• WoW Brony Guilds (Updated: FOR THE HORDE!)

    I guess there is a pretty big brony following over on World of Warcraft now, with guilds on both the US servers and the EU servers.  So for those of you still addicted (ponies cured me of mine amazingly), you can find information on both below!

    Server: Arathor
    Faction: Alliance
    Guild Name: Friendship is Magic
    How to Join: Visit http://mlpfim.freesmfhosting.com/ or contact one of the following in game...

    Whíterose (Note the special í character)


    US (NEW!)

    Server: Sargeras (US)
    Faction: HORDE!
    Guild Name: Elements Of Harmony
    How to Join: You can join by either messaging Tzirah, Ditzydoo, or Applebloom. Or me registering on http://sargerasbronies.freesmfhosting.com/index.php

    Server: Darksorrow (How emo ;_;)
    Faction: Alliance
    Guild Name: Equestiran Order
    How to Join: Whisper Appledash and flutershy (or anypony else in the guild)


    1. This will probably be one of the crutches I use during the off-season lull. Although I should REALLY look into quitting that game for good. Frankly, I'm not quite sure that's possible.

    2. Flutershy says hello. It's wonderful to see that something that i'm part of has been posted on EQ daily :).

      Also for people who want to join EU guild, i'll be playing today on my hunter Scootaloo, so feel free to whisper to him. Everypony's welcome.

    3. Anyone play Rift? I'm on Tearfall, but am willing to switch servers.

    4. I'm not surprised that they're both Alliance guilds.

      Just saying.

      Also, I was cured of my addiction by work schedule changes, but I enjoyed asking every new addition to the raid whether they watched My Little Pony.

    5. You too Seth?
      Pony is what got me to stop playing WoW also. I mean, I don't have time for daily quests and mat farming and raiding if I have to write pony fics and draw pony pics.
      And frankly doing pony stuff gives me much more enjoyment then spamming trade chat with "LFM raid, give gear score etc etc.."

    6. Ugh, Alliance. Pony has definitely made me play less. Too bad there isn't a Horde guild. I would consider making a pony alt

    7. as soon as i reactivate my account, i'll be joining the one on arathor.

    8. Can i ask... What is it with horde? There isn't really any difference between horde and alliance.

    9. I stopped with WoW shortly after Cataclysm's release thanks to a crushing moment of self-realization. I'll certainly be back at some point (can't really let a character with Scarab Lord go to waste), but for now the motivation just isn't there.

      Mainly I wanted to get back to doing something constructive with my time instead of forever chasing the carrot on Blizzard's stick. Not that drawing cartoon ponies is probably much better, but hey, it's a start.

    10. i dont exactly get why its a bad thing if its alliance. isnt it about the ponies and not the faction?

    11. @Anonymous

      There really isn't any difference.

      There's just an unfounded stigma around the alliance that they're mostly young and immature players because they picked them based on pretty looks.

    12. Yeah I stopped playing too, I think I'll probably go back during summer though. I don't play on either of those servers though. *shrug*

    13. @Anonymous
      Yeah, and i was thinking that if anypony would understand it, it would be bronies.

    14. I stopped playing because my school grades went to shit. Still, though, I suppose that those who still play can still be together. Have fun!

    15. If anypony has problems with controlling their gameplay, just set up parental control and faceroll your keyboard for password, or ask friend to type one for you.

    16. Hmph.

      Makes me wanna make a Horde guild.

      Anypony on Sargeras? :D

    17. @Anonymous

      Some people just prefer to play Horde. Even if it's about the Ponies, playing with a character whose looks you don't like can be frustrating. Or if your friends belong to the opposite faction... Not to mention the fact some people already have their characters leveled, if not to 85, past the halfway mark as Horde Characters. Start again or have a paid Faction transfer can be a pain in the flank.

    18. I would join. Except for that fact that ever I became introduced to ponies, I've began playing WoW less and less. Ponies have kindda taken over my WoW addiction, I'm no WoW addict no more, I'm a pony addict now, Combining them both would be like mixing tobacco with alcohol.

      However, I wouldn't mind joining a Pony guild. If it were Horde of course. I mean, I would prefer it to. Maybe I'll join, I can't guarantee I'll be active though.

      And to the anon above me. I would love to make a horde guild with you. If you give me your character name, I'll make a toon on Sargeras and message you!

    19. @Naxts

      YES. Okay okay okay, go on ahead and add my disc priest Iroh on Sargeras. I've just rolled myself a brand new warrior named DitzyDoo, also ( she's got that fancy BoA axe :O ). If you rolled a healz class, we'd get instant dungeon queues. Awww yeah.

    20. Considering that Champions Online is adding rainbow flight soon, and since the devs listen to their players, it'd be fun to get a poster presence on the forums and see if we can't get them to make a horse/pony costume set.

      Including the ability to have pants with rump emblems on them! A loud enough crowd would probably make it happen.

      Gawd, imagine the possibilities!

    21. Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh. :O
      Rump emblams. <3

      Now that I look, though, my death knight totally has skulls on the thighs of her pants.

      Me gusta.

      OH. AND NAXTS. I hope you don't mind, but I just facebook'd you, since we're potentially making a guild together 'n' all.

    22. "Server: Darksorrow (How emo ;_;)"
      i lol'd harder at this comment than i should have. xD

    23. @Anonymous
      It shall be done!

      You can go ahead and do whatever you want with my facebook. Thats why I got it up on there!

    24. Ponies made me quit WoW and now ponies will make me start again.

      Confound these ponies!

    25. Sweeeet. Horde brony guild on Sargeras in progress.

      C'mon, who else wants in on this?
      Someone's GOT to make a resto druid named Fluttershy. They must.

      THEY MUST.

    26. Sargeras guild is having trouble with the names. Any ideas?

      Warcraft is Magic?
      Knights of Equestria?
      Elements of Harmony?

      Halp. :l

    27. I bit offtopic but I guess I'll still throw it out here, any Planetside bronies around?

      (Though now that I think about it, I didn't log in since like... 2 weeks. Reading EQD takes up too much of my time :D)

    28. It's funny, ponies helped break my WoW addiction, but a pony guild almost, almost make me want to go back.

      Not going to. I hope everyone in those pony guilds has fun though!

    29. Yay! The Horde is 20% cooler.

      You bronies on Sargeras should call your guild the Wonderbolts. (or the Shadowbolts?)

      Even better if everypony in your guild goes and gets the celestial steed mount(lol Celestia steed mount?)

      also, on a slightly unrelated note, anypony out there have a full resto druid and rename them Fluttershy? Major props if anypony did this. XD

    30. Besides, I'm Horde. Always will be.

    31. You people with your horde pride are making me cry.

    32. @Anonymous Hordecore Bronies are Hordecore.

      Alas, I'm betting most variations of "My little pwny" are already taken by non-brony guilds

    33. @Anon

      I thought about calling it the Wonderbolts. :D
      Or even Twenty Percent Cooler.

      But I think we're going with Elements of Harmony. Because I don't wanna single out Rainbow Dash.

      Even though she's the coolest pony in Ponyville.

      Bahahaha, and I dooooo have the "Celestia" steed. Bahahaha.

      So who else is joining the herd? ;D

    34. there was a shot lived guild for the horde called my little pwnies

    35. I'd totally roll with a Horde Brony guild.

      Not sure what race to make a Hunter though.

    36. @Anon

      Troll that pony shit.

    37. Thats a shame that on the EU Darksorrow server, that the name DerpyHooves was not taking, well looks like I'll have it then. xP

    38. @Anonymous

      ah, cool. I don't even have any characters on Sargeras, but now I'm tempted to make one on that server just to join your guild.

    39. @Anon

      I think you should join Sargeras. I really think you should. I've got DitzyDoo going for Prot Warrior, Naxts has rolled a shammy named Applebloom- it LOOKS like we'll be getting instaqueued for dungeons.

      So yeah, you'll be starting over, but lvling should be quick. :]

    40. @Anonymous

      ok maybe I will take you up on that hehe.

    41. @Anonymous
      I plan on going resto.

    42. I gave up wow for Rift. Currently have a 22 mage called Applejackk on Briarcliff :D

    43. Somehow the only relevant thing I can think about is this.


    44. Cool people playing on Arathor? I might have to start playing WoW again

    45. All the Horde faggots bitching that they're Alliance... Just go make a damn Whorde pony guild.

      I'd go make an Alt on that Server just for Pony, but 2 servers are enough for me.

    46. @Anonymous

      This is precisely why we don't prefer alliance. Its because people like you who follow the alliance sterotype of generally being... Angry people. To put it lightly.
      People just prefer to be Horde. No need to be so negative.

    47. I really wouldn't mind shipping over my heirlooms to another server (when I can) to play with some bronies! As long as there's a Horde guild to go to, that is.

    48. alright, so I also just started a new character on Sargeras. CMCScoot (because "Scootaloo", "Scoot", "Scoots", and "Scootie" were all already taken.) Horde rogue.

    49. Troll Hunter named Braeburn on Sargeras.

    50. Pity those are both Alliance guilds.... maybe I'll switch from Arathor to Sargeras for the Horde Brony guild....

    51. @Anon

      I had no idea.
      I thought you were a random person in Orgrimmar. You signed our pony guild charter. XD
      Hilarious. What are the odds.

      I'll add CMCScoot right away, too.

      Just need two more signatures.
      Hahahaha people keep canceling on me and taking my money. Nubs.

      I should make a website or something. :l

    52. Actually stumbled across Fluttershy of FIM a few weeks ago =D

    53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    54. @Anonymous
      The odds were pretty good, considering Applebloom told me who to talk to.

    55. @Anon

      That explains thingssss.

      Well. Guild is up and running now.
      I am very excite.

    56. Psssst.


      We are go.

    57. @Anonymous

      ah cool!

      I'll have to register for that.

    58. oh god. now I gotta decide if I go horde or alliance. I was contemplating going alliance since all I play is horde

    59. Don't betray your people, Anon.

      Horde. Stay with the Hoooorde.

    60. sargeras : welcome to the Herd! hum i mean Horde!

    61. I'll make a horde character in a couple days. how many people are in the guild? I tried looking it up on the armory but I get a 404

    62. I've noticed a Knights of Equestria guild over on Spiral Knights now, too. Brony Fever's hitting more than just WoW!

    63. maybe I'll roll an alt to see whats up.

    64. Me and my brother and another friend are on Khaz'goroth. Would be severely tempted to join a brony guild but we're in Australia so we use the Oceanic realms generally.

      Also we roll Horde :)

    65. @Anon

      Only 10 people in the guild right now. But we've already got a guild bank tab. Aaaand we're already running dungeons.


    66. This is the sort of thing where I could see a website dedicated to pony guilds would be useful.

    67. @Fast and Free Wow, Planetside is still going? I haven't played it in YEARS

      VS: Technology = Might!

    68. @Anonymous

      It's even better than that, it's actually getting a sequel!
      This has caused somewhat of a resurgence of players so there servers are currently not that empty

      I, too, resubbed a month ago to get back in the game and indulge in some nostalgia before it's over, but it's boring without an outfit so where are you PS bronies :)

    69. If anyone plays Rift, I lead a Defiant brony guild on Freeholme. PM Odtrix if you want in it.

    70. Aww I wish I was on Arathor. :C

    71. Bastiat from on Arathor, here!

      Thanks for the mention! Everybody join up so we can rock Azeroth with the power of LOVE AND PEACE!

    72. New guild started on Moon Guard. US. Name: Friendship is Magic.

      Faction: HORDE!

      TO join Whisper or in game mail Pinkiepïe to join.

      the special I in the name is alt+139

    73. Anypony add me into the guild and as a friend! Blood Elf Warlock named Kellivar

    74. Anypony add me into the guild and as a friend! Blood Elf Warlock named Kellivar
