All it took was the first panel to get me rolling in tears................. of laughter. As far as the ponies reaction to that piece of news goes, all I've gotta say is.....awkward
Really? You guys are over-reacting over Furaffinity? Yes, it is a mature site, but no more than DA... so you guys believe bronies from there, aren't to be respected?
There are some bronies, that while many may find their art... borderline, they are still members of the fandom. One that pops into my head (if only because he is a nice guy) is Redflare500. he is furry, draws VERY saucy pics, but he still is a good person!
Well today I'm all for love and tolerance for everypony (Mainly because I'm heavily medicated at the moment since I was hit by a car) but posting things like this is just going to stir up trouble between everyone and the furries. It's not exactly making people want to accept the furries. It's only hurting the cause.
@Torrential Rains I KNOW. And I'm a very sad pony. But I know it has something to do with the furry fandom! From a n00b POV, I don't see much of a problem with it. I know there's a more... colourful... side to it but aside from that, it isn't so bad... is it? I understand that the 'colourful' side is where the humor of this comic brushes but, why is there SO MUCH hate towards furries?
@ZettaLux I don't know. You'd think that with all the shit they see(and post) on the internet, places like /b/ would be more tolerant of furries, but apparently /b/ is the asshole of the internet.
@ZettaLux Well, Zetta, first I would have to give you a definition of a furry, which in itself is a pretty conflicting argument in itself. I define them as people who really love animals as a basic "what is".
FurAffinity is an art-hosting website (like DeviantArt) that is more targetted for people labeled as furries.
And ummmm... A good sum of the internet, for one reason or another, has a very difficult time loving and tolerating furries. That's uhhh... About as unbiased as I can explain it.
From what I understand, knowing that I am somewhat out of it on certain internet matters, FA is like the evil twin of DA to some people, for various reasons (some unknown to me). I find the site a little "off" personally, and I don't frequent it, but it does have good stuff on it.
To summarize: It's the internet, theres a lot of stuff out there, would you want it any other way?
DeviantART: %50 Furries %30 People who figured out out to use the black and white filter on their camera %20 Terrible artists of no particular group or type.
My friend Scorch and I were just having a heated debate about this actual topic. IRONY...
*puts two cents on the table*
But in all seriousness, I tolerate the furry community and I certainly don't mind if they want to share in Bronydom. The only concern it creates in my mind is the outward appearance it generates of our fan-base to the Non-Bronies when the more provocative art becomes a focus. I'm fully aware that people out there want to draw the saucy stuff, the shipping stuff. I say let em, just don't force it into the Center-Stage Spot-light for all to see. That's the kind of thing that will begin to divide the fan-base and ultimately be the down-fall. Selective-Censorship can be a very potent tool when used properly.
I've linked my Facebook to pages from here multiple times (Remember the 300-word fiction contest? Shared it on my FB for Friends/Family to see and enjoy). When I had to put in the FB post "Don't click on anything with a [Shipping] tag" it made me start to wonder about the kind of image it creates to those viewing from an outside perspective. Just remember the golden-rule's guys: Love, Tolerance, Kindness. Try to put yourselves in the other's shoes and ask the questions. "Will this hurt the community?"
Never understood the hate against furries especially when there is a lot crazier stuff on the internet. Anyway love and tolerance people, furaffinity is no worse than any other image hosting site
By the way, what's the email address to get into contact with someone who runs ED? I doubt my voice will be heard or matter in the end, but I'd like to express my disgust at postings like this.
I don't think your getting it, the comic is mock those who have the extreme reactions towards anything 'furry', it isn't attacking the furry fandom at all and is in a sense supporting them. The comics creator said as much himself.
Actually imo, the thought process of "Will this hurt the community?" is far more detrimental to communities/groups than anything "provocative" will ever be! The fact is that it's impossible to ever know just how your actions are perceived by another, let alone how it would affect their view of something on a grander scale like this; the very definition of presumptuousness. Which usually leads to all sorts of emotional problems that will inevitably either make you inhospitable TO others or make you disdainful OF others (deserving or not).
Besides, the things that you say might "hurt the community" have been a part of it since the beginning. Slashfics didn't kill the Trekkies (I think were the term originated, but not sure), and that fandom will probably never die. Point is, with anything in this world, there are going to be people who take something so far that it is grating to someone's sensibilities, but trying to determine what that something is FOR the collective, is a foolish endeavor. You might rightfully judge something one day as the majority sees it, but be on the complete opposite side the next with the same judgement.
**TL;DR** We can never judge a book by it's cover, and we can never know how others judge our cover, nor should we care if/how they do. THAT'S Love and Tolerance.
If somepony does not wish to see art on FurAffinity, then that pony will just have to miss out on the particular piece, unless it gets reposted elsewhere.
Ok, I understand all the ponies' reactions 'cept AJ's. I know Pinkie abandons 4th wall stage left, Rainbow merely escapes through the top, Rarity swoons of course and "Solidshy" from the /co/-inspired fanfic returns. But I don't get AJ's.
What's that behind her? Looks like some castle or something. Am I missing something here?
I surmise Fur Affinity is akin to the Everfree Forest in that there are many who fear it and the few that set up camp within.
The comments above make for a good read, can't say I have much to add; I'd probably define 'furry' as an affinity for anthropomorphic characters, those that share traits with humans, which is distinct from an an affinity for pure animals. I support this by blindly quoting wiki which states a small percentage (2%) of the furry fandom is at all interested in zoophilia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry which in my experience has been the major detractor most people label the furry fandom with.
While a funny comic, I second the opinions above if the point had been more subtly stated by having solely Pinkie jump off screen
Also, bonus lol for everyone panicking about FA in comments for a comic poking fun at everyone panicking about FA.
@AnonymousThe expression is from Feeling Pinkie Keen, when she dove under her cart on being iformed of Pinkie's twitchy tail. The dispenser-cart she has erected is from Best Night Ever.
Lets relax a bit bronys and lol at the comic. When you argue with personal opinion I find that stupid/think you're a troll. Just relax and keep your personal opinion off the internet and in your head where it belongs so you don't anger anypony. It's not hard, just say "lol i liked X about the comic, so funny/true" or "did anypony notice Y in the background?"
I like how the google ads at the top of the page which originate from key words used on the site are currently advertising Twilight books and DVDs with free shipping.
Furrys? Meh, they're weird but relatively harmless. I certainly wouldn't make a practise of persectuing them (well, with one exception but he's a slightly paranoid fool on one of my other web-hangouts).
.... Does that mean furry bronies are like zecora?.... AWESOME! ... hang on, wait, so that means.... just because you dont understand them, does not mean you should fear them, because when you learn who they really are, you get to discover some of the most epic drawfriends and bronies in the herd. :) The cartoon taught us something! :D Gotta get this info to the Princess ASAP!
Look, you can consider furries as a community to be divided into roughly 5 parts:
1) Clean: These are the people who don't care for porn in general, and particularly not the furry variety. They draw stuff like, ya know, Kingdom Hearts fanart and such. Favorite characters being badass, that sorta thing. Around 50% or more of the entire fandom would be here, but since it's "normal", it doesn't get attention from the trolls.
2) Art is Art: This would be the other largest part of the fandom, which does include some risque stuff, but it has to be tasteful or at least realistic. Anyone in this group would mostly favorite clean art, but have a few porny things selected. Also very much like non-furry art fans.. many, MANY famous artists IRL have drawn erotic stuff at least a few times.
3) The Yiff Crazed: This would be one of the smaller segments of the fandom but very, VERY vocal, and of course the one that gets attention. These individuals tend to care almost entirely about the adult stuff, even though they might not be adults themselves. Interestingly though, there's also a subgroup to THIS which has mature situations mixed in with comedy, ala quite a few hentai manga and animes.
4) The Fetishists: And then you get these folks, who pretty much only get along with others with the same kink. I'd bet most of 'em aren't even 'really' furries, they're just here 'cause you can get away with more crazy crap when the fandom in question is already fantasy-based to begin with. These are the furries who scare other furries, and while there's a few exceptions, they're few and far between.
5) The Deniers: This is a growing segment of the fandom which proclaims itself to not even be part of it at all! These are the folks who have FA accounts but act like they're #1 or #2, because NO ONE MUST KNOW MY SECRET! You could also lump quite a few bronies into this category; you don't care for furry stuff, but you make an exception for ponies (as long as it doesn't venture into category 3 or 4).
....why all the hate? My fellow Bronies, it seems rather obvious to me that this comic was made not to insult FA, but just for a laugh. You know what laughing is, right?
I'm honestly disappointed in many of you who take this as an insult or take it as an attack. I'm not a furry, but I know a few and they found it hilarious. Know why? Because they can laugh at themselves. If you cant laugh at yourself, then you have no real sense of humor.
Honestly, I expect better from you, my fellow Bronies. Granted I've seen several who are in the right mindset about it but the ones who are raging should really stop to think.
The main issue with the fandom I have is not the adult stuff. That can easily be ignored. It is the fact that so many furries take a comic like this seriously and are actually offended.
Come on guys, its funny. If you can't laugh at yourself...
Anyway, I see most ponies have been guessed. Fluttershy not yet as far as I can see, but she's from Dragonshy ^^ Zeta was right with her guess for Rarity in the second panel. I think her expression in the third panel is from Bridle Gossip. For AJ I'm thinking Feeling Pinkie Keen. With the two that had already been guessed, I think that's all of em ^^
that Brony up there with the five elements of Furries said basically some of the stuff I wanted to say.
The other thing I wanted to say is that the characters from MLP WOULD go to Furaffinity and see some of the nasty stuff on there and it would make them sick.
I mean all you have to do is type search, scroll down type, and it's right there for everyone to see as Fetishes/Furry Speciality. Quite frankly, it's disgusting and the Furries who are upset should realize this "minority" of yiffers are what paint the Furry Fandom as what the Internet thinks it is.
And that's not even counting videos of people in cartoon animal suits going to hotels and having orgies. In their suits. Specially made for that activity. Ya' get me?
So if you don't like it, too bad. Furries made their own bed, so now they can either lie in it, lie about it, or change the sheets (denounce it fully and stop promoting and encouraging it).
You classy Furries, I personally have no problem with. You're a little strange to me but so are Goths and people who obsess over how green their lawn is. But you have to understand where we're coming from and stop denying that this yiff reality exists and is starting to fully take over your sub-culture. Don't be offended when you're lumped in with them because you can't deny this reality about the Furry Fandom exists.
FurAffinity's not that bad, it censors out the disturbing stuff unless you get an account and specifically look for it. I'm surprised at how judgmental a lot of you are. We know what it's like to be a mocked fandom, so why make fun of theirs?
on another note, I'm a furry, but I'm not one of those who wants to fap to them. I honestly hate it when people stereotype us for being animal sex addicts. for me, they're fun to draw (i'd even say they're easier to draw than humans). Besides, it's FA. Everyone, even the furries and the people who go on FA, make fun of it for being what it is. can't we just laugh together? Can we also consider the fact that most of us are MALE watching a show with NO HUMANS, almost none of the chars are ANTHRO (save for Spike and the Diamond dogs), and the show is aimed towards PRE-TEEN GIRLS. honestly, I would put this under the "Furry" category.
Out of Curiosity, I went on to Fur Affinity, logged into an old account I set up the last time I saw people argue about this and searched My Little Pony. And you know what I found? About 2000 OC ponies, some fan images and about 6 antro pictures. I see worse on this site on a daily basis than what I found there.
See, FurAffinity is only nasty when you go LOOKING for the nasty stuff, or when some "friend" decides to be a prick, turns off your content filter, and then tells you to check out this awesome new art style called 'watersports.' Then again, that stuff isn't limited to furries (Cloud Mows the Lawn, anypony?), so I really have nothing against them. My friend, on the other hand... We don't talk much anymore.
@Firleycat Funny story about what happens when you turn the filter off, because when I did, I was almost immediately confronted by a picture of anthro Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, both of them with gigantic racks and Fluttershy graced with a penis LONGER AND THICKER THAN HER ARM. There was plenty of normal stuff as well, but that kind of scar doesn't heal easily.
Hilarious. Sad that when someone mention furries, all bronies stop tolerating and start hating. I guess it's because many of us are from /b/. Not a furry myself, but I don't care for them. I mean, it's not like they spam furry porn on Ponychan on anything, so as long they keep their stuff to themselves, I'm perfectly ok with them.
Why all the hate :P I'm still just a normal person T_T I mean, sure it is a little weird, but to each his own right? I mean everyone has there kinks, and not everyone just likes normal uhh...relations. I mean, there are people who like lolicon and dozens more out-there fetish. So even though I DON'T represent a large part of the community, I still am part of the smaller community. I'm not someone to force my...preferences onto others, and more often than not, it's my little secret, but that doesn't mean I don't take offense when people say comments such as
"Furries are the cancer ruining MLP, because all you sick fuckers ever do is bring drama and bad rep for everyone else.
Just fuck off and go rape your dog or whatever you subhuman scum do."
Yeah I take offense to that, who wouldn't? I'm not going to go cry or anything, but whatever happened to love and tolerance? I know I'm a little different, but isn't everybody? I don't see this kind of hate for other fetishes, but oh well. This post won't matter, but at least I got what I wanted to say out, haters gonna hate I guess...always hated T_T So maybe I'm *not* a normal person. No one is though. I have no hate towards any of you, some people are just misunderstood I guess.
@Anonymous There is always going to be something like that, this is the internet after all. But my point was that, for the most part, there isn't much there to get that worked up about. To me, its just another art website.
"Please don't turn this into a debate in comments!"
"Well of course we're going to debate this in comments. The comic mentions FurAffinity! If you were expecting a different reaction, you suck! It wouldn't surprise me it was actually Fegelein who suggested you post it!
"That's what you get for listening to Fegelein! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!"
I draw anthro stuff. I have a page on FA, and yeah. As a guy who's been a member of furry fandom for almost 15 years now, I can safely say that yes there are a lot of weird things there. XD It might also be refreshing for some to hear that many furry fans tend to be just as annoyed by the more "colorful" fans as well. It might also be nice for some folks to know there are plenty of furry fans who never turn on the mature filter, either. :)
I guess my problem with the fandom isn't so much the fandom as it is society itself. Fandom tends to reflect society; just as there are awesome folks, "meh" folks, and awful folks in society so too does one find those types in any given fandom. Just like in life, too, one's experience depends heavily on who one associates with.
That said, this comic made me laugh. F-in' saved! :D
Maybe this is the big ultimate test for Bronies. If we can have love and tolerance for trolls, maybe it shouldn't be as hard to do it for Furries.
On one hand, the Furry stigma is very hard to break for those who don't understand or tolerate the culture. It's accumulated at least over ten years in my experience. The human race is stupid in herds but generally smart on an individual level. People will always go with what they perceive the herd thinks so that they cannot become the Other, who is ostracized and treated badly (yes, Bowling for Soup, Highschool Never Ends). So I suppose it's an uphill battle against an internet culture stigma for the Furries.
On the other hand...love and tolerance should be a Brony's first reaction or you simply are not a Brony (yeah, I know. No true Scotsman. Stay with me here.)The Brony culture is made up of traits that could be said to be the opposite of the denizens of /b/. Most of us are not /b/ anymore (or maybe you've never visited. Trust me, it's never worth it) We should throw off those shackles of intolerance and give the Furries a break. They have it hard enough already.
For the record, I don't think MLP is Furry since my definition of a furry character would be walking on two legs. It comes a little close, but I don't think it's the same as, say, Disney's Robin Hood animated movie. But my definition could be wrong and I would expand it if someone could give me an explanation about why it is considered Furry by some.
I agree! It's silly to hate on an entire fandom, especially when some furry fans draw some really cute and/or funny on-model pony art. :)
You bring up an interesting point! Trying to define something as "furry" or not is tricky! I think part of the problem is that no one within "furry fandom" can even agree on what "furry" even *means*.
I've always personally taken "furry" to mean "anthropomorphic animal", or animals described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes. Like, anthro animals walking on two legs and speaking like humans would is anthropomorphic, but so would an animal walking around on all four legs but apparently having human cognition and expression. (Think of "The Lion King" or Disney's "The Fox and the Hound") There's no doubt that ponies (or foxes, or lions) are indeed anthropomorphized to some extent.
I think another problem is that "furry" also seems to indicate a lot of other things too. I'm not going to go into any of it, but I can understand how to some it might be perceived a bit as unwanted baggage.
I've been looking through all the comments trying to figure out what that was, but NOOOOO everyone needs to drown the comments with arguments pro-/antiFA >:C
AS A FURRY FROM FA.. I WANT TO SAY THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!! ... just saying... this is hilarious.. .. why? because pony R34 is wrong... And the furfags that draw it need to DIAF.
I mentioned this before at some point, but in the last panel, it should probably be Pinkie's ENTIRE body jumping out of the comic to achieve maximum 4th wall destruction. :)
I'd just like to point out that 99% of furries who have commented on this here comic have reacted positively. I was laughing pretty hard myself; it's a great comic.
>Is a furry. >laughed his ass off at Pinkie Pie. >Fluttershy? Fluttershy! FLUTTERSHYYYYYYYY!!! >is impartial to pro/anti FA comments. >Really wants everypony to love and tolerate all.
there should be a rehab site for people who went to FA and said, "imma get hardcore" and couldnt take what they got.
i also want to thank the Anonymous who explained whats up with Applejacks, The expression is from Feeling Pinkie Keen, when she dove under her cart on being iformed of Pinkie's twitchy tail. The dispenser-cart she has erected is from Best Night Ever.
Pony threads on /b/ have taught me to love & tolerate furries. Many furries hanged out with us in those threads (pony threads on /b/ somehow attract all kinds of people hated by /b/, such as alicefags and furries) and the few furries I know are actually very nice people.
Did you have to go into such detail about that pic? seriously?! plz keep detailed explanations of F**cking R34 pics out of here! Now the mental image of this will haunt me for the rest of the night *sigh* ...
---------------------------------- Ok, firstly, the comic is hilarious xD. Secondly, don't tease furries most will over-react. Thirdly FA isn't so bad and as many have already said, if you saw R34 pics then you were looking for one, filters are there for a reason, as in most "art" sites.
And ofc congratulations to all ppl here that reacted positively! kudos to you all! *HUGS EVERYPONY!*
@Anonymous Well, I have an account with a faves gallery full of clopping material. But I happen to be a furry. (Actually learnt about MLP on a furry site... not sure whether or not it was porn, though.) What are the other ponies' excuses? ;3
@WindBlown Snow Actually, no. Teasing is allright, you know, good-natured prank style. But getting declared subhuman for fapping to exotic porn is simply WRONG. There is nothing wrong about MLP R34. There is nothing wrong with R34 in general. Ponies have differing tastes and it is truly aggravating that so few can actually accept that.
157 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta*GASP* That place is forbidden to talk about!
VastaKustutaVery funny.
VastaKustutaThis would be funnier if the truth it holds wasn't so ridiculously sad.
VastaKustutaCome on, Celestia. You're never gonna get rescued like that.
VastaKustutaMaximum Trollestia mode is active
VastaKustutaI declare this as win, even though it makes me sad inside.
VastaKustutaControversial topic aside, I think Fluttershy looks adorable in a box.
VastaKustutaAnd, of course, Trollestia is bestia.
All it took was the first panel to get me rolling in tears.................
VastaKustutaof laughter.
As far as the ponies reaction to that piece of news goes, all I've gotta say is.....awkward
Beware the FurAffinity... :O
VastaKustutaSolid Shy is best Shy.
VastaKustutaDidn't Trollestia troll herself then?
VastaKustutaAlso Pinkie is epic jumping out of the comic.
This is why /co/ has no respect for EqD anymore, Sethistro.
VastaKustutaLOL, I love how Pinkie Pie just escapes out of the comic.
VastaKustutaI mean. THE HORROR!
VastaKustutaI have an idea, lets post this on FurAffinty and see what happens.
VastaKustutaPinkie: ABANDON COMIC!!!!!111
VastaKustutaWhy must you continue to INTENTIONALLY try to stir up fights between the furries and everyone else?
VastaKustutaIt sure as hell isn't helping anything.
VastaKustutaI think it's all in good fun.
Love and tolerance, I say!
Fact: The country of Furaffinity was wiped off Equestria when Celestia buried it in fire and brimstone.
VastaKustuta(Jokes aside, I have nothing against that place.)
Posted by Sethistroll
VastaKustutaReally? You guys are over-reacting over Furaffinity? Yes, it is a mature site, but no more than DA... so you guys believe bronies from there, aren't to be respected?
VastaKustutaThere are some bronies, that while many may find their art... borderline, they are still members of the fandom. One that pops into my head (if only because he is a nice guy) is Redflare500. he is furry, draws VERY saucy pics, but he still is a good person!
Come on, we all can be more mature than this...
I'm new to the internet because of ponies. Well, not that new but... Someone please explain.
VastaKustutaLol Zetta, everyone always has to put everything into context for you...
VastaKustutaNothing to explain, there are bronies from the site, and they dislike them for being furry. simple... not fair, but simple :/
(has furaffinity account, and has various furry friends)
VastaKustutaWell today I'm all for love and tolerance for everypony (Mainly because I'm heavily medicated at the moment since I was hit by a car) but posting things like this is just going to stir up trouble between everyone and the furries. It's not exactly making people want to accept the furries. It's only hurting the cause.
VastaKustutaDo you have any... Scratches to speak of?
@Torrential Rains
VastaKustutaI KNOW. And I'm a very sad pony. But I know it has something to do with the furry fandom! From a n00b POV, I don't see much of a problem with it. I know there's a more... colourful... side to it but aside from that, it isn't so bad... is it? I understand that the 'colourful' side is where the humor of this comic brushes but, why is there SO MUCH hate towards furries?
I'm not a furry btw.
And for the record I know a few furries. But they're not so bad... I don't think they're on that shady side. I hope.
VastaKustuta@Torrential Rains
VastaKustutaYes, Scratches and bandages.
(But almost miraculously nothing broken)
@Torrential Rains
I don't like the saucy stuff, just the normal stuff.
VastaKustutaI'm a furry btw, and I love you all no matter what :3
VastaKustutaI don't know. You'd think that with all the shit they see(and post) on the internet, places like /b/ would be more tolerant of furries, but apparently /b/ is the asshole of the internet.
Time for some love and tolerance up in this bitch!
VastaKustutaWell, Zetta, first I would have to give you a definition of a furry, which in itself is a pretty conflicting argument in itself. I define them as people who really love animals as a basic "what is".
FurAffinity is an art-hosting website (like DeviantArt) that is more targetted for people labeled as furries.
And ummmm... A good sum of the internet, for one reason or another, has a very difficult time loving and tolerating furries. That's uhhh... About as unbiased as I can explain it.
VastaKustutaSee, all the furries I know spread the message us bronies do; LOVE and TOLERATE. And no not the saucy love...
...I can see how this furry business makes you twitch.
From what I understand, knowing that I am somewhat out of it on certain internet matters, FA is like the evil twin of DA to some people, for various reasons (some unknown to me). I find the site a little "off" personally, and I don't frequent it, but it does have good stuff on it.
VastaKustutaTo summarize: It's the internet, theres a lot of stuff out there, would you want it any other way?
Now, let us end this debate before it becomes less tolerable.
VastaKustutaI found the comic quite humerous. Trollestia be trollin.
VastaKustutaI still think that Molestia is funnier then Trollestia.
I wonder what a DA comic would be like... hmmm
VastaKustutaI don't give a buck what you are! Imma love and tolerate the shit out of you!
VastaKustutaINB4 Fon Shaolin shows up
VastaKustutaJust to throw a curveball or such...
VastaKustutaI'm scared of FurAffinity and I'm a furry...
Artist here - I was mostly poking fun at some reactions I've seen here and elsewhere, whenever content hosted on FA gets linked.
VastaKustutaWait. Celestia disabled.. the mature content filter?! RUN! EVERYPONY FOR FOR THEMSELVES!
Cookie if you recognize what episodes some of the reaction faces are from.
VastaKustutaI hope that 'Mole' refers to a skin mole rather than what I think it is.
I have never actually seen anything bad on FurAffinity myself. Then again, I rarely go there. I go to DA! :D
VastaKustutaDood, the artist cross-posted to his DA and FA account.
VastaKustutaI'm posting more than my comfortable post count on this entry.
Pinkie: Sonic Rainboom
Rarity: Party of One
RBD: Sonic Rainboom
AJ: ???
Fluttershy: Uhh... Probably all?
%50 Furries
%30 People who figured out out to use the black and white filter on their camera
%20 Terrible artists of no particular group or type.
VastaKustutaI did, Dash's is from Sonic Rainboom, and Rarity's is from swarm of the century... can't remember seeing any of the others though
that's why we can't have nice things :(
VastaKustutawhy sethisto?WHY?
Like I said, posted by Sethistroll.
VastaKustutaPinkie-Pie /quit comic. See ya later 4th wall. :P
VastaKustutaMy friend Scorch and I were just having a heated debate about this actual topic. IRONY...
*puts two cents on the table*
But in all seriousness, I tolerate the furry community and I certainly don't mind if they want to share in Bronydom. The only concern it creates in my mind is the outward appearance it generates of our fan-base to the Non-Bronies when the more provocative art becomes a focus. I'm fully aware that people out there want to draw the saucy stuff, the shipping stuff. I say let em, just don't force it into the Center-Stage Spot-light for all to see. That's the kind of thing that will begin to divide the fan-base and ultimately be the down-fall. Selective-Censorship can be a very potent tool when used properly.
I've linked my Facebook to pages from here multiple times (Remember the 300-word fiction contest? Shared it on my FB for Friends/Family to see and enjoy). When I had to put in the FB post "Don't click on anything with a [Shipping] tag" it made me start to wonder about the kind of image it creates to those viewing from an outside perspective. Just remember the golden-rule's guys: Love, Tolerance, Kindness. Try to put yourselves in the other's shoes and ask the questions. "Will this hurt the community?"
Peace and Goodnight.
Never understood the hate against furries especially when there is a lot crazier stuff on the internet. Anyway love and tolerance people, furaffinity is no worse than any other image hosting site
VastaKustutaI don't get it
VastaKustutathat looks more like 13 cents. (no, I don't know where the 13 came from)
You mean to say we Bronies are not furries? I dun't understand this I dun caught the confuse
VastaKustutaAs much truth as this comic holds, I dont think a flame war is needed on EqD.
VastaKustutaThough IMO, That website is VERY "gay". Its like the badlands of the internet, full of bad art and dongs and cats fucking.
VastaKustutaWould like to point out that, at least with this site, shipping =/= clopfic or even 'saucy' (at least not by my standards) most of the time.
VastaKustutaShipping rarely means more than some confused feelings and kissing.
What the heck is FurAffinity?
VastaKustutauh... Bronies = Pony =/= Furry
Thus, Bronies =/= Furry
VastaKustutaI am a fanatical Brony. But I do not consider myself a furry. My love for ponies is only for that of the MLP universe.
No, not that love you sick minded freak.
VastaKustutaI have never seen any of this that you speak of.
VastaKustutaYou Got Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash right!
Don't let Trollestia get to you guys!
VastaKustutaThis. For a community that strives for "love and tolerance" we don't actually walk the walk very often.
VastaKustutaId rather not discuss that...
Lol, Seth strikes again...
VastaKustutaBy the way, what's the email address to get into contact with someone who runs ED? I doubt my voice will be heard or matter in the end, but I'd like to express my disgust at postings like this.
VastaKustutaClick submit above Bag
VastaKustuta/me Loves and Tolerates the shit out of everypony, even republicans.
VastaKustutaSorry, I've barely used blogger, so could you be more specific?
VastaKustutaOP is satire, Bag...
VastaKustutaDanke. Time to write an email while half asleep.
The Great Trollestia strikes again, also lol at everypony's reactions to this discovery.
VastaKustuta@Cinnamon Fritter
VastaKustutaThat's really not relevant as this is really issue in this community.
Whatever, maybe I won't send an email. All that is required for evil to triumph is for the good to do nothing.
But to everyone here; we're all furries, using the broadest definition of the word, for enjoying this show.
Food for thought before you "love and tolerate" the shit out of a group of people.
VastaKustutaOh trollestia, will we ever get tired of your trollitude?
SPOILER ALERT- no, we won't.
@Cinnamon Fritter
The comic was making fun of the outrageous reactions someponies have to FA posts, not supporting them.
VastaKustutaMake fun of a group hated by most of the fandom/internet.
Oh wait lol, it was satire!
VastaKustutaI don't think your getting it, the comic is mock those who have the extreme reactions towards anything 'furry', it isn't attacking the furry fandom at all and is in a sense supporting them. The comics creator said as much himself.
This would've been funnier if only Pinkie Pie had reacted to it.
VastaKustutaShe had the best reaction! She abandoned the comic entirely!
VastaKustutaShe had the best reaction.
"Fuck this shit, I'm outta here."
IMO, DA markets itself to social deviants, FA, to folks who like fluffy animals.
VastaKustutaI meant, if she was the only one to react, being the only one aware of FA existing.
I am a furry, a regular of FurAffinity, and I laughed out loud for this.
VastaKustutaReally. Don't take things so seriously. Haters are going to hate, I'm going to love and tolerate instead. <3
VastaKustutaActually imo, the thought process of "Will this hurt the community?" is far more detrimental to communities/groups than anything "provocative" will ever be! The fact is that it's impossible to ever know just how your actions are perceived by another, let alone how it would affect their view of something on a grander scale like this; the very definition of presumptuousness. Which usually leads to all sorts of emotional problems that will inevitably either make you inhospitable TO others or make you disdainful OF others (deserving or not).
Besides, the things that you say might "hurt the community" have been a part of it since the beginning. Slashfics didn't kill the Trekkies (I think were the term originated, but not sure), and that fandom will probably never die. Point is, with anything in this world, there are going to be people who take something so far that it is grating to someone's sensibilities, but trying to determine what that something is FOR the collective, is a foolish endeavor. You might rightfully judge something one day as the majority sees it, but be on the complete opposite side the next with the same judgement.
We can never judge a book by it's cover, and we can never know how others judge our cover, nor should we care if/how they do. THAT'S Love and Tolerance.
VastaKustutaCan we store this comment for posterity because it is so good.
Yeah I know a few furries, not that bad a kind of people. Really REALLY awkward sometimes though, but most of those moments are avoidable.
VastaKustutaTrollestia is not avoidable.
VastaKustutaIf somepony does not wish to see art on FurAffinity, then that pony will just have to miss out on the particular piece, unless it gets reposted elsewhere.
Ok, I understand all the ponies' reactions 'cept AJ's. I know Pinkie abandons 4th wall stage left, Rainbow merely escapes through the top, Rarity swoons of course and "Solidshy" from the /co/-inspired fanfic returns. But I don't get AJ's.
VastaKustutaWhat's that behind her? Looks like some castle or something. Am I missing something here?
I surmise Fur Affinity is akin to the Everfree Forest in that there are many who fear it and the few that set up camp within.
VastaKustutaThe comments above make for a good read, can't say I have much to add; I'd probably define 'furry' as an affinity for anthropomorphic characters, those that share traits with humans, which is distinct from an an affinity for pure animals. I support this by blindly quoting wiki which states a small percentage (2%) of the furry fandom is at all interested in zoophilia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry which in my experience has been the major detractor most people label the furry fandom with.
While a funny comic, I second the opinions above if the point had been more subtly stated by having solely Pinkie jump off screen
VastaKustutai saw that too. read the comments for an explanation, but none yet. and im no help.
- AJ's fortress. ?
Fur w/FA account here, I lol'd.
VastaKustutaAlso, bonus lol for everyone panicking about FA in comments for a comic poking fun at everyone panicking about FA.
@AnonymousThe expression is from Feeling Pinkie Keen, when she dove under her cart on being iformed of Pinkie's twitchy tail. The dispenser-cart she has erected is from Best Night Ever.
Lets relax a bit bronys and lol at the comic. When you argue with personal opinion I find that stupid/think you're a troll. Just relax and keep your personal opinion off the internet and in your head where it belongs so you don't anger anypony. It's not hard, just say "lol i liked X about the comic, so funny/true" or "did anypony notice Y in the background?"
VastaKustutaI'm a fan of ponies and I post FA, but I don't draw that crazy stuff all the time. (Just the cute fluffy stuff.)
But wow every face from every memorable break-down moment. And still... How in the world can Celestia pose like that! Magic? (Oh wait-)
I luv shu, Celestia ;^; <3
VastaKustutaThis had me laughing, though~ Hahaha!
Oh, I get it, Applejack is going in a tornado bunker because there are tornadoes in the midwest. SOOOO GOOODDD!
VastaKustutaAs a dude-who-enjoys-anthropomorphic-cartoon-animals (including anthropomorphic cartoon ponies), I think this is hilarious.
VastaKustutaI like how the google ads at the top of the page which originate from key words used on the site are currently advertising Twilight books and DVDs with free shipping.
VastaKustutaI never understood furries. Still don't, really.
VastaKustutaTo be able to watch porn on FA you need to:
VastaKustuta1. Register.
2. Turn off mature content filter.
So may I ask some people here: how did you managed to see porn on FA?
Furrys? Meh, they're weird but relatively harmless. I certainly wouldn't make a practise of persectuing them (well, with one exception but he's a slightly paranoid fool on one of my other web-hangouts).
VastaKustutaPeople are getting bent out of shape because there's a furry porn site out there?
VastaKustutaIsn't that like being upset that the sky is blue?
.... Does that mean furry bronies are like zecora?.... AWESOME! ... hang on, wait, so that means.... just because you dont understand them, does not mean you should fear them, because when you learn who they really are, you get to discover some of the most epic drawfriends and bronies in the herd. :)
VastaKustutaThe cartoon taught us something! :D
Gotta get this info to the Princess ASAP!
Only good furry is one that never existed.
VastaKustutaFurries are the cancer ruining MLP, because all you sick fuckers ever do is bring drama and bad rep for everyone else.
VastaKustutaJust fuck off and go rape your dog or whatever you subhuman scum do.
Look, you can consider furries as a community to be divided into roughly 5 parts:
VastaKustuta1) Clean: These are the people who don't care for porn in general, and particularly not the furry variety. They draw stuff like, ya know, Kingdom Hearts fanart and such. Favorite characters being badass, that sorta thing. Around 50% or more of the entire fandom would be here, but since it's "normal", it doesn't get attention from the trolls.
2) Art is Art: This would be the other largest part of the fandom, which does include some risque stuff, but it has to be tasteful or at least realistic. Anyone in this group would mostly favorite clean art, but have a few porny things selected. Also very much like non-furry art fans.. many, MANY famous artists IRL have drawn erotic stuff at least a few times.
3) The Yiff Crazed: This would be one of the smaller segments of the fandom but very, VERY vocal, and of course the one that gets attention. These individuals tend to care almost entirely about the adult stuff, even though they might not be adults themselves. Interestingly though, there's also a subgroup to THIS which has mature situations mixed in with comedy, ala quite a few hentai manga and animes.
4) The Fetishists: And then you get these folks, who pretty much only get along with others with the same kink. I'd bet most of 'em aren't even 'really' furries, they're just here 'cause you can get away with more crazy crap when the fandom in question is already fantasy-based to begin with. These are the furries who scare other furries, and while there's a few exceptions, they're few and far between.
5) The Deniers: This is a growing segment of the fandom which proclaims itself to not even be part of it at all! These are the folks who have FA accounts but act like they're #1 or #2, because NO ONE MUST KNOW MY SECRET! You could also lump quite a few bronies into this category; you don't care for furry stuff, but you make an exception for ponies (as long as it doesn't venture into category 3 or 4).
LOL! Great comic! BRB, going to Fur Affinity to get some Harmony. 8^D
VastaKustutaOur roots are in the /b/. Unreasonable "hate" on furries is reasonable reaction for brony. Its the unspoken rule.
VastaKustuta....why all the hate? My fellow Bronies, it seems rather obvious to me that this comic was made not to insult FA, but just for a laugh. You know what laughing is, right?
VastaKustutaI'm honestly disappointed in many of you who take this as an insult or take it as an attack. I'm not a furry, but I know a few and they found it hilarious. Know why? Because they can laugh at themselves. If you cant laugh at yourself, then you have no real sense of humor.
Honestly, I expect better from you, my fellow Bronies. Granted I've seen several who are in the right mindset about it but the ones who are raging should really stop to think.
The main issue with the fandom I have is not the adult stuff. That can easily be ignored. It is the fact that so many furries take a comic like this seriously and are actually offended.
VastaKustutaCome on guys, its funny. If you can't laugh at yourself...
Anyway, I see most ponies have been guessed. Fluttershy not yet as far as I can see, but she's from Dragonshy ^^ Zeta was right with her guess for Rarity in the second panel. I think her expression in the third panel is from Bridle Gossip. For AJ I'm thinking Feeling Pinkie Keen. With the two that had already been guessed, I think that's all of em ^^
that Brony up there with the five elements of Furries said basically some of the stuff I wanted to say.
VastaKustutaThe other thing I wanted to say is that the characters from MLP WOULD go to Furaffinity and see some of the nasty stuff on there and it would make them sick.
I mean all you have to do is type search, scroll down type, and it's right there for everyone to see as Fetishes/Furry Speciality. Quite frankly, it's disgusting and the Furries who are upset should realize this "minority" of yiffers are what paint the Furry Fandom as what the Internet thinks it is.
And that's not even counting videos of people in cartoon animal suits going to hotels and having orgies. In their suits. Specially made for that activity. Ya' get me?
So if you don't like it, too bad. Furries made their own bed, so now they can either lie in it, lie about it, or change the sheets (denounce it fully and stop promoting and encouraging it).
You classy Furries, I personally have no problem with. You're a little strange to me but so are Goths and people who obsess over how green their lawn is. But you have to understand where we're coming from and stop denying that this yiff reality exists and is starting to fully take over your sub-culture. Don't be offended when you're lumped in with them because you can't deny this reality about the Furry Fandom exists.
FurAffinity's not that bad, it censors out the disturbing stuff unless you get an account and specifically look for it. I'm surprised at how judgmental a lot of you are. We know what it's like to be a mocked fandom, so why make fun of theirs?
VastaKustuta*reads some of the comments* *sighs*
VastaKustutaPeople is afraid of what they don't understand.
Nothing new under the sun.
why no awesome AppleJack Disgust face? D:
VastaKustutaFluttershy? Fluttershy!?
on another note, I'm a furry, but I'm not one of those who wants to fap to them. I honestly hate it when people stereotype us for being animal sex addicts. for me, they're fun to draw (i'd even say they're easier to draw than humans).
Besides, it's FA. Everyone, even the furries and the people who go on FA, make fun of it for being what it is. can't we just laugh together?
Can we also consider the fact that most of us are MALE watching a show with NO HUMANS, almost none of the chars are ANTHRO (save for Spike and the Diamond dogs), and the show is aimed towards PRE-TEEN GIRLS.
honestly, I would put this under the "Furry" category.
besides, didn't seth say "NO DEBATE"?
VastaKustutaThanks for being such a shining example of the fan dumb.
No offence...but Mature =/= Porn
VastaKustutaPorn is anything but Mature
Out of Curiosity, I went on to Fur Affinity, logged into an old account I set up the last time I saw people argue about this and searched My Little Pony. And you know what I found? About 2000 OC ponies, some fan images and about 6 antro pictures. I see worse on this site on a daily basis than what I found there.
VastaKustutaSee, FurAffinity is only nasty when you go LOOKING for the nasty stuff, or when some "friend" decides to be a prick, turns off your content filter, and then tells you to check out this awesome new art style called 'watersports.' Then again, that stuff isn't limited to furries (Cloud Mows the Lawn, anypony?), so I really have nothing against them. My friend, on the other hand... We don't talk much anymore.
VastaKustutaFunny story about what happens when you turn the filter off, because when I did, I was almost immediately confronted by a picture of anthro Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, both of them with gigantic racks and Fluttershy graced with a penis LONGER AND THICKER THAN HER ARM. There was plenty of normal stuff as well, but that kind of scar doesn't heal easily.
VastaKustutaSad that when someone mention furries, all bronies stop tolerating and start hating. I guess it's because many of us are from /b/. Not a furry myself, but I don't care for them.
I mean, it's not like they spam furry porn on Ponychan on anything, so as long they keep their stuff to themselves, I'm perfectly ok with them.
*likes yiff*
VastaKustutaWhy all the hate :P I'm still just a normal person T_T I mean, sure it is a little weird, but to each his own right? I mean everyone has there kinks, and not everyone just likes normal uhh...relations. I mean, there are people who like lolicon and dozens more out-there fetish. So even though I DON'T represent a large part of the community, I still am part of the smaller community. I'm not someone to force my...preferences onto others, and more often than not, it's my little secret, but that doesn't mean I don't take offense when people say comments such as
"Furries are the cancer ruining MLP, because all you sick fuckers ever do is bring drama and bad rep for everyone else.
Just fuck off and go rape your dog or whatever you subhuman scum do."
Yeah I take offense to that, who wouldn't? I'm not going to go cry or anything, but whatever happened to love and tolerance? I know I'm a little different, but isn't everybody? I don't see this kind of hate for other fetishes, but oh well. This post won't matter, but at least I got what I wanted to say out, haters gonna hate I guess...always hated T_T
So maybe I'm *not* a normal person. No one is though. I have no hate towards any of you, some people are just misunderstood I guess.
BTW, loved the comic, hate the comments x3
VastaKustutaThere is always going to be something like that, this is the internet after all. But my point was that, for the most part, there isn't much there to get that worked up about. To me, its just another art website.
"Please don't turn this into a debate in comments!"
VastaKustuta"Well of course we're going to debate this in comments. The comic mentions FurAffinity! If you were expecting a different reaction, you suck! It wouldn't surprise me it was actually Fegelein who suggested you post it!
"That's what you get for listening to Fegelein!
FLUTTERBOX! Did the author read the 'Ponies Discover /co/' fic by any chance?
VastaKustutaLol at Pinkie Pie jumping out of the frame. FA can't reach her if she's somewhere between dimensions!
VastaKustutaI went from laughing at the comic to crying from the comments.
VastaKustutaI think this comments section needs a big hug! *hugs everyone*
VastaKustutaMuch better!
Pony, please... what happened to love and tolerance?
VastaKustutaWhy can't we just all get along?
VastaKustutaI draw anthro stuff. I have a page on FA, and yeah. As a guy who's been a member of furry fandom for almost 15 years now, I can safely say that yes there are a lot of weird things there. XD It might also be refreshing for some to hear that many furry fans tend to be just as annoyed by the more "colorful" fans as well. It might also be nice for some folks to know there are plenty of furry fans who never turn on the mature filter, either. :)
I guess my problem with the fandom isn't so much the fandom as it is society itself. Fandom tends to reflect society; just as there are awesome folks, "meh" folks, and awful folks in society so too does one find those types in any given fandom. Just like in life, too, one's experience depends heavily on who one associates with.
That said, this comic made me laugh. F-in' saved! :D
Maybe this is the big ultimate test for Bronies. If we can have love and tolerance for trolls, maybe it shouldn't be as hard to do it for Furries.
VastaKustutaOn one hand, the Furry stigma is very hard to break for those who don't understand or tolerate the culture. It's accumulated at least over ten years in my experience. The human race is stupid in herds but generally smart on an individual level. People will always go with what they perceive the herd thinks so that they cannot become the Other, who is ostracized and treated badly (yes, Bowling for Soup, Highschool Never Ends). So I suppose it's an uphill battle against an internet culture stigma for the Furries.
On the other hand...love and tolerance should be a Brony's first reaction or you simply are not a Brony (yeah, I know. No true Scotsman. Stay with me here.)The Brony culture is made up of traits that could be said to be the opposite of the denizens of /b/. Most of us are not /b/ anymore (or maybe you've never visited. Trust me, it's never worth it) We should throw off those shackles of intolerance and give the Furries a break. They have it hard enough already.
For the record, I don't think MLP is Furry since my definition of a furry character would be walking on two legs. It comes a little close, but I don't think it's the same as, say, Disney's Robin Hood animated movie. But my definition could be wrong and I would expand it if someone could give me an explanation about why it is considered Furry by some.
VastaKustutaI agree! It's silly to hate on an entire fandom, especially when some furry fans draw some really cute and/or funny on-model pony art. :)
You bring up an interesting point! Trying to define something as "furry" or not is tricky! I think part of the problem is that no one within "furry fandom" can even agree on what "furry" even *means*.
I've always personally taken "furry" to mean "anthropomorphic animal", or animals described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes. Like, anthro animals walking on two legs and speaking like humans would is anthropomorphic, but so would an animal walking around on all four legs but apparently having human cognition and expression. (Think of "The Lion King" or Disney's "The Fox and the Hound") There's no doubt that ponies (or foxes, or lions) are indeed anthropomorphized to some extent.
I think another problem is that "furry" also seems to indicate a lot of other things too. I'm not going to go into any of it, but I can understand how to some it might be perceived a bit as unwanted baggage.
VastaKustutaWe all took the red pill, now we just follow the white rabbit. There is no spoon. Or something like that.
I've been looking through all the comments trying to figure out what that was, but NOOOOO everyone needs to drown the comments with arguments pro-/antiFA >:C
VastaKustuta... just saying... this is hilarious.. .. why? because pony R34 is wrong... And the furfags that draw it need to DIAF.
I have friends who are furries, and they're good people. I've still seen some pretty gnarly things on FA though, and I avoid going there myself.
VastaKustutaIf I react like this to ponies being on FA, it's only out of fear of what some of the extraordinarily vocal adult section will do to them.
I mentioned this before at some point, but in the last panel, it should probably be Pinkie's ENTIRE body jumping out of the comic to achieve maximum 4th wall destruction. :)
VastaKustutaI'd just like to point out that 99% of furries who have commented on this here comic have reacted positively. I was laughing pretty hard myself; it's a great comic.
>Is a furry.
VastaKustuta>laughed his ass off at Pinkie Pie.
>Fluttershy? Fluttershy! FLUTTERSHYYYYYYYY!!!
>is impartial to pro/anti FA comments.
>Really wants everypony to love and tolerate all.
there should be a rehab site for people who went to FA and said, "imma get hardcore" and couldnt take what they got.
VastaKustutai also want to thank the Anonymous who explained whats up with Applejacks, The expression is from Feeling Pinkie Keen, when she dove under her cart on being iformed of Pinkie's twitchy tail. The dispenser-cart she has erected is from Best Night Ever.
Pony threads on /b/ have taught me to love & tolerate furries. Many furries hanged out with us in those threads (pony threads on /b/ somehow attract all kinds of people hated by /b/, such as alicefags and furries) and the few furries I know are actually very nice people.
VastaKustutaDid you have to go into such detail about that pic? seriously?! plz keep detailed explanations of F**cking R34 pics out of here! Now the mental image of this will haunt me for the rest of the night *sigh* ...
Ok, firstly, the comic is hilarious xD. Secondly, don't tease furries most will over-react. Thirdly FA isn't so bad and as many have already said, if you saw R34 pics then you were looking for one, filters are there for a reason, as in most "art" sites.
And ofc congratulations to all ppl here that reacted positively! kudos to you all! *HUGS EVERYPONY!*
LOL! I'm a furry and all this chatter and argument is rather amusing. Plus, LOVE the reactions of Rarity and Rainbow. xD
VastaKustutaLove and Tolerance FTW! <3
VastaKustutaWho is stirring up fights?
Because if you mean the comic itself, then let me tell you that I am a furry and I find this comic hilarious.
VastaKustutaWell, I have an account with a faves gallery full of clopping material.
But I happen to be a furry. (Actually learnt about MLP on a furry site... not sure whether or not it was porn, though.)
What are the other ponies' excuses? ;3
@WindBlown Snow
VastaKustutaActually, no.
Teasing is allright, you know, good-natured prank style.
But getting declared subhuman for fapping to exotic porn is simply WRONG.
There is nothing wrong about MLP R34. There is nothing wrong with R34 in general. Ponies have differing tastes and it is truly aggravating that so few can actually accept that.
So what's with that green castle in the last frame?