Stop sending your stuff to Seth! Seriously, guys, I'm hurt. I'm running this event!
Anyway, let me clarify a few things:
The poll results dictate that your story must either:
- Star the Great and Powerful Trixie or...
- Start with the sentence: "Nopony could remember a time when it had rained so hard."
- The story must be a maximum of three hundred (300) words. If you go over a dozen words or so I'm not going to penalize you, but try not to. I have to read hundreds of these!
Include the following in your email:
1.) Google Docs document
2.) Characters in the story
3.) Your Name
4.) Title
5.) Genre (Grimdark/Shipping/Sad/Ect)
6.) A short description of your story
One story per author!
Submit your stories to [email protected]!
Aaaaand... go!
75 kommentaari:
>oh man, this clopfic is great
VastaKustutaI had a feeling Twilight was into that stuff.
> Bolded and italicized and red for emphasis.
VastaKustutaNeed to work on the first two, Cereal. :c
Also, you didn't italicize the deadline, even though you say you did.
VastaKustuta>If you use the other three from the poll
VastaKustutaDidn't you explicitly NOT post those because you wanted to keep them in reserve for future events like this?
oh cereal, you so funny.
VastaKustuta-no italics
VastaKustutahe updated that post, so we can now see them. So if you only look at posts once when they first come up, you would have missed em.
which is why I check all posts at least twice, at different times.
pony has sucked away my life
I forgot to add them when I fixed it for him (blogger is a bit touchy with...everything)
VastaKustutaSo it's my bad!
@Anonymous 3:10
VastaKustutaUhh, they were posted.
Next time, try BOLD COMIC SANS.
VastaKustutaIt always catches my attention.
Sorry Seth! I completely forgot about the event! Now I feel guilt for sending in my NON-Trixie story that is 300+ words :(
VastaKustutaI guess I will wait a week or two until I send it in again...
- Bongo
VastaKustutaIf I could hate you until your nose itched, you would ~Scratch
Clopfic? C'moooon, that's filly-Twilight in that image. :c
VastaKustutaCan you do one of the others as well?
VastaKustutaI don't really want to exclude facehoofing or anything just because it was one of the other options.
Could we please use more than 300 words? 300 words is hardly enough to write a good story. Or could just one chapter of a larger fic be submitted?
VastaKustutaNow that the season is over the blog seems more active than ever. Keep up the pace guys =D
VastaKustutaEven though it would catch my eye, I would die a little inside if comic sans was posted upon EqD.
It's a shame that I have to tolerate it... :P
What about if we used all five?
VastaKustutaWe just need more events like this. I'm not particularly fond of the 300 word event, but I do plan to enter into the next friend off, and any other story/art based events in the future will keep the content flowing and people following this blog very happy.
Unless you only follow the fandom for the show. Then you can just up and leave. :3
@Anonymous I think the size restriction is part of the challenge.
VastaKustutaSo to refresh everyone's memory, the story CAN NOT contain:
VastaKustuta-Anypony laughing
-Anypony facehoofing
-A beginning sentence of "It was on that day the world ended"
So, there was no laughing. There was no facehoofing. There was only Trixie.
Holy flank they used the macro I made
VastaKustuta/end fangasm
Submitted... here's hopin'.
VastaKustutaSo, wait...Does this mean that I'm NOT allowed to use all five options in one story?
~Display Name
I'm pretty sure the only requirement is that it either involves trixie, or that it starts with the rain thing,
VastaKustutaYou can facehoof and whatever else all you want.
Y'know what? I'm giving it a shot.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie has been following me since April. Ever since my failure to follow through with my reviews of the April Foal's stories, she's been popping up out of no where yelling "FOREVER!"
VastaKustutaWell, I won't make the same mistake here. Unlike that unfortunate occurrence, I'm jumping on the ball early and getting them done this time! Get ready Fillies and Gentlecolts, it's reviewing time! Or at least it will when stories begin uploading.
God I love 300-word events, it just challenges everyone as a writer.
When it says that it needs to STAR Trixie, does that mean she needs to be the sole star, or can she just be featured as a costar with other ponies (ie she has the same amount of focus as the others)?
VastaKustutaI hope I sent mine in correctly, I have three seperate 300 word stories. The one that used Duodenum was probably my best shot.
VastaKustutaCereal wasn't thinking too hard about what he wrote. The post has been updated to be more specific. Of course you can have a pony laugh or facehoof. /derp
VastaKustutaResent and just one this time with a google doc link for good measure.
VastaKustutaI've made my submission. It's a scant 199 words, but I don't think it's too bad, given as it's my first attempt at a fanfic.
VastaKustutaIs there a link where we can read all the submissions, or does that wait until AFTER the deadline has passed?
VastaKustutaOnce the deadline is up, I'll post them in one giant post.
VastaKustutaCereal, will you just completely disregard anything with over 300 words? I still want to send mine, but it's going to be a bit longer. It doesn't have to be in this, but I would like it if it's read...
VastaKustutaIf you have something over three hundred words, my suggestion would be to flesh it out and submit it to Seth as a full story. I'm going to be pretty strict about this.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOkay, I can do that much. Is it still okay if it's on the subject you posted?
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaUh...I'm pretty sure my story meets the criteria, but...
VastaKustutaCereal? What think ye?
B-man, if you're who I think you are, check your email, dude.
VastaKustutaOh. Oops.
VastaKustutaFix'd now.
VastaKustutaOh rules, you so crazy
@Anonymous "Could we please use more than 300 words? 300 words is hardly enough to write a good story."
VastaKustutaThat's the challenge of the event! Putting something meaningful into three hundred measly words is hard, and makes it all the sweeter when you succeed.
Already working on something related, the rain factor is definitely included!
VastaKustutaWhere are the poll results, anyway? What were the other answers?
VastaKustutaWhoop, nevermind, found 'em.
VastaKustutaGoogle docs only?
VastaKustutaOr can we use Deviantart too?
Yeah, DeviantArt and FF.net links are fine too. Just don't send a word document!
VastaKustutaHee hee.
VastaKustutaMade a submission. First fan-fic by me ever.
That was fun. The short length means you have to be really careful with your word economy.
VastaKustutaChallenge Accepted.
I just submitted my clopfic. It gave me something to do today, so I'm happy.
VastaKustutaHe never said no clopfics! I just assumed he didn't want them... I should have written a clopfic instead!
Well, as long as the link marks that it's a clopfic so I don't accidentally click on the link I personally am fine with it...but I thought it was a kind of general rule of EqD to not post Clopfics. Or maybe it was just stressing how much they dislike posting 'em, and everyone's courteous enough to not spread the ones that do get posted around everywhere...
VastaKustutaAlso, the story I wrote is...well above the 300 limit...it's around 2600 words...
VastaKustutaAh well, maybe I just won't send it into the actual event and send it to Seth later.
Congratulations. You ponies have convinced me to write a fic of my own.
VastaKustutaWelcome to the herd.
So I feel like this is obvious, but just to be certain....One entry per person? Cause I of course had an even better idea for a story right after I sent my first one in.
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaOh, I've been hanging around for about a month now. I just haven't written anything before.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaActually, I didn't write a clopfic. I just said that because it's the exact opposite of what I wrote. I ended up writing a Heavy Rain crossover.
One per author, please!
VastaKustutaAlso, yes, if you send me a clopfic, it's not getting posted. Seth's rules.
VastaKustutajust sent my entry in. i'm quite proud of this one ^_^
VastaKustutaOoh, sorry. I sent a second fanfic in before reading the "one per author" comment. Sorry, just discard the second one, but post the first one(PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP).
VastaKustutaLate to the party. :p
VastaKustutaAnyway, I kind of like the 300 word restriction. Makes one stretch and bend and think to get something done.
And if these keep happening, I may try to blend several 300-worders into one longer story.
Though, I've set myself up with a rough start to that one.
Hey there!
VastaKustutaMcPumpkin here!
Be sure to read "The Downpour" this Friday!
If you have any feedback or would like a custom story, email me at [email protected]
Thanks a lot everypony!
VastaKustutaOh man! I can't wait! I loved that game!
Sent in my entry.
VastaKustutawhat's a google docs document? And can i submit as an anonymous entry?
VastaKustutaI'm going to go out on a limb and say you probably can't post Annon to this Contest. the Author's need to be ID'd or anypony could just steal fictions and claim they wrote them, ect ect ect. It isn't hard to make a Blogger account real quick, all you need is a Gmail account to do it. Doesn't even have to be your real one.
Just mailed in my fiction, dang that was a close call on the dead-line. I've been tinkering with it all week. Look for it if they all get posted. Title: "Behind Closed Doors" :D
Of course they're all getting posted, silly ponies.
VastaKustutaOne and a half hours left!
I can't wait to see what they all turn out like. I submitted one as well. Hope it stands up to the rest.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaDid my entry get to you fine(PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP)? I forgot to add a subject into the email, and with the time almost up, I would like to know.
VastaKustutaThanks! If people like my 300-word intro, I'm totally thinking of doing an entire fanfic.
Thanks for extending the deadline. I submitted my story. Hope you like it