You know, when I first saw that Cheerilee toy included with the Mcdonalds meals, I was pretty surprised.. and disappointed. Where was Trixie? Where was Luna? Who is this ridiculously colored mare?
Well, she grew on me. Thanks a lot fanfiction, art, and Cherileeos
Anyway hopefully you all did well on your finals. And for those still taking them, good luck!
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72 kommentaari:
I still have a month left.
VastaKustutaI can't fathom what she is trying to teach those kids on that chalkboard.
VastaKustutaI totally saw a Cheerilee banner coming. ♥
VastaKustutadunno how many weeks I have left, but in any case LOVE THE NEW BANNER <3
VastaKustutatime to appreciate the pony teacher for once
VastaKustutagot me a 4.0 this semester
Loving the banner a lot!
VastaKustutamexican here
VastaKustutastill have like 3 weeks left
plus football matches all summer
oh well it can ALWAYS be pony time
My finals start Friday and end wednesday >.>
VastaKustutalove the new banner though XD
Scootaloo has something to teach on her side of the banner.
VastaKustutaMore than a month and a half. Cold as hell. There are bronies in this side of the world too!
VastaKustutaAlso, Cheerilee is the best teacher.
Got like a month of school left. It's nice to think it's over, though.
VastaKustutaI laugh at all you foals and your 'school'! I've been out of school for a thousand years! Hahahaha! Wha-what do you mean I failed final year!? MISSED EXAM!? I HAD A PERFECT SCORE ALL YEAR!
I thought the "S" was for Spitfire...
*still in high school*
VastaKustuta*exams are in four weeks*
*has a test tomorrow in AP Calculus despite having just taken the AP exam two weeks ago*
*fuck you all*
i got 3 more weeks of school
VastaKustutaCelestia help me
Oh this banner mocks me. I have two weeks until finals.
VastaKustutaDoesn't matter though, because it's always pony time for me!
3 weeks too early for me
VastaKustutaLol thanks!! Got two more finals to go, thanks for the luck ill need it P=
VastaKustutaI got out of school almost a month ago. It's been nothing but ponies ever since.
VastaKustutaHope all you guys have a joyful summer!
VastaKustutaWoo! Pony time! One week till graduation, it's true for me!
VastaKustutaOh right... finals... shit.
VastaKustutaCheerilee has grown on me as well. Which is odd, considering she's only been in one episode.
Half a week, then finals. Nice job jumping the gun there.
VastaKustutaFuck I Never Actually Learned Shit
Will have mine in 15 days actually.. aww ><
<3 cheerilee so much
VastaKustutai wanna write a fic about her, but i gotta think of something good, in order to respect the awesomeness that is cheerilee
Sethisto you read my mind just got done with my finals today... Good heavens just look at the time...
VastaKustuta@Kujiiro She's been in three episodes, two with lines:
VastaKustuta- Call of the Cutie
- Show Stoppers
- Cutie Mark Chronicles (she was on stage during Rarity's flashback and didn't have dialog)
Cheerilee is one of my favorite secondary ponies.
VastaKustutaConsarn it... I'm going to have mine in a week...
VastaKustutaScrew this, I just wanna get this thing over with so I can peacefully wait for Season 2.
@ the (fallen) Princess Luna
VastaKustutaJust explain your circumstances for missing the exam, radical takeover of darkness, and I'm sure you'll be able to make it up somehow. Or re-take the class?
Finals aren't here for me. However my Culminating Exhibition, which is like a huge project that all the Seniors in my school have to take, is tomorrow. And It's filled to the brim with Pony Magic! Needless to say I'm excited~
VastaKustuta@Lavender Shine~
VastaKustutaTell me more!
Tell me more!
(Like does it... have a... car?)
Summer? It's still May? Who takes finals that early?
VastaKustutaB-but... finals are over a week away for me :^(
VastaKustutaTwo more days for me and two more finals, one of which I'll probably suck at because I was too busy drawing ponies.
VastaKustutaSuch is life as a brony.
Cheerilee FTW! :D
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaDid..did you just make a Grease reference? Trippy dude I was just IN that play! Stalker pony :P
But yeah its a huge power point basically stating what I've learned over the years and I've got a ton of pictures of MLP in it, And I even make a few references to it~
Still have Finals, but will Party, Pinkie Pie-Style when I Pass my Classes! :D
VastaKustutalol i miss the equestria HELP ME though,
VastaKustutawonder how many ppl catched it...
I'm currently in CEGEP (a canadian thing) and i don't have any exam so yeah im done too!!
@Lavender Shine~
VastaKustutaInteresting. (Yes it was a Grease reference.) I have a speech for school, but not about something cool like ponies. I should probably be working on that now instead of reading fanfics...
Cheerilee was always one of my favourites back in the day when I was ronery.
VastaKustutaFun (probably misremembered) fact: back when Hasbro pulled off the Pony Toy Genocide leading up to G3.5, Scootaloo and Cheerilee became sisters. According to the toys, at least.
Pinkie and Rainbow were totally together, too. They even got their own individual DVD specials at one point.
still 2 weeks of high school of my freshman year, about to take my finals. shouldnt be terribly difficult. hope everypony does well on their exams an whatnot too
VastaKustutafive full weeks of school left for me. i jelly
VastaKustutaOne more Exam! Then I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
VastaKustutaI've still got a month. >_>
VastaKustutaI'm not taking them until next week...
Teachers rock!
VastaKustutaStudying in Austria, Semester started in March... Goes until July...
VastaKustutaMuch love to the teachers though, for sure!
17 days left for me -_-
VastaKustutaPsh, definitely not close to finals yet over here. I'll be sad though, because most of my brony converts are through university, and we will all be back home over the summer! D:
VastaKustutaShe can dance if she wants to.
VastaKustutaShe can leave her friends behind.
Finals? Wat? I've still got four weeks of college.
VastaKustutaFinals end Wednesday for me. >_> I pray to Celestia they go well.
VastaKustuta@Conner Cogwork:
Once again, the great Display Name triumphs! My high school has an exam-exemption program for students with good grades like me, so I got to choose to take only Biology (which is not only easy, but the teacher always puts in a joke question that actually counts toward the grade) and Graphics (which I've been told consists of designing a CD for our favorite band - can anypony say "Eurobeat Brony Vol. 1"?)
Yeah, that's right. Two finals, and one is an elective that I'm gonna put poni into. You all just lost.
My college finals are still a week away. I don't have ponytime yet. Q_Q
VastaKustutaMy algebra final is tomorrow.....
VastaKustutaI'mma bring my abacus for dear ol' Princess Luna.
It was so long ago, being in school...
I miss going to school, guys. It was easy in comparison to Real Hard, Buttsmacking Cruel Life ;)
My exams only start this week, with my first exam on Friday. I guess the UK has different exam times to the US.
VastaKustutastill got 7 months till final exams.
VastaKustutaI'm starting my first exam in 2 hours -__-
VastaKustuta@Alexandrite Diadem
VastaKustutaAh'm princess. Don'ts gotta retake nothin'.
NO! I ain't goin' back too no skool, sis! They all jus' laff at me!
Still about 3 weeks left for me. >:
VastaKustutaA month left for me... -_-
VastaKustutaFour more weeks then infinite pony!
VastaKustuta1 more week!!
VastaKustutaThe banner lies.
Well, in all likelihood, Seth finished his finals and thus is going to be updating more as a result. Meaning more ponies.
VastaKustutaAs a fellow educator, I instantly approved of Cheerilee the first time we saw her. I still approve so hard.
VastaKustutaDont start studying till sept, but Cheerilee's calm genuine teacher voice has got me motivated
VastaKustutaI'm surprised it's taken this long for Cherilee love to occur. Especially when her first appearance was pure meme bait. I suppose the happy meal fiasco kinda burnt people.