That slow clap is for you guys.
Disregarding the two that have already graced the top of the blog, I have our three winners! They're after the page break!

First, we have Sefling's Pony Noir banner! This was an early entry and I instantly loved it. Nice and clean, and I love the title bar. Good work!

Next is tdtwix's Scratch banner! Love the use of the graffiti styling and a font other than Celestia Medium! Also, Scratch is always awesome.

This last one, eponymous', was a close call between it and a last-minute entry (you know who you are!). I decided on this one simply for the sheer amount of work it must have taken to frame all those pictures. Also, it made me giggle.
Congratulations to you three! Your banners will be featured on the blog!
The rest of the entries were as follows. Because Seth thinks there are some amazing ones that didn't get picked, we will be having a poll to pick three additional winners. You can find the poll on the right side bar under the archive.
- A few break the rules on size requirements (16 and 39) and will not be included in the poll, everything else should be there! (- Seth)














































I didn't win :(
ReplyDeleteWait, there was a banner contest? I look here every day and didn't see it... either I'm blind or you guys were very subtle.
ReplyDeleteIt was at the top of the blog for, like, ever, dude.
ReplyDelete"Scratch is always awesome."
ReplyDeleteGod I love you Cereal.
oh good.
ReplyDeletethe slow-clap processor made it into this blog.
so we have that.
ReplyDeleteObviously #29 will be one of the winners, Luna is best pony.
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteIn blue text on a blue background.
my top 3 of the non-top-3-already?
ReplyDelete(in no specific order)
-Team Fortress Banner
-Equestria Nightly (first one)
-[welcome to] Equestria Daily (really colorful cartoony one)
hmm, i'm glad you decided to have another 3 winners by public vote, there are some really good ones in this mix
ReplyDeleteEverypony vote for their own! 46 way tie mean they all go up! :D
ReplyDeleteI didn't win? That's okay. At least I was featured for two days.
y'know, Bloomberg is one of the most underrated characters on the show. Even Madame le Flour, Ricky, Sir Lints-a-Lot and Mr. Turnip get more love...
ReplyDelete...mmm'just sayin'
ReplyDeleteSoooo many good ones.
ReplyDeleteI would like to point out that in the poll you missed 16 lol
ReplyDeleteI have more Rainbow Dash pics in my room than Scootaloo does.
ReplyDeleteJust so you know.
Somepony needs to fix the poll. There's no #39!
ReplyDeleteI wanna vote for Derpy!
Do you see that banner there? #32? One of the only three Luna banners I can see?
ReplyDeleteThat's totally mine. I made that banner. AND IT'S IN A RUNNER-UP POLL. ON AN AWESOME SITE.
I feel so happy right now. 8'D
Dashie's Razor - You blame the mare banging him.
ReplyDelete39 and 16 broke the height rule! They were too tall!
ReplyDelete39 is missing on the poll
ReplyDeletesource for 31 pls
ReplyDeleteDoes the pony Noir banner have any connection to the PonyNoir Story?
ReplyDeleteWho made the animated clapping Octivia?
ReplyDelete(not part of the contest)
ReplyDeleteSome awesome brony who deserves all my love.
Sorry, i dunno.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so, Sethisto; they're just proportioned differently. ~600x350 as opposed to ~900x350. Definitely still come in under the 900x350 limit.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell it's nice to see my banner made it into the runner-ups. (28) =3
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all the winners and future grats to the runner-up winners!
Gyro ball will BLOW YOUR MIND
ReplyDelete29 definitely!
ReplyDeletemoar Luna, always moar Luna
42 omigosh the Gyro Bowl. Why can I not vote for both?!?!?!?!?!
Woooo! I got 2 votes! :D
ReplyDeleteMuch better then I expected.
Also, vote for 10 because Gummy is awesome.
ReplyDeleteSo you're sure we can't vote for number 39, even if it does seem to be 350px high? Pretty please!?
I'd like to see #1, #7, #11, #18, #19, #22, #29 and #37 as banners. Hard to pick one of those for the poll though.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing the banner *and* being posted as a result, Pups! You're on EqDaily now! Jubilation! =D
*always appreciates whenever his friends' artwork appears on EqDaily*
And 21.
ReplyDeleteWould have Voted for the Equestria Who one if the phrase was right.
ReplyDeleteIts supposed to be "THE Doctor" not "A Doctor". Fail.
31 and 39 were the best IMO :( Sad they didn't win.
ReplyDeletemy vote would go to 16
ReplyDeletelyra will allways be my favorite backround pony
See number #30?
I know, it's the worst it the lot.
It's strange, because I'm on blogger, but I can't seem to comment on this blog :'(
Darnit, why didn't I notice that! I can change it and post it on Ponibooru.
W00T! I'm a runner up! (46)
ReplyDeleteBTW guys, great job on your banners!
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteTwilight there you are! I have word from the Major
[about the project :)]
10! 10! Definitely 10!
ReplyDeleteI want to tell everybrony I know to vote for mine (number 17) but I honestly don't think it should be one of the winners looking at how good a lot of the other submissions are!
ReplyDeleteGood job fellow bronies! I know you put just as much (if not more) effort and love into your banners as I!
ReplyDeleteLike I told the major earlier.
I've been in my library all day.
He never replied.
@Pinkie Pie
ReplyDeleteI think its nice. Way better than mine IMO. (#7)
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteOh why did i not think of that, sorry Twilight :)
[this is concerning turning the rp into a real fanfic. He wanted me to get ahold of you and another. I've been updating the google doc. I can send you his email and a link to the doc if you'd like.]
No love for Colgate?
37, 37 and 37!
ReplyDeleteAwww there are so many great ones even to just limit it to 6! Could we perhaps feature the winners first and then have community spotlight banners every once in a while?
ReplyDeleteI'd gladly make more. This was fun! ^^
ReplyDeleteIt's okay.You know how I am when I get engrossed in a book.
[Apologies but any help I could actually give on it would be minimal at best.
I'm kind of pressed for attention as I've got a few projects in the works that require my full attention.]
[It's fine we've got about 4 - 5 to work on this. Well, he wanted me to get ahold of you. Not sure for what exactly. If you could 1 of 2 either send me an email and I can forward you the info or you could leave your email here. Mine is in my profile here. Any help is appreciated :) ]
ReplyDeletewoo! awesome contest even if my banner didn't win. gratz to all the winners, a lot of awesome banners out there!
ReplyDelete[My email should be on my profile too.We'll see what happens.]
Ban 27 NOW!!!
ReplyDelete@Chance :") t-thank you. BUT YOURS IS STILL BETTER THAN MINE.
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDelete[sent, thank you. Hopefully he'll be able to explain more what he needs help with. I'm just a co-writer and message pony right now.]
you're a true friend Twilight, thank you
Everyone else go home. 29 wins. It just does.
ReplyDelete[front page here we come?]
No problem Fluttershy.Give the major my regards.
[we're very hopeful it will. Once it gets some detail and some condensing]
ReplyDeleteI certainly will Twilight
ReplyDeleteYeah, everypone vote for that one! :D
ReplyDelete[Well it certainly should be interesting.Maybe Seth or Cereal were following our bizzare antics.]
If only we can devote for a picture, I'd totally lower 19 and ESPECIALLY 27. BLEH!
ReplyDelete16 WHY U NO SHOW UP
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDelete[Most definitely, keeps getting better by the day. It certainly wouldn't surprise me. Upon further investigation I believe one of the Luna's from Saturday was Seth.]
Ahaha, love the translucent Trollestia in the G3 one.
ReplyDeleteEquestria Melee really impressed me, as did the first Equestria Nightly (second one was a good concept, but to put the owl on her horn made it too abnormally long) and the Equestria Fortress 2.
Also, SOMEONE MADE A PINKTERIOR CROCODILE ALLIGATOR REFERENCE WHAAAAT? I hope that was related to my vids and not just dumb luck or something. LINKWHORE AWAY!
Yeaa 3 G Whooooooo 27!¡!¡!¡!
ReplyDeleteBeat the rage :D
ReplyDelete[Oh the double Luna thing.He must have been surprised.I would've given anything to see his face.]
Twilight? Fluttershy? Can you please exchange emails instead of clogging the comments with this stuff?
ReplyDelete@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeletedone, sorry Cereal
ReplyDeleteNope, that's definitely where I got it from! It was heavily suggested in Filly's Synchtube channel when I asked what the subheader should be.
@Twilight Sparkle
There you go! RP away!
ReplyDeleteomigosh Seth I love you so much right now!
I'll tell the others. yay!
I love the Equestria Creepy banner! Sheer brilliance.
--Right Click > Save Image As...--ing most of these
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I made it O_O
Also putting my vote on #29, Luna just can't get enough lovin' =)
Wow, I was competing with a LOT of fantastic stuff.
ReplyDeleteStill, it was fun. Congrats to all the winners!
Aw come ON. Equestria Waifus was the clear winner. Seth i am disappoint
ReplyDeleteThere is no #39 on the poll.
ReplyDeleteHa, Equestria Creepy actually paid money for Generation B.
ReplyDeleteSo confused as to why some of the image file names are different than their entry numbers.
ReplyDeleteCereal picked them, I didn't!
If it was up to me, 30 of them would be picked! Which is why he took over ;p I'm bad at narrowing things down, and easily excited.
ReplyDeleteY U NO ON POLL?
49 entries, and only ONE of them featured Trixie, AND it didn't win. Well would ya look at that...
ReplyDelete(I entered with the second Equestria Lazy banner, number 21. Guess I wasn't the only one to think it up, huh?
ReplyDeleteSilly Seth, Lyra's always breaking the rules, of PONY PHYSICS!
My votes are for #29 (because that Equestria Nightly is just gorgeous), and #18. And then either #1 or #28. And #26 and #39 are cute...
ReplyDeleteWhy do we have to choose? Can't we just run them all?
7 10 29 please.
ReplyDeleteVoted #5
ReplyDeleteHey, where did 16 go on the poll? I DEMAND RETRIBUTION!
ReplyDelete:( can't even see the lightning in 34. curse .pngs, white on a white background is not as good as on blue.
ReplyDeleteEquestria Nightly: Because only half the world goes asleep when the sun goes down.
ReplyDeleteI made number 11
ReplyDeleteNOT FAIR!!!
ReplyDeleteI want the tf2 banner and the Luna nightly banner!!! D:
Suddenly in transpires someone else has at last started using my name.
ReplyDeleteCertainly gave me quite a shock winning a contest I never applied for.
I wonder what to do..
ReplyDeleteHer majesty, queen of the night, #29 is winning !!! :D <3
10 17 22 and 39 are the best!
ReplyDelete@Duskfly source of the gif is http://mihaaaa.deviantart.com/
ReplyDelete"Equestria Spike"
ReplyDeleteThank you whoever made this, since I know Cereal nor Seth ever would.
#29 is the best.
ReplyDeleteI dislike #27.
29 Is good because it has an actual background, +the unyque art for Luna which isn't even Copy-Pasted or badly drawn, it's actually better than the Flash version
ReplyDeleteCheck the votes for 29
Equestria Girls
ReplyDeleteShould have come out 1 day earlier
It's really too bad that 16 doesn't qualify; it looks slick as hell.
ReplyDeleteWhy hasn't anyone noticed Trollestia in #27?? That thing is genius!
ReplyDelete17. 17 forever.
ReplyDelete#10, #1, and #5 in that order. Colgate needs more love!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI demand the GyroBowl to be featured.
ReplyDeletewhat bad karma. my computer crashed and won't start up anymore. I'm a computer expert, and even I have no clue what went wrong.
ReplyDeletemy banner never got to be submitted D:
>mfw mine isn't there :C then again 10 is much better than mine was
ReplyDeleteOh man and I did an L.Neigh Noire thing too http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_rh3CUMta5Fw/Td0e4sCa0zI/AAAAAAAAARA/C3pLus7sDHA/s640/Untitled.jpg :c got to learn to vector I guess - Congrats to the winners c:
ReplyDeleteStill not sure how I'm breaking the height rule on 16, but thanks to those of you who do seem to have enjoyed it. Glad to see the time spent wasn't entirely wasted.
ReplyDeleteObviously #42.
ReplyDeleteActually I remade the font with a free font maker I grabbed on the Net from a .png of the 26 chars someone had posted in the contest comments. Heh, I hope nobody from that site reads this >.>
I really didn't know you already used that name m8, I'm sorry :s
I'll now be forever known as Eponymous2 :D
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Aw, nobody's going for 22. I figured everyone would go for that!
ReplyDeleteMy favourites are 20, 28 and 45.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to decide.
Pony Addicts Anonymous is very fitting, because well... Anyway, it also keeps the name "Equestria daily".
Equestria nightly is fitting because this site have severely screwed up my sleep schedule. :P
And I just love how Derpy screwed up the banner in the last one. (I also translated the binary code in the background.)
Hmm... I'll have to think about this some more.
BTW, I can't see what's in the framed picture in number 4. Is it relevant to the joke?
Hey, Sephisto ?
ReplyDeleteFor the Poll you forgot the Number 39 ! (I was gonna vote for that one...)
It's the Derpy-Muffin banner.
@Terrible Fanart Brony
ReplyDeleteI do like the idea of #22, but the contrasting neon colors hurt my brain! I don't know if I could handle it at full size on the top of the page for a full day @_@
Equestria nightly is good, but man, reminds me of equestria after dark xD
ReplyDeleteits so hard to choose... why must there be so many... confound these ponies they drive me to indecision
ReplyDeleteWait, what? I WON?
ReplyDeleteWow... I can't believe it, thanks :3
Good job everypony there wasn't one that I disliked.
ReplyDeleteMy top three are 6, 36 & 12.
ReplyDeleteIt was hard to pick, though, since I really like the mane 6 colts, I just felt like the text on the others meshed better.
I like the Iron Maiden font on 22.
ReplyDeleteWish I made one, but it probably wouldn't be as good as these shown here.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone saw that the #39 didn't have a ''Voting Option'' ?
ReplyDelete36, 5 and 43
ReplyDeleteOh, I almost forgot. #3, #24, and #42.
ReplyDeleteyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Win :D Feel bad though because there are such a great amount of entries. Voted for #29 Equestria Nightly, very fitting.
ReplyDeleteI made that one. I had never seen a spike banner (and looking at what everyone else did it looks like no one else was going to make one.)
Glad you like it.
I'm hoping E.D. has this contest again. With only a scant four days notice, not everypony had enough time to get a decent banner up.
ReplyDeleteI'm also sad I didn't get to submit mine, as I lost power right before the deadline.
ReplyDeleteBecause Iron Maiden.
Haha no voting for #16 :)
ReplyDeleteI wanted to choose three: 21, 27 and 29. #29 won. Go Luna!
ReplyDeleteYay 29~ Luna love! :L
ReplyDeleteY U NO VOTE FOR #3?????
ReplyDeleteMy votes:
ReplyDelete1. 10 and 30
#26 I see what you did there. Nice.
ReplyDeleteI want to play Equestria Melee now.
ReplyDeleteI will, however, settle for background wallpaper. :-)
Voting for 1 because I have faith that 29 doesn't need my help to win... Luna <3
ReplyDeleteWhat do you know, I was around the middle! Well, better than being dead last.
ReplyDeleteWhy can I not vote for 47?
I'll just take this space for everypony who voted on #29 (thanks!)
ReplyDeletealso, In my opinion #31 is deargod awesome.
hahahahaha I know is off-topic but the Twilight/Fluttershy conversation later was hilarious, this happens a lot?
ReplyDelete[oh you mean us? It has since this weekend. I've seen ones doing something like this before. Well not the full on RP like we had but....]
#28. Twilight Sparkle. Gentlemen. I see what you did there...
ReplyDeleteOh, 27... I see what you did there.
ReplyDelete@AnonymousTrollestia strokes again!
ReplyDeleteI vote for anything that has Derpy in it! Specifically I vote for: 25, 5, 4, 30, and 31.
ReplyDeleteOne of those is actually Pinkie, but she's got her crazy-face on it.
Yay for the winning banner which will drive us into insomnia xD
ReplyDeletelol you can't vote on #s 16 39 or 47 but they were all three background or side ponies / owl anyway so too bad 4 those entries but really they weren't going to get that many votes anyways :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the bronies who vote for banner 31! that is mine! I'm 4th place right now, so keep on voting! Thank you all!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see my baby (22) is getting some love.
ReplyDeleteFunny story about the Iron Maiden font, I was originally going to do a Cute Mark Crusaders inspired banner (Explaining the neon colors) but I couldn't find any good pictures of the fillies in their outfits (any good ones were a rubbish size) so Pinkamena won as a last resort. Thank Celestia for my splatter brushes.
was very happy to see a couple for my favorite philly, Vynal Scratch aka DJ PON-3. Also the gyro bowl made me cry laughing
ReplyDeleteEWW G3 SUCKS!!!!!!!! BURN IT!