• BGM: Pinkie Pie's Psychotic Breakdown

    Even when I try to listen for this stuff while watching the actual episodes, I still don't notice how much of an impact it has, or how excellent it is. This is like something off the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack or something.

    Pinkie pie...is creepy.

    Hopefully we get a CD in the future.

    50 kommentaari:

    1. Kill me, I'm a PONY2. mai 2011, kell 09:03

      This is even creepier without the vocals o.o

    2. this music really freaks me out it's great

    3. I did notice the music right on, but I'm wired like that. Also, her breakdown reminds me of Ren & Stimpy, with Pinkie's reactions to her hallucinations and the background changes.

    4. Yeah, I really don't need to sleep ever again.

      Another reason why this show is nothing like the previous ones, and why it's so awesome.

    5. I concur, this music is creepy like hell - Joker from Batman could use it as him theme, no problem with me.

    6. This is pretty fucking terrifying.

    7. Dear god, that's creepy.
      I WANT IT.
      Very "Coraline".

    8. When the "breakdown" music rolls it reminds me of deadspace.

    9. I.Love.This.Show.

      So much. That music is awesomely creepy, it sounds like something off of a movie soundtrack.

    10. Cool nightmare fuel, but where is my sneaky Pinkie theme?

    11. bowl of oatmeal is sitting off camera going "excellent excellent"


    12. 0:39-0:44 is absolutely genius.

    13. Holy crap,the lighter bouncy parts of the song remind me of that creepy-ass tune that always gets played when ever you watch a movie about evil marionettes coming to life and murdering people. Now that I think about it, Pinkie was, in fact, making a puppet show that took on a life of it's own.

      Oh, sure it started out innocent enough (if "your friends HATE you" can be called that), but, if Rainbow Dash hadn't shown up, what would they have urged Pinkie to do? Bake more cupcakes? OH GOD, HOW MANY MORE MUST DIE?!

      By the way, if anyone knows the name of that classical song I would be grateful if you could post it here.

    14. *Goes to play Psychonauts*

    15. You can definitely hear the Danny Elfman influence.

    16. @Anonymous

      Same anon here. I just looked on youtube and found the song I was thinking of. I thought I would share it here.


    17. I lol'd at the zoom in at the end.

      Pretty creepy music, fit the scene incredibly well.

    18. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    19. (Damn google for not using edit buttons!)

      This would probably be Deadpool's favourite episode lol. Wade: I did that last night with those dead mobsters! O Pinkie you so random I wuv you!

    20. She certainly was only a moments away of going "Why so serious?" on Dash in that episode.

    21. FUCK YEAH!
      I'M VIEWER 1337!

    22. Probably my favorite BGM so far. I love the fact that when the orchestra "goes creepy," the creepiness trails on a few seconds after Pinkie spazzes, then eventually goes back to that odd waltz.

      Also, the part when her eyes slowly derp reminds me of the building strings that play when Fringe goes to commercial.

    23. Rivet the Machinist2. mai 2011, kell 12:23

      It....really reminds me of Gamzee from Homestuck.
      Jesus ;_;

    24. Creepy and amazing. But mostly creepy.

    25. *cries in the corner*

    26. ...An that's how "Cupcakes" originally began

    27. That is brilliantly composed, I'd never paid that much attention to it before. Delightfully well done. Amazing and lilting and demented. Another prop to this show. A Pony OST would be delightful.

    28. I hear French Horns~ <3

    29. The blotchy paintings were an obvious reference to Ren & Stimpy and its recurring "psychodrama" themes, but I'm beginning to think the entire scene was a tribute to those R&S episodes.

    30. when i saw pinky freaked out i said:its official pinky is insane! 0_0

    31. This reminds me of the Psychonauts, actually.

      I think astrally projecting into Pinkie Pie's mind at this point would be...interesting, to say the least.

    32. Dude…
      That's creepy.

      I though I was going to cry during this episode.

    33. If everything pony-related is ten times awesome, everything Pinkie-related is ten times *that*.

    34. I can perfectly imagine the Joker Laughing to this. EPIC.

    35. Im daMN Near shat myself.

    36. Joker's Theme from the DCAU (Batman: The Animated Series + Superman / Justice League etc.)

      The similarities..

      It also reminds me of the (also crazy) genie's theme from King's Quest VI..

    37. I loved the music for this. I noticed this right away, too! I don't know why, but it had that crazy carnival-music theme to it...it works so well with crazy!

    38. For having snapped and talking to inanimate objects, she's otherwise being much more 'normal' than she usually is.

      And this is a great look inside her head. She has not one voice, not two voices or even three, but five different voices going on in her head. And one of 'em is French.
      'The French hate everybody' and all that.

    39. I love these BG music videos, they really help to appreciate the care and effort put into these episodes to create a certain mood. I honestly didn't pay enough attention to it during the episode, it's true gold.

    40. @Rivet the Machinist
      honk. HONK.

      I feel like I've heard something similar to this song before, but I'm not sure where. Also, she actually doesn't look bad with the long flat hair. Until she starts rocking the crazy eyes.

    41. I'll agree that the music for the first few crazy face moments does sound like Dead Space freak out music. I guess the sound of somebody coming mentally unglued is universal.

    42. ^ Now that I think about it I guess some of the similarity comes from the fact that both Dead Space and this scene combine the freak out music additively to the rest of the score.

    43. Look into my eyes...do you see the beast that dwells within?

    44. This video got me scared of Pinkie Pie <.< if she ever turns into a serial killer, you could *never* get away from her!

    45. This whole flipping' episode proves that Pinkie Pie is one of the few on this show that is genuinely in-and-out crazy. That and Fluttershy. Funny thing is that they're both the cutest little moe blobs... and yet they seem to lose it in what's probably creepiest and/or most alarming way possible for My Little Pony.

    46. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
