• Blind Bags Are Identifiable.

    A Brony on the Allspark Forums found out something neat about the blind bag ponies that are suddenly appearing everywhere except the US!  At least the ones in Hungary.

    Each pony is apparently assigned a unique code, meaning these bags aren't as "blind" as originally intended.

    *UPDATE* Codes have apparently rolled around ponychan for a while now, here is an image of all of them. 

    So, instead of buying 30 bags in an attempt to get a fluttershy, you will just need to identify the code for one!  Unfortunately,  we only have five known codes.  The rest will need to be discovered by you non-American bronies!

    Thanks to BB-Shockwave from the Allspark Forums for this info! And -treehugger for all of the codes!

    104 kommentaari:

    1. Wtb blind bags in the U.S. Hint hint Hasbro.

    2. so now we wait till they come to the us and we super knowledgeable about which ones to buy!

    3. There are some cool keyrings on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120711706262&category=47228&_trksid=p5197.c0.m619#ht_883wt_907

    4. Hasbro is generally not ready to market products for our age group, our dissapointment is proof of their suprise. Once they catch on and realize we're not trolling and actually will go there and buy ponies, we will see...

    5. I want mah Fluttershy & Applejack hasbro!

    6. I want codes for the main characters in particular Applejack

    7. The Codes for all the Ponies are known:


    8. And then suddenly there were 247 auctions for blind bag Fluttershy's, each going for $300 USD.

    9. This is what I don't get about Hasbro. In the 60s, they were all over guys playing with dolls. In the 80s and 90s they were all over guys playing with TINY dolls. So why, in the 00s, can't Hasbro be all over guys playing with tiny HORSE dolls?

    10. @RainbowCrash88
      There Dutch on there!! And here I thought we still got stuck with the creepy 3.5 toys. Now I'm going to get Fluttershy and Applejack for sure!! :D *sets out for the Bart Smit & Intertoys*

    11. What the fuck is up with those names?

    12. @Anoymous
      ACTION FIGURES!!!! That being said I want ponies with articulation! I would so do stop motion videos if I had posible toys!

    13. Where can I get these? (Except Hungary?)

    14. @Kelleth

      Try toysXL Kelleth
      Intertoys is a little slow on G4 ponies and while bartsmit had them pretty quickly, ToysXL has them the quickest

    15. Soon, so very soon, I WILL have ponies. And they will totally fight Godzilla and stuff. Then Rarity will give Gigan a makeover, and there will be much rejoicing.

    16. #8 Lily Blossom looks like derpy.

    17. @ToonNinja

      Ponies vs Kaiju? Rarity giving Gigan a makeover?

      As a long time Godzilla fan....I DEMAND ART OF THIS, NAO!!

    18. @Anonymous

      Yeah I guess I'll try that... Have to convince my mom to go to the Megastores though (She hates Holland Spoor)

    19. @Spazturtle
      Hey I have that keychain! If anyone is in the Boston area, Newbury comics carries clear pinkie/dash versions.

    20. I want those last three, dammit. Hasbro, hurry up bring them stateside.

    21. I've been confused for a while now, what are blind bags?

    22. @Kujiiro
      Like Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic boosters but with figures in it :)

    23. @Kujiiro

      Think the little packages of Pokemon cards. Except in this case, Fluttershy is the holo foil Charizard.

    24. Does anyone have the link to the original page?

    25. Lily Blossom could easily be recolored into Ditzy Doo.

    26. only one thing comes to mind...
      PROBLEM hasbro?

    27. Repaint #8's eyes to golden yellow, change the CM to seven small bubbles, and you got yourself a Derpy Hooves figure =D

    28. What I don't understand is, in a global economy, where I can get stuff from almost any part of the globe, for a bit of extra shipping, why cant these be sold to people here in the states? I can buy Japanese collectables within weeks of release in Japan, but I cant buy these? There's gotta be someone that owns an import shop and a website willing to ship these!

    29. It seems to me like this will mean we'll only get so many Fluttershy on account of only the Fluttershys will be sold while the rest are left on the shelves, never to be restocked, sending down demand for more Fluttershys from the retailers.

    30. I'm in spain and i'll try if i can inform you if this things can be seen, for the moment i've seen in the news (the background of an interview)something really similar to the monstruous pinkie pie plush, so with a little luck the G4 figures will arrive.
      One question though, are those figures found in big toys shops ore are they seen at the kiosk?

    31. Where Can i find them in hungary??? help me brony society :P

    32. The issue with Fluttershy from these wouldn't be nearly as bad if Hasbro would just release a version of her as a solid mold like they have with the rest of the mane cast.

    33. I want to know too (in Hungary)!
      I found one, but it's not the new type (or the picture is wrong).

    34. what an awfull i cant find them, i think we should call the "tudakozó" to know where can we find them in hungary

    35. Howdy! I am BB Shockwave, the source of the info. To those of you in the USA and elsewhere who want these... I plan to buy a whole box laters so there'll be some for sale, and I won't ask for ridiculous prices for Fluttershy. However, if what I suspect is true and each box contains only 1 of each type, she won't be numerous either. Right now, I have Fizzypop for sale from the five I got (colors are too close to Pinkie's for my liking). I'll be posting the toys on the Allspark and will drop a link here to the thread when I have them.

      Sziasztok magyarok! :) Én vagyok az infó forrása, BB Shockwave.

      A Bambini boltokban lehet kapni, de tegnap érkeztek csak meg, én Budapesten a Mammut 2-ben találtam. 850 Ft egy csomag. Azt mondták, érkezik majd még több, és gondolom a többi boltjukban is lesz.A Régió nagykereskedésben is kaphatók, de ott 1080 Ftért.

    36. oh this calls for extreme measure. Brony szivem most elképesztően boldog lett ugyanis applejack-re feltétlenül szert kell tennem :d kössz az infot MLP:FIM FTW!

    37. A Régiósat néztem, de az (legalábbis a képen) a régi szériás. Mindenesetre holnap lehet, hogy be tudok nézni és megbizonyosodni róla, hogy van-e.
      A Bambini pedig nagyon nem esik útba :(

    38. hála az égnek pécsen is van bambini hátha majd oda is érkeznek utánpótlás szállítmányok :D


      you can buy the toys at any of the "Régió játékbolt" shops, for example: http://www.regiojatek.hu/aruhaz-16-budapest_allee_uzlethaz.html

      you might also be able to buy some of the toys at TESCO and LIDL

      The toys are priced from 800-5000 HUF

      FYI: Applejack is the rarest available pony, you can hardly see her anywhere

    40. MFW half of the Bronies here are from Hungary, and the show will never be aired in our country

    41. ÚRISTEN, KELL ILYEN NEKEM IS! Amúgy meg már pont kezdtem aggódni, hogy egyedül vagyok :D

    42. Sajnos nem esik a közelbe egyik sem, de ha valaki ezzel a kódos kis trükkel tudna venni egy Pinkie Pie-t és egy Rainbow Dasht, és el tudná küldeni a címemre, annak nagyon hálás lennék, és természetesen postaköltséggel együtt kifizetném. Ha valakit esetleg érdekel, akkor küldjön egy e-mailt a [email protected] címre, vagy jelezzen vissza itt, előre is köszi!

    43. I'm from Mexico and I really want to know were can I find these blind bags! I really want these ponies!! ;A;

    44. Question bugging me for a while: are these the same ponies that come in the 4packs?
      They seem to be the same to me.

      @BB Shockwave

      Wohooo, magyar Bronyk!!!
      Köszi az infót :)

    45. Ok this goes to the Hungarian bronies out there (ROFL@EqD being suddenly spammed in Hungarian):

      A családi vállakozásunk kapcsolatban áll a Régió Nagykerrel. Nem ígérek semmit, de megpróbálok utánanézni, hogy tudunk-e szerezni ezekből nagykeráron.
      Ha jó híreket kapok ezen az oldalon majd jelzek, mentsétek le, már az akit érdekel :)

    46. Csak szólok, hogy 1 héttel ezelőtt a Régió játékáruházban (legalább is a weboldalukon) még voltak G4-es műanyag pónik (800Ft-os áron) pont amilyen ezekben az csomagokban is van, de most nincs. Lehet, hogy attól még van a polcokon.

    47. Why can't they mold Fluttershy with her normal hair? Hers seems less complicated than pretty much any of the others.

      Is this show even airing outside of the US and Canada? Hasbro needs to reassess where the biggest audience for the show is.

    48. @Anonymous
      I'm in Hungary, for the first time in my long life we get something sooner than the USA. And the show doesn't even air here.

      I'm pretty happy about this, but needless to say, I agree it IS totally hilarious at the same time.

    49. We all need to find a way to contact Hasbro and email them and beg for these in the US!

    50. Start contacting Hasbro and request the europe exclusive blind bags to be released in the US!


    51. @RainbowCrash88

      Said Brony that found out of this and made the Picture can be found on Ponychan like the link here says there is the Picture from. Credits should go to him... thought Bronies where better Persons than that just taking the Credids :/

    52. komolyan nyitok egy /póni/-t loherén ha ennyien vagyunk itt

    53. >arcom, amikor rozival és trooperrel mi vittük el kb az utolsó műanyag nyolcszáz forintos pónikat

    54. *facehoof*

      Hogy ezt nem vettem észre...

    55. >úgy tenni, mintha loherén nem pónikból és péniszekből állna az összes forgalom

    56. srácok, azért mégse kéne érthetetlen holdlakó nyelven beszélni itt :|

      amúgymeg sed: feladtam egy időre a csiptúnokat, legalábbis a winter warpup-ot, hogy mást csináljak :C

    57. Yes guys, let's get back to english. :)

      Info for everyone: These are the same 5 molds of the mane cast, just repainted. However, a lot of background ponies from the show made it in, like Daisy, Rose or Lemon Hearts. And Lily Blossom looks a lot like Derpy.

      Info for Hungarians: I would not recommend buying Applejack from the blind-packs, you can buy him for 500 HUF (2,5$) in the non-blind packs. I have seen them in TESCO, Bambini, and Jateksziget.

      Also, look for the new MLP-FiM magazine at the newspaper stands. It costs 700 HUF (3.5$)It is published by Egmont, known for their horribly bad translations, and yeah.. they did not even translate the names, and Equestria is now "Póniország" (Ponycountry)... It has some good official artwork, info on the mane cast, silly games a 4-year old would find too easy, and a two-page spread Celestina (SIC!) poster.

      And yeah... :D I am 33 and male, and I did not even flinch when asking the cashiers whether they could give me discount if I bought the whole box. :) Then again, I have been collecting Transformers since I was a kid, so I got practice.

    58. @BB Shockwave

      May 11, 2011 7:17 AM -es Anon vagyok, rám tudnál írni azon az email címen amit ott megadtam? Hálás lennék, köszi!

    59. BBShockwave:
      iirc someone scanned a magazine, and it has been linked in a post's comments here.


      this one, that is, if we're talking about the same thing.

    60. @BB Shockwave
      That is good news for me, because there is a Jateksziget shop near me :)
      I check it tomorrow.

    61. @Anonymous

      Nope, that's not that. But there's an even weirder pic of Applejack in the last page of the magazine.

    62. @BB Shockwave

      May 11, 2011 7:17 AM -es Anonymous vagyok, nagyon nagy segítségemre lennél, ha rá tudnál írni arra az email címre amit ott leírtam, előre is köszönöm!

    63. Thank's for the info anonymous, silly Hun translations makes me laugh. 0hTrollestiaposteriamspeechless. Really nice scanning work g3fizzypop!

    64. @Anonymous 1:33PM

      If you're looking for a Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash only (in their regular form, not the sparkling), you should try finding them in Tesco. They are 450 Ft (single packs) and 1590 Ft for the four-packs there.

    65. Pics from the Hungarian magazine:

    66. bárki akitöl vmien módon lehet szerezni ilyen figurából applejackosat az szoljon vagy arrol hogy hol lehet ilyenre szert tenni. (pécsi vok mellesleg) thx to all brony

    67. ja, emailom ha vki tud infót: [email protected] thx .)

    68. I soooo want to buy some of these (assuming they are available in the UK), but I could never get away with buying them in a store (like hell am I gonna play lucky dip).

    69. @Pukihontasz
      Kezdésnek szerintem érdeklődj a Pécsi játékszigetben. Ha ott nincs, kérdezd meg tőlük, hogy tudsz-e rendelni.
      Egy próbát megér.

    70. I had the luck today of finding a Fluttershy after walking through half Budapest.

      There are blind bags in the stores of REGIO (Allee), Mammut, Westend, but there are no Fluttershys left in those (as I know)

    71. @Sgt. Chaos
      That's not fair. I came from REGIO (Nándorfejérvári út 23.) and I didn't find any cheap (G4) pony. Also, no G4 ponies in Játéksziget (Ferenc körút 7.) neither.

    72. why do you guys need a Fluttershy? thats just a Dash recolor.

      i want a Fluttershy thats not a reclor =(

      (buzi hasbro)

    73. (at least swear in english...)

    74. I just came back from Allee. No main ponies left in the Blind Bags. Well, there is a #22 and #24 bag left, but the glittering ponies not my type.

    75. The Bart Smit still has filly bags and 3.5 bags but no FIM! xP

    76. For Hungarians - The blind bags are sold in the JatekBox store in Duna Plaza, Budapest too, for 890 HUF. Oh, and watch out when you check for Fluttershy. I ended up with another Lemon Hearts (16) instead of Fluttershy (6) because the 1 was barely visible.

    77. For Hungarians - The blind bags are sold in the JatekBox store in Duna Plaza, Budapest too, for 890 HUF. Oh, and watch out when you check for Fluttershy. I ended up with another Lemon Hearts (16) instead of Fluttershy (6) because the 1 was barely visible.

    78. Nabaszki, ennyi magyar bronyt. Megnézném tescoban de szerintem égne a 25 éves pofám a pénztárnál.:D

    79. Update for US collectors - I have a Fizzy Pop and a Lemon Hearts for sale currently, for 5.5$ each.

    80. thank you very much :D
      the codes even works in Germany :D
      Now I have all main ponys ♥

    81. I live in Sweden, and I found blind bags in a local Toys 'R' Us for 20SEK each.

      Codes work here too, so I managed to pick out Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack~

    82. Oh god dammit, I've been a brony for maybe two weeks and I already feel compelled to give Hasbro all my money. I am craving that Twilight Sparkle, and maybe even Lily Blossom since she looks like Derpy.

      The good thing about living in Hawaii is that there really aren't that many bronies, so the competition won't be so fierce. The bad thing is, we always get stuff late, so I don't know when they'll come in. There's no way in hell I'm gonna visit the nearest Wal-Mart 10 miles from here and sneak into the girl's section for my ponies just to find that they're not in stock yet each time.

    83. brony from sweden reporting in, just spoted some blind bags while shoping at the local ICA. after regaining my composure and stoped jumping up and down giggling like a school girl i picked up bags nr 1-6 and cashed out. HOWEVER once i got home and opened the bags i find to my dismay that the bags dosent seem to be or have the same content as posted above. pinkie pie has ended up with two toned hair(pink and white) and the bag suposed to contain rainbow dash insted containd toola-roola. as you imagen i got quite upset and at the same time puzzeld so after looking through everything i find some text on the back of the bag saying (collect all 15!) along with (special edition) so i guess there are more then one type of blind bags out?
      ether way it looks like ill have to keep on looking for equine friends to put on my shelf :(

    84. Hi Prajmen!

      Can you scan the catalogue and post pics of your variation of ponies? Seems like there might be more...

      I was in Austria last week and found tons of blind bags, 2 euros each, in the Europark's toystore near Salzburg.

    85. Inb4 100 crying girls who bought 100 blind bags only to find none of the mane 6 in any of the bags.

    86. I'm going crazy! I can only find those horrible 3.5 blind bags in all stores I've been to! Everey. Single. Store. In. Helsingborg! Ica Maxi is the only one in Helsingborg that has Pinkie Pie in the one pony-boxes, but that's it.

      Do they exist in Malmö? Or Lund? Or Helsingör? Or Köpenhamn/Copenhagen? I wanna go shopaholic on those and make some customs too (cheaper than starting buying dollhair and make customs of the brushables) XD

    87. Definitely gonna watch out when they get to Singapore. Thanks.

    88. Hasbro could make so much if they just started selling the toys online themselves.

    89. Just a heads up-
      My no.24 turned out to be a glittery Fluttershy.
      The bag was different tho- the one shown here is pink with Canterlot background, mine was purple with Ponyville background. Maybe it's a newer batch?


    91. Kéne egy magyar Bróni/y oldal ahol kitombolhatjuk magunkból a Póniőrületet néha ! :)
      Én láttam már InterSpar-ban is vakzacskót, DE speciel a sima Spar-ban lehet kapni átlátszó csomagolású pónikat helyes kis műanyag dobozkában Sajnos Fulttershy-t íly módon nem lehet szerezni (Az ő kivételével megvan a
      Fő 6-os) Kipróbálom majd ezt a számos megoldást lehet, hogy működni fog ! Drukkoljatok Magyar Bróni/yk Egy Fluttershy-ért ! :D ( Magyarok vagyunk legyünk csak simán Brónik ! Nem ?

    92. Fluttershy a 6-os számú mind a két csomagtípusban. A zacskó felső részén, a visszahajtott fül mögött találod a számot.

    93. applejack stile has no hat

    94. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    95. I have been able to tell which pony I was getting without knowing any numbers, but they will make the process faster! See, at least in the USA, there is a teensy little round hole at the top of each bag, and you can push the pony around to see which colors are on the pony. You can move it until you see its eye color, etc. In addition to that, you can also tell which body type it has by feeling it through the bag. The sparkly ponies all look black with green glitter through the hole, and they all have different body types/poses, so after you confirm that the pony is sparkly, you can figure out which sparkly pony it is through a process of elimination. It just takes a little bit of practice!

    96. I just recieved the box of blind bag ponies I ordered from Hasbro, with 24 ponies. I was surprised to find that only the 6 main characters and the 3 sparkle ponies had accurate numbering. The entire rest of the box, not a single pony's number matched what I saw on the box, although it's possible our picture is in a different order or something? I did want to note, though, that I got zero doubles in my box of 24. In other words, my box of blind bags came with a complete set of ponies.

    97. @Anonymous before I found this code secret I wanted a lily blossom just for tha reason of recolor to derpy.... Went to Walmart and felt the bags.. Luckily only 4 total ponies with wings so was easy by feeling... And first pony was lily! Now I'm kinda attached to her and don't want to recolor this one... I'll get another for that!

    98. I actually bought 19 blindbags today. The only reason why I bought all of them was because they didn't have the numberings on them. I bought a few a couple of weeks ago, and they had numbers on them, and those numbers turned out extremely accurate...but I guess they took them off now.

    99. So what is the new code???
      Does anyone have any idea??

    100. @lexisparkle
      For the new codes just use the second and fourth digit on the back of the bag

    101. @lexisparkle
      For the new codes just use the second and fourth digit on the back of the bag

    102. Has anyone actually seen any of these in the UK? My local Tesco has the ones in the clear boxes, and that's it. Even the toy shops in my town don't stock these...

    103. We all now know there are NEW codes up, and that they are the same code, in disguise.

      The codes are located UNDER the seal flap, just next to the hanger hole. IGNORE all the numbers on the seam at the bottom of the bag. They are meaningless to you. If you look at the packaging at the back, the number will be near Lily Blossom, underneath the flap. You'll understand it when you see it.

      The longer code is actually the EXACT SAME code, but with extra numbers:
      xx or 2x4x5 (where xx represents the ID code)

      The full wave 1 list is as follows:
      (Code Verion)
      old - new
      01 20415 Pinkie Pie
      02 20425 Applejack
      03 20435 Rainbow Dash
      04 20445 Rarity
      05 20455 Twilight Sparkle
      06 20465 Fluttershy
      07 20475 Sugar Grape
      08 20485 Lily Blossom
      09 20495 Minty
      10 21405 Bumblesweet
      11 21415 Fizzypop
      12 21425 Flower Wishes
      13 21435 Roseluck
      14 21445 Sweetie Blue
      15 21455 Pepperdance
      16 21465 Lemon Hearts
      17 21475 Cherry Spices
      18 21485 Sweetie Swirl
      19 21495 Lucky Swirl
      20 22405 Sweetcream Scoops
      21 22415 Firecracker Burst
      22 22425 Special Edition: Glittering Pinkie Pie
      23 22435 Special Edition: Glittering Twilight Sparkle
      24 22445 Special Edition: Glittering Rainbow Dash
