Sethisto, the counter's counting too slowly: whenever I F5, it skips ahead like 1000, suggesting that it falls behind because of that half-second animation it does each time...
Luna was so disturbed by her time as Nightmare Moon and her imprisonment in the moon that she's reverted to a childlike state? Both adorable and disturbing.
Luna has never looked more sweet and cute then she does in this comic...shame on you Fluttershy for frightening her with your rage mode, we forgive you though
46 kommentaari:
That... makes SO much sense.
VastaKustutaI find this totally believable.. and adorable
VastaKustutaWell, Thanks to Trollestia, the Party was a Real Chaotic Success, so no wonder Luna didn't want to get involved! ;P
VastaKustutawho wouldn't be scared of fluttershy also Love luna little filly mode(used only when alone with celestia)
VastaKustutaso that explain everything XD
VastaKustutaOh man thats perfect
VastaKustutaSo.... adorable... Heart... failing!
VastaKustutaSethisto, the counter's counting too slowly: whenever I F5, it skips ahead like 1000, suggesting that it falls behind because of that half-second animation it does each time...
VastaKustutaMyth: PLAUSIBLE. Also art style is delish.
VastaKustutai enjoyed that
VastaKustutawait fuckin cute overload from luna
VastaKustutaROFL! Well, that explains it! XDDD
VastaKustutaAdorable Luna is adorable!!~
Awesome. This is what I now choose to believe. And little Luna with her Celestia plush is the cutest thing ever.
VastaKustutaDarth Vader Plush.
This better be canon in season 2. It's too cute not to be!
VastaKustutaScrew canon, This will Be THE only explanation, Canon or not
VastaKustuta(Does Celestia have a filly mode too?)
VastaKustutaLuna <3
Luna, I, I never intended to catch you in the net. It was those cursed snobby animals in Celestia's garden. I blame the buzzing buzzards.
VastaKustutaIt's true. That yellow pegasus was scarier than Night Mare ever was.
VastaKustutaI-I'm going to go not-hide under my bed again...
Fluttershy, you silly filly! Luna was just about to liven up that boring, stuffy old party!
VastaKustutaIt's okay, though, we forgive you.
"Little filly mode(used only when alone with Celestia)"
VastaKustutaRight... That doesn't sound creepy and incestuous in a pedophiliac kind of way at all.
You sir, are disturbed!
At the gala! At the gala! I will got completely bonkers! I will snap like a twig and go completely maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
Luna was so disturbed by her time as Nightmare Moon and her imprisonment in the moon that she's reverted to a childlike state? Both adorable and disturbing.
VastaKustutaLol!! That actually makes alot of sense.
VastaKustutaIf I saw someone acting like that I would turn around and walk the otherway too.
Umm... WTF is that thing in the 2nd panel?
VastaKustutaIt looks like a Wookie Unicorn
Luna has never looked more sweet and cute then she does in this comic...shame on you Fluttershy for frightening her with your rage mode, we forgive you though
VastaKustutaI think it's meant to be Darth Vader as a unicorn
VastaKustutaI actually thought it was a reference to Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) in the "Nemesister" episode.
That's what I'm going to consider it, at least.
Heh, Luna is really cute in this. Makes me more excited for next season. :3
VastaKustuta@Display Name
VastaKustutaI, I, I, never intended to capture Miss Luna.
Just those inconsiderate animals, I just wanted to be friends and what did they do ignore me!
Am I the only one who finds it odd Luna has a plushie of her sister? I think I am. Oh well, never question cuteness.
VastaKustutaI think it is adorable how Luna has a little Celestia Plush Doll while I have seen pictures where Celestia has a little Luna plush doll.
VastaKustutaFluttershy scares Luna... I don't know what think about that oO
VastaKustutaWould you consider it stranger if you, I don't know, hypothetically knew Fluttershy has life-size plushies of the entire herd?
I'm guessing she remembered previous gala's and injected herself with ground up moon rocks to get out of it.
VastaKustutaI have no such thing Miss Luna. Stop spreading such awful rumours about me.
I cried at how cute this was...
VastaKustutaOh gawd...
Oh god. Luna. Stop being so cute!
VastaKustutaNo, really. Stop it! You're approaching the cuteness event horizon beyond which not even supervillainy can escape!
She's so cute... And that's Celestia plushie... I want one too(and cute filly Luna one too)!
VastaKustutaWe need more True fanart and fanart which exploits the show just like this xD
VastaKustutaPoor Luna. She got scared by Fluttershy of all ponies.
VastaKustutaCute and funny!
VastaKustutaI don't blame Luna. I was scared too when I saw Fluttershy go crazy. O_o