• Youtube Adds Copyright School

    Copyright has hit us already before on youtube, with the shutting down of Masterlinkx channel.  Google has brought out a new system for dealing with people that violate it, via copyright school.  People that violate copyright are tasked with completing a 2 step program, which is essentially watching the video (Found below the break) and taking a quiz after.

    Hasbro has thankfully been pretty lax on it so far, which is definitely a plus (and probably a smart business decision too considering how fast FiM has grown).

    I honestly think Google wanted the video to be as un-serious as possible, since pretty much everything on youtube is  copyright in some form.  Looking at the top 20 right now, every single one violates it.

    Here is more technical article.

    Youtube's Copyright School

    Thanks to Sgolem for the article link!

    And the video (Hosted by...Happy Tree Friends... I love Google!)
    tl;dr: Every single video posted here so far is violating copyright! hurrah!

    Apparently Youtube's video violated Youtube's copyright

    So here is a link to it... Yes the same video.

    Copyright School

    Strangely, the embedded one below was actually a link on the official youtube channel, so I don't know why it was reported as copyright.  I'm going to keep it cause it's lolworthy

    52 kommentaari:

    1. Just don't post HD versions of the Episodes that will draw traffic away from the Hub site - then you're good to go!

    2. Wow the happy tree friends guy really scaled back the violence for the video.

    3. Isn't this why disclaimers exist? Warning parts of or all of this content doesn't belong to "blah" in any given shape or form. Such as this anonymous message. I don't own the name Anonymous though I happen to be one, I copyright infringe everyday I don't disclaim myself as "THE" Anonymous. Suing me would be pointless as you'd get nothing from me not actually be the user "Anonymous".

    4. "Why not make your own video!"

      YouTube, you fool! Everyone knows 99% of videos without fair use of copyrighted material are garbage!

      Seriously, though, I can't think of a single video worth watching that didn't make use of, fair use or other wise, of copyrighted material. Without some legal leeway, all you have are vlogs and cover bands...which is kind of lame.

    5. HA HA HA, OH WOW

    6. Google, you DO realise that its April 14th, and not April 1st, right?

      Trollestia should have you hanged for your feeble attempts

    7. Somepony should make a copy of the copyright video, and host it on there channel.

      For the lulz

    8. I'm not too worried about watching HD episodes for two very important reasons.

      1) The Hub isn't available in the UK.

      2) I'm going to buy the bloody DVD boxset when it comes out (who isn't?).

      I'd never even have considered splashing out on the boxset or even known that this was so great if I hadn't seen it on Youtube! Those bronies are doing Hasbro so many favours.

    9. That was a lot less gory that I expected from HTF.

    10. Friendship and tolerance for all, but copyright can suck my horn.

    11. >HTF video where nobody dies

    12. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    13. Silly Youtube, bronies will always win.

    14. Youtube sucks...isn't there SOME other site we can post to? and btw, I don't see whats wrong with The Hub's posting of the episodes. can someone explain?

    15. @Rainbow Bolt

      The link in this blog post? THEY DID EXACTLY THAT!

      The "real" video is on Youtube's personal account, not this one.. ;0

    16. >mfw Happy Tree Friends

    17. They just don't get it. These idiots just DO NOT get it.

      I swear to God, Youtube has really gone downhill with these practices of "copyright infringement" and all that. We're not posting copyrighted material for money, you morons! We're posting them to entertain viewers!

      As you can tell, I hate overly strict copyright laws with a passion. I say Youtube would be a million times better off without them.

    18. @Landon
      Because those companies might lose a few pennies

    19. Goshdarnit. Real-life school is already hard enough for me and now I have to take copyright lessons too?


      No seriously, Google shouldn't have even bought YouTube in the first place.

    20. Dear Hasbro,

      Although you help largely in the making of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I dearly suggest that you leave the videos containing copyright material on the web, as it is awesome and more easy than watching the hub at designated times.

    21. why HUB not do a official chanel on youtube ?
      The Hub isn't available in the PL.

    22. @Landon
      I'm sure Google would love to let you host this stuff for free too. I mean, it's an opportunity to advertise for them. The problem is liability. The companies that own the copyrights go after Google and threaten to sue.

    23. I hope they don't start cracking dow on these laws, or all my music and ponies are gone...

    24. @gravityequalszero:
      The Hub's online videos aren't available outside of the US. Non-ameriponys can't watch them.

    25. Hasbro has been very nice about the stuff on Youtube, Toho the people behind Godzilla baned my music vids of Big G, why? hell if I know the movies are older then me, and its like a commercial for your 40 + year old movies! and for some reason Paramount banned one of them....silly paramount you don't own Godzilla, I like that one thowe cause it's not world wide and it prevents my highest viewed Godzilla video from being watched in Jaban IN YOUR FACE TOHO!

    26. I just noticed that the video doesn't have a "Happy Tree Friends used with permission of..." or whatever notice at the end.

      A video decrying copyright violators itself violated copyright by not crediting the creator of Happy Tree Friends.

      Irony. It tastes like win.

    27. @Kiefziel

      Uhm, the HTF title card was used and it's clearly made by the people behind that series, why would they need to give permission to themselves? YouTube/Google obviously asked (or paid) them for it, and they provided.. or did you not pay attention to the "with permission" part that the video said multiple times?

    28. ^


      Call it paranoia, but this isn't win, because it's a shitty troll attempt.

      Google is trying to troll people with this copyright nonsense. And people are falling for it.

    29. Why did this must happen now when every MLP FiM fans are waiting excitedly for the least FIM episode the Cutie Mark Chronicles?

    30. I'm not watching it, I DO NOT care for HTF. Just saying.

    31. Wait, am i seeing this right or is this a joke?

      I try to play the video and i get this message:

      This video has been removed becasue its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.

    32. It says the video was removed for copyright infringement.
      Is that irony?

    33. ^ Er, yeah, TOS violation, it doesn't say "copyright" per se.

    34. >TOS violation
      its like a derp within a derp

    35. ^ we call it "Derpception"

    36. Well I don't know WHAT you linked original, but here is the actual video and stuff:


    37. It's hard not to violate copyright on the Internet.

    38. "Video removed because its content violated YouTube terms of service."


    39. @gravityequalszero

      well... not everypony can get the Hub network and the newest episodes don't end up on their website that quickly either. So youtube is the alternative.

    40. Just a question, If i make like a videorant OR a review of a game/movie/song that i have BOUGHT LEGALLY?! And put it in youtube then what?

      For example: I want to talk about a megaman X game. Which i wany to use music from a cd that i have BOUGHT? and use it as backround music. Then what

    41. "Video removed because its content violated YouTube terms of service."

      I lol'd. so fucking HARD.

    42. Google violating it's own terms of service (for those who don't know, youtube is a subset of google)... classic. XP

    43. Is... Is it a joke? The video I mean? I lol'd until I cried at it being removed... Seriosuly, what the fu?

    44. @Anonymous Fair use generally covers: parody, commentary, criticism, news reporting, research and education. Typically you have nothing to be afraid of unless you're simply uploading the work - show, movie, music - whole, or are trying to make profit from it.

    45. At the end...there will be only video bloggers and people smashing stuff...

    46. @Anonymous
      I am not a lawyer, but this will get you started.

    47. Happy Tree Friends are now officially Happy Tree Sellouts.

    48. I don't get it why these companies worry so much. The good stuff will always be bought. I always buy my favorite bands' albums (if I can find them anywhere) and I first found a lot of that music on YouTube. I go to the cinema to see a movie, even if I have already watched a downloaded copy on my computer, because nothing beats the huge screen and loud sound you get in the cinema. I am a WoW addict. I started playing in 2006 and it took me 3 years of playing in private servers but eventually I bought it and I've been paying and playing it in the official servers for about 2 years.

      People will always buy the really good stuff. Instead of whining about copyright and other bullshit, companies should work hard and make good products. There will always be someone to buy them.

    49. I still think that wasn't serious.. Nice trollin google.

    50. OK, Google, don't try to force little kids to watch HTF just because of it. Next time, do a simple video. Gore and violence can't be fed into little kids minds.

    51. Youtube is now CORPORATE TUBE! The losers sold out their company to the Monopoly giant Google and it is shit tube now! I took down my accounts-too many ignorant people commenting and arguing, too many strict so-called copyright laws to CONTROL THE REAL MEDIA AND NEWS WE NEED BESIDES THIS MAINSTREAM SHIT! Now I read somewhere that this fall they will showcase ORIGINAL PROGRAMMING [ie- some of the creative vids taken down by youtube on suspended accounts?] YOUTUBE WAS NEVER EVER MEANT TO BE FOR THE CORPORATE MEANSTREAM BUT US THE MASSES!What goes up must come down. In time it will die out-enjoy the last fews years of it. RIP YOUTUBE.
