This was pretty much how my viewing of this video went.
> oh look, another live-action pony thing, okay, let's watch
> okay, I chuckled, let's keep going
> actually this is pretty entertaining
Cereal gives this a seal of approval, for whatever that is worth. It's after the page break.
Oh this thing. Yea it's cool.
ReplyDelete...I want one of those shirts as well. ;_;
ReplyDeleteFantastic man... Really, you rock fantastically guys.
ReplyDeleteI hope that that statistic is 190% true... A BRONY IN EVERY HOUSE BY 2012!
Also... What happens when we reach 10 mill views? Does the counter break? Will pinkie pie come through the fourth wall? Random thought seeing how many pageviews there are already, and knowing theres a rate of over 2pv/s currently
Awesome video.
ReplyDelete"You've got the prettiest mane, you're way better than all the other ponies."
ReplyDeleteLoved it.
You know, ironically enough this video managed to produce pretty much the same reaction as watching the first episode back then.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, with less cuteness and more "brb, laughing my sorry rear off."
wtf did i just watch.
ReplyDeleteIf that chick at the beginning barged in like that on me i'd be like: Bitch mind your own god damn business and learn to knock next time. Ever heard of privacy? Yeah remind me to rape you in the shower next time you look like you need it >:).
ReplyDeleteAnyways a bit too pre-planned =/
But loved the history of where everyone originated
and at 5:20 Was that guy fantasying about twilight xD?
Hope we'll see some bikers into ponies too and some more guts and macho men to represent the bronies
But i think i know what the 21Dec 2012 Doomsday Prediction by the Mayans was all about...by then the World will be ruled by PONIES O_O
confound these ponies how do they work
ReplyDeleteWe shall march on till our pegasus block out the sun, our earth pony shall cover the land, our unicorns shall light up the the sky. For Celestia! For Luna! Muffins! MUFFINS!
I laudhed so hard. That's a brillant video !
ReplyDeleteOh god yes XD
ReplyDeleteBronies are now officially part of the voter demographic, and over two thirds of the world population has been 'ponified'. Last vestiges of hate and criticism fall quickly to the Brony hordes.
Under the new global pony order, world hunger, poverty, and 80 percent of all diseases are eradicated. A new project to dismantle all weapons above personal firearms is begun.
Due to the assimilation of all of humanities resources under a single organization(the atroture enrichment center), the human race has developed successful space exploration and colonization.
Scientists successfully create a portal to the equestrian universe. First contact immediately establishes humanities acceptance of ponies as their supreme leaders.
The new 'equestrian covenants' self proclaimed motto is to spread its gospel on the magic of friendship to all corners of the universe, and to love and tolerate all resistance.
"The cutie mark on her luscious, luscious hindquarters"
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePony related violence? Bronies are supposed to be peaceful and tolerating! Replying with love to those who send us hate! This is a mockery!
ReplyDeleteViolence is NOT what the show has taught us.
This is hilarious! Very good.
ReplyDeleteThat guy talking about Twilight really was the highlight of the video XD
ReplyDeleteAt first I was like, "Oh god, another awkward as shit video filled with weird lookin' 20 somethings."
ReplyDeleteBut then it turned out to be pretty funny. Good job guys!
War was beginning.
oh man that was awesome
ReplyDeleteHell yeah, man. You and this video made my day. LMAO
That was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't help craccking up at 6:31 ... that was hilarious.
ReplyDelete4:40 was amazing
ReplyDeleteWIN. SO MUCH WIN!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see so much (mostly) positive feedback! It took a lot of work putting this beast together, and it was an even bigger pain getting it out there. It's nice to see that we've finally been featured by the big one. Thanks everypony!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you have questions on how we put this thing together, feel free to ask. :)
So, there's a part of the brain that actually finds affection for horse-like creatures
ReplyDeleteAnd everyone has a brain
Therefore, everyone in the whole wide world loves ponies.
Problem, logic?
ReplyDeleteI am curious as to what that guy who flipped out with the sword practices. Does he just screw around or do stage stuff or has he been trained in something?
Also; what was the general reaction to you guys when you were filming this in public? Was much lulz had?
This is what should of happened in this beginning =))))
''This is what should of happened in THE Beginning'' =)))) yay for double post
ReplyDeleteThe guy who flipped with the sword is a Parkour practitioner. He's trying to become a trained stunt-man, but he hasn't received any official training.
ReplyDeletePeople didn't pay us any mind really. Only one person laughed when he took a closer look and noticed that everyone was in rainbow war paint. The lulz mostly happened when I pitched the idea to my acting class. It went from blank stares to uproarious laughter in a matter of minutes. No one can resist ponies for long.
Happy Towel/International Geek Day everypony!
ReplyDeleteOk whoever did that flip off that chair that was pretty epic.
ReplyDeleteAwesome video, guys thanks!
Whoah a brony vid I have found before it was posted on EqD.
ReplyDeleteMy addiction reached a new level.
on topic: nice vid :)
Arrgh! For some reason youtube gives me an error occured message. I`m glad I`m not bound to one ISP.
ReplyDeleteLold so much.
ReplyDeleteAwesome video, you guys are already 20% cooler.
I wish my college had a Pony Appreciation Union… 0_0
ReplyDeleteAwesome Vid, fellow Bronies! :D
Marvelous work, i commend thee
ReplyDeleteGood stuff!
ReplyDelete"A brony is a male, [b]over 18-"[/b]
ReplyDeleteDo you know where I can get a picture of the inside of the brain with the pony section highlighted?
That'd make an awesome t-shirt.
I am pretty sure us Bronies are tolerant and peaceful over violent. Only thing that really irked me about the vid, other then that, funny.
ReplyDeleteI just took a brain picture and edited it with GIMP (you could also do it with paint). You could actually make your own pretty easily.
ReplyDeleteCereal why u talk in third person.
ReplyDeleteI'm 15. Does that not make me a Brony? >:(
ReplyDeleteBrony is a gender neutral term...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it was still pretty funny...
What the hell? Bronys are 'males over the age of 18?' I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure that there are males under 18 and more importantly FEMALES who are bronys. That's just insulting and using the same stereotype gamers had for decades on us.
ReplyDeleteAlso, VIOLENCE? Seriously, you're saying that we're VIOLENT? That's not what we do, that's not the way of the brony and I honestly think this has been set up more as a mockery of us than as a comedy skit promoting the show.
It's not funny, it's insulting to me and while I haven't finished this (in about 3 minutes I will have) so far I'm disgusted by it.
Yeah, I've finished it now. It just kept going on about how there's violence among us and that apparently bronys murder journalists now.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, fuck you guys.
So, who watched the mexican dub for the main theme.
ReplyDeleteDash, AJ, Rarity and Flootershy all sound great.
Pinkie could pass.
Twi just fails.
I think you're mistaking this for a serious report. This is dry humor that has been exaggerating for the sake of comedy. Same style as Loading Ready Run's ENN (Checkpoint) or Derrick Comedy's Bro Rape. Everything from violence to Bronies being limited to such a small group is completely false, and the humor stems from the small fact that Friendship is Magic is legitimately a 'thing' and Bronies are real.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously don't know me personally, but I really would never spend the better half of two and a half weeks of work (plus an additional week in distribution prior to now) to make something with the express purpose of insulting people.
Also, just in case people missed that, you don't need to be 18 or older to be a Brony. That's another bit of hyperbole.
very funny, I love it.
ReplyDeletePonies aren't addictive.
ReplyDeleteNow where did I put Rainbow's brush...
5/5 score for me.
ReplyDeleteAhh, friendly lampooning. Delightful.
ReplyDeleteI've made it two minutes, but
ReplyDelete> fussing on the details
(I intend the following to be constructive.)
Hold the camera level. Normalize the audio between segments so everyone is about the same loudness. Don't be afraid to do takes with the "anonymous brony" until he can deliver the lines conversationally. Stuff like that.
Really, the camera tilt, petty as it sounds, was really bothering me. The strong horizontal lines behind the "host" exaggerates it.
(Okay, watching the rest now.)
Pseudoneurology++. That part was well done; your academic has a good delivery.
If you can't get another mic for the interviewer, rerecord the questions later (or at least normalize so he's as loud as the subject.)
The "favorite pony" scene was very funny.
I'm not sure what kind of camera you're using, but there was a lot of lens distortion, which again with the strong horizontal lines was a distraction. If you have optical zoom, play with it; there's probably a sweet spot. Then zoom with your feet from there. A homemade Steadicam (search for it, <$20 in parts) would have helped out both your opening sequence and your "host wanders around studio" parts.
Something else you might look into, since it looks like you might be university-based, is if you can borrow better cameras. I know our library had cameras available for students. Might be worth checking out if you do more videos (pony-related or not).
Overall, I liked it! Reduce some of those distractions and I think you've got something going.
It was okay. Made me smile a little at least =P
ReplyDeleteThat was very funny
ReplyDeleteFor all that are interested my name is sam frazier and i am the one who did the flip. i am trained and actually am a professional free-runner and parkourist. i am apart of a sponsored team called Team Aeolus. if interested check us out on our youtube page. i am the one that has the longer blond hair.
ReplyDeleteGirl Chill out. No one wants or needs a party pooper here. The whole thing was meant to be taken as a joke and you took it as a direct attack on you.
It's people like you who start wars. Therefore must be silenced accordingly.
ReplyDeleteI plan to devote my life to making this reality.
I'm completely fucking serious, and at least if I don't manage to make it quite that far, I'll still hopefully have contributed an awful lot to the field of quantum physics and the studies of the universe.
MLP Will be Ub4r popular
ReplyDeleteThe herd grows...