• Daniel Ingram 91.8 "The Fan" Interview Recording

    For those that missed the live interview with Daniel Ingram the other day,  91.8 "The Fan" has tossed the recording up for the masses.

    Try to keep the comments to the interview, and avoid the anime music hate!

    Daniel Ingram Interview Recording

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Big thumbs up for Daniel!

      Don't really like the interviewer though :p He's not fluent enough.

    2. @Anonymous

      Yeah, when the host was speaking everything sounded awkward and forced. Eh, what can you do.

      Props though to Ingram for talking about us again!

    3. Always nice to see people from the show mentioning and acknowledging the bronies.

      The interviewer sounded a little "off", other than that, it was a good interview.

    4. So Equestria Girls was made by /b/ronies from Hub? Awesome.

    5. DJ Christmas (the interviewer) is always awkward sounding, it's just the way he speaks. I was hoping Kana would be the one to interview him but oh well. Still great to hear Mr. Ingram

    6. Dan sounded off in The Fan's interview, too, compared to the tv interview.

      He also hurt my feelings as an orchestral musician. I was hoping there was a chance I could be a part of a musical number for any animation, since when my school's band classes went to Florida, we were told there would be a chance for us to make our own recording of a composition for a Disney movie.
      But if most composers cut-out the actual musicians now, we'll be left with only live performances, which as much as I want to see a live orchestral performance of all the music, it's unlikely.

    7. Well gang, I have to admit I did a pretty dull interview here :S. Still getting used to this question and answer thing! But I'll see if I can't get you something juicy in the next couple weeks to make up for it.

    8. @Hybrid Misfit

      If the interviewer lives in San Diego, I probably know who he is. Other than that, never heard of that station.

    9. Listened to it last night and took notes for the podcast. DJ Christmas had fine questions but I was just clenching my teeth a little at the bizarre technical issues and somewhat strange dialogue. Still, fine fine interview.

      Here's to hoping we get Daniel on our show! I have a feeling Sandy and I can knock it out of the park! :D

    10. @AppleCider

      @Dannyimusic on the Bronyshow?

      This would be the greatest thing ever.

    11. Ha, awesome! I got a shout-out! =D

    12. Anyone able to do a transcript? I really do prefer to read...

    13. @Dannyimusic


    14. @Dannyimusic

      Im just gonna say you sound REALLY young, so for you to have that kinda talent at a young age is pretty awesome

    15. Nice hearing a Full Interview this Time. So, the Hub really was responsible for Equestria Girls. :)

    16. Holy horse apples. o_o He said "Tek" at 12:13, he did.

      *name-dropped by Daniel Ingram in a live interview*

      I must be in heaven...Cloudsdale, at any rate!

      Good to see Equestria Daily and Eurobeat Brony discussed as well. =) Rock on, all bronies! Daniel included!


      I'm very much looking forward to interviewing you for EqDaily regarding Season 2's songs. =) Although, at the rate you're divulging info now, there might not be anything left to discuss by then! Ha!

    17. @Anonymous
      His YouTube account says he's 36 - but yeah, he does look & sound younger than that. Certainly looks younger than this 31-year-old!

      In any case, awesome talent is awesome at any age. Keep up the awesomeness, Mr. Ingram! =)

    18. Decent interview but old information = boring.

    19. @Dannyimusic

      No worries, Mr. Ingram! I don't think it's your fault. The interviewer sounded quite a bit awkward and forced; he could have done a lot to help the interview "flow" a lot more naturally.

      It was cool hearing an interview at any rate! I was looking forward to this for a long time. :)

      Personally, I think every one of the singers is extremely talented. I can't imagine any of the characters sung by anyone else. Everyone does such a top-notch job! I know that's why I love all the songs so much. :)

    20. Why is Daniel Ingram being interviewed by the space core?


    21. Simply the fact that Daniel Ingram acknowledges the fanbase is the greatest thing. Think back to Fluttershy's first encounter with Spike in ep 1. Just flitting into the air saying "that's just so incredibly wonderful!"

      That's me right now.
