• Derpy/Dash Plushies!

    Lots of these popping up lately!  Hopefully Hasbro sees their popularity and gets the idea..hinthint.

    Also Rainbow Dash in the link below!

    Rainbow Dash Plushie

    22 kommentaari:

    1. Prefer the Derpy one over Dash in this case

    2. Oh god, what did Dash eat this time...

    3. I think they both look really good, but Derpy could use better wings and I can't stand Dash's snout (or lack thereof).

    4. I... kinda want that derpy... Damn my 21 year old male pride getting in the way of everything!

    5. Still need some improvement in the front view.
      But the sides look awesome.

      Keep up the good work leathercraft pony.

    6. If they made plushies for each of th mane characters, around beany baby size, I'd buy all of them.

    7. Wow that derpy looks amazing from the side! A little awkward of you look at it directly at the front but aside from that awesome!

    8. The Derpy one is the Best and only needs some work on the Front, but the Rainbow Dash kinda freaks me out (Body's Fine, just the Head.). Yet, somehow Reminds me of the Powerpuff Girls' Heads.

    9. LeathercraftPony14. mai 2011, kell 01:52

      Whoa! My Derpy made Equestria Daily! Thanks guys! <3 FYI: The wings are floppy on purpose ^^ And I'm still workin on the front view - so far I can't change it too much or else looks weird from the side...

    10. The Rainbow dash reminds me of Dun Derped.

    11. With the news that Derpy's actually going to be scripted into season 2 rpisodes, then Hasbro might actually make an official one.

    12. The Rainbow Dash plushie reminds me of the glitched pony in The Best Night Ever.

    13. @Jorlem I second that, the RD plush needs to be worked on, but the derpy is fine if not a little flat

    14. @Jorlem - Ah, you beat me to it. The work is good on both, but RD really reminds me of Donnie.

    15. Dash plush needs to be at least 20% cooler, looks like Ponyphemous/CyClops/Octave from Best Night Ever

    16. Not really a fan of the style of the Rainbow Dash one but I am in LOVE with the Derpy Hooves plushie. WANT. ;___;

    17. I think I speak for everypony when I say:

    18. I wish Hasbro would realease something as show accurate as Derpy, I'd buy it.

      The person who made this did such a great job. This is the most acurate (and cute) MLP plush I've ever seen.

    19. I'd love to see plushees of all the characters like this for sale ^.^

    20. What's this about Derpy getting scripted into Season 2?
