• Comic: Spike Strikes Again


    Have some spike nonsense!

    Full comic at Zutheskunk's DA

    31 kommentaari:

    1. >first panel

      this comic is win

    3. weeeeeeee i'm a friggin ninja¡¡¡¡¡

    4. Like some other anon said somewhere else.
      Spike is now a moon ninja.

    5. Silly Spike, Pinkie Pie is best ninja!

    6. Seth, /co/ makes a formal request that you officially no longer post comics that include pointless references to the Space Core from Portal 2.

      It's not funny and idiot furries seem to be attaching it to this fandom for some reason.

      No real reason other than that it's just retarded and makes us want to burn these idiots to death.

    7. Toy Soldier Scratch29. mai 2011, kell 16:05

      Lol, "screw the studies, be a ninja". When I saw that line, I knew the author is polish :D That's like one of the most popular polish memes!

    8. That got a good laugh out of me. But Celestia saw and Spike will soon be on the moon.

      At first, when I saw the picture I thought it was gonna be something like that youtube video where they edited the episode "A Dog and Pony Show" to where it looked like Spike was a perve. >_>

      I'm glad that wasn't the case :D

    9. @Anonymous
      with combustible lemons?

    10. @Anonymous

      Welp I sure set myself up for that one.

    11. @Anonymous
      Your stance is meaningless without a face to your comment. As it stands now, you are nothing more than a troll.

    12. @Anonymous

      Sounds like someone didn't get to go to space.

    13. @DarkJester
      Did you miss the whole 4chan thing? Because you have nothing to tie to me it removes the whole ego thing. You don't know if I'm the same person who complained (I'm not), but I have nothing to gain from lying to you.

      Anyway, the main point is that space core references were never funny, but now it's getting stupid. When they're put in just for the sake of having them there it's as bad as "The cake is a lie" was. It's getting to the point where that joke is taking center stage in a comic that ALREADY HAS a better joke, for no apparent reason. Like, can we stop that? Not just for me, but for everybody, including the artist.

    14. @Anonymous

      I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm in space and it is very funny here.

    15. @Anonymous

      Yeah, lets stifle creativity because some people don't like something. That seems like a great idea, because certaintly if I don't like something nopony must like it because I am the grand pubah of humor and what I say goes.

    16. Good moral, I like it!

    17. @Poe's Raven

      Poland cannot into space ;_;

    18. @DarkWolf

      So constantly repeating a one-note joke ripped off of a video game counts as "creativity" now? Good to know!

    19. Anon, maybe ya should be complaining to Valve. I mean, they caused the same thing with cake and lies with the first game.. ;0

    20. @Anonymous

      I feel you have a different definition of constantly which appears to mean ever.

    21. @Anonymous 4:26

      eh! i think it's funny, and ya know? alot of other people do to, if you don't find it funny, then sucks for you, you're a member of the herd, we don't denouce things we don't like, we ignore and tolerate them. So ignore ant tolerate.

    22. Random person on Internet complains about other random people on Internet latching on to a meme. Even though memes by definition spread. Film at 11.


    23. Fun fact: If a lot of people think something is funny... it is funny. That's sort of the definition of being funny.

    24. You know, after a few years, I really fucking hated Portal 1 for those goddamn cake jokes. I still do tbh. They got so old so fast. Everyone thought they were hot shit for referring to nonresistant pastries.

      This space shit is starting to wear out its welcome now too. Scrolling up, I see I'm not the only one who feels this way. Good to know.

    25. @Anonymous

      nonresistant? Doh, I meant nonexistent. :x

    26. Saying that it would be "stifling creativity" is most certainly wrong. By this point people are putting it in their comics, not because it's funny, but SIMPLY FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING IT THERE. Copy-pasting a one-shot joke out of a video game in every comic you make is not creativity. By banning these comics, it would cause people to actually create original content. It would, in fact, PROMOTE creativity.

      Accepting every single piece of "art" that is created, simply because it is related to My Little Pony, is the quickest road to the death of quality art. At least for the love of god stop giving every one of these comics its own news post.

    27. All this controversy over a joke about ninjas

    28. Hahaha...Don't you DARE steal the PRINCESS'S cutie mark!!

    29. I agree that the Space Core jokes have gotten old very quickly. Maybe the next comic will have Rick the Adventure Core as the punch line. I've been wondering what happened to him after the Space Core went to space.

    30. portal jokes:comedy::crates:video games
