Yes. Yes, you all did. I noticed.
Alright, let's get this started. This will all be after the page break, obviously.
I read every single entry. First off, I have my hand-picked favorites. There are sixteen of those. The rest of the entries will follow in the only fair way I can manage without going crazy trying to alphabetize these, which is in the order it was received. Entries received first will be displayed first, etc.
Aaaaand... go.
Cereal's Favorites
Description: Trixie's jealousy may be her undoing.Normal, Trixie
(Jetfire's entry)
My Little Lobster
Description: After the disastrous result of Rainbow Lobster's Sonic Lobboom, will Twilob Sparkle and Trix-sea find love in each other's claws?Shipping, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Blueshift's entry)
Dear Trixie
Description: A unicorn reads a letter.Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Vellocet's entry)
My Little Pony: Togetherness is Mystical
Description: Ponyville's six most prominent inhabitants take shelter from a sudden rainstorm.Normal, Everypony
(SaddlesoapOpera's entry)
The Most Interesting Pony In The World.
Description: Everything in this story is true. We have witnesses for everything, and if you doubt it, you're just a neigh-sayer who's been blinded by jealousy. Or someone who's been paid to defame her, in which case, you'd better watch out. Forgiveness is for losers, and you just made an enemy of the most talented, beautiful unicorn in all Equestria. Now read it! Yes, I'm talking to you. Read it or all your friends will and they will laugh at you and stop inviting you to parties.Normal, Trixie
(Raz_Fox's entry)
Description: Scootaloo discovers the cure-all for rainy day blues.Normal, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Rainbow Dash
(Guttyworks's entry)
An Unusual Show
Description: Trixie has trouble dealing with her lacking popularity in a small town.Normal, Trixie
(Jon's entry)
The Great and Powerful Storm
Description: A relentless storm has overcome Ponyville, and Twilight and her friends are in trouble!Normal, Trixie, Everypony
(Twinkletail's entry)
Description: Some ponies don't realize how much they need a break until they get one...Normal, Scratch
(RedEnchilada's entry)
Trixie and the Mirror
Description: Trixie practices for her grand return in front of a mirror, but can she pull off a truly great and powerful trick?Normal, Trixie
(Destroyerbaby's entry)
The Missing Friend
Description: An unexpected rainstorm has a select few ponies noticing the absence of a very important friend.Normal, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia
(Adrian Brony's entry)
Description: Never permit Trixie to co-author your stories.Normal, Trixie
(Breakfast's entry)
Seth And Cereal Go To The Movies
Description: Sethisto and Cereal Velocity, co-authors of the popular blog Equestria Daily, compete for the affections of a certain Great and Powerful individual. But will their pining for ponies ultimately undermine their friendship?Shipping, Sethisto, Cereal Velocity, Trixie, Gilda
(Monochrome Jaunt's entry)
Gilda's Lover
Description: Gilda and everybody's favorite toothless crocodile make hot, steamy love.Shipping, Gummy, Gilda
(Vopogon's entry)
A Healing Journey
Description: Vinyl Scratch sets out on an epic journey to find a cup of coffee.Random, Scratch
(York Beckett's entry)
Applejack's New, Scented Product
Description: During the pouring rain Applejack ponders on what she can do to release a new line of Apple-related products. Pinkie Pie has an idea that leads to some trouble.Random, Applejack, Pinkie Pie
(Pokebis's entry)
All Entries
Description: South of the Border... she's gonna stay...Normal, Trixie
(Bobcat's entry)
Trixie canters into a bar...
Description: Bowel play.Normal, Trixie
(D. Shadows's entry)
The Contrived and Continuous
Description: Trixie and her new assistant attempt to hit it big in Canterlot.Normal, Trixie, OC Pony
(MoronSonOfBoron's entry)
The Rules
Description: Trixie has a secret!Shipping, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
(Kits' entry)
A Flash of Lightning
Description: Pinkie Pie spends a stormy night thinking about how she'd rather be spending it.Sad, Pinkie Pie
(no space's entry)
Teaching Trixie
Description: Applejack convinces a self-isolated Trixie to integrate herself into Ponyville chores.Normal, Trixie, Applejack
(Lia Sadako's entry)
Loose Ends
Description: After averting a major crisis, there's always one or two details to attend to.Crossover, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Dr. Whooves, OC Pony
(Dr. WTF's entry)
First Impressions
Description: The great and Powerful Trixie makes her arrival at Appleloosa. How will her initial encounter with the settler ponies go?Normal, Trixie
(Laurence Brown's entry)
The Great and Powerful Dissonance
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie has just fled from Ponyville... What is on her mind?Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(FicFicPonyFic's entry)
The Sister's Tears
Description: Twilight reads an old tale to Spike about the events a thousand years ago.Sad, Celestia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Spike
(Da Chi's entry)
Relieving Voice
Description: Trixie looks for shelter from the heavy rain.Normal, Trixie, Fluttershy
(Blinky's entry)
Hummingway Could Have Shortened It
Description: An attempt at the shortest possible story for the contest. An allusion to Hemmingway's Famous 6 word story.Normal, None
(R.Carey's entry)
Trixie's Letter
Description: Trixie feels awful after bragging so heavily to Twilight, and wants to apologize and explain herself (in letter form).Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle, Spike
(Brian's entry)
Rain-Soaked Cupcakes
Description: Twilight Sparkle had always been a curious pony. Now thatGrimdark, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie
curiosity threatens her life on the rainiest day in Ponyville history.
A look at what happens when things don't go according to Pinkie's
(Solaris90's entry)
Who is the Greatest Magician?
Description: It is time to prove to Equestria who is the greatest Magician, but can the Great an Powerful Trixie succeed where all others have failed?Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Sigil's entry)
Mother Earthpony
Description: This piece is a small bit of an idea that popped into my head when I first read the prompt for submission. To put it plainly, it is a VERY rainy evening in Ponyville. It's far from anything complete, but I thought I'd try to contribute something none-the-less.Normal, Everypony, Spike
(AH's entry)
Trixie x Trixie
Description: Trixie travels back in time to meet her true love: Trixie.Shipping, Trixie, Trixie
(achesst's entry)
How Trixie Made the World in Seven Days
Description: The old Christian creation story, with Trixie and Ponies.Normal, Trixie, Snips, Snails
(Whackjood's entry)
The Heist
Description: What was Trixie really doing in Ponyville? Our protagonist visits an old friend and plots her latest daring caper.Normal, Trixie, OC Pony
(Dashukta's entry)
The Morning After
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie wakes up the morningNormal, Trixie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle
after the Ursa Minor's rampage in Ponyville.
(Lurks-no-More's entry)
The Pardon
Description: One rainy night, Twilight has a certain visitor with a certain message.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie
(Toon Ninja's entry)
A Mug's Game
Description: Living well is the best revenge.Normal, Trixie
(AugieDog's entry)
The Great and Powerful Trixie, Angel of Love
Description: Upon visiting Appleloosa, the Great and Powerful Trixie uses her Great and Powerful skills to bring two lovers together.Shipping, Trixie, Fluttershy, Bloomberg
(Sturs' entry)
Trixie's Night
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie has an eventful night.Normal, Trixie
(DCN's entry)
Untold Story
Description: How ditsy became....well... weird. She saves Applebloom, but something in the water infects her.Normal, Derpy Hooves, Apple Bloom
(Purplefoxtail's entry)
Pony Rain
Description: A Heavy Rain crossover. Apple Bloom is brought into the Everfree Forest by an unknown hooded figure. There, the unknown pony binds Apple Bloom in a ditch. Then, Applejack receives a letter from the Ponigami Killer.Grimdark, Apple Bloom, Applejack
(Deviouspie's entry)
Trixie's Golden Tickets
Description: Trixie has earned Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, but fate has other plans.Sad, Trixie
(Jake Heritagu's entry)
Drastic Measures
Description: In the wake of Nightmare Moon's triumphant return from exile, Ponies struggle to survive in a world with no sun.Grimdark, Fluttershy
(BronyCray's entry)
Derpin' In The Dark
Description: Derpy Hooves and Carrot Top look forward to a night in but things dont' go quite as planned.Normal, Derpy Hooves, Carrot Top
(Mogo's entry)
Black Sun
Description: The black sun rises after a Tyrant falls. What kind of consequences will arise from Trixie and Luna's actions?Normal, Trixie, Luna
(EC's entry)
Trixie's Celestian Present
Description: Trixie receives a gift from Princess Celestia herself! What could possibly be in the box? Story is purely dialogue.Normal, Trixie, Celestia
(Agnitio Ex Machina's entry)
Description: In the middle of a terrible rainstorm, Twilight cant help but worry about her friends.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Derpy Hooves
(Obdimirium's entry)
Manehatten Rain
Description: Applejack discovers what it means to be an earth pony.Normal, Applejack
(JenovaII's entry)
'Bloomin Storms
Description: Hard rains won't stop Applebloom from getting her Cutie Mark, but is this quest too much for the little Crusader?Normal, Applejack, Applebloom, Twilight Sparkle, Spike
(holycarp's entry)
Astronomical Mudslinging
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie vanquishes an Ursa Major (and Twilight Sparkle).Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Speckles' entry)
My Favorite Dance Partner
Description: Two ponies take advantage of the stormy weather the best way they know how - DANCE!Normal, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle
(flashfox466's entry)
Convention Time
Description: Lauren & Craig at a con.Random, Lauren Faust, Craig McCracken
(Roy G. Biv's entry)
Re: Grand Galloping Gala
Description: Guilty because of her role in the destruction of the latest Grand Galloping Gala, Trixie sends a letter to Celestia about damage control over at Ponyville.Random, Trixie, Celestia, OC Ponies
(ruff1298's entry)
The Wheel
Description: Rainbow Dash has failed in her one, simple task. Now she hasGrimdark, Rainbow Dash
another. It will be her last.
(Midnight Shadow's entry)
The Great and Powerful Trixie: Live at the Royal Theatre of Canterlot.
Description: It is the Great and Powerful Trixie's best show yet. Have her dreamsNormal, Trixie
have finally come true?
(Nido Media's entry)
The Tale of Moondancer
Description: A town is attacked by an Ursa Major and only one pony can save it.Normal, Trixie
(Shiron's entry)
Description: A snapshot of when weather control goes wrong.Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity
(MetBoy's entry)
Alone in the Rain
Description: Trixie is caught up in the storm of the century. She has no options to get out of the rain other than returning to Ponyville, where she will have to ask for help from the local ponies. The ponies do not forgive Trixie and she has to seek help from her last hope, Twilight.Sad, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(L3git L4dle's entry)
A Friend in Need
Description: A storm threatens the crops of Equestria and the Pegasus ponies must clear the clouds before they lose their harvest ...but Fluttershy can't fly well enough in a storm to help!Sad, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity
(Sam Paterson's entry)
Fair To Cloudy
Description: A punishing storm comes to Ponyville and hits one of its citizens the hardest.Sad, Everypony
(Lord Malachite's entry)
A Title is Pointless Unless It is the Great and Powerful Trixie
Description: Trixie finds an old spellbook and uses a spell to open a portal. What came out of the portal and is the Great and Powerful Trixie truly the most powerful pony?Random, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie
(Laref's entry)
Another Student of Friendship
Description: A Wanderer writes his own Letter to the princess.Normal, Celestia, OC Pony
(SMX-sonic's entry)
Description: Trixie learns that Camping makes games no fun for anypony, the hard way.Crossover, Trixie
(H.P. Lovecolt's entry)
It's Just A Factory
Description: Apparently, glue factories do exist in Equestria.Grimdark, Pinkie Pie, Everypony
(Aquaman52's entry)
Description: Twilight Sparkle eventually eats a salad and discusses life with a famous TV producer.Random, Fluttershy, Derpy Hooves, Twilight Sparkle, Spike
(R1ngmasterJ5's entry)
Trixie's Old Nemesis
Description: An old nemesis has come back to challenge Trixie and Gilda! But she is more powerful now than she ever was...Random, Trixie, Gilda, Twilight Sparkle
(StreakTheFox's entry)
And That's It.
Description: Ponyville gets more water than it can ever use, and loses a pony.Grimdark, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Steven Magnet
(Th_Mole's entry)
Description: In an Equestria seized by an almost demonic despair, a strange but powerful pony emerges that ponies from all over seem to flock to. When she comes to Ponyville, Twilight decides to investigate, and finds out much more than she could have ever bargained for.Grimdark, Trixie, Twilight
(NovaCoru's entry)
A Story Everypony Else Has Heard About Trixie, But With Rain and Fluttershy
Description: Trixie has been run out of Ponyville and is left with nowhere to stay. She thinks about her past and starts wandering through the forest. Fluttershy pops up and acts all nice-ish.Normal, Trixie, Fluttershy
(ABigPony's entry)
When It Rains, It Pours
Description: It's difficult to stand tall when your heroic pillar falls down.Sad, Rainbow Dash
(10SecondsFlat's entry)
Of Gods and Ponies
Description: One pony decides he doesn't like magic very much... in fact, he hates it.Grimdark, Trixie, OC Pony
(Mike Lima's entry)
Trixie in the Rain
Description: Trixie tries to keep up her act, but on the inside, she gets the feeling that she is only fooling herself.Sad, Trixie, OC Pony
(Macon Mixx's entry)
Twilight's Timeless Terror
Description: The Prince needs help, and Trixie is the only one who can give it.Grimdark, Trixie, Prince Blueblood
(Scribus Caballus's entry)
Special Delivery
Description: Through a case of mistaken identity, Trixie gets the tools she needs to carry out her scheme.Normal, Trixie, Derpy Hooves
(Brony4Life's entry)
In The Cards
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie only meant it as a lark. Consult the cards for her daughters path in life. But what if the future isn't a path?Normal, Trixie, OC Pony
(EsperDerek's entry)
The Great and Powerful Mess
Description: Picks up right after Boast Busters ends. Trixie is heading through the forest towards FillydelphiaNormal, Trixie
(SilverHoof's entry)
The Downpour
Description: The rain. It pours on and on. But why? What has gone wrong in Cloudsdale? What in Equestria is going on?!Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash
(McPumpkin's entry)
After Work Chit Chat
Description: After a long day of shooting for a season 2 episode, Trixie and Twilight chat for a bit. Soon some of the other ponies join them.Normal, Trixie, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash
(Baree's entry)
Description: Celestia has trouble with memories of the past; what can she do?Sad, Luna, Celestia
(BlowingBomb's entry)
Cheaters Never Prosper
Description: The Cutie Mark Crusaders ask Trixie to help them get their cutie marks. Things, of course, don't turn out as they'd expect.Normal, Trixie, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
(Turnip Head's entry)
Dreams of Flight
Description: She's finally free, so she does something she hasn't done in a long, long time.Normal, Luna/Celestia
(Kyradren's entry)
Cutie-Mark Rain
Description: When Trixie comes back into Ponyville, she stops by the library to ask Twilight Sparkle a very important favor. Has this mare really changed, or is she only different skin-deep?Sad, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Copper Token's entry)
Trixie's Song of Revenge
Description: Trixie, her life in ruins, has made a fateful deal to get her revenge on the Twilight and the Mane Cast and reflects on her fate in song.Sad, Trixie
(Rad Ross's entry)
Description: What happens after the sonic rainboom.Sad, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash
(AMadMan's entry)
The Witch
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie' is a mouthful of a name. Where did she come from? And where did she get such a stage name?Sad, Trixie
(Reginart-Renart's entry)
Rainy Day Crusaders (Scootaloo is Weird)
Description: The Cutie Mark Crusaders try some indoor activities during a massive rainstorm and reveal Scootaloo's hidden weirdness.Normal, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
(Jay Bear's entry)
The Great and Prideful Trixie
Description: Trixie's lies, and a group of ponies in black, have caught up to her.Normal, Trixie
(AED's entry)
Future Secrets
Description: Under the cover of a storm, Twilight Sparkle searches for a mysterious book.Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(SorcerousHorserus's entry)
A Break in the Gloom
Description: A heavy rainstorm ruins Twilight's day, but a thoughtfulNormal, Spike, Twilight Sparkle
gesture from Spike could make it all better.
(David's entry)
Mean Blue and Furious
Description: Trixie looks for a lot of revenge on Twilight after Twilight embarrassing Trixie. But things don't go according to plan.Normal, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(GroudonRobotWars' entry)
Lovely Luna
Description: Luna escapes, seeking vengeance on Twilight. But, on the way there, she meets another outcast, Trixie. Ultimately, the two have so much in common that they end up together.Shipping, Trixie, Luna
(Nvr Rmbr's entry)
A Dream Come True? The Great & Powerful Trixie's Epic Triumphant Grand Galloping Gala Appearance!
Description: Exactly What It Says In The Title.Normal, Trixie
(Bookish Delight's entry)
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie shows her magical prowess off. Will anyone else be able to stop her?Normal, Trixie
(Aeonofthelight's entry)
Spike's Mysterious Errand
Description: Spike goes on an mysterious errand in the rain. What might he be up to?Normal, Spike, Pinkie Pie
(Grif's entry)
Description: Trixie looks back on her life and wonders how it could have been if she were a nicer person.Sad, Trixie
(BCawesome's entry)
Description: Trixie's boast to the citizens of Ponyville is first met by an unlikely challenger.Normal, Trixie, Derpy Hooves
(Freckles' entry)
A Stormy Intermission
Description: When the Great and Powerful Trixie gets caught in the storm of the century, she can't help but dwell on what her life's become. Can she find hope to carry on after all the mistakes she's made, or has the curtain closed on this showpony? A 300 word story using both writing prompts.Sad, Trixie
(lurkersGonaLurk's entry)
Trixie vs the Tiger
Description: Trixie fights a tiger.Normal, Trixie
(Nible Haste's entry)
When the Levee Breaks
Description: The mane six are swift to act when Ponyville is threatened with a flood.Normal, Everypony, Big Macintosh, Luna
(WildWood Pony's entry)
The Greatest Night Ever
Description: Trixie is going to have the Best Night Ever at the Grand Galloping Gala - as she gets revenge on Twilight Sparkle!Normal, Trixie
(Too Much's entry)
Feeling Trixie Sheen
Description: Duh, whinnying!Crossover, Trixie
(Pangolynn's entry)
Fluid Dynamics
Description: A torrential downpour turns a simple farm chore into a dangerous situation.Normal, Granny Smith, Applejack, Big Macintosh
(Trotsky's entry)
Description: It's the biggest storm in ages, and now most of ponyville is gathered in the town library.Normal, None
(Sind's entry)
Behind Closed Doors
Description: Everypony sees Trixie as a big, show-off-ey fraud, but isn't that all part of the act? Trixie may have a much different story behind the curtain.Normal, Trixie, OC Pony
(PonyStark's entry)
Stage Magician's Creed
Description: Trixie picks out her iconic stage carriage.Normal, Trixie
(AlterForm's entry)
The Equestrian Inquirer
Description: Twilight and Spike receive a copy of The Equestrian Inquirer, Ponyville's newest newspaper. Eager to read about her accomplishment with the Ursa Minor, Twilight discovers that the article is not what she expected.Normal, Trixie, Spike, Twilight Sparkle
(Salohcin-Silverwing's entry)
Luna's Starry Night
Description: Luna comes back and reflects on her time on the moon and makes some changes to the night.Normal, Luna
(Bryan's entry)
Pied Pipress
Description: Trixie's latest performance, with parasprites as props.Normal, Trixie
(Mint Julep's entry)
Driving Rain
Description: Applejack and Rarity learn libraries have all kinds of silences.Shipping, Applejack, Rarity
(Chistery's entry)
Writing With Portals
Description: Selene Blueblood tries to form a writing club among her siblings, but things don't turn out as planned.Random, Trixie, Prince Astron, Luna
(Desert Rose's entry)
The Royal Wedding
Description: Luna is getting married at last, but weren't the arrangements awfully fast?Normal, Trixie, Luna
(uSea's entry)
Water Landing
Description: Filly Twilight goes against the rules of her teacher. Landing her into a deathly situation.Normal, Filly!Twilight, The Royal Gardener
(Freelancer824's entry)
300 Word Trixie Event
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie prepares her audience for the presentation of a life time!Sad, Trixie
(Rex Ivan's entry)
The Roar of the Crowd
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie lives for her audience. And their applause. Is that such a problem?Normal, Trixie
(Yappy's entry)
Raining at Twilight
Description: Princess Celestia pays a visit for an old friend of hers for one last time.Sad, Celestia, Twilight Sparkle
(Hyena's entry)
Luck of the Draw
Description: IT'S A TRAP!Random, Lucky
(Chicken Vortex's entry)
Valentine for the Moon
Description: [None given.]Shipping, OC Pony
(Marnax's entry)
Description: Trixie seeks a quiet drink, but finds an unhappy "fan" instead.Normal, Trixie, OPPP
(Pacce's entry)
The Birth of a Legend
Description: A storm ravages Cloudsdale as a mare is giving birth to a legend of a pony.Normal, Rainbow Dash
(Missing00's entry)
Ponies and Phonies
Description: Trixie competes in the local ponyshoes competition... and rationalizes herself to complete victory.Normal, Rainbow Dash, Trixie
(Lopsidation's entry)
Don't Fight It...
Description: Trixie has been getting strange, unexplained feelings for Twilight lately - Is she great and powerful enough to fight them off?Shipping, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Basharoonskis's entry)
Old Enemies
Description: Trixie and Twilight tell a story.Shipping, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle
(Narwhals' Bend's entry)

ReplyDeleteWhy is my entry not included?
ReplyDeleteI personally liked Luna's Starry Night the best... Cause I'm totally not the author at all. >.>;
ReplyDeleteHoly smokes! So much pony, so much reading...
ReplyDeleteIf they're all 300 word stories, give or take a few words, and there are 124 of them in total...
37,200 words went into this event. Looks like I'll be up for most of the night.
Well, this and Rainbow dash attack.
ReplyDeleteThere goes my weekend.
I want to read them all, but.. but...
ReplyDeleteOK i will.
Uhh, you posted the wrong story of my two I sent. I said in the comment a few days ago that I wanted you to post PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP, not Trixie's Turnabout. Was there a problem with it? If there was, posting Trixie is fine.
ReplyDeleteI'd read them but I have exams soon and ive done no revi- *reads every single story*
ReplyDeleteYAY! My story's on a site!
ReplyDeleteHere's a description
It's Valentines Day, and Marnax only has eyes for a very special pony.
Was there a problem with my story?
ReplyDeleteIt says Cereal's favorites does that mean there will be more later?
ReplyDeleteMy Little Pony: Togetherness is Mystical
ReplyDelete'nough said.
@Anonymous I take it back. They're all fabulous
ReplyDelete>sees my story in cereal's favorites
ReplyDelete:D :D :D
gonna get to reading all of these once i finish up some work i need to do
Cereal is at work now, so concerns are best emailed to him!
ReplyDeleteHey, mine isn't here. You did get it Cereal, right? I sent it on the 9th...
ReplyDeleteA rather large portion of them feature Trixie... was that a requirement?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Maverick Flourish
ReplyDeleteEither feature Trixie, or start with a pre-determined line, yes.
What sick bastard shipped our beloved Gummy with that THING Gilda?
ReplyDeleteOh, yes. That'd be me.
ReplyDeleteYou devious monster! Thank you.
Who likes Valentine For The Moon?
ReplyDeleteyaaaaaay my overly meta and pretentious story made it into the favorites...
ReplyDeleteholy crap I have a LOT of reading to do.
I'm just happy that my story got published
ReplyDeleteA favorite? I'm touched.
ReplyDeleteThere's so much here that I don't think I'll even try to go through it in an organized fashion. I'll simply start reading at random, seeing what strikes my fancy. I do really like Dreams of Flight.
And to the writer of Nyartrixietep: GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
Well, yay. To bad you didn't post this tomorrow, would've been a nice birthday present, but still, there goes my Saturday.
ReplyDeleteSeriously now. 75% of the stories contain her! Why is she so popular? What is so cool in this self-centered pony? I don't understand it.
I checked the stories that seemed to be interesting and from what I read, only "The missing friend", "A break in the gloom" and "Spike's mysterious errand" had some interesting idea in them. If I had to choose my personal favourite, I'd choose "The missing friend". I loved the meaning of that one.
I have to admit
ReplyDeletethis is too much trixie, even for me.
@anon Mine didn't have Trixie, why not check that out?
ReplyDeleteWooh! I see my entry up there :D
ReplyDelete"Either feature Trixie, or start with a pre-determined line, yes."
ReplyDelete...Oh. I see.
ReplyDeleteBlasphemer! There is no such thing as too much Trixie.
Yay I see my entry! Sadly it isnt a favorite but i guess I will just have to try harder next time.
ReplyDelete@achesst There is also no such thing as too much Marnax.
ReplyDeleteNice! So far I'm barely a quarter of the way through... AND I LOVE IT!
ReplyDelete"They made out. It was hot."
ReplyDeleteBest. Line. Ever.
Anypony feel like telling me about The Pardon? It's my first fic, and I just hope it turned out okay.
ReplyDeleteAn excellent array of fiction! I love that so many people entered this, and the sheer variety in short 300 word stories--from sad stories to hilarious concepts! And a lot of great writing, too. I hope the next event is just as fruitful.
ReplyDeleteLot of fun participating this time, as well. Ponies and Equestria Daily got me into fanfiction again!
These ponies really ARE magic!
WHAT THE FUUUUDGE! Seth And Cereal Go To The Movies is about a thousand words! Thats cheating! I demand its removal.
ReplyDeleteI hope It's Fairly obvious that the "wanderer" in Another student of Friendship is Dreaming, That's what I was going for.
ReplyDeletePretty decent for a first fic. I'm thinking if you had some concept, more time and experience, and more room to work with, you could really make some solid fics if this is anything to go by.
some of the actions were described awkwardly, but that's really something only experience can fix.
ReplyDeleteSo much grimdark win... Also I liked "The Missing Friend."
ReplyDeleteI really didn't expect my story on here. I thought it was bad and that I should feel bad.
ReplyDeleteAnyone willing to give feedback on Valentine for the Moon? It's my first attempt to write a short fic with shipping.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see the story that leads up to Dr.WTF's Loose Ends.
-Insert my attempt at filly eyes here-
Some feedback for "Trixie's Turnabout", please?
ReplyDelete>Randomly stop at some point in the list
ReplyDelete>Shipping: Sethisto, Cereal Velocity, The Great and Powerful Trixie
>MFW I have no face
I also need some personal feedback here was my story just stupid or was it the worst out of everyone elses?
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wanted the answer to how Trixie leaves the bar well... it's obvious but add "and she trots out" to the title 'wink wink'. Monte is a type of card game is a side reference, does anyone think the angel wing thing was taking the innocence way to far?
To R1ngmasterJ5: It could have been about twenty percent more random, but I like random and odd things.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDelete"Trixie's Turnabout" was apparently only posted because it was the only one of my two fics Cereal saw, as the other(that sun-punch one) had no email subject. I put a small explanation and a link to the other one, which I think is better, at the end of "Turnabout".
I'd like some feedback on Luna's Starry Night. Since I kinda pulled that out pretty fast. (Took me about 30 minutes for it)
ReplyDeleteI feel like maybe it's too disjointed :(
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteThank you! I've never really had anyone read my work, pony-oriented or otherwise, and I'll admit I'm kicking myself a little bit looking back on it. I'll be sure to hone things before I try writing anything too epic.
Author of "Rain-Soaked Cupcakes" here, hoping y'all enjoyed it. Anyone want to give some critique on it?
ReplyDeleteOh random completely nonsensical stories, you slay me. If I were a girl story I would totally make out with all of you! Your writers deserve a snow cone, no, two snow cones. Two snow cones and a hug.
ReplyDeleteI guess I won't have my story here until tomorrow... when everyone is already done reading.
ReplyDeleteOh, and since I don't know where to ask this question, I'll ask it here: is there any kind of big MLP:FiM-related forum somewhere? I mean aside Ponychan. Ponychan is way too messy for me.
ReplyDeleteWoot! Storytelling made it into the favorites!
ReplyDeleteFor something that I drummed out in 15 minutes... I am pleased!
And a lot of these are really great!
Birth of a Legend is my favorite. it's super sweet
ReplyDeleteAgreed with Adrian, certainly a good start! The descriptions got pretty choppy, but that's absolutely understandable for the word limit--I actually did get a pretty clear image of their actions. Trixie was quick rather quick to apologise, but that, too, kept it within the limits, and I do like repentant!Trixie. It's a bit hard to give really comprehensive critique on a limited-word piece, though--sorry I can't really add more.
I liked it overall--and hope you enjoyed writing your first fic. If so, it'd be great if you kept it up!
Thank you Cereal! I'm really pleased my story is in your 16. The other 15 are excellent (especially "Dear Trixie," "The Most Interesting Pony," and "Applejack's New, Scented Product".) I may need a little liquid courage to read through the complete list, but I'm tempted...
ReplyDelete@achesst & @vopogon: bwahaha!
@Jetfire: We hit a shared brainwave. It's all about the other side of the mirror.
I seriously feel pretty bad about this, but I don't like all the Trixie. I loved the sad stories and most of Cereal's favorites though.
ReplyDeleteAlso, for anyone who read "When it Rains it Pours," how end? So confus
About achesst's story.
ReplyDeleteTechnically that's marestebation and of course Trixie would have that sort of kink.
I hate to see stories go without comment, so I'll try to give my thoughts on each one as I read them, starting at the bottom because... just because.
ReplyDeleteDon't Fight It
Ponies and Phonies
Lol'd at "A mere positive integer scoring system". Great peek into Trixie's self-congratulating mind.
The Birth of a Legend
Highly cinematic, but a bit lacking in emotion.
Very funny. OPPP isn't used in fics often enough.
Valentine for the Moon
Oh come on - you really crowbarred this one into the event. It was sweet, though.
Luck of the Draw
Slow start, solid ending.
Raining at Twilight
Good potential, but the emotional scene and promising narrative are severely distilled by the word limit.
The Roar of the Crowd
Great writing. Laughed at Trixie, then felt bad for doing it.
300 Word Trixie Event
Fantastic dialogue, but I got a bit confused who was talking in the audience.
Water Landing
Writer has the potential to be great with some practice, but the story lacks drama.
The Royal Wedding
Wow. Fantastic poem and I can't believe you managed to cram such a great story into it. Caught myself trying to sing it.
Writing With Portals
Arrghhh!! COULDN'T care less! It's COULDN'T care less! OH GOD YOU DID IT TWICE!
Driving Rain
Palpable tension.
Pied Pipress
Reading one-half of a dialogue doesn't work as well as you think. I like the idea of Trixie using parasprites in her act, though.
Luna's Starry Night
Yay, happy Luna! Writing's OK, but you should use paragraphs to make it easier to read.
The Equestrian Inquirer
Funny story, I love angry Twilight.
Stage Magician's Creed
Love the idea that Trixie would equate a magician's tools with a soldier's weapons. It's her against them.
Behind Closed Doors
I sad'd. Also, thanks for not saying "Hey Presto."
I personally don't dislike first-person stories, but don't tell me what I'm supposedly thinking; Have someone else tell me what they're thinking or just tell me what's happening. Other than that, good visualisation.
Fluid Dynamics
All-round decent storytelling. I'd like to see what you could do with a longer one.
Feeling Trixie Sheen
I'll reserve comment on this one, because I get the impression there's some joke or reference I'm missing.
The Greatest Night Ever
Absolutely hilarious.
When the Levee Breaks
Bittersweet but enjoyable.
Trixie vs the Tiger
I laughed out loud at the ending.
A Stormy Intermission
Very optimistic for a "sad" fic, not that I'm complaining. Yay optimism!
25 down! "The Royal Wedding" is my favourite so far. Looking back, I seem a bit critical, but I'm sure it's very difficult to tell a good story in 300 words and there hasn't been anything I actively disliked. I'll continue reviews tomorrow.
Ok! Here we go!
ReplyDeleteScrying - Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! Trixie unleashed satan! Run for your lives!
Very well written, though now you have me curious on what the mirror showed.
My Little Lobster - This probably should have had a crossover tag as well.
Mmmmmmmh lobster. Could have used a random tag as well. Suddenly I'm reminded of that episode of the Simpsons where homer had a pet lobster.
Very strange, but entertaining none-the-less.
Dear Trixie - Oooooh what you saaaaaaaayyy that you only meant well.
I keep imagining this as the opening to a western. I challenge you to a magical duel at high noon!
Though, it's yet another beginning. I'm now really curious on why Twilight would invite her over, or why she would think Trixie is rich now? So many questions!
Togetherness is Mystical - xDDDD I honestly didn't see the twist coming. And I was wondering why you were writing your story like that. Nice job!
The Most Interesting Pony In The World - I don't always drink sasparilla, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equine.
Another tribute to the Great and Powerful Trixie. Screw canonicity, Trixie is the most powerful equine to ever live!
Stay thirsty my friends.
Flung - Awesomeness! Really like this one! Though, I have to wonder how many bits it cost to pay someone to pull your kids around.
An Unusual Show - A little confused, did she make peace with it at the end? Did the kid with the apple help her? Meh, I guess it's supposed to be up to me.
I think the apple had horse tranquilizers in them. Yep, that's it.
The Great and Powerful Storm - No crossover tag, so I'm guessing this is not a crossover with X-Men. There might as well be one considering Twilight is Jean Grey.
Truly the finest written work to grace the world of english! Shakespony would bow down and cry before the new talented writer! The Great and Powerful Trixie!
Wow. Thanks for including my story, in your top 16 no less! I feel proud now...
ReplyDeleteNow I need to read the others. Somehow, I have a feeling this will be a long night.
Probably worth it though.
My entry it a little...naughteh.
ReplyDeleteOh god lol, I completely regret writing that horrible fic. I had another one but I thought I diverted too far from the restrictions so I played it safe and quickly came up with another in the last hour of submission time... ugh.
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, there are some really awesome stories here. Great job guys!
That was fun ^^ Read everything but the grimdarks. Sorry grimdark authors, I like my ponies happy and fluffy and with lots of rainbows. Well, since I read sad as well I guess the happy isn't the absolutely necessary. Anyway, lots of good entries, just going to note the ones that stood out to me (minor spoilers maybe):
ReplyDeleteI am so glad The Missing Friend made it into the faves. I read it on DA already, and I just was certain it would. Great idea, very nicely done.
A Break In The Gloom: Love it. Love it love it love it. I really do not understand why its not one of the 16 favourites. It is utterly adorable, and it would be the perfect gift for Twilight. And yes, Spike would be the one to cheer her up on a day like that.
The Royal Wedding: Funny, and that last line made me chuckle. Stands out a bit from the majority.
When It Rains, It Pours leaves me a tad confused. I am not sure what is going on, probably I am missing something? I would love an explanation from the author if there is one.
People asking for feedback:
Toon Ninja: Yeah, I am going to say the same thing three times :P Its well written, I enjoyed reading it but to me it doesn't really stand out from the many decent stories that were submitted.
D. Shadows: Its ok. Written well enough, no worries there. Enjoyed it. But doesn't really stands out in between so many entries. Also, I feel sorry for Trixie :P
Luna's Starry Night: Basically the same comment as for D. Shadows. Read it, enjoyed it, but one of many.
Marnax: Well written, but self inserts are a bit meh.
ReplyDeleteRe: Pied Pipress
300 word story = too little room for a full scene, so out comes the style-fapping-about. XD
Definitely woulda loved a few hundred more to do things properlike (and eager to see how others used their 300).
- Julep
Downbeat - Somehow, I guessed this was about Scratch before I read the tags.
ReplyDeleteI'm a sad human being, I pseudo-rapped this story as I read it…
Sweet little tale, though you'd think she'd have days of that aren't rainy days.
Trixie and the Mirror - Mirror mirror on the wall, shovel chestnuts in my path.
I really need to stop singing the stories as I read them…
………aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! ok that's creepy. Very Evil Dead-esque.
The Missing Friend - Adrian Brony, Adrian Brony, Adrian Brony, Adrian Brony *Explodes in amazing blue light*
…d'aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww ;-:
Thank you for sharing this…
Storytelling - …the day the fourth wall was brutally murdered.
Seth And Cereal Go to The Movies: I'm having a sneaking suspicion that this story isn't within the 300-word bracket and it only got by because of the subject matter…
Fast Five? Interesting choice on Trixie's part… You'd think that would be more Dash's pick, but whatever.
Maybe there will be a day when the love for ponies will fall, but it is not this day. Today we FIGHT!
Not bad, though I have to wonder why Trixie would agree to go with both of them at the same time. I guess she wanted a fight.
And I guess Trixie really like's Vin Diesel. Is it the baldness? If that's the case, I guess Spike could have a chance with her.
Gilda's Lover - Don't read the tag.
Not going to spoil who her lover is, but I'll have to say, I'm worried he may cheat on her. I mean, even in cannon, he's eaten a large portion of the mane cast. You think he's going to restrain himself to one woman?
If you don't believe me, here he is eating Rainbow Dash (might I remind you, I did not shop this in anyway, this is an actual screenshot from the show): http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/8828/shot0004vd.png
Sigh… it's sad to see men go so out of control.
A Healing Journey: xDDD nice to see poetry be submitted! Very funny ending! Good work Y. Beckett, I hope your cousin Sam fixes his time travel problem.
Applejack's New, Scented Product - I'm guessing it smells like lemons.
Candlejacks? *Gets abducted for saying his name*
*Has to be rescued by Pinkazoid*
Stopping for dinner! BRB
@Anonymous More power to ya! I was thinking of doing the same but I think I lack the dedication. XD
ReplyDeleteAlso wanted to give a big thanks for the fav-16 position for Dear Trixie, too... Especially with so many other good stories here. I'm honoured! Thanks Cereal, and all readers! Just wasn't sure if it was sporting to mention it in my last messages.
I know it's a terrible thing to say, but I never cared much for Trixie as a character. But I needed a break from chapter 11 of Half the Day is Night and writing this was the perfect way to do it. Thanks, CV, for putting this whole thing together!
ReplyDeleteMy 300 word long story started SLOW? How on earth is that even possible? Was the first sentence too long or something?!?
I kid, I kid. I'm glad you liked the ending though :)
@Baree: Thanks! Glad you liked it :)
@Baree: Thank you kind sir and may you have yogurt flavored muffins... in the near future... it's just sad that Derpy got to them already. You might want to de-pony your fridge in the near future or else she'll eat all the tofu as well when she figures out it's not meat.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see my fic in your favorites I guess.
ReplyDeleteI was actually kind of worried that you wouldn't count it because the last sentence was technically grammatically incorrect.
I was also worried that somepony else would have already done the joke with over 100 entries, but I gave it a shot anyways and I guess nopony did.
@Anonymous Thank you and Baree. Yeah looking back I should have. There's a lot that I probably should have done.
ReplyDeleteBut to be honest it's really inspired me to work on it because 300 words isn't enough for it.
Also I guess I'll go with this name :P
You guys who are brave enough to try commenting on every story...I salute you.
ReplyDeleteMyself? I managed mini-reviews of the April friend-off and April Foal's day events, but this is just too much! Once I've read them all, maybe I'll comment on a few favorites, but for now I'm going to focus on just reading them all.
Well since my last post got ate by the magical world of the internet.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting on Luna's Starry Night. I really did feel like it was sorta rushed (Cause it was), but it really put a spark in me that wants to expound on it and make it even better.
No love for Luna, again. My story wasn't listed.
ReplyDeleteBueno - Hahaha, clever concept! Now I want to see Trixie in a sombrero!
ReplyDeleteTrixie canter into a bar - Hey D. Shadow! Looks like we encounter each other again!
The… trots… Well, Not bad, felt you're actions were kind of confusing. Also, is the CMC supposed to be adults here?
The Contrived and Continuous - Is Plainmane really her daddy?
I like the part with the caricature. xD
The Rules - It's a secret, down below with a little bit of ah and a little bit of oh!
Hahahahaha, oh man. Although, you'd think the focus would be on Rainbow Dash considering Scoots.
A Flash of Lightning - Wow! You may not have any space, but your story is quite interesting! Has really good atmosphere!
Teaching Trixie - Hehehe, it's alright, felt Trixie's turn came a bit quickly (I'd expect her to fight it more) but I understand it's difficult under the limit. Applejacks characterization is done very well.
Loose Ends - Dashalina Joanne Pie? xD
xD Funny! Although, it felt like we just jumped into something. What's up with the disguise thing? Is it necessary to have him disguised from the get go just to have it disappear immediately?
First Impressions - Trixie in Appleloosa? Well, once again, it's sad it ends where it does. Nice job though!
The Great and Powerful Dissonance - By someone who's screenname isn't redundant at all.
Welp, Trixie's in denial. I have to wonder what she'll do in the Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance stages.
Interesting fic!
The Sister's Tears - Awww, such a cute tale. Although, I have a hard time seeing it work in cannon.
Relieving Voice - Not bad, would of liked more interaction between Trixie and [spoiler], would have put the cuteness level up to eleven!
Hummingway Could Have Shortened it - As in the Hummingbird? This should be interesting.
… … …moving on.
Trixie's Letter - Written by Brian. I would make a Strong Bad joke but I can't find a way to make that have sense.
Cut to Trixie writing the letter? I see you are more a screenwriter.
Ummm… not sure I feel this. You are writing this like it were a movie, which is kind of odd in prose. Also, it's not clear why Trixie felt bad for what she did. Just felt like everything was explained to me after the fact.
But maybe you were screwed over by the limitations of the contest, so maybe you just need more practice to flex your writing fingers with.
Rain-Soaked Cupcakes - Oh dear. The first grimdark of the bunch. You guys know how I am about grimdark stories.
Twilight: Well, looks like you were the one *puts on sunglasses* that got baked.
...I'm hoping the mass reviewers just skip right over mine. I don't know if it even makes sense.
ReplyDeleteShould've gone with the Assassin's Creed parody.
All those planning mass reviews. I say you have big brass ones. Really big brass ones.
ReplyDeleteGood thing I don't like fan fics. It looks like it would take a looooot of time to read all of these.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why there isn't a AU fic based upon the plot of the wheel yet
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYay! Cereal has fixed the mixx-up with my fic!
ReplyDeleteFeedback on my fic(PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP) plz?
@ringmaster: Just as random as the other one. I see from the comments some ponies like that. To me, its just too weird. Its probably a craft of its own, its just not meant for me ^^
ReplyDeleteTogetherness is Mystical author here.
ReplyDeleteI made the fave list, AND got several mentions,
AND it was only my SECOND fic ever.
*cue Pinkie Pie in Applebuck Season noises*
PS, make sure to scroll down to page two to see
the spoileriffic included image!
Who is the Greatest Magician? - David Copperfield? Not bad, but I could only imagine what comes next...
ReplyDeleteTwilight: Umm… I'm already the Princess' protégé, I kind of win by default.
Trixie: No matter! Could you tame the Ursa Minor?
Twilight: I think that's the Ursa Major coming through the woods right now.
Trixie: …oh buck
Keanu Reeves: Woah!
Mother Earthpony - AH? Aha! Take on me…
Is this leading up to a flood? Yet another ambiguous ending… Is it up to me again? Ok, I'm guessing the rain will turn into a water elemental who kidnaps spike, Pinkie will reveal that she's more nervous than she said she was as a lightning strikes gives her the hiccups, and rainbow dash will be fired for skipping work to hang with friends.
Am I close?
Trixie x Trixie - Ooh! Is this one of those legendary ship fics where Trixie is shipped with herself? I can't wait!
The fringe benefit of using time travel is she gets to experience it twice! Not bad, could be better written, but I rank it highly because I'm a pervert. ^^
Moving on!
How Trixie Made the World in Seven Days - Is she god now? No wonder why god made the pony race in her image, she was Trixie all along!
Interesting though I'm more curious on who would be Adam and Eve… But then we'd be going into ship fic territory.
The Heist - Sounds like the setup for Trixie's Eleven! I want to read that fic. Go for it!
The Morning After - Awww, not bad! Feel sorry for Fluttershy, she tries so hard!
The Pardon - Again, not sure if Trixie would just apologize like that, but this fic is till cute! ^^ Still would like to see what happens next.
Trixie: …
Twilight: …
Trixie: Want to play a board game?
A Mug's Game - AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Confound New Courier! My greatest FOE!
Well, considering it's written in my one true weakness, this was quite an epic read… Then again, i was reading it out loud in an epic voice.
The Great and Powerful Trixie, Angel of Love - Does anyone know how to use a Random tag anymore?
Well, that was a wild ride, I think the repeating of "The Great and Powerful Trixie" over and over kind of slowed down the pacing of a fic that needed to be fast.
Trixe's Night - Interesting retelling of Boast Busters, though it doesn't add much and kind of predictable. But keep at it!
Untold Story: Wow, that was heroic! 0.0 I wouldn't regret it either.
Though, I wonder what kind of foul stuff was in that water…
And of course, there are NO reviews for Writing With Portals.
ReplyDeleteI'm Desert, btw. Nice to finally meet you all.
ReplyDeleteI am afraid I fear there is a reference there I am not getting. So I should refrain from commenting.
I wonder how mine holds up tho the others? Anyway, I want to to read some of these, but 12 hour workdays are a killer.
ReplyDeletehooo god, my eyes are hurting. They aren't as good as they were back in the last 300-word event. I'm going to have to break this off into sections.
ReplyDeleteYes, they're finally up! Time to read aaaaaaaall of them!
ReplyDeleteThere aren't really any references that a Portal fan wouldn't recognize.
UHm 'bloomin storms is loading manhatten rain . . . . *apple bloom eyes* WHY?!?!?!!?
@Doc Steedly
ReplyDeleteHey, we were supposed to send it to "[email protected]", right? Cuz that's where I sent my entry. Did you ever get it?
I wrote "birth of a legend" and I would really love it if you guys gave some feedback.
ReplyDeleteI dunno. What was it called?
WHINNY!!!! I downloaded alot of these to my phone i cannot wait to read them. I have ALOT of reading to do soon . . . lol gotta love smrtphnes :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for fixing that aswell Cereal!
I like the Luna’s Starry Night :D
ReplyDeleteIt's nicely written!
Can't believe the only review for Writing With Pirtals was to correct a grammatical error.
ReplyDelete*Reading the other entries*
ReplyDeleteAh-hah, this is good for me. Within the 300 word-limit I was too focused on telling a whole story, rather then a well detailed scene. Many many fabulous entries, I'm glad I entered, it gave me another step upon writing truly well-written fanfics for the community.
ReplyDeleteIt's supposed to feel like the reader has just jumped into the middle of something, a la the Venture Bros. episode "Escape From The House of Mummies, Pt. 2". As for the disguise thing, I wanted to cram in my own "why the Doctor is a pony" theory.
ReplyDeleteIt's supposed to feel like the reader has just jumped into the middle of something, a la the Venture Bros. episode "Escape From The House of Mummies, Pt. 2". As for the disguise thing, I wanted to cram in my own "why the Doctor is a pony" theory.
Damn double posts!
ReplyDeleteIts regrettable that all of the ones I elected to read involved rain and sad emotions...*sigh* this show is not so broody. I would like to commend the efforts of the writers, as a fanfiction writer myself, I know you can hit a wall. It hurts sometimes.
ReplyDeleteEh, I tried to make mine seem hopeful enough to overcome the sadness.
ReplyDeleteI know mine isn't sad
ReplyDeleteDid anyone screencap this?
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDelete"A Rainy Farewell"
Should I resend it?
ReplyDeleteyes: http://wardenscat.foxserver.be/Blogbrony-TooMuchTrixie.png
I'm not gonna trust on google to save that :p
also requesting opinions on 'The Great and Powerful Trixie: Live at the Royal Theatre of Canterlot.'
@Anonymousyes, I did. http://wardenscat.foxserver.be/Blogbrony-TooMuchTrixie.png
ReplyDeletethis is the second time i post this, since the first didn't seem to work. Any opinions on 'The Great and Powerful Trixie. Live at the Royal Theatre of Canterlot' greatly appreciated
ReplyDeleteOK - next batch! Moving upwards from "Dumbfounded".
I don't normally like mealy-mouthed Derpy, but I enjoyed this.
Unfortunately, this story has been done before (in the April Friend-Off, I think), which lessens its impact through no fault of your own. You have a very good writing style, though.
Spike's Mysterious Errand
Verrrry atmospheric, hilarious finish. Loved it.
Great use of the event's limits, very stylish writing.
Grand Galloping Gala Appearance!
Wonderful story told in dense, compact writing, perfect for the event. Found it hard to believe that I'd read so much in so few words.
Lovely Luna
I was really, really enjoying the unique idea of two villians comforting each other until it turned into shipping. I'm not against shipping but it was unecessary here. If not for the last five or six lines, this would have been one of my favourites.
Mean Blue and Furious
Sorry, but I just didn't like this. It really had no point, no emotion, no drama. Writing wasn't bad, but could be improved with practice. I'd recommend the author head over to Ponychan for some advice, because they probably could be good if they had a decent plot behind their pen.
A Break in the Gloom
I d'awwed super hard. I love stories like this.
Future Secrets
Funny and well-written.
The Great and Prideful Trixie
Awesome. I don't like Trixie much normally, but I really feel that authors like this one do a great job with her unique personality.
Rainy Day Crusaders (Scootaloo is Weird)
Scootaloo IS weird. I like it.
(uh-oh, I'm getting into [Sad] territory now)
The Witch
"She'd lie her ear on mommy's heart and listen to her lullaby." Wow. That was a really resonant line. Loved it.
I was going to say it was "bittersweet" but obviously you've already figured that one out. Good, strong emotions in this one.
Trixie's Song of Revenge
Great song; the tune seemed to play itself as I read it. I'd love it hear it sung.
Cutie-Mark Rain
I thought it was OK until I got to the last line, where it suddenly turned to greatness. You cheated a bit on the word limit.
Dreams of Flight
A lovely fantasy about what it would be like to fly, which I guess we all imagine from time to time.
Cheaters Never Prosper
Very funny and lighthearted. Doesn't take itself as seriously or mess with canon as much as some of the other stories, which is a breath of fresh air.
Celestia doesn't get as much characterisation in stories as she deserves, and this one did a great job of it.
After Work Chit Chat
I'm really not a fan of [Random] stuff, so I'd better hold my tongue.
The Downpour
Link was messed up but fixable. The story wasn't bad, but had mixed tenses, was a bit grim and a little confusing. What was the note?
The Great and Powerful Mess
The tension brought me to the edge of my seat... the reveal made me fall off.
In The Cards
I have no idea who Midnight is, so this passed me by. I like the idea behind the story, though.
Special Delivery
Derpy is grey, but whatever. I guessed that it's set before Boast Busters, but it leaves some questions unanswered. Why was Trixie expecting Celestia? Who sent the package? Is this part of another fic? I guess the fact that I'm interested in getting these answers means I liked the story.
Twilight's Timeless Terror
Some mixed tenses but very, very atmospheric and stylish.
Trixie in the Rain
At first I was like "Boo, self-insert", but he was so unobtrusive it may as well have been any pony. Overall, I really liked it. Trixie relates and then demonstrates a life lesson that we often suspect is the case.
I hope somepony liked "the wheel" - first time I've tried to write a 300 word story and I think I did pretty well (exactly 300 words!). Kinda grimdark though :)
@Cereal velocity
ReplyDeleteWell, since I'm going to be out of town until Sunday night, here's the link right here, just in case:
I personally enjoyed every single one of these stories, but if I had to pick a favorite I'd say it was Driving Rain by Chistery. I love it when people pair up Applejack and Rarity.
ReplyDeleteShameless self-promotion, ACTIVATE! "Twilight's Timeless Terror" doesn't /star/ her. And, well... that was the assignment (more or less), featuring Trixie. So... there's that.
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought you were overdoing it & pretentios, but then I laughed. Good one. ^o^
Hello everyone. My story is finally up (though it's really not that great) if you want to read it.
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts on Raining at Twilight?
ReplyDeleteUpwards from "Of Gods and Ponies".
ReplyDeleteOf Gods and Ponies
When It Rains, It Pours
Job well done. This picks an important scene and really tells it well instead of trying to say too much in too little space. It really begs for a continuation.
A Story Everypony Else Has Heard
Trixie's mother sure gets blamed a lot for how her daughter turned out, the poor woman. Nice story of Trixie at her lowest point.
Whaaat the fuuuuuck? Weird Cthulhu Mythos parody. Makes my skin crawl, so good job I guess.
And That's It.
Good writing, but seemed a bit grim for the sake of being grim rather than for any actual drama.
Trixie's Old Nemesis
Wonderful writing, wasted on a tired old meme.
Absolute crap. That was obviously the point, but crap served with irony is still crap.
It's Just A Factory
I don't get i- oh! OH! Oh God. OK, that was actually really funny.
A bit weird and childish.
Another Student of Friendship
Writing is a bit shaky, but the message was obviously heartfelt.
A Title is Pointless Unless
Again, I'm not a fan of [Random]. I really had no idea what was happening here.
Fair To Cloudy
A sadfic that focuses more on the fixing than the breakdown. I like.
A Friend in Need
Rainbow Dash, you jerk! Felt really sorry for Fluttershy here. Good job.
Alone in the Rain
A interpretation of the mane cast that makes them so spiteful that I really can't imagine it happening. Really, what did Trixie actually DO to deserve such treatment? Again, it conflicts so much with my own interpretation that I couldn't pass judgement.
Very interesting scenario that I'd love to see expanded.
The Tale of Moondancer
Cute and well-written.
The Great and Powerful Trixie: Live
Another G&PT fantasy, this one focusing more on style than emotion, which it succeeds at.
The Wheel
A very bleak "what-if" story that paints a horrible picture with practised, precise strokes.
Re: Grand Galloping Gala
Good use of a letter format to tell a long story as a short one. Very funny.
Convention Time
A bit of a fandom self-deprication, perhaps? Highly original among the stories so far, if a bit disturbing. Maybe I see a bit too much of myself in it.
My Favorite Dance Partner
A very sweet moment of friendship, very close to the show's premise and perfectly in-character. One of my favourites so far.
Astronomical Mudslinging
Hilarious from start to finish, with Trixie's unuspecting victory celebration the icing on the cake. Another favourite.
'Bloomin Storms
This story seems to have been snipped out of a larger one and doesn't stand well by itself.
Manehatten Rain
Expertly done expansion of a scene.
This story was made for me. I love the interpretation of Derpy as a duty-bound rain-or-shine mailmare.
This is tough going. 75 down, 50 to go.
@Rohit Eligeti
ReplyDeleteYay! Someone likes my work :) It definitely makes me happy that someone really liked it
Hee hee. Waiting patiently for the review of my submission.
ReplyDeleteIs it the word "poker" Flashfox? I could have easily used other card games but it would require that I dash Go-fish.
Besides you don't need to be older to get into a candy bar or know how to play poker. (A salad bar might have some adult content though.)
The win big thing is that Trixie is finally going to defeat Pinkie in a card game.
Nothing complicated.
I just realised that I meant to say "second-person" for my "Downpour" comment. Continuing upward from "Trixie's Celestian Present"
ReplyDeleteTrixie's Celestian Present
Reads like a hammy pantomime. If that was intentional, job well done.
Black Sun
Very well written, but is part of a larger story that I haven't read, so it just left me confused.
Derpin' In The Dark
I really enjoy background pony stories, especially sappy ones like this, but you'd do well to enlist a proofreader and practice your writing. Ponychan are normally more than happy to help.
Drastic Measures
Far too grim for my tastes.
Trixie's Golden Tickets
D'aww. Trixie was never redeemed more than she is in this story. Great work.
Pony Rain
I've never played Heavy Rain. Without it, this just seems like a nasty revenge fic.
Untold Story
The narrative is well-done here. but why the heck would you go blind and deaf from water?
Trixie's Night
The writing is good but the plot just isn't very interesting.
TG&PT, Angel of Love
It's not marked [Random] but that's what it is. Very stupid, if you like that sort of thing.
A Mug's Game
Yes! Wonderful. Perfect. A microcosm with a past, present and future, emotion, a plot and character development... all in 300 words. One of the best stories so far.
The Pardon
Good scene that stands well by itself. A great example of how a 300-word story should be told.
The Morning After
Trixie turns into My Little Hobo in so many fics... Anyway, a nice little epilogue for Boast Busters that characterises Fluttershy perfectly.
The Heist
I do love a good caper and the idea of a ponified one made me laugh.
How Trixie Made the World in Seven Days
Another [Random] story marked [Normal], if you like that sort of thing.
Trixie x Trixie
I know this has been done before, but it's still a hilarious concept. Well-written.
Mother Earthpony
This is clearly a set-up for a larger story, but doesn't stand well by itself.
Who is the Greatest Magician?
Mixed tenses. Sorry - it's a pet peeve.
Rain-Soaked Cupcakes
Not having read the original (nor have I any intention of doing so), I couldn't comment. Reads like a horror film with a twist.
Trixie's Letter
The story is OK, but you've mixed up a third-person narrative, script instructions and a letter and it just does not work at all.
Hummingway Could Have Shortened It
I very much respect what you were trying to do, but I just don't get it.
Relieving Voice
For such a demure meeting with almost no dialogue, I found this surprisingly enjoyable.
The Sister's Tears
I'm nearly 100 stories in and this is the first one that actually made me weepy. Fantastic stuff.
The Great and Powerful Dissonance
I like the way you turned Trixie's third-person references to herself into a narrative.
First Impressions
I'm not sure if it was your intention, but I found the idea of Trixie costing into town in front of a cart, her hooves unmoving a few inches off the ground, absolutely hilarious.
Loose Ends
Being a fan of Doctor Who and Adventure Time, this made me feel warm inside.
I am being very harsh on some of these, but I did say I'd review them all. Remember, just because I say it's bad doesn't mean I'm correct. Get a second opinion.
ReplyDeleteYou're almost done!
ReplyDeleteyes i did
@Anonymous (upward from 'of gods and ponies')
I'm glad you appreciate the style of TGnPT Live... I also commend you on the effort to read and comment on all stories. mad props to you.
Nyartrixietep Author here. Nyarlathotep was a pretty WTF story in and of itself, so I guess I tried to convey it. glad to know I at least got something of it right enough to freak someone out =P
ReplyDeleteHeh, thanks for the kind words on Trixie's Golden Tickets. I was actually thinking of extending the fic really, writing a full story of Trixie taking on the young filly as her own, but I wasn't too sure if people would want to read it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you did enjoy it though! If its an endeavor worth pursuing I'd gladly try to make a full-fleshed story of it.
Home stretch now. The first 22 (Did I skip some? I don't seem to have) stories, starting upwards from "Teaching Trixie".
ReplyDeleteTeaching Trixie
Amusingly, this is an almost perfect sequel for "The Pardon", despite being written first. And, bizarrely, I'd give it the exact same comment I gave that one.
A Flash of Lightning
That was a really masterful depiction of longing. I cannot overstate how truly superb this story is.
The Rules
Ah, the precision F-strike. When used correctly, as it is here, it never fails to make me laugh.
The Contrived and Continuous
Story was OK. I had to check how many words there were (300 exactly) to see why you couldn't afford an "off" for the last line.
Trixie canters into a bar...
Old Enemies (added after I started)
There's surprisingly little shipping in this event. This one manages to be sweet while still keeping Trixie her usual bombastic self. Quite a feat.
Applejack's New, Scented Product
Good writing but the Candlejack meme is starting to get on my
A Healing Journey
I do not like [Random] stuff that makes no sense, and this is no exception, but I have to commend your skill as a poet.
Gilda's Lover
What the fuuuuuuck.
Seth And Cereal Go To The Movies
I'm not including that. It really should have been disqualified.
Self-insert alert! Self-insert alert! Wait, it's actually kind of good. Very original.
The Missing Friend
A wonderful tribute.
Trixie and the Mirror
Oh hell yes that was awesome.
Very serene story about a pony you wouldn't expect. Good contrast.
The Great and Powerful Storm
I totally lost it right around "the orange pony whose name I forget at the moment" and had to stop for a minute to compose myself. One of the funniest so far.
An Unusual Show
Nice Trixie's-path-to-redemption story.
A perfectly in-character scene that wouldn't be out of place on the show itself.
The Most Interesting Pony In The World
Sort of like a Mary Sue fic written by Trixie written by the author. Very meta.
My Little Pony: Togetherness is Mystical
Very clever. The twist took me completely by surprise. It says a lot about this fandom that I was able to recognise all the incidental ponies on the second read-though.
Dear Trixie
Brialliantly written.
My Little Lobster
The puns, they hurt. I've said it before and I'll say it again: What the fuuuuuuck.
Creepy. Very good use of the 300-word limit to tell a story and leave the aftermath to the reader's imagination.
Oh, sweet merciful Celestia I'm finally done! I'm never volunteering to review so many fics again. Congratulations to all who participated in the event and I hope many of you will take this opportunity to try your hand at longer stories. I'll certainly be delighted to read them... just not all at once.
Of course it's juvenile Anon, thats why I wrote it and sent it in. (I don't see anyone else doing the get revenge on Trixie motif anyway)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment and reading it, besides who wouldn't see at least Rarity plotting revenge against Trixie?
Also it is to note that I 'kind of' started the freakazoid crossover with Pinkie thing back in April Foals where I shipped Pinkie with Candle... WAIT A MINUTE! oh no, I'm not that stupid to say that guys name more than three times.(Beetlejuice) Anyway I might have not written that story that well at all, but it did result in a Pinkazoid song and comic. (But still no Pinkie and kidnapping ghost shipping, maybe it'll happen during halloween? With the domino effect anything is possible!)
I know my story will fail because 300 words are not enough to get a good plot for me. Thats why I am better at longer fics.
ReplyDeletethanks for you kind words on my story^^
Thank you! And I know Trixie's apology was a bit quick, but it was supposed to take place a long while after Boast Busters. I guess I didn't quite make that clear.
I've got a continuation in the works, mostly because I thought it'd be interesting to see Trixie fighting against her own nature and actively trying to seek forgiveness. There's two other stories I've got planned in this little continuity; one is a bit of everypony's favorite shipping (because I'm original like that), and the other is a crossover that I surprised myself with regarding who visits Equestria.
ReplyDeleteGiven that you put all that effort into reading these stories, I'd just like to thank you as well for your efforts. Also, cheers for the positive review you gave mine; not too shoddy for my first try!
Sorry, I'm going to have to bow out, this is just too much to do the week before finals... Only really agreed to do it because I kind of felt I owed something to the community, but I've bitten off way more than I could chew.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll get back to it a week from now when I'll have a lot more time to do it and just post the reviews on Deviantart or something. That way I don't have to rush through them all, take my time to be more in depth about it.
Thanks so much to Anonymous for tackling this, you've got some real gonads. And thank you to everyone for submitting. You guys sure have drive! This is the greatest fandom I've every been apart of and I'm proud to be a part of it!
I think I speak for quite a few when I say that going even as far as you did was highly appreciated, flash. :) (As well as the others here who did manage to review everything--thanks, and doubly so if you got to mine. ^^;)
ReplyDeleteAnd heavens, I'm in an even worse position. It's been a whirlwind weekend for me life-wise, and I just knew I wasn't going to be able to review a story pile this huge, no matter how short they were. The few I did manage to read were exceptional, though, so I definitely plan to return to select stories here when I have a free hour or five.
Wonderful job, all! Though I'm sort of scared to see how large next event's pool will be. :)
Dear anon who liked "Manehatten Rain":
ReplyDeleteOMGz i luv yoo...
Bittersweet is what I was aiming for. good to hear it wasn't a trainwreck.
ReplyDeleteThanks to whoever 'rated' Untold story. I know the water was never explained, but when you reach that, and have 280 so words, you have to find a way to wrap it up quickly T_T
ReplyDeleteSo I never got to finish it, oh well, i knew the ending was choppy and it wasn't going to win, but it felt nice submitting :)
I have no plans on winning. All the other stories are so good, and my story is just...
Now I'm going to go write more shipping (Scootaloo x Spitfire, because I am a sick, twisted bastard)
I applaud your efforts on reviewing all the stories, Annon.
ReplyDeleteAuthor of 'An Unusual Show' here. Don't read too much into it, ponies! No one cared about the show and she just decided to relax before heading to the next town and the next show.
ReplyDeleteBut I would also like to add...*ahem*...
my favorite was trixies golden tickets