Hehehe. I love this image.
Okay, down to business.
You might have noticed that there's a new poll in town. And this new poll is wearing naught but letters for options. But Cereal, that makes no sense! Shut up, I ain't done!
The 300-Word Story Event is rapidly approaching (this was the last one), and it will be held by yours truly. My idea this time around is to put a small restriction in place on the stories submitted to make things interesting. Small things, nothing to hamper creativity.
Thing is, Seth and I came up with five. And I can't choose. That's where you come in. This poll will decide the story restriction for the event. I have them assigned already (secretly, of course) and won't be shuffling them, so no worries. The letter that gets picked is the letter that gets picked, no matter what it is.
One hint, though: there is one option there you really don't want to choose.
That's it! Happy voting. And good luck.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking D for Dash to but then I thought... A for carma... come on good grades.
ReplyDeleteD FOR DASH GET!
ReplyDeleteD for "Don't choose this one"!
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought that the letter we picked would be forbidden from use in the event! So dont pick E
ReplyDeleteE for 'Wingboner'
ReplyDeleteCalling it now.
how the hell is it so even.
ReplyDeletepinkie pie must be around here somewhere.
Isn't this fitting? I have an AP test tomorrow. Choosing from five choices... I think this is the easiest question I have to answer.
ReplyDeleteI hope this event is happening after finals are over... Then I'll have all the time in the world! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteI might join this 300 word event it intrigues me as I was a part of the last one, with my summary story and an actually story.
4.Dashing through the snow on a one pony open sleigh. (I'm Darkon Shadows so of course I'm going D or was it B because I'm Bad at writing)
5.Ecuador is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there.
Also Cereal I think Sethisto "war were declared" you when he said who can ship Trixie the faster.
Shouldn't that be Equindor Darkon dude?
ReplyDeleteDon't pick C.
ReplyDeleteIn every test C is always the "obvious answer, when I don't know the correct answer"
So simply don't. xD
A for aneurysm because of finals! Of course.
ReplyDeleteB=chocolate pudding
C=rheumatoid arthritis
E=Danny Devito
I missed an oppurtunity to PUN! Thanks for catching it loyal minion Trio, you're getting extra kipper this week.
ReplyDeleteWoo. Go letter B
ReplyDeleteI choose B because my name starts with the letter B.
The letter C has the most votes right now. And it will turn out to refer to...
ReplyDeleteWhen the poll results aren't randomized and the decision being made isn't absolute (like are you a boy/girl/other would be absolute), then you will likely see a trend toward the middle/lower poll options. I did a sudo study on this on dA since they don't randomize their poll results either:
The results are pretty clear, polls should have their poll options randomized to avoid biasing the results with the geographic locations of the poll options, anything else runs the risk of biasing the results like you are seeing here.
A = awesome Regular Show reference required
ReplyDeleteB = must be written in iambic pentameter
C = can't use the word "pony"
D = The Game.
E = only allowed to use original characters
B, for, a Bunch of Baby Ducks...send 'em to the moon. That is what we're voting on right? Wat?
ReplyDeleteA=Too Obvious
ReplyDeleteB=Second Choice is always best, unless it's not...
C=The middle one, the usual bs guess
E=Random and possible doom
Thats my test taking viewpoint, so I picked B, because E stands for evil, and the others aren't much better.
Moon is sign of romance! LOL
ReplyDeleteNot to be a party pooper, but I think this is kinda dumb.
ReplyDeleteI chose D.
ReplyDeleteSheer random vote.
Guys, seriously
ReplyDeleteStop voting for D
I will never hear the end of it if that wins.
But I like D and I don't want to change my vote.
ReplyDeleteD is for dark like my negative polarization to all the happy people here.
What you SHOULD do is logue every vote as they were submitted and submit that as a 300 word story.
ReplyDeleteI can see it now: ab cadb ebdcab dbecbd ebcd ba bdcb ebd bacbd ebd bce bebadb debdcb ab dbedb cbad bebcdb eb abc dbebd baab dcc ebeb acba aeaec dcb db
Now that is a page turner
I really want to hit the unwanted one, just for the added challenge. But then again, with Seth's note above....
ReplyDeleteI like living dangerously. I don't wash my salads and voted for E.
ReplyDeleteE is the loneliest answer, chosen only if the context is "all of the above." I, for one, stand by this lonely answer in hopes E is a proud answer. and if E does prove to be our final down bringing, I shall stand and say proudly "Muffins!", followed by a prompt retreat from the internet.
ReplyDeleteyou shouldn't have said that.
Ho boy.
ReplyDeleteYou guys sure are adept at picking... the interesting option.
it's seth/trixie slashfic isn't it
ReplyDeletethere's nothing else that it could be
Whatever the restriction Cereal Velocity I'm pretty sure I could write around it with loop holes and if I can't then I can still do it if it's not to taxing on the front left lobe of my cornea cortex.
ReplyDeleteOf course if the restriction is using a word like say "duodenum" I can do it. I actually have fifty, three hundred word stories centered on that and the words ponies and laxatives.
I went ahead and changed my vote to D, JUST BECAUSE I WAS TOLD NOT TO.
ReplyDeleteI got it. Gonna vote for the most obvious and correct answer. 42! FORTY TWO, 42!
ReplyDeleteI chose "A" because I was listening to:
And so, Sethisto manipulated us all into picking D.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta Pick E you guys. Cuase that stands for a jar of olives. And that would be interesting.
ReplyDeleteNot my fault! I wouldn't mind an event filled with D, but everyone will blame me!
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteHaha :) Yeah.
If a restriction tells you do include a character you don't like, you can kill that character within first paragraph, show, that no one cared about that character with second and go with your own story with restriction taken of the picture.
Smart bronies are smart xd
I bet the most chosen option is actually the worst one, luck being what it is and all...
ReplyDeleteC upcakes
ReplyDeleteC for Cupcakes. I wish I could change my vote.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to assume the rule for C is ONLY CLOPFIC ALLOWED so I'm picking that one.
ReplyDeleteI won't blame you; your comment has been nulled.
It's a multi-choice question.
ReplyDeleteThe answer is always C.
Old Military phrase comes to mind for things like this "When in doubt, Bravo out.". Hit B.
ReplyDeletePICK IT
ReplyDeleteIf it has ANYTHING to do with Trixie, it's YOUR head!
I voted D (for dash) and THEN I read this thread.
ReplyDeletelulz seem imminent.
@ Sethisto
ReplyDeleteSo, what is the answer we should choose, Seth? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
"Hey everypony! We should all pick 'insert letter here'"
My first choose was C, then seth said don't choose D, so now I have to choose D.
ReplyDeleteIm not going to vote D just because Seth manipulated us into doing so.
ReplyDeleteI've never written a fanfic before.
ReplyDeleteBut given a mysterious restriction, I maaaaaay decide to participate.
This week's poll is brought to you by the letter...
ReplyDeleteWe only made it to 4.5 million pageviews awe... I wanted to see five million for the gala. Also D!
ReplyDeleteEither we really are being warned, or we are being cleverly manipulated.
ReplyDeleteEither way, D seems like it'll be an interesting choice.
THe answer is aways c!
ReplyDeleteI had randomly chosen D anyways. Now I'm curious to see what it turns out to be.
i picked B
ReplyDeleteIn hindsight i should have picked D
@ Anon above me
ReplyDeleteYou can still change it.
C is for Cupcakes
ReplyDeleteB for brony
ReplyDeleteI voted before reading this post.
D for "don't" which is italicized.
ReplyDeleteNow why didn't I see that
We all know that Seth manipulated us into picking D because it will have Trixie in it or something.
ReplyDeleteWhich is probably also the option that Cereal Velocity said we didn't want. You know, cos we don't hear enough about Trixie here as it is /sarcasm.
You know what? I choose C.
Also, Cereal, can you tell us which option we didn't want (don't explain it if you want to use it in future, just tell us which one it was) when this vote is done please?
ReplyDeleteC from me.
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia
My guess is that the option 'we really don't want' is a 'no shipping fics' rule.
ReplyDeleteThat would be devastating is we got that.
^ No it wouldn't. I'm perfectly fine with that.
ReplyDeleteHow about a no friendship allowed rule?
ReplyDeleteC is for cupcakes, the only one for me...
ReplyDeleteif wanted the results to be random then you should have rolled a dice or someting since votes for random things tend to go towards the middle
ReplyDeleteI picked E?
Because it was under E!!!
A = anthro ponies only!
ReplyDeleteB = all entries must be submitted in binary code.
C = Clopfics only!
D = Dash must get horribly mutilated or killed.
E = All of the above
Let's do this.
E because I like E sized boobies =3
ReplyDeleteA for Applejack. Lets do this.
A=Anthros only
ReplyDeleteB: It must involve blood. In one way or another
C = Clopfics or circumcision
D = Dash must be Shipped with one or more ponies
Looks like D is going to win. Pinkie Dash Everywhere.
D for "I Don't know which one to vote for".
ReplyDeleteI hope that means clopfic or grimdark! Or both simultaneously!
What does it say about me that I voted BEFORE reading this post...? =/
ReplyDeleteGUYS I FIGURED IT OUT! IF WE CAN GET ALL THE RESULTS TO HAVE AN EQUAL NUMBER OF VOTES THEN...um...eh...i didn't think that far ahead...
@Scribus Caballus
ReplyDeleteI did the same.
I voted C, because it's the first letter in my name, and therefore is the most sympathetic of all the options.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the one we don't want is "all of the above"
Wait. Shit.
A vote for E is a vote for Everypony. How could you hate Everypony!
ReplyDeleteWhere's the pic from?
ReplyDeleteIf you guys got all the letters to have an equal number of votes, you would all be writing very interesting stories.
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking next time you want to do something like this, use arbitrary words as placeholder items. Just pull obscure entries out of the dictionary.
ReplyDeleteI picked E because it's usually all of the above.
ReplyDeleteGosh you guys
I voted for D before it was cool.
ReplyDeletePlease say that, regardless of which choice wins, that you will share what they all were after a winner has been decided?
ReplyDeleteOsht! C is catching up you guys.
ReplyDeleteVOTE D FOR 2011.
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteFive way tie lets go!
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteIf you tell us what the five things were I'm going to write one with all five anyway.
I picked 'E' for
B for not beating the Hammer
ReplyDeletewhere do you vote on the polls (newfag)