• 2D Pony MMO Concept Art

    Tons of concept art from the 2D Pony MMO here for you guys!  It's incredible the progress they are making with it. 

    Below the break you will find:
    Ponyville Library (Top)
    Fluttershy's Cottage
    The Pony Restaurant
    Sweet Apple Acres
    Dewdrop Daisy's/ Flower Shop
    Carousel Boutique (Colored)

    As always you can find the main DA page for all sorts of interesting stuff on the game here, along with Simbardo (The Concept Artist)

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Wow, they really are coming along with the game, I hope it's finished soon. That's some slick concept art as well for a free fan-made game.

    2. Take my money! Take my blood, I don't care! I just want this game to be made!

    3. the drawings kinda remind me of morrowind ina way

    4. I love it so far. The background sketches look exactly like something a MLP FIM episode would have. I can't wait until it's released :D

    5. Amazing.

      As an artist I am awestruck by the beauty of this artwork. It's simply mindblowing. I can't wait to see it up and running. I am not an MMO gamer, but this might be the first MMO I get into.

    6. It would be cool if entering the library linked you up to a database full of MLP fanfiction.

    7. They are making amazing progress! Can't wait to see some more playable stuff from them.

    8. ..... Words can't describe how much I want this game.

    9. Tons of concept art from the 2D Pony MMO concept art [...]
      Derp :D

    10. Wow, this artwork looks amazing. I am suddenly excited for this game's release just so I can wander around and look at the scenery.

    11. Kasper the friendly pony29. mai 2011, kell 12:59

      What kind of game is this MMO? I can't seem to find any on it. Is it RPG, Adventure or what? Everything about it looks like a typical Point and Click adventure, but that kind of game isn't very MMO-minded, so I'm a bit confuzled here.

    12. Fluttershy's cottage adobe looks very well detailed.

      Like I said, the demo has that same PMD environmental feel. Something I loved playing. Most certainly will like to try this out.

    13. @shmoogy
      "They have taken you from the Stallion City's prison, first by carriage and now by boat. To the east. To Marerowind. Fear not, for I am watchful. You have been chosen."

      And thus begins the tale of Nerevarine's quest to stop Dacolt Ur.

    14. This guy is so good its scary

    15. @ Greenguy
      haaa i wanna be a pony in skyrim :(

    16. @Kasper the friendly pony
      From what I could pick up, it's leaning towards one of those social MMOs. There's gonna be tons of things to do (obviously combat is one of them - as demonstrated in a gameplay demo), so it should be great. :)

      And it's not point-and-click, I assure you that.

    17. Yes its not point and click... I hate PnC games..... its WASD or the arrow keys......all keys are customizable and there's gona be LOTS of activity's right now im spriting pinkamena :D
