• Comic: Immortality Blues

    It's not really a comedy comic, but hey, we can have some normal ones too right?


    71 kommentaari:

    1. And now I am depressed? Happy? Someone tell me what to feel!

    2. This was also posted in a manly tears thread on ponychan: http://www.ponychan.net/chan/pony/res/2482059.html (warning: if you take the challenge in the first post, it's likely you will fail. People also posted a few more bawww fics in the thread as well. Many manly tears have been shed in that thread)

      It's quite sad if the mood is right.

    3. Hey, I saw this on a pr0n site first. This comic is so ad'awwable! Sends a great message too.

    4. @Sumec

      You feel... buh.. de... deprappy.

      BOOM. Problem solved.

      Seriously though, it never occurred to me that Celestia would have to deal with almost everyone she knowns kicking the bucket on a 'regular' basis.

      Damn you, internets.


      I couldn't pick which reaction to make, so I made them all!

    6. I feel sorry for Celestia now.. being an immortal has downfalls

    7. I vote for this.
      DC or Marvel should publish a new series of FiM comics. Bring it on!

    8. I like how as soon as Celestia says that she is fine, luna just stares at her. >:|

    9. That's actually a really depressing thought.

      Everpony Celestia has ever known or loved has died, and will die, with the exception of Luna.

      Begs the question of how she managed to deal with 1000 years alone. Luna was on the moon, yes, but Celestia was just as lonley in Equestria.

      'Least, in my imagination she was.

    10. @Anonymous

      Never have I shed so many manly tears. This fandom is glorious.

    11. @First anon,
      Damn, that almost got me. Still try to hold back the sad. I find that "Shine on you crazy diamond" fits a bit better as a challenge modifier. And now I'm off to go see if I can fail that damned challenge. Feels good man.

    12. @ Daffodil

      That's a pretty good question. Throw in the factor that she was alreading nursing a broken heart from banishing Luna and you got one hell of a head scratcher.

    13. I am crying at full force.

    14. @Anonymous
      I didn't cry at that challenge but then again I didn't flinch at cupcakes or the severing ether
      (for the record im 99% sure im insane)

      to this day bubbles is the only thing I have read that made me cry and even then it was like a single tear

    15. its those pictures of her old friends that really get to me, as they go back in time... you can just imagine the adventures they all had, now more likely then not forgotten to history, living on only in the mind of cellesita...


      This is not normal! THIS IS MOTHERFUCKNG SAD!

    17. Oh man. This comic. That link Anon posted to the baww thread on Ponychan.


    18. AwWWWWWwwwwwwWW
      And a single tear rolled down my cheek.
      Luna is so great.

    19. That was sweet and cute....

      Finally someone came up with normal comic! lol

    20. That was so beautiful.

    21. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    22. I love how Luna sneaks into her room <3

    23. Immortality Blues, surely?

    24. One of things that I like about anime is that it often teaches the lesson that bittersweet experiences make us richer and that transient situations should be enjoyed while they last.
      I don't see much of that in "western" animation.

    25. I hate immortality blues with a passion. Immortality is like replaying your favorite video game or leveling an alt. Also you have time to do otherwise impossible things, like growing your own great redwood from a seed. Immortality is great!

      You don't don't have "human lifespan" blues when your hamster or cat dies - why would you when your faithful student does?

    26. Oh wow!
      I have had such request for a long time, but no so much artists accept such complicated things. Looks like I don't need to request it now!

    27. I've wondered about this.
      How many students has she had? Watched them grow old and die? I'm glad someone else did something about it, luckily in such a heartwarming way, could have been reeeally depressing.

    28. @Anonymous

      Brohoof. I know the feeling of loss, sometimes I sad because everything passes, but at the same time I'm tired of all that immortality whining. Nobody knows, but everyone think it's bad. Huh.

      Anyway, the comic is good. At least, it's kind.

    29. Dark Side of the World11. mai 2011, kell 04:57

      This was a great comic. We all have to face reality of time sooner or later in our lives, but for immortals it's forever.

    30. For as long as you live, you'll always have new things to experience or encounter.

      Celestia probably has been reliving the dream with several similar sets of close friends.

      None of that is depressing as there is always the bright side, when there is none you make a hole in the darkness and make a bright side by force if necessary. You only live once or twice if you happen to have the odd rebirth and rememberance cycle like Philomena, who has been at Celestia's side like forever... oh come on!

      Stop being depressed crying ponies and leave that kind of stuff to Pinkie who looks cute while doing it.

    31. My manly tears soaked my manly beard.....

    32. I wouldnt call that a normal comic, I would call it a sentimental comic. Very touching.

    33. FINALLY! a comic that isn't Trollestia!

      and it actually made me feel somethin...(sad)

    34. Oh man, yes. This. This works on so many levels. This is what a Luna episode could be about. Awesome stuff.

    35. What a beautiful impersonation of Luna. I seriously love that strip. It made me laugh and cry at a time.

    36. Immortality could be worse, such as consuming Mermaid flesh or becoming a body guard for someone who can die with your life in their hands.

    37. @Anonymous i saw the fic, who is dusky rose?

    38. *clears throat*

    39. This was really sweet and touching. It's certainly how I think Luna should be in season 2.

    40. The one good thing about immorality is that there is still something new to look forward to. There always be new friends and new experiences. I guess thats what keeps other immortals like the Doctor going.

    41. The comic seems to be implying that this is long after the events of the series, when Twilight and her friends have passed away, but the main cast all appear in the second to last frame. They're not even hidden or anything. What's going on?

    42. I commented on the DA page it was on, and it is definitely sweet and touching. I think they should do a scene like that in the series. I swear, Celestia and Luna could be used for a lot of potential ideas in the series.

      (sings) Who waaaaants to liiiiiive forever?

    43. To everypony, Celestia is the kind and watchful Princess who smiles over Equestria.
      Poor Celestia, I want to give her a hug.

    44. God dammit, I was working on a comic that basically has exactly this plot.

    45. I D'awww'd and Bawww'd all over places, touching.

    46. Anyone felt season2 will start on this friday? I just had dream today LOL

      Sadly that won't happen until December :/

    47. @Anonymous The message I got from ti was remember and cherish the memories of loved ones past but don't let it keep you from enjoying the present.

      Something I'm kinda having issues with right now...

      That and feeling pretty damn useless.

    48. This made my heart ache. I think we can all forgive the dear princess her occasional trolling behavior, if its the only thing keeping her spirits up.

    49. need some spell checking on this post. What the heck is Immoratlity?

      Good Comic though.

    50. I like this comic, to make it sadder, imagine that she only has photos of her students that go back to when cameras were invented, there were probably hundreds more before that. All of them are dead!

    51. I don't think Twilight or the others are dead in this comic. Her report on the Magic of Friendship, as well as the picture, probably got Celestia all nostalgic and sad for friends long-since past. At least, that is how I see it.

      On immortality, I have pondered it for a while now. I'm gifted with a vivid imagination, and can often place myself in unfamiliar situations with some degree of accuracy. I speculate palace life is extremely boring when it is not busy.

      Even when it is busy, it's probably the same situation with different variables; nothing truly unique to a being as old as her. (I think Celestia is much older then the 1000 as told by the Mare in the Moon tale.) This doesn't even take into consideration all the ponies she's ever known, or ever will.

      Now, Celestia is a smart pony, and such lapses into self-pity are probably rare and brief. In fact, she's probably already accepted and prepared for the day her newest student passes on.

      Now, how does one cope with Immortality? Personally, I'm sure they both (Celestia and Luna) look forward to the future and try to dwell on the past as little as possible. Hobbies also help to distract them, like Celestia's trolling. =P

      So yeah, the comic is sad because it deals with mortality and how the princesses might welcome death one day, if they don't already. After all, everything must have a beginning, middle and end.

    52. That was a touching comic. Thank you for posting.

    53. Don't mind me but I believe that Celestia will make Luna her lover for all eternity...or Doc Whooves.

    54. The photos in the first few panels are intriguing. Generations and generations of Faithful Students and their very best friends, having big adventures and tons of fun.

    55. Ciroton

      The end is only a new beginning, it all goes in a circle. Things never truly stop.

    56. Just another example of a theme that arises in a lot of stories:

      Immortality can really suck.

    57. Immortality Blues is a catchy title, but the comic is really about loss. Anypony who is emotionally invested in something can feel it when that something is gone, immortal or not. I guess the point is that life keeps on going on outside your doors, and its better for everypony when you're a part of it.

    58. Celestia should try getting an amnesia.
      But then she should keep a journal, or she'll end up being the next Nameless One.

    59. The title and comic is good and luna's entry is sweet

    60. I think you guys better make normal comics like this instead of trollestia or such. Just for a change.

    61. as somepony else said,"I don't think Twilight or the others are dead in this comic. Her report on the Magic of Friendship, as well as the picture, probably got Celestia all nostalgic and sad for friends long-since past. At least, that is how I see it." And ANOTHER pony said,"I think you guys better make normal comics like this instead of trollestia or such. Just for a change."

    62. The curse of eternal life...

      The old ones photos are the ancient Elements Of Harmony?

    63. that was really sweet

    64. I love this comic. This is how I imagine their relationship actually being. I can only imagine what living forever must be like. *hugs Celestia's neck*

    65. I was b'awwing then I got to the panel with Luna charging Celestia with her horn, and for a second Celestias like OH GOD-oh wait. -smile- and laughed forever.

    66. Awwww, so sad, but hey, at least you HAD Friends, Celestia! Poor Luna's been through the same, but in a MOON! :(

    67. I was playing Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever" right when I found this. It increased the impact tenfold.

    68. Baaaa- HNNNNNNG

    69. BAW! I WISH I COULD CRY ON SEEING SAD STUFF LIKE THIS! I almost did, as well as when I read A Summer Twilight, but nothing. I don't really feel I'm enjoying the sadness without tears. T3T

    70. Celestia: The Lonely God. kinda reminds me of Doctor Who. at any rate.. great, just great.
