• 8 bit FiM Theme

    8 bit brony is at it again! this time with the opening music!


    18 kommentaari:

    1. I kinda like this one.

    2. This is beyond reproach. RainbowCrash88 continues to make the world a better place.

    3. Beautiful! If FiM was on Gameboy, this would be the title screen music.

    4. Each one of these that comes out makes me both excited for the next one and for a long poni game.

    5. You know, someone needs to take the old Pokemon games, put this music in different places, and reskin all the pokemon as ponies.

      I would buy that.

    6. ^Me too, without even thinking.

      But now I wonder, how could RainbowCrash88 forget the opening music?

    7. @chinlamp But, then, you'd be going around enslaving all the ponies and making them fight each other. If this were the show, you'd be the villain!

    8. i want a pony 8-bit game so bad

    9. I'll never be able to keep up with his works! I'm just kind of a novice at it, really. Good work, as usual!

    10. Alright, we've got Eurobeat Brony, 8 Bit Brony, and the New Lunar Republic guy, all with vastly different styles.

      You know what this means, right?

      We need not just one, but THREE pony video games.

      -One DDR spinoff [Eurobeat Brony]
      -One Gameboy-style quest game(Pokemon-ish?) [8 Bit Brony]
      -One action/adventure that will put the Matrix to shame [New Lunar Republic Brony]

      I don't even care who, but somepony, FUND THESE.

      ~Display Name

    11. every time i here one of these i nostalgia so hard, i don't even know why, i'm not old enough to nostalgia this hard

    12. @anon 5:11
      seems as though i cant spell hear correctly

    13. The NES prequel to CRTified's 16-bit chiptune, hehe.

    14. If you all guys keep creating this awesome piece of work, I will create a game... BEWARE! WHAT I CREATE IS CRAP!!!

    15. This was a bit of fun! I approve.

      And blast it, Display Name, you just had to mention that For the Luna Republic piece. :p Now I'm listening to that again, but the problem is is that I can never listen to that just once. Something about it appeals to me on a particularly deep level and I end up playing it on repeat for far too long.

      I blame you for this particular bout of Luna music! (Not that that's a bad thing, of course.)

    16. I could just imagine the start of pokémon yellow playing this music. Instead of Pikachu we have DERPY HOOVES saying "I like muffins"
