 as they try to defuse the situation.

      The CMC go an epic adventure throughout equestria to get their cutie marks without their sisters/idol's permission or consent of course.

      I just noticed that this topic is a gold mine for fic Ideas so I'm gonna hold my tongue before I let any of my Actual ideas slip out

    53. Ponies overthrow the Princesses, the show becomes about them examining the pros and cons of different government types and the struggles that face the small state in it's constant struggles to keep the monsters of the Everfree Forest at bay.
      With ponies.
      Also Angel would get an episode.

    54. Clover The Pegasus15. mai 2011, kell 21:05

      I'd like one where Rainbow Dash mysteriously goes missing or is ponynapped, then the rest of the mane cast have to rescue her or something.
      Just an idea.

    55. @Bobcat

      You're welcome. I think I've expressed more than once how deeply I adore that story. XD

    56. Shipping. Shipping absolutely everywhere.

      Also. Luna is in every episode.

      My soap pony.



    58. RD rejects PP and says she loves AJ.

      That's all I got.

      >shot by antishipping friends

    59. @Anonymous But before I do that let the writers do what they do best. and maybe pitch those Ideas

      As for those of you mentioning shipping everywhere,why?

    60. I would make Rainbow Dash the queen of Equestria and:

      - Everything would be 20% cooler
      - Everypony would bow down to Rainbow Dash
      - Rainbow Dash's chariot will be pulled by Trollestia and Luna.
      - All the shippings of her will be canon. All of them.
      - The first episode will be her going from normal civilian pegasus pony to the Queen of Equestria in ten seconds flat.
      - Applejack would be banished to the Everfree Forest and would be put in a dungeon in the place she's banished in.

    61. What would I do?
      3 things.
      1: FIX the damn toys! I don't want applejack driving a pink truck.
      2: Keep Lauren Faust in as long as possible, and up her pay!
      3: Occasionally merge in MLP with Transformers.

    62. i'd give the show an actual plot with the looming threat of a war on the horizon. other country do exist in my version and they are all ruled by other gods. And one of them, something along the lines of the feline empire, suddenly turned hostile to other country. And the Mane cast's ties to Celestia and Luna makes them prime targets for someone who could use political hostages.

      i would really like to give it an travelling/adventure tone with them encoutering many different character along the way and helping people.

      One thing that shall be important is to incorporate at least one male character who is not a complete dumbass aside from spike. I'm thinking of making dr.Whoof an actual character as a mysterious stranger who help the girls when trouble arise, and he is voiced by David Tennant.

      i would end with an hour long film in which the war is about to start and the mane cast discover that the current emperor is being impersonated by the same dark power who took control of Luna, with the help of a bunch of new friend they manage to get rid of the dark force once and for all.

      and they all live happily ever after...

      Who am i kidding? and let go of this cash cow? no effing way! i end it on a cliffhanger note with a wisp of dark power remaining and taking control of a random dude who slowly walks away while the main cast party the night away.

      yep that would be awesome!

      badass stuff

    63. All I want is an episode where only one of the CMC get their mark. Ideally Applebloom or Sweetie Belle because Scootaloo is most likely to make a big scene over it and try to kick the marked pony out of the group.

    64. @WhySoCanadian?

      And then you go SatAM on our asses and stamp a big ol' "CANCELLED" sign all over our hopes and dreams, right? XD

      I don't know about you, but all my imaginary plotlines will be wrapped up by season's end, just to be safe.

    65. Luna having psychological problems with Nightmare Moon.

      Mac and Fluttershy have a relationship. Maybe with a little jealousy from Rainbow Dash.

      Braeburn returns.

    66. Let's see... decisions decisons..
      1. returning character should be Trixie, gilda's too mean, and zecora alredy made a short cameo in Swarm.
      2. Wierd AL NEEDS TO MAKE A GUEST APPEARANCE. Pinkie and Rainbow make a trip to see him in fillydelphia because he hasnt been doing well, so PP and RD help him with his joke shop ideas leading to an obvious solution (no idea what it would be though).
      3. Luna Luna Luna Luna Winter Moon celebration
      4. i heard another pony gains an element of harmony.. trixie?!
      5. Great Ideas above so far, I agree with the mystery of the disappearance of gummy, rainbow dash becoming a town hero, the CMC's join the circus, an ep consists of pinkie talking to herself in the mirror from time to time, and rainbow dash gets a pet turtle.
      I think I've spurted all my ideas out there.. or maybe they can go underwater for "the sunken treasure" vibe, only ending up with a related moral supposed for the attitude finding it or something.

      -Rainboom 99

    67. I only have two major things I would do.

      1.) Extend the period that new episodes come out by about a month. This will cause there to be a few more weeks without a new episode during the release schedule, however, this would also give the people making the episodes more time. I believe it would be for the shows benefit to have all the time it needs to be made.


    68. My dream season would involve more plot and be closer to a magical girl show, accept with a little less stock footage of transformation sequences.

      It wouldn't be overly dark and edgy or anything, it would still keep with the funny nature of the show, but it would be as well-written as the Pilot episodes were. Not that the other episodes aren't well written too, but they lost that sort of "taken serious with magical elements but still lighthearted" atmosphere that the pilot had...

    69. Trolluna.

      That is all.

    70. An episode where RD races Sonic. And another where Pinkie goes insane.

    71. Sonic? nope.avi

    72. Twilight is called to Canterlot a few days after the sun didn't rise, to find Celestia has gone missing. Luna, taking over duties of ruling Equestria in her sister's absence. Twilight and her friends are sent to go find Celestia, spanning the entire season and crossing the entire continent. This will include all the mane cast's parents, a fight with the real shadowbolts, a fight with the ursa major, Luna and Celestia's parents (naming them Comet trail and Cosmic star), and finally it ends in a three part episode where the mane cast finds Celestia, has to defeat the Lernaean Hydra (the same one hercules faced), discovers there are twelve elements of harmony, 6 light and 6 dark, and have to defeat a pony named Midnight Eclipse who is using the power of the dark elements to hold Celestia. I've thought this out... some.

    73. ^nintendontfag?

    74. @Anonymous

      Actually, that "sunken treasure" arc sounds interesting, if only for the possible opportunity to update those seahorse things I've seen in a couple clips from the older cartoons. No idea how you'd get the main cast underwater, though...maybe just a visit to the beach? That could be a simple and quick exposition leading up to the arrival of the seahorses, plus it could involve some Dash development with her being afraid of the water.

      Also, HOLY SHIT IDEA TO END ALL IDEAS INCOMING: we do a continuation of the Rainbow Dash superhero episode I mentioned before, but with a Mysterion vs. The Coon type deal where another masked pony comes in and starts mooching off Dash's spotlight. Dash gets frustrated, but eventually realizes that while you may want to take credit for starting a good thing, it's okay to let someone else take over eventually. Dash hangs up her hero suit, everypony's happy...and in the final scene, the other hero enters a dark house and takes off her mask to reveal:

      Wall eyes.

      Thank you, goodnight.

    75. the first 2 episodes of season 1 were adventure-lotr esque which is a bit different from the other 24 episodes of the show.

      I think the entirety of season 2 should be done in the style of the first two episodes of season 1.

    76. Dream season, eh? Hmmm...

      -Hold a 'write an episode' contest. Winner gets their story made into an episode.
      -Set up polls and let the fans decide on which of the Mane Six has an episode based around them developing a crush on some visiting male pony.
      -Five words: 'My Little Pony The Musical'

    77. First I would keep the same staff on fim but pay them double and let them do what they want with the only restriction that it has to have the same quality & feel as the first season.

      Second I would put Faust and whatever team she wants in charge of a cmc spin off show that's made for younger kids learning how to do stuff on there quest for cutie marks. (She mentioned she wished she could do that on her DA once.)

      Third I would place her husband in charge of a spin off show based on doctor whooves and derpy.
      Its basically doctor who but in cartoon form with more ponies and friendship. Also the evil mastermind behind the equine time wars is a giant muffin that only derpy can destroy!
      (In the end she goes back to when she left after first meeting him to continue living her life.) So she can still appear in the background of fim and the cmc show witch all air along side it in a 3 episode time slot on Saturdays at 4to 530!

      Finally I would overlook the toys being made myself and make sure they release show accurate toys and a gift set that has zecora,trixie,gilda and nightmare moon alongside a blue ray that has all of the episodes and hours of commentary and behind the scenes footage with Faust the Va,s ad the animators all in one tin box set called the brony edition!

    78. @Aquaman52

      naw i wouldn't do that i got a soul too ya know!

      i'd make season 4! now shit as really hit the fan as Celestia has vanished, the people automaticaly blame Luna who has to flee and leave the power to the multiple royal families. She contact the mane cast and send them on an undercover operation in Canterlot!

      turns out Luna is the Boss of the equivalent of the Equestrian FBI who are still loyal to her.

      this season is much more oriented on political matters with drama and backstabs and an epic return of spitfire and soarin'

      danger lurks at every corner as an evil force tries to make the royal families wipe out eachother and seize power!

      will include the offical announcement of Octavia being pinkie's sister, espionnage work,
      some game of throne spoof, some crossdressing ponies (for the laugh) and an epic twist ending

      where all along you thought the big bad was that evil looking dude but it ends up being prince BlueBlood.

      after the cast manage to find the artifact with which he imprisoned Celestia and force him to reveal his master plan and how he manage to get the Evil force form last season to use the last of it's power to improson Celestia as proof of his treachery
      before throwing him in jail and making sure he's not escaping anytime soon.

      will also end with a party.

      more, slightly aristocratic, badass stuff

    79. @Aquaman52

    80. I thought about something but I think it would be too random, not to mention all the copyright stuff it would bring to the Company Celestia would send me to the moon for sure

    81. 1. Background characters and minor character making a bigger appearance and showing more character in Season 2. ( aka: Luna, Derpy, Gilda, Celestia, Trixia, Big Macintosh, ect. )

      they don't have to play a big part ( although I'd personally like to see Luna as a main character heh ). But something to give them more spot light, more character, or in the case of Celestia and Luna more background. ( wouldn't mind a flash back episode that involved Luna and Celestia getting turned against one another to where Celestia had Luna imprisoned in the moon in the first place )

      2. More of a plot perhaps? Something that cannot be solved in a single episodes perhaps ( maybe even expands most of the season )

      3. Element's of Harmony being more then just to start the first season and make a debuted in Season 2.

      4. Possible new antagonist perhaps? an actual villain this time and not turns good like Luna did.

      5. Try to not to Squeeze Episodes like Episode 26 please. That episode could have been a little better if it was an hour long I think instead of just 30 minutes.

      6. Introduction of new characters, first seasons usually devolupe the main characters ( as they did ), season 2 can possibly add new main characters as well as new supporting characters.

    82. First episode: Luna gets sent to the moon, again.
      End of season.

    83. -Continue the formula of 4-5 plot related episodes and the rest are just detached.
      - let the writers do whatever
      - add more great and powerful trixie.

    84. Oh wow, where to begin...

      First, the CMC's finally get their FUCKING CUTIE MARKS, and that business is over and done with. We'll still see them of course, but they'll be way less annoying.

      Luna appearing more frequently, in the same way Celestia does, maybe helping the mane cast out of a fix now and then

      DERPY + SPEAKING LINES...and maybe a part in a storyline!

      and then a couple of specific episode ideas...

      One where an OC character, a male pegasus named Comet Flash, is introduced. The basic storyline would be that both Twilight and Rainbow Dash develop a crush on him (Twilight is impressed with his knowledge of astrology, specifically comets, and Rainbow Dash sees that they both share a love for flying really fast) and then an epic jealous standoff ensues between the two for the episode. Cue the twist, which is that Comet Flash actually has a crush on Fluttershy (it's ALWAYS the quiet ones!) and then Twilight and Rainbow laugh and make up, and then Twilight writes to Celestia that the lesson she learned is: broes before hoes. Or in this case, chicks before dicks....Fillies before willies? lmao.

      I have a ton more episode ideas but I've already taken up WAYYYYY too much space....

    85. crossover with the trailer park boys.

    86. Put them in High School and make them Super Heroes

    87. @Anonymous
      Relax, most of these comments don't seem very serious.

      That said--get John Waters to do a guest voice.

    88. Ponyville blows up.

      ... Then uhh... I dunno.

    89. 1)A plot that continues throughout the season, focusing on some evil force/antagonist that the mane cast must strive to defeat.
      2) More back story of the world of Equestria, what exactly is the history of celestia and Luna, parents? Are they gods? immortal? just very magically gifted? Other pony nations?
      3) More Luna
      4)More Trollestia/Spike

    90. 1. Fire everyone responsible for episodes 19, 21, and 23.
      2. Get money.

    91. I would tell them to keep on doing what they do best. All I would do is ask if they have any plans about bringing Trixie back. If they do, I have a secret Trixie party in my office. If not, I cry and read Trixie fanfics in my office.

    92. First line of business, release the first episode of season 2 now. NOW!!!

    93. In season two the ponies discover that while evil may be defeated, it is never destroyed. They learn that for every light there is a shadow. The darkness removed from Nightmare Moons heart during the battle of episode two returns fragmented into the Element of Discord! Choas breaks out all over the land of Equestria. Cue the season three opening theme:

      Our World is in peril,

      Celestia, the spirit of the Sun can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our kingdom. She sends five magic necklaces to five special young ponies. Applejack from Sweet Apple Acres with the power of Honesty. From Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie with the power of laughter. From Cloudsdale, Rainbowdash with the power of Loyalty. From Carosel Boutique, Rarity with the power of Generosity. And from also Cloudsdale, Fluttershy with the power of Kindness. When the five powers combine, they summon Equestria’s greatest champion Twilight sparkle as Captain Pony. Go Pony!

      “The power is yours!” ~TS

    94. @Anonymous

      It does, doesn't it?

      I'll have to add it to my queue of future projects...


      That...would be beyond epic.

      Especially if he voiced Derpy.

    95. There definitely need be some romantic interests...and we've got so many male ponies to choose from! Big Mac, Dr. Whooves, Braeburn, Soarin (from the Wonderbolts), OC ponies...I mean Rarity's obviously interested if she was dreaming of a prince charming, i think Applejack would be ADORABLE if she was stuttering and stammering around a crush, and Rainbow Dash definitely could have a good storyline that PROVES she is NOT a LESBIAN. The only ones I really can't imagine having any kind of romantic interests are Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie...I'm not sure why.

    96. More Luna. We need some interaction between her and the ponies. Think of the drama!

      Focus on the relationships not explored. I hate to say it, but give Twilight some space and have episodes between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity,Twi and Dash, Twi and Rarity, etc. Pinkie Pie needs to be confronted on the parties and how everyone needs some space and such. I want to believe they're all best friends with each other.

    97. More Luna, name several background ponies based on the fan names.

      Derpy delivers something to one of the six.

    98. I second more Luna, as well as an EPIC theaterical movie, TROLESTIA EPISODES, DO WANT!! THe rest of the season should be more involved in a storyline. I loved the sitcom feel the first season had. I still think of it as just an intro into the life of our Mane cast. I would love to see some history of Equestria done, some kind of MAJOR CONFLICT. Twilight needs to SNAP in one episode . . . she needs to "spit her bit." She is calm and collected . . . but she is strung tighter than girth squeezing the air out of any of those hoity-toity cityfolk and their brash reactions to poor Pinkie Pie as she tried to liven up the Galla. SPeaking of which, we need a continuation of that episode. I want to know what the mane cast and Cely did after that, i know they didnt go home . . . That ending basicaly said HEY MARES, TROLESTIAS HERE! LETS GOOOO!!!!! Epic journey three part or 4 part episode would be awesome. Maybe the cast can team up with luna and she could become a regular . . . LOL. I want to see luna getting a PINKIE PARTIED! I also would like some kind of resolution about Trixie, i know she cant be such a snobby mule . . . She has to have some kind of good side to her. I beleive that we could have an episode where she resolves with mane cast. I want to like Trixie . . . BUT I CANT. Ooooooh an episode where Gilda just gets blown up for 22 minutes . . . :D SIlly griffon . . . those ballons had a special gas in them . . . you shouldnt have tried to blow them away with fire . . . . Ultimately i just want to see more of our Friends of Equestria, and maybe FLutter-rage again. Thats one wicked mare!

    99. Hmm, only have two ideas for episodes:
      Lyra and Bon-Bon episode, them being either good friends or more than just that, and the moral would either be something like Friends will always accept you in either version. The other is a Derpy one where we see a day of her life.

      And this has been mentioned before, but all my money for cupcakes episode (even if its just Dash's nightmare)

    100. Every episode ends with baking/math/auto repair tips from Steven Magnet.

    101. I would buy a gigantic self sustainable blimp, outfit it with fighter drones and bugger off to take over Somalia or someplace. Leaving the actually creative people with free reign over the show and the freedom to please any customer base they want.

    102. much more scootaloo and luna. that is all

    103. Transformers Animated Crossover!
      Nah, maybe not, but definitely more of the Royal Sisters, maybe give Derpy a line or two. And especially new more show accurate toys! Hey I own Hasbro I can make the toys the way I want them.

    104. - Keep show largely the same. Most things that haven't happened yet (more Luna, the CMCs not being annoying in-show, etc.) will come as part of Season 1's logical progression anyway.
      - Bring back the more interesting one-shot characters. Likely not as permanents, though. I'm thinking once-a-season treats.
      - Add an actual sentient, threatening rogue for the ponies to magically battle... every once in a blue moon. Again, as a treat.
      - Take Dave Polsky off of full-episode writing staff.
      - Give Dave Polsky new role as "Staff Pinkie Pie." As Staff Pinkie Pie, he gets highest creative control of her dialogue and behavior, regardless of who is writing the episode.
      - KEEP THE FRIENDSHIP AND THE HAPPY, whether or not a more serious plot is taking place. This is the most important thing. The second this show goes "dark," there's no place for me. ;_;
      - Now that the far too few issues I have with the show have been addressed, instead do something more important and use Hasbro Powers to get some actual real merchandise. First up is show-accurate toys, then WayForward Technologies is recruited for a massive 2-player co-operative 2D sidescrolling game in the vein of Konami's Wai Wai World series.

      I'm going to stop now before I start drooling.

    105. @Anonymous'

      Thanks for that. Just spent the last thirty seconds stuck in the middle of a laughter-induced coughing fit.

      Well-played, sir.

    106. -Hardcore character development.
      -Theatrical film.
      -More running story arcs. Not necessarily an every-episode plotline, but think the Gala arc times five or six throughout the season.
      -Sentient, characterized villains.
      -Episodes made up entirely of worldbuilding (sort of like "22 Short Films About Springfield" from The Simpsons)
      -Keep Lauren Faust in the production crew.
      -Do everything in my power to run it for as long as possible.
      -Once someone else messes it up, second theatrical movie, Dash-centered spinoff.

    107. Also, Doc Steedly's comment made me think of the ponies having a The Hangover/Fear And Loathing style overnight breakdown in Canterlot.

    108. Every episode, a different pairing of 2 ponies spend 22 minutes cuddling

    109. Celestia knows what I would fill a whole season with but at least 4 episodes scattered through-out the season would revolve around disasters caused by a large shadowy figure. The two-part season finally would be the mane cast finally learning the figure was Trixie riding Gilda both working together to avenge the wrongs the mane cast did them. Finish with epic song/fight/conversation/baking contest/whatever and inevitable conversion of one of them to friend, which one is my secret though.

    110. Oh my God this is so epic. I would crossover ponies with all my favorite series, including but not limited to Parasite Eve, Naruto, Pearls Before Swine, real life, FF8, and so many others that I just can't think of off the top of my head.

    111. This is about if I was CEO of Hasbro, I'd run it Cave Johnson style with tubes spaning an entire underground facility full of MLP merchandise and a genetically engineered real life luna and she would be my steed as we flew into the sunset while wearing sunglasses and the entire facility explodes behind us, showering everything within a 1000 mile radius in MLP toys.

    112. Dream season eh?

      -Overarching storyline
      -Make Dr. Whoof a real character
      -Hire the writers from Avatar: the Last Airbender and add them to the team
      -Have a Star Wars spoof episode

    113. Applejack visits her other cousin, Fuji!

    114. God damn this comments section is longer then most of the fanfics. Personally I'd like some more continuity between episodes. not Like a single storyline throughout the whole season but a side over arching storyline that gets slowly progressed through some of the episodes. kind of like how fringe used to be. Also more Derpy and Luna.

    115. I would just try to keep it mostly the same, though I think I'd try to deepen the aesthetic qualities of Equestrian society, as well as facets of their culture. And also, Trixie would show up. And Luna would appear more, maybe all sad and lonely like she's commonly portrayed in her fan characterizations. Derpy/Ditzy would still pop up, though I'm not sure I'd give her more than that. Pinkie tear a hole in the fabric of time and terrifying parallel versions of the cast would pour in from alternate universes, including horrifying "G3.5" ponies. Canterlot would be fleshed out, with marketplaces, maybe night clubs... might be nice to have another Vinyl Scratch scene. Twilight's horn would be splintered in half in a traumatic accident which burns half of Rarity's skin. The moon would split open as a comet passes between it and Equestria, causing Luna to split into a unicorn and a pegasus, each going slowly mad. The Cutie-Mark Crusaders would fall in with a cult of some kind. I'd kind of like to see other griffons, maybe. Spike would encounter a meteor and be infected with a vile techno-organic virus early in the season, slowly consuming him in a subplot which would be brought to fruition in a climactic four-part episode to close out the story arc. This would include a devastating explosion in the center of Ponyville which would destroy the library, cripple Applejack, shear off Rainbow Dash's right wing, blind Fluttershy and leave the entire town a chaotic no-pony's land which Celestia would have to seal off from the rest of Equestria to contain the techno-plague, which by this time would have gained sentience and dubbed itself the "Phaguis." The final episode would end with a message from Spike announcing himself as the figurehead of the new race of assimilated Ponies, while Celestia contemplates destroying Ponyville with a newly created super-weapon. Her final line before fading to black would be "Fire." But otherwise, I wouldn't change too much.

    116. I was going to say something, but the above suggestion about going all Cave Johnson on Hasbro stole the breath from my lungs.

      And my idea basically boiled down to more Flutterdash shipping, really.

    117. I would call up Lauren Faust, and tell her we want her back, we'll give her nearly complete freedom and a 25% increase in funding.

    118. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: The Movie

    119. My dream season would involve exploring the lore of the world. Explaining why things are how they are, and reveal some back story. It shouldn't tell everything right away though. Make it so the characters are unaware and explore the past and the world. Then we can just come along for the ride.

    120. - Trixie comes back to Ponyville as Princess Luna's apprentice. She and Luna pranks the hell out of all.
      - Drama ensues. Pinkie's family, Rarity's loneliness and coltfriendless, Twilight's self-doubts, Dash's insecureness and Fluttershy scared of her actions on Gala.
      - Luna/NMM bi-polar disorder, and Pinkie Pie/Pinkamina helps her overcome this problem and befriend twin-herself.
      - Pinkamina/Pinkie dialogue and relationships
      - Spitfire tests Rainbow Dash and takes her to test, is she really ready to became one of Wonderbolts
      - CMC. One of them gets cutiemark, and two others is jealous.
      - Spike finally takes steps to became Rarity's boyfriend, but female baby-dragon comes to Ponyville and he confused of his feelings.
      - Diamond Dogs and Dragons teams up because of gems and fights with Ponyville over gems.

    121. I will add a samurai jack episode.


    123. What i wish:
      -Trixie return
      -more Luna
      -More Zecora
      -More Derpy
      -Steven Magnet again?
      -Luna's castle episode
      -A two part episode about something cool
      -More Sonic Rainbooms
      -CMC get cutie marks (haha, no. But at least they can try?)
      What I Dream:
      -Sad EP about a past friend who died
      -Winter wrap up 2
      -Zombie ponies
      -Zecora centered episode
      What I expect:
      -More Luna
      -More Derpy
      -More CMC
      -More songs
      -about 20% cooler stories
      What i beg:
      -NO pink Celestia and/or AJ pink truck

    124. D) ALL OF THE ABOVE :-)

      I'm working on my own "Mary Sue" fanfic. I plan to post it to my DeviantArt account over the summer. Stay tuned.

    125. Rainbow Dash, while practicing for the wonderbolts, preforms a luminal rainboom, breaking the light barrier and propelling herself into a new dimension. Ours. On the loose in the animation studio she discovers that she is a cartoon character and tries to communicate with her friends by making edits to the show. Pinkie Pie, realising that Rainbow has broken the 4th wall, tells the others that they are fictional and tries to get them to find some way to bring Rainbow back. The others all suffer existential crisis' as they discover that they are not real. Pinkie sings a song about joy and friendship,but it doesn't really work. Then, Flutterboss puts her hoof down and tells them that even if they don't exist, Dash was still in danger. They harness the elements of harmony and bring Rainbow back. Twilight reports to Celestia what she learned about friendship, even if you don't exist, your friendship brings joy to yourself and others and so is worth saving. Turns to the audience and says "Goodnight everypony... and everyone."

    126. I would have Patrick Warburton make a cameo on the show.

      That is all.

    127. Pretty much to have every story idea I've had be an episode. I would list them here, but I think I'll save 'em for fanfiction writing.


    129. Nightmare Moon returns, but stronger than ever before! It's up to our heroes to save the day, but only Rainbow Dash stands a chance of defeating this great evil! Will our heroes make it out alive? Who will stay and who will go? Find out on the next PONY-BALL Z! *cue hard rock music*

    130. I'd make something about Lesbianism, because COME ON!
      Also, more Derpy, some story arcs, and new places, including an enemy griphon kingdom.
      And finally, kill Trixie, because I'm tired of all those attention whores using her and all that.

    131. Re-get copyright and get Firefly, Posey, Surprise, and Sparkler on the show

    132. -Give Derpy at least 1 sentence of dialogue
      -Rainbow Dash solo song
      -Scootaloo x Rainbow Dash episode (teaching about hero worship)
      -show what happened to Pinkie Pie's sisters
      -ponies travel to Fillydelphia
      -straight-haired Pinkie Pie vs. pissed-off Fluttershy
      -season-ending song & dance number with every character

    133. To start it all off a three parter, kind of like season one's two parter only instead of an epic evil villain it would focus on character development... namely, BACKGROUND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WOOO!!!

      Included in this would be: The Great and Powerful Trixie, Steven Magnet, Lyra & Bonbon, Vinyl Scratch, Princess Luna, Derpy, EVERYPONY ELSE. Now to start it off, you would have to reintroduce The Great and Powerful Trixie who came back to Ponyville to, of course, challenge Twilight to a magic-off after training hard. After losing to Twilight she would stay around Ponyville and observe Twilight, eventually becoming a good friend of Twilight's. Trixie would probably move in with Twilight after they became friends =D... you can stop imagining things now. Anyway, Trixie would probably apologize to everypony and be accepted and everything would be great =D.

      Next, Princess Luna would be brought back and of course she would also kind of apologize to everyone including Steven Magnet for chopping off part of his mustache. Luna will be more or less a shy character, and will probably be surprised a lot due to being trapped on the moon for 1000 years.

      Steven Magnet would be as important as Zecora was in the first season, mainly used for things such as advice.

      Derpy of course will be delivering mail and attending all of Pinkie's parties, and would probably even have her own episode somewhere in there.

      All the other background characters will be integrated into the show as "advice" characters. They will be helpful and cheerful and all around fun, leaving you to want more.

      After the three parter is done re-introducing all the amazing background characters in some way shape or form, we would move on to one of Pinkie's EPIC PARTAYYYSSS!!! In the middle of the party GILDA WILL SHOW UP *audible gasp from everypony* and... along with two other NEW GRYPHON antagonists, be mean q_q. However, Rainbow Dash will try and intervene only to be interrupted by the Great and Powerful Trixie who will argue with them, eventually driving them back, and everypony will cheer... and the mane six will be like "That was amazing Trixie" and then Trixie will blush a little. Spike will then proceed to wake up from the nap he was taking and be like "Huh, what happened?" and go back to sleep. Everypony will go home and sleep now.

      A break in the text "Yay~".

      Of course Gilda will be coming back for revenge and will challenge Trixie to an event in which, although it pains me to admit it, the Great and Powerful Trixie will lose due to interference from Gilda's two gryphon friends. Rainbow Dash will of course stick up for her new friend Trixie and defeat Gilda, and Gilda and her cohorts will slump away defeated... and Pinkie Pie will have an awesome PARTY!!!

      That would basically be episode 4, that is if you added some character development.

      Episode 5-infinity would of course be amazing like all of season 1, with little for actual plot and tons of awesome pony fun.

      TL;DR: Background characters will be brought back, Gilda will be an antagonist, and it will basically be like Season 1, packed with tons of fun =D.

    134. not sure if I could list everything I'd do to the show. But if I was Hasbro, I would stay open later so little ponies don't have to call the PR department during school hours. :<

    135. As CEO of Hasbro, a multimillion dollar toy company, I will commission scientists to develop a portal that will allow travel into parallel universes

      in the infinite possibilities of time and space, equestria exists somewhere, and I intend to find it

      and then the people of earth will think I have died going through the portal,

      but no,

      I will be alive and well in Ponyville

    136. New time: errday @ 4:30 pm & 10:00 am

    137. Just have Derpy/Bright-Eyes/Ditzy Doo play a BIGGER role than a simple background pony... and I will be happy. (I will be forever and beyond grateful, if they give her a daughter, Dinky.)

      Also... More Luna, of course... and maybe showing DJ P0N-3 more than 5sec-Once in the entire season, that would be a good idea...

      Trixie and Gilda making a comeback, some trashing around, but in the end they become a bit better pony-griffin, and we love them more.

    138. More of the same.

      If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.

    139. Hmmm It think I would introduce a wandering human into the mix, maybe get it out there that this Isn't earth, or maybe it is? something to make brownies think, I wouldn't have the human stick around those, 1 episode then gone, 10 episodes later is used again, etc, something to not upset balance but be a useful plot point

    140. @Anonymous

      "You'll know I was successful if you see a tomboyish character named Rainbow Dash on the show."

    141. I would probably have some sort of story arc.
      A dark one,too. Not "Cupcakes" dark, but "Arkham Asylum" dark, if that makes any sense.

    142. The writing staff gets a boost from Steve Moffat, Neil Gaiman, and Akiva Goldsman. An overarching story is alluded to over the course of the season and comes to fruition within the last 2-3 episodes.

    143. @D. Shadows Doctor Whoof, Dr. Whooves

      Wait. Whoof was the brown one, right? In that case, who's Whooves?

    144. I would command The Hub to have tri-monthly 1 week long marathons of the show.

      I would be controversial and have Rainbow Dash kiss another girl character out of sheer joy as a joke and never mention it again on the show.

      I would have a major character death, but not one of the mane cast.

      Pinkie Pie would re-unite with her family and we would learn the truth about her origins because I imagine Pinkie greatly overexaggerated her past in Cutie Mark Chronicles. I'd make her a genuinely deeper character than she appears.

      Near the end of the series, Twilight would succeed Celestia as princess of Equestria. (Who doesn't want to see this?)

      The return of Steven Magnet.

      An Animal Farm episode centered around Apple Jack. (I will work harder)

      Start including Doctor Whooves' TARDIS in backgrounds as an easter egg.

      Friendship Is Magic: The Movie

    145. @Anonymous

      What? I thought the brown one was Whooves...

      I'm assuming Whooves is the blue one seen in Best Night ever and Whoof is the brown one then?

    146. weight-related episode. I mean Pinkie is just asking for it. It's also a fairly common theme. I wouldn't be surprised if one is already in the works.

    147. I want the ponies get boyfriends/girlfriends. I've never seen a Western cartoon for young girls that has tastefully handled romantic relationships except for As Told By Ginger; they're usually all about going to the mall and getting your boyfriend to buy you crap and wearing tacky makeup if the subject is addressed at all. Speaking of As Told By Ginger, Courtney was going to be canon bicurious until the network shot the idea down. I know it's never going to happen in ponies, but I would like to eventually see a Western cartoon for girls that touches on the subject of homo/bisexuality.

    148. 1. More interest in background characters and Supporting characters. Definitely more development in them. ( Luna, Guilda, Derpy, Celestia, Zecora, Trixie, Big Macintosh, ect. ) Definitely would like to see a flash back episode that follows Luna and Celestia that lead to Luna's imprisonment on the moon. Also Luna not to be just a Celestia clone...
      2. Possibly a new Antagonist that is actually 'evil'
      3. Maybe episodes that involve family members of the main 6 pony's
      4. Return of the Elements of Harmony
      5. Introduction of new characters, but supportive and possibly some main
      6. Try not to make cloned Background characters
      7. Do 2 part episodes over squishing everything in one episode ( Best Night Ever would have been better if it was an hour long or 2 part episode IMO... IT felt a little crammed IMO )

      But more or less try to keep it simple and the same if all else fails. I just hope for another great season.

    149. @StreakTheFox

      Look up about one post methinks. Seth is a troll to rival Celestia XD

    150. They are going to summer vocation,in Miami.


    151. more meme-spawning jokes: simple and cost-effective decision.

    152. Hmm...I have a couple of ideas...

      For one, redesign those blasted toys.
      I want plushies that actually look just like the characters.

      For two, a pony game, make it a handheld, Zelda style game.
      Except with more puzzles, less monsters.

      For three, create another character group.
      We have the Mane Cast, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders already,
      let's make, say, a group of boys? Mythbuster style geeks.
      Or possibly, a side-universe story, featuring pony superheroes.

      Oh yes, number four; include friendly jabs at other companies, especially gaming companies.
      Have Dash get Sonic shoes for a scene, have Spike dress like Link, include a friendly wolf for one episode who looks suspiciously like Ammy...

      Oh, yes, that reminds me, number five.
      In Disney's Gargoyles, a show we sadly don't have anymore, Season 2 largely featured a world-travelling segment.
      I think we could do the same for ponies, don't you agree?

    153. Short notice:
      main-characters include the mane 6, the CMC and Princess Celestia (/Luna)

      Do :
      - let the mane 6 be side/backgroundcharacters for one episode and let others shine.
      - Make Derpy the Mailpony and give her Dinky as a daughter
      - make a pet focused episode
      - let one episode focus on Celestia (and Luna?) in Canterlot
      - explain a little more about the world
      - more character-episode combinations (like having an episode focuse on Rarity and Pinkie + their friendship, and so on)
      - let every character have a unique full song, like rarity's "art of the dress"

      Small idea for an episode : Let Scootaloo try to impress Rainbow Dash but let her be annoyed by it. Let them get into a little fight. Let them become closer friends after that.

      Do NOT :
      - give one of the main characters a boyfriend
      - add male characters to the main-cast (Spike is enough)
      - add a character too the main-characters
      - explain too much, let gaps for the fans (for example : I like the general idea of AJs parents dead)
      - Retcon anything
      - Add once-an-episode gags

      - FLANDERIZE (The act of taking a single (often minor) action or trait of a character within a work and exaggerating it more and more over time until it completely consumes the character. Most always, the trait/action becomes completely outlandish and it becomes their defining characteristic.)
      (from our beloved tv tropes)

      I would hate to see Twilight become an ultra-book nerd, Rarity a cliche fashion teen, AJ a cliche cowgirl, Dash a cliche tomboy who rushes into everything, Pinkie becoming goofy and silly, Fluttershy becoming too animal-focused/shy/filled with hidden rage.

      The Character are the strongest point of the series, they're beautifully written, well-rounded and perfect.
      If they can't keep that up, end the show.

      And and season 1 had a small storyline with the grand galloping gala. (Episode 3 brings it up, 14 is about the dresses, 26 is the GGG)

    154. @Dionysus

      Oh yeah, and don't get too preachy.
      We don't need Drug Episodes or wrong-friends episodes or stuff like that.

      And do keep in mind there's a older audience.

      And do keep up the cool reaction to youtube uploads.

    155. As acting CEO I would have the other execs fight for my own ammusement and have the guy responsible for canceling TF Animated flogged.

      Seriously I'd just have the crew continue what they've been doing and probably offer Lauren her own dream project. I'd also make them make show accurate toys of not just the main 6 but also the backgrounders too.
      I would however offer some ideas though.

      -More 2-parters and side over-arching story like the GGG was for season 1.

      - an eps. where we see what Cellestia and Luna do all day and the hijinx that no doubt occurs.

      - Trixie tries to get revenge on Twilight to hilarious results.

      -A competition between the best flyers in all of Equestria and beyond. Pretty much Rainbow meeting and fangasping at all the legendary pegasi and non-pony flyers.
      Also a good way the bring back Gilda and any of Dash's old crew from Speedster Flight camp.

      -Pinkie meets her (funnier if it's a self-proclaimed) Rival.(In my mind that's Minty, but that comes from being influenced by the old x-mas special, the blindbag toy and a webomic.)

      -Something like Fair Featherd Friend or The Melting Pot adapted for an episode.

      -an eps where the CMC or Pinkie spend the day trying to figure out what the background characters do when they're not around.

      -an episode that for some reason or anoter winds up with Pinkie dressed up like a Pirate/

      -an eps. where the mane 6 go visiting other cities or kingdoms. even better if they make it a 2-parter with a "Around the world in 80 days" route.

      -FiM take on the ol' Seaponies/Flutter ponies from G1. Even better if we get a beach or air-race eps out of it.

      -An April Fool's themed eps.

      -a tresure hunt episode or something like the Flight to Cloud Castel or Golden Horseshoes episode in FiM style.

      -an episode with an old fashioned mystery or any excuse for Rainbow Dash or the others to be dressed like Sherlock Holmes.

      -More villians and monsters.

      -Rarity enters a big Fashion show/off contest(whatever they're called)

    156. The Weird-Al pony comes to Ponyville, and Pinkie and he falls in love and she decides to tour with him and leave Ponyville. But in the end she realizes that among him and his wierd friends she's just boring in comparison so she stays with her friends in Ponyville.

    157. Season 3 would entail the end of Celestia, not in a true death mind you, but in a she must recharge her powers, something that should normally only take place every two thousand years, but her time was shortened due to having to take on the extra responsibility of the moon alongside the sun, thus her power breaks down and ripples through time resulting in it breaking into seven pieces corresponding to the elements of harmony and a final piece which binds them all together into her equine form, this results in an adventure for each of the mane cast, being placed into situations that oppose their element, that they must overcome until they all meet back up with the realization that Celestia was never actually gone, but that she was reborn as them and that they must use and reunite that power to reconstruct their deity-like princess, which also has the unfortunate side effect of calling forth one final foe, her dark side which is her equal in all ways, the victor will determine the fate of Equestria, should darkness win, the land and its inhabitants will be corrupted from the strongest pony to even the not so humble bunny, their traits rewired to fit into the new worlds, their light side counterparts banished til the next annual separation of Celestia's Power, should light win all good things will flourish and mostly remain as they re, a trait shared by both sides is the replenishment of resources of the world, the hilly and mountains will become fertile with gems and vegetation, edible or otherwise, some variance depending upon the side given some might be food and flowers, others might be useful in an evil brew, only Dragon's would be unaffected by this trading of power, some left wondering why heir friends have had a sudden shift of personality, while the oldest dragon's would likely be aware of the potential curse Celestia and Luna (who due to imprisonment did not expend her immortality energy, but has likely withered in true power in captivity) bare.

      I apologize for the wall of poorly formatted text, its the only way for me to get the ideas out into words, I may or may not clean it up later, more likely not, unless people actually want to hear more for some strange reason.


    158. Simple, I give total, complete and absolute, definitive control to Lauren Faust and everyone who worked on it for season one, BAM, simple as that! xD

    159. The show's fine just make the whole thing, you know, cooler.

    160. I'd make a troll episode which makes zero sense and put a troll face at the end with the phrase "problem bronyfags?" then make an epic episode to make up for the joke. Just to see how many would ragequit bronyhood and throw combustible lemons at me.

    161. Make Disco Ottanta director of visual design and delivery and writing. Better yet, we put him in charge of everything.

    162. If I had a say in Season 2 here is what I would do.

      1) Time travel episode where Twilight and another one of the mane 6 accidentally keeps Rainbow Dash from making the Sonic RainBOOM and they must scramble to make it right.

      2) Luna wants to know what people think of her so she uses a disguise and walks among the "common ponies", only later to be discovered by Twilight and later it is revealed that Celestia was also in disguise keeping an eye on her.

      3) It is revealed that Big Mac has a crush on Fluttershy and needs help to work up the courage to ask her out. Applejack offers to help but he insist on doing it himself. When he does get the courage to ask her out she accepts but is uncertain herself. The date ends up being all kinds of awkward but cute awkward. Hilarity ensues as they try their hardest to make things go well, and by the end if the episode they both share a laugh and figure they had a good time before parting ways for the night.

      4) Spike and Applebloom have an adventure. Applebloom learns of a magical apple tree and wants to bring back some apples for the farm. The other CMC are too busy to help so she runs into Spike and asks for his help. Spike wanting to get out of doing chores for Twilight agrees and they have an adventure. Hilarity and drama ensue as they look for the tree. In the end it becomes one of those "the journey is more important than the destination" style adventures and just when they think they return empty handed Applebloom just happens to find a magic apple in her bag.

      4) An episode with a series of shorts featuring the background characters. A day in the life of Ditzy, Vinyl Scratch, and another random background pony. Maybe even introduce Dinky as cannon just with an official name.

      5) Parents day. All the parents, those who are "alive anyway," show up and pay their respective daughters a visit. We find that Pinkie's family is actually normal and didn't run a "rock farm". Twilights parents wont shut up about how proud they are of her. But we find that one pony, let's say Applejack lost her parents, which leads to her having a touching moment with her siblings and Grannysmith who tells her stories about her parents.

      6) The Great and Powerful Trixie returns mildly reformed but she is still jealous of Twilight. In an attempt to prove she is the better pony she starts doing charity performances and even starts mentoring young unicorns at the school house. Twilight sees through her motives and sets out to make sure Trixie keeps doing good in the community to the point where she can't take it anymore. But in the end Trixie can't help but feel good about her deeds.

      7) A Winter Solstice episode.

      8) An Apri fools episode where they are all human but at the end of the episode it turns out to be a dream. Pinkie Pie's dream.

      9) Twilight stops by the school house to deliver a lesson on the history of Equestria. The class is falling over with boredom, except for Twist. So in an attempt to win over the class Twilight tells them a story Princess Celestia told her about the early days of her reign.

      10) One of the CMC gets their cutie mark. The other two are happy at first but then stuff happens that threaten their friendship.

      Okay that was a lot for just ten ideas.

    163. The Actual idea is at the bottom

      I'm not sure if there should be more episodes with antagonists and more parts like the Pilot one, perhaps it's better to leave the last episode as just a decent one, not too fancy like sonic SatAm, or Storm Hawks, where it's just too frigging good and it always ends in a cliff hanger so they can continue another season even tho they always get canceled.

      I Was expecting the last episode of MLP to be kinda like the pilot episode, aka another journey/quest to stop nightmare moon, but i guess way better than some ending episodes like the PPG one where it's pretty much a parody that looks like it's made by fans
      Yet i do enjoy those shows in which the hero is backed up by a huge corporation like Generator Rex
      So which themes would work best with ponies...

      The Idea: I'd make a sort of Secret Mission episode in which we are shown the main six and the wonderbolts go in a mission led by Celestia to acquire an artifact well defended inside a base, Rarity and Pinkie Pie(with the 4th wall powers) are seen in black suits doing ninja moves but they end up in the room with the artifact and find out they are surrounded and go kung fu on the villain's asses but get captured
      and is soon shown that Vinyl Scratch if behind it, (now possibly there could be the old cliche with leave the protagonists in a trap alone) Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts crash in through the window above them, music starts playing, they throw smoke grenades all around, Vinyl escapes with the artifact, Rarity and Pinkie pie are saved.
      This time Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie go in Vegas where Pinkie Pie is being Pinkie Pie and wins at the gambling games, the 3 ponies spot vynil scratch, Twilight going over 9000 on her, but finds out it's a clone
      Ultimately they get on Mount Everest where they stop her
      (getting lazy at the story)

    164. Kidnap Craig McCracken, and tell Lauren that she can have him back only if she returns to the show. Then I would laugh evilly and twirl my moustache. I have yet to decide whether or not to tie him to rail tracks.

      Alternatively, just ask really nicely and tell her that if she says yes, I'll give her everything she needs for her Galaxy Girls project once she's ready to have that take off. Then I would laugh evilly and twirl my moustache.

      Also: make an episode where the Mane Six are at sea. And they're Pirates! And they'll fight against an evil clan of ninja cultists that want to bring back Nightmare Moon, and they will receive help from Seaponies! It would be the best episode ever.
      *makes mental note to turn idea into mediocre fanfic*

    165. First, I would hire M. Night Shyamalan to write every single episode. I would hire Bobby Kotick to lead the public relations team, I would hire Michael Bay to lead the characterization team. Then, I would make the entire show revolve around merchandise.

      Then, after milking everything from the series fans, I would cancel it. Rinse and repeat.

    166. I'd make a more teen-adult oriented spin off series featuring Luna, Gilda, Derpy and Trixie, spanning approximately 18 episodes, which will run in parallel to the current season being aired.

      I'll have the current season of the main series deal with the issues which occur in the spinoff every 5 episodes.

      When the spinoff ends, I will have the last few episodes of the main series culminate with ending of the spinoff plot as the story and characters of both series will be designed to naturally intersect with each other.

      I even had a small story board for this idea too. Too bad this will never happen meaning I will have to write it out as a fanfic...

    167. I would not change too much cause remember it is a TV Y rated show, but I would try to do an episode spotlighting Doctor Whooves reavealing him to be an alternate 11th Doctor having become a horse as karma for holding his Regeneration in so long.

      I'd do a movie because well who wouldn't want to see a movie?

      I'd talk with Archie Comics about doing a comic book so one day the dream of a race between Sonic and Rainbow Dash would be a reality.

      Arc's definatly and with more of the Magical Girl Anime thing Lauren wanted originally.

    168. Turn it into a Space Opera. With giant colony ships exploring the stars for new worlds to colonize.

      Also, after getting drunk for some reason, Spike hits on both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Soon after, both get pregnant and Pinkie Pie discovers that Spike is also the father of Fluttershy's unborn child. Enraged, she turns into Pinkamina and invites the other two to the local highschool's rooftop. There, she uses a large knife to kill Spike and Fluttershy before beheading the small dragon and planting it in a pot full. They then sail into the sunset on a very nice boat.

      LoL no.

      I'll probably just keep most of the episodic formula, but with an overarching storyline in the background that is neither too weak nor too strong.

      That way, we can safely move the story along while still retaining the show's casual feel.

      Also, an episode where it is shown how Luna is coping with the new world and her place within it.

      Oh, and Trixie trains soooo hard that she becomes an honestly competent rival of Twilight. However, instead of focusing on raw magical power like Twilight, she focuses more on illusion, subtlety and finesse. A Yin to Twilight's Yang, basically.

    169. @Anonymous

      I like that idea!

      Warburton (in that Brock Samson/Joe Swanson/Steve Barkin voice): "Uh, yeah... I guess I'm a cute little pony, now."

    170. in the first episode it will be just like a normal episode


      no possibility of cupcakes being canon now

    171. angel the bunny get his own episode.

      Ditzy has an accident, and rainbow has to take over the mail.

      and if we havn't by then we should have a "zenda" episode of some sort. (somehow important lookalike of one of the mane herd is incapacitated/missing, requiring them to take their place.)

    172. blackopspublishing16. mai 2011, kell 12:41

      OK, what I want to see is...

      - More delving into the character's flaws and overcoming them
      - A song by Applejack, and also a song by Rainbow Dash
      - Never see snips and snails again
      - More Big Macintosh and Luna (nothing big here, at least give them as much time as the CMC)
      - conclude the CMC arc
      - More continuity nods and character developement
      - Some light shipping nods (just enough to give us fanfic writers and artists something to work with)
      - Don't be afraid of touching on same sex relationships
      - Keep the tone light, but more polished and plot central, like the first two episodes
      - Keep new male ponies down to a minimum.

    173. Shipping Extravangaza!

    174. I would have Nightmare Moon seal Celestia in the sun and bring eternal night to Equestria, which unintentionally leads to several deity-like creatures (who can't survive in direct sunlight) escaping to the surface and taking control over Equestria.

      They start a quintessential apocalypse, summoning forth an army of shadow ponies that pillage the land and turn all the cities and towns to dust. The mane cast barely escapes by sea and have to use their various Elements of Harmony to unite the other species of the world against the shadow creatures throughout the course of the season. They come back with their new allies (mostly the Griffons, Zebras and possibly a few Dragons) to find all of ponykind enslaved.

      Then there would be a three-parter where the mane cast saves Celestia, turns NMM back to Luna and sends the shadow creatures back into the bowels of the planet from whence they came.

      And the final episode would go back to business as usual, with everypony acting as if nothing happened, just like season 1. Remember the Ursa? Yeah, neither does anypony else.

    175. I guess I would do a simple plot not crazy just one of the cast being framed for something or other and the rest of the cast have to work to prove their innocence. It would be in two one hour parts. xD
      Maybe it would that some evil deed was done and everyone suspects Luna but its not her and only one or two ponies believe her. In the end they find out the real mastermind and everyone apologizes to Luna for accusing her.

      Or a Luna episode showing her resolving her issues with her sister and the truth behind the banishment. Nothing grimdark though.

      Or an episode where Pinkie Pie's family visit and suddenly Pinkie Pie acts all weird and nervous around them thinking they are not proud of her. In the end its all 'You has the greatest friends. You is a good pony. We is proud'. Well not that exact dialogue but you get the point :P

      Or of course an episode where Scootaloo is seen stalking RD and suddenly RD goes to Cloudsdale and scootaloo tries to fly by jumping off a cliff but just as she is falling, she is saved by an eagle who puts some (natural) magic ointment on her wings to boost their power and with all the practice scootaloo has she can now fly. However her cutie mark is the ointment and she makes a lot of money off the recipe and spends her life teaching young fillies and colts to fly that way. It would be a special episode about 2 hours.

    176. I'd be tempted or interested at the least at what a slightly more continuous plot would do to the show. If that were the case, I'd have them do something a bit like all those epic stories around here where the end of the season culminates in the last episodes bringing everything back into order. That way at worst the whole single plot wouldn't kill the series entirely and you could start the next season back with separate plot episodes.

      If I were going separate plot wise, I'd do something similar to the first season with maybe one or two more two parter slightly longer plots. I'd also check the awesome stories on ED and then find an appropriate and great story and make it into an episode as well as a nice little tribute maybe as the last episode.

      I'd then check how well the more adult brony community has gotten and after the season 3 airing, I'd start checking around with Owners of Fallout, Portal, and maybe even Assassin's Creed so that I can get the ok to make either a movie, tv, or straight to dvd adaption to the respective fan fictions (Fallout: Equestria, Better Living Through Science and Ponies, Memories of Long Days Past) hopefully those stories are either finished or well on their way at that point.

      Once I got this stuff finished and it was still running under my control because the choice for my season 3 plot/s were successful I'd start actually "take my money, all of it" to some of those fan pony games to start working on successful and now licensed games to spread to the masses.

    177. I'd pull an Evangelion just to fuck with everyone XD

      ...naw... nopony deserves that...

    178. I have another idea, possibly a good one.

      have the CMC... ask Luna and Celestia about how they got their cutie marks!

      oh and have Twilight tinker with a duplicating machine which culminates in a million twisted clones of the mane cast each a little different or an extreme version of a personality facet, maybe a few with multiple heads, oh and a Rainbow Dash that has the same kind of form as Celestia, it's probably confuse and shame the original in some fashion just due to how she would likely have more aeronautic capabilities!
      though it'd side more on the awe inspiring, and naturally all the clones will say they are the original and hilarity would ensue a they try to figure how to deal with the chaos since they can't just destroy the clones... can they? them being sentient and all, muwahahahaha!
      sorry, my evil side leaked out a little there.

    179. Consistency... If you show twilight can teleport at ease in one episode, don't add a situation where she is afraid to jump over some pillars... Reference past episodes too, I don't think I've heard anything of Pinkie's senses since (though that is kind of a good thing),

      And then I'd commission "specials" which are parodies of other shows, firefly, Doctor Who, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and maybe some shows that aren't sci-fis, who knows?

      I'd give adult Fluttershy a song... (That's a little longer than a third of hush now).

      and more pinkie pie songs, can't have enough of them...


      I'd give Twilight some battle magic, magic missile, mayhaps?

      And then I'd just use the show as a tool to rule the world (In the words of Themistocles "Athens rules all Greece; I control Athens; my wife controls me; and my infant son controls her" "my son rules all of Greece", so, it goes to reason that whoever can put messages into MLP can effectively control everypony by controlling their children).

      Also, a complete disregard for political correctness, the universal rating or what any critics say and/or try and sue over.

      Other than that, I'd leave the professionals to their work, I can't stand it when accountants ruin a perfectly good show (I'm looking at you FOX)...

      And then I'd open up an Electronics, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence engineering department (hey, I am CEO now!) to build an army of my little pony robots... Yeah, I think its for the best I'm NOT the CEO...

    180. I don't like the idea of a season-long story arc. To me it departs too much from what made the show great. A couple nods here and there (like with the Gala) are fine, but let's not turn this into some kind of dramatic miniseries.

      I always find backstories to be really neat. I'd especially like an episode with Celestia and Luna as fillies, one that would also show what happened with Luna's original banishment.

      Another cool episode would be a what-if scenario involving Rainbow Dash failing her first sonic rainboom (or as I call it: The Sonic Rain-BUST Scenario).

      Someone mentioned something about parents showing up, that'd be cool.

      Also, some satisfactory conclusion of the CMC arc. Really, I don't want that plot milked for too long. And who knows, even with their cutie marks I still think Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle could have lots of fun adventures!

    181. Looking back, I got into the series because I loved the first 2 episodes. Now I dislike that arc because it just doesn't fit. Ponies are amazing when you can watch any episode at all and only miss a few bits of continuity. The one exception would be a CMC arc. I want them to get their cutie marks together, realize that now they have no reason to crusade and learn that you don't need a reason to be friends.

      I'd definitely give some background characters focus episodes. No Derpy, she needs to be background only or we can never live up to the hype. My dream episode would be a Bon Bon/Lyra episode that takes place during a few different S1 episodes. That way, you could go back and see that yes, they really were there in the original episode.

      Also, the non-repaint toy ponies will make cameos, because Hasbro won't make toys of the show ponies and I want sales to be good. Also, Star Song. We need more Star Song.

    182. Or an episode where two of the main cast get brainwashed and forced to fight each other (I'm thinking applejack and caramel).
      (Also they see other captive ponies in a poor state just before the brainwashing.)
      Of course it starts to rain (as they have been captured by another species and are now fighting for amusement in an outdoor area). Suddenly Caramel falls back and there is some blood and he can't get up. He tries and tries to stand up but is too weak) When applejack sees the blood, something snaps and she regains free will and shouts to the heavens "WHAT HAVE I DONE?" She puts her hoof in his blood and smears it in her face like warpaint. Caramel now free of the brainwashing after realizing too what happened asks her what is going to do. She says to him "I'm going to make them pay for me for you and for every injustice ever done to anypony that was dragged into here, the brutally injured live ones and the brutally slain ones by those who knew not what they did until it was too late. I'm going to fight until there is no one left or I go fighting" The guards of the other species run towards her and cue epic fight scenes with applejack gaining a sword and she defeats many. However suddenly she gets hit from behind by a syringe which makes her blackout. She wakes up near a peaceful sunny lake and suddenly notices that she has many cuts and bruises however there is no blood. She gets up and looks around, not knowing where the hell she is. Suddenly a pony that looks like it was painted with a luminous green paint appears before her in flash and s/he tells her "the fight is not over young one, you must save the ponies before it is too late. Your friend does not have much time left unless he sees a medical pony soon" Applejack tries to speak but she cant and then wakes up in a laboratory in a glass cube. She smashes it and gains a powerful fuel like substance and fights her way towards the dungeon. She frees the ponies there and they use the substance to set the place on fire. They see to Caramel however it is too late. He tells Applejak that he forgives her and congratulates her on saving the day then he breathes his last and is gone. Applejack runs away and in a later episode they have to find her.

    183. blackopspublishing16. mai 2011, kell 15:14

      New thoughts to add on thanks to reading the thoughts of fellow bronies.

      - have the CMC discover they don't need a reason to be friends after they get their marks (Please dont let this miniarc go on and on)
      - avoid cerebrus syndrome. Let's keep it light please, with occasional real endangerment and drama, but never take it too far. (Looking at you grimdark writers.)
      - Don't give background ponies their own episodes. Flesh some of them out if you wish, but they just can't live up to the hype. They should remain background ponies.
      - disregard parental ratings for the good of the show (I know hasbro probably wont let them, but still...)
      - consistency between writers
      - background exploration of mane cast

      I think I am forgetting something. Post it later if i remember it.

    184. I would not want to mess with the show to much. Why try to fix what is not broken. Mostly I would give some suggestions, but let them do what they want.

      The season will remain mostly episodic but there will be an overall story arc that will be introduced in a two-part season premier and concluded in a two part finally. The lessons on love and friendship will continue. I want to see more of the Mane Cast's families and their interactions with them.

      I would like to see more of the history of Equestria. Look into the interactions between the Ponies and other races, Gryphons, Dragons, etc. How does the Royal Family work, because Celestia having a nephew has been bothering me since "Ticket Master."

      An episode idea I do have is, since they did the Flutterpony thing in "Sonic Rainboom" I would like to see them do something similar with the Seaponies. The gang goes to the beach for a Summer vacation. Twilight takes the opportunity to reveal the new spell she was working on for the trip, turning everypony into Seaponies.

      Another idea is to look into Spike's origin. How does Spike feel being the only Dragon in a society of Ponies?

      I would like an episode like the Fan fic "Sunny Skies All Day Long" and, fallowing that idea, a writing contest for fans. The best story gets to be made into an episode.

      I would give the animators more time and money to create more ponies to fill in crowd scenes so there is not the endless copy and pasting of the same pony over and over again. I would also have the artists give each of the mane and supporting cast more individual designs.

      Finally more obscure celebrity, tv, movie and musical references.

      Like someone else mentioned I would give the CMC their own series. Targeted to a younger audience where they try different things to try earn their Cutie Marks, but in doing so they teach kids different skills and impotent lessons about life. There would be cameos by the Mane Cast and the CMC will still show up in FiM. It will be the MLP hour on The HUB.

      I would get the Producers of the show and the leaders of the marketing department together to come up with toy ideas that ACCURATELY depict the show they are supposed to associated with. The first thing to do is to make a Celestia figure that is NOT PINK!!!! and doesn't spout random, dumb, stereotypical girly lines. I would also make the pony figures posable.

      If they have not already, seasons 1 and 2 will get video box set releases, both in standard DVD and Blueray format, with lots of extra's including commentaries, animated story boards, behind the scenes videos, drawing tutorials and an original music video. Season 3 will get its box set release 2 months after the season finally.

      Finally I would green light season 4 and a feature length MLP: FiM movie for theatrical release. It would be a re-imagining of the Nightmare Castle special from the 80s. It will not be shown in 3D.

    185. Twilight and friends get in trouble which causes Celestia to lose her temper and show off some of her true power in order to show the villain to never pick on Ponies again.

    186. blackopspublishing16. mai 2011, kell 16:34

      "I would be controversial and have Rainbow Dash kiss another girl character out of sheer joy as a joke and never mention it again on the show." -posted by anon

      This is perfect. I support this 100 percent.

    187. Bring back The Great and Powerful Trixie, Princess Luna, and give Derpy some more roles.

      But don't change a single frickin thing else. This show is great as it is. Parody episodes would just be stupid.

    188. French Haute Couture. Please?

    189. Celestia transforms and goes under cover as a regular unicorn so as to mix with the common folk. Luna follows her out of concern.

      Having seen that all is in order (read dull by Celestia standards), Celestia get a hankerin' for some prankin' and goes full on Trollestia. Luna (still in disguise) chases after her trying to right all the wrongs of her sister before something bad happens.

      Towards the middle of the episode, Celestia sets up a massive prank, but something happens that she couldn't predict and all goes catastrophically wrong. It's about to end in tragedy when Luna rushes in and uses some really powerful magic to save the day, but in doing so sheds her disguise (Celestia stays incognito).

      Ponies start crowding around Luna so she flees from shyness. To make up for her misdeeds, Celestia sets it up so that Luna is cornered by the crowds but realises they were only trying to thank her. Luna comes to realise that the common folk don't hate or fear her, but actually love her. Luna comes more out of her shell and starts to have more confidence.
      The episode ends with Luna chastising Celestia.

      The moral of the episode is to be mindful of how your actions affect others around you.

    190. @Anonymous
      Me again (forgot to put my name on it).

      Also, since this episode is in Canterlot, Octavia and Twilights parents should be seen as background characters, Celestia could even play a prank on them.

    191. Guest writers like Pen Ward for experimental purposes.

    192. First, a massive raise for everyone involved in the show.

      Second, a massive budget increase. Get rid of those other shows. Trans-who? Pound Whaties?

      Third, give Fluttershy a canon doll collection. Sooo much nightmare/grimdark fodder for the fires.

      Fourth, Luna usurps the throne from Celestia.

      Fifth, Fluttershy becomes a puppet master, and with the CMC under her control, helps Luna take-over the world, getting her own heavily-forested corner in return.

      Sixth, the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE becomes the world's best stage magician.

      Seventh, once Luna controls the world, Nightclubs will last FOREVER! Mwahahahahah!

    193. There are a lot of great ideas posted already.

      I would keep the show the the same. Keep the happy bright feel, and generally let the team do what they want.

      Increase the budget of the show.

      Maybe give the Main and supporting cast more individualized designs.

      Turn some of the background ponies into recurring characters with their own VAs.

      Have a writing contest to have a fan made story tuned into a episode. (There are so many great writers on this site, I never touched fan fiction before FiM)

      Keeping the episodes self contained, I would add an over arching story arc like the Galla of season 1, but have a couple of episodes reference it throughout the season instead of just one.

      Having 2-part episodes for the season premiere and finally would be good.

      Have more references to older MLP incarnations, like Twilight tuning everypony into Seaponies for an underwater adventure.

      Some more history of Equestria. How do the Royals work? (Celestia having a nephew?) A flash back episode showing in detail Luna's fall into Nightmare Moon.

      Of course more character development.

      Someone said to give the CMC their own show for younger viewers. I think this would be a great idea. I would make it a 12min show paired with another spin off staring Celestia and Luna. It would be a comedy show where the Royal Pony Sisters get into all sorts of shenanigans. Luna trying to adapt to modern times, Celestia being Trolestia, and the two disguising themselves as regular ponies and looking for trouble. When you are over a thousand years old you must get board easily.

    194. I think some of the background characters can have their own episode but not a full 22 minute episode. Just small 5 minute shorts in one episode. I think there was a Simpson's episode that did that. I think the perfect thing would be a short 5 minute episode with Ditzy going about her rounds. Do it old school, no dialogue, background music to convey emotion and at the end Dinky with a plate of muffins for her mom while some sappy music plays the episode out. But yeah not a full 22 minute episode.

    195. I'd like to see Spike get over his crush and interact more with ponies closer to his own age.

      More Luna.

      A real antagonist.

      And some more continuity.

      Apart from that, I'd like nothing else changed.

    196. I would not change anything major about the show. First I would give the show a bigger budget, so they can do more with the animation. mostly creating more background ponies to fill in crowd scenes without endless copy and pasting. And try to even out the gender ratios to better reflect a realistic society. Keep consistency on how ponies manes lay, i.e. Twilight's stripe no longer shifts between the right and left side of her horn.

      - give Rainbow Dash a pet, maybe adapt Fine Feathered Friend.

      - Show more of the Pony's families.

      - Have an episode that focusses on Luna and Celestia and their life in Canterlot.

      - Have a flash back episode revealing the full truth behind Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon

      - An episode where the ponies have to solve some sort of mystery in a old black and white detective movie style. Literally. Spike would be leading the investigation and whenever he enters into an inner monologue the picture fades to black and white.

      - An episode that deals with death. I am not looking for some pony to be killed or something else grimdark, just a serious well handeed look at dealing with the death of someone close to you.

      - The CMC all finally get their Cutie Marks. This means the end of their crusading but they learn that they can still be friends and go on crusading.

      - As CEO I would have more show accurate toys made of the Mane and supporting cast and of some of the background ponies and other characters and creatures.

      - I would also commission a MLP FiM video game for the handheld systems

    197. Okay, here goes:

      - We deserve better toys and merchandise, something a bro would want to own. I want to see the same quality stuff that anime fans in Japan can get their hands on.

      - No shipping/relationships yet for anypony other than Rarity, since that's already been established as part of her character. Let her have a romance with Big Macintosh, but have it be slow, sweet, and subtle, maybe taking the whole season for it pan out. Rarity as part of the apple family? Applejack as her sister-in-law..?

      - On that note, remember when Rarity made Spike take her trash out? Have it revealed that Rarity's family actually lives on the far side of Ponyville, next to the city dump, and are the trash ponies for the area (though not poor, as their recycling business is quite lucrative).

      - Have Luna form her own team of anti-heroes, outcasts, villains and supporting characters from season 1. Include Trixie, Derpy, Zecora, Gilda, Little Strongheart and Braeburn, and send them to problem spots all across the world. I think they would all be good for one another...
