• Daniel Ingram Inteviewed by 24h Vancouver

    One again Daniel Ingram has made the news here!  This seems to be a common occurrence these days.

    A Canadia magazine has interviewed him, and 90% of it is about how crazy our fanbase is.  This is definitely worth the read!


    >Twilight Sparkle Solo in season 2

    If you don't like my awesome multi-screencapphotoshop mess up top, you can find the viewer for it below!

    Magazine Viewer

    Thanks to Extrememeasures for the tip!

    62 kommentaari:

    1. Oi!!!!
      Tell us about Rainbow's Solo!!!


      Princess Luna's Solo!!!

    2. Nice short little thing here.

      Needs more AJ/RD. Ashleigh Ball is amazing.

    3. We need more Twilight solos anyway! Yay!

    4. Why did the magazine bother telling about Mr. Ingram playing his inprogress work when we can't hear it to.

      They Taunt Us!

    5. All hail Ingram!

    6. And Applejack's solo!

    7. Derpy, wait... ahem, Ditzy solo!


    9. Jonathan B. (Nvr Rmbr)20. mai 2011, kell 14:37

      I got quoted :3
      So happy right now.

    10. DrOrbitalDeathRay20. mai 2011, kell 14:37

      Holy horseapples. I guess I will need to pick this up this afternoon!

      I liked the comments from the guy talking about the appeal of Ingram's songs. I like them because I grew up on old school musicals like "The Music Man" (I'm already commenting on a pony blog, it's not like I'm going to make myself sound *less* manly by admitting this) and they're definitely coming from the same place. Plus, the things have some kind of musical *depth* to them - there are at least five different remixes of "Giggle at the Ghostly" floating around all of which have found different and interesting things to do with it. I don't think that's possible with a crappy tune.

      TL;DR - Daniel Ingram good!

      Also, me when reading about Twilight solo: *squeeee*

    11. Man this guy is awsome!
      Winter wrap up....

    12. That was a great article. Daniel Ingram is a really cool dude.

    13. twilight solo? damn i wanna hear it now¡¡¡ stupid magazine i shouldn't have known about it before season 2

    14. Oh man, oh god...oh man, oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man, oh god!

      ...this is amazing!

    15. >Twilight Sparkle solo in season 2.

      I get the feeling he threw that tidbit in just for the bronies.

    16. I request, no, demand more articles that comment on Daniels handsomeness.

    17. @Jonathan B. (Nvr Rmbr)

      Being quoted in regards to Friendship is Magic is every true man's dream. Brohoof indeed. *brohoof*

      Nice to see our Eurobeat Brony pal T. Stebbins quoted as well. ^_~

      I approve of this surge in Daniel's popularity. Next up: a subsequent surge in Will Anderson's popularity. (That may or may not be a spoiler. Just sayin'.)

    18. Gah! Why must he tease us? I wana hear the solo NOW!

    19. this wait for season 2 is the most painful period of time I have ever experienced I think.

      So much anticipation.

    20. Nice article! And wha Twilight Sparkle solo... I love the singer's voice in Winter Wrap Up!

      Now.. We wait again for Season 2...

      And i'm curious on this Pound Puppies show. Mainly thanks to that Sheepdog's apperance in the 1000th YTPMV Pony video...

    21. I'm going to say this for the record- I just noticed that he uses FL Studio.

      I find him about 20% cooler now.

    22. You know at first I wondered what it would be like if this show was produced in L.A. I would wonder what it would be like if Bang Zoom handled the voices, (I still say Stephanie Shea would have been perfect for Fluttershy). But now I realize that I should have never thought that to begin with. Canada Rules!

      As for Mr. Ingram I hope he gets that Disney gig someday, in my humble opinion he has more than earned it.

    23. Darn, why is he based in Vancouver? Oh well, I can at least drive from Calgary to sta--meet him.

    24. @Sethisto

      I hear ya. Speculation will make one go fanatical just to ease the desire and wait for season 2 to appear.

      Still, informative article. I wish we had more of these.

    25. Whenever articles bring up how a majority of MLP fans are male, I always feel like such a minority even though the show was made with girls in mind ;_;


    26. @Tekaramity

      William Anderson needs just as much love as Ingram as been getting - though that appears to be improving as of late. =3

      Anywho, excellent, EXCELLENT article.

    27. I'm craving a Rainbow Dash solo though.

    28. @Anonymous 2:02

      Are there really more male fans, or is the census just picking up the most vocal demographic?

    29. Jonathan B. (Nvr Rmbr)20. mai 2011, kell 15:17

      Season two? Of course, like any other brony, I can't wait. But, I have so much other stuff that I have to do, so I'm kind of happy that the show will be off for a little while.
      But, can't wait for season two, or as I like to call it, "the god-sent child of the amazing works of Daniel Ingram and Lauren Faust, part 2."

    30. >solo for Twilight Sparkle
      >should say solo for Rainbow Dash
      >still stoked as hell

    31. >solo for Twilight Sparkle

    32. Wasn't Winter Wrap Up originally going to be a Twilight solo?

      Either way, yay Twilight solo! Let the speculation on what she will be singing about begin! Books? Friendship? Love? Rainbow Dash?

      Wild Mass Guessing GO!

    33. @Anton Uklein
      As a matter of fact, he's knowledgable in FL Studio, Logic AND Pro Tools.

      Guy knows his stuff.

    34. First glance, that terrier on the screen looked like a cut-out-animated Queen Victoria.
      On second look, still Queen Victoria.
      Just about to close the tab, 'Hey! That's a terrier!'

      I want that studio. I want a studio.
      I don't write music, never been any good at it.
      But I have always wanted a studio.

      Oh, if only it didn't take several months to earn citizenship, I'd move to Canada right away.

    35. A> I love the way Ingram markets himself as of late. When I get something worth showing off, I want to do it his way... If I ever get that lucky. I mean if you're doing something good, you show it as good, but don't overblow it. He does that. Awareness of who's paying attention to what he's doing? Well, I can't say for sure, but he seems to be doing that. He's got his goals and works toward them. I guess in a nutshell, I finally have a role model, even though I'm not planning on going into music for my career.


    36. I live in Vancouver, u jelly?

    37. You know what? I never really like Twilight. I much prefer Trixie.
      But, a solo might change my opinion. Oh well, I'll just have to wait until Season Two

    38. SPARKLE ON, DAN!

    39. If I wanted anyone to write Disney songs it would be this man
      He can make a 25 second song about cupcakes the catchiest damn thing I've herd in a while.
      Plus on top of that he made the hokey pokey a bearable song.

    40. Considering this is the first show I've ever watched where I not only listen to the songs, but WANT to I think he could definitely make it to Disney

    41. Aaaaand this makes the wait for season 2 even more unbearable!

    42. Daniel Ingram is the man. As many have said his songs in MLP is the first time that I have listend to songs in a children's show and not only did I not want to scratch my ears out, but wanted to memorize the lyrics so I could sing (off key) along with them.

      He deserves a raise and to create the score of the next big Pixar film.

      I will have to pay more attention to his other works from now on.

      A Twilight Sparkle solo? Ingram just loves to tease the fans with little tid bits of information. Another reason he is so cool. I can't wait for the Fall.

    43. Question is, how LONG of a solo? Are we talking "Art of the Dress" Long, or "So many wonders" Long?

    44. OH FUCK. Ingram's in Kitsilano? I could totally drive up there in less than a fucking hour and high-five the fuck out of him.

      If, y'know, I wouldn't probably freak the fuck out of him by looking up his address and breaking into his house.

    45. One of the things I've been telling people about MLP:FiM, people who think I'm nuts or just joking about liking this show, is about the music.

      This series is bringing to television true Disney-quality songs in a package originally expected to reach only a limited demographic, yet the awesome people behind it all have stepped up to the plate and in just 26 episodes shown more respect for young girls (and kids in general) than most of the animation studios put together have shown in the last 30 years of cartoon television (not to mention the mercy shown on parents, grandparents, household pets or any innocent bystanders that might be withing earshot).

      I hope Daniel Ingram does accomplish his dream of making it to Disney one day, as it would be any studio's loss not to have him on their payroll. Hell, maybe he'll end up doing the music for Disney's inevitable animated feature film: 'SEAL Team 6'.

      That said, he's not allowed to go anywhere just yet; as he's got many more seasons of pony audioliciousness to preside over!

    46. >Twilight solo

    47. Holy shit. My dad just came home, and handed me the newspaper that had the article in it. Better yet, this is one of the free newspapers that everyone grabs while they're on the bus and skytrain.

      Gaiz, this could make the amount of bronies in Vancouver grow.

    48. He's from Kitsilano? Wow. That's only about 30 minutes away from me.

    49. I dont care who sings . . . i love all the songs soo far. I love the dumbfounded looks i get while im blasting "Giggle at the Ghosties" from my car, and my car stereo is LOUD . . . aftermarket FTW! My fav song of all soo far is "Winter Wrap up" next is "Art of the Dress" then "Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme" then all of the others LOL . . . cant forget the "PONY POLKA' LOL

    50. >Twilight Sparkle Solo in season 2

      In unrelated news, the wall behind Sethisto's computer and his pants have mysterious been obliterated.

    51. I find it kind of surprising that he's not already Involved with Disney. The Show's Music is Memorable and Catchy, but even Disney seems to have forgotten how to do this, nowadays.

    52. Wonder what Twi's solo's gonna be...another reference to a Broadway type show tune? Maybe a rock-type song, more hopefully, with her fronting a pony rock band (maybe made up of her five friends)? Is she even REALLY going to HAVE a solo song to herself?? Until Season 2 comes in there's no telling WHERE the wind lies in this department. (By the way I agree with someone's wish of a big We Are The World-type musical number in a future episode or whatever; having the ponies sing a big pop anthem very much like "We Are The World" or even "Do They Know It's Christmas?" would really be neat.)

    53. Twilight solo? Twlight solo. TWILIGHT SOLO?

      And then I blacked out.

    54. Thanks, Daniel, for putting up with us weird fans of yours. As well as for the awesome work you are doing for MLP. I've honestly always disliked musical numbers in TV shows, but I can not get enough of yours. It seriously may be my favorite part of MLP, and I LOVE MLP. You are truly talented and deserve to get some work for Disney. Your music is so much fun.

      Keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure it will pay off for you.

      Thanks again for everything, I'm looking forward to season 2 and Twilight's solo!

    55. When I read he has aspirations to work at Disney, it made me sad that he wouldn't be working on ponies anymore. At the same time though, he definitely deserves a shot at his dream job. He's certainly earned it. Hopefully he can do ponies for a few more seasons before seriously looking into that, however.

    56. Why does this show make me happier than anything I've watched/read/played or done in my 23 years alive?

    57. Ahhhhh, I just had to read through it again! I'm so looking forward to his stuff in season 2!

    58. Woah, this guy works in Vancouver? I could so meet him in real life! I'm so glad I live in Vancouver!

    59. @Torvan
      Wouldn't exaggerate that much but I kinda feel the same, this show is making me so happy which I haven't felt for years.
      Why? Dunno.
      Too much shit going on in life, the show is just fresh, entertaining, quality work (which I have been missing in animations for some time). Lots of things together made this show so great AND in the perfect time.

      My theory is about balance, action and reaction. History has shown it many times, if there's too much of something, its total opposite will explode in at a critical point. It's like a sinus wave.

      The internet is full of cynism and pessimism, malicious trolling and such. There was too much shit going on in life and about everywhere in the world to top that.
      Simply too much "darkness".

      Something delightful, happy and cheerful was bound to happen. And when the internet got it, it started spreading like wildfire.
      It would have happened eventually anyways, it just happened to be ponies :)

      It's a bit too complex to expplain to people. I tried to before but recently when someone asks me why does a 25 year old male loves a show like this I just tell them "Because pony". Then I advise them to give it a shot since no explanation can replace a few good episodes of pure pony gold :)

      Anyways, don't overanalyze it. Enjoy ^-^

    60. Twilight Sparkle solo, courtesy of Rebecca Shoichet!
