• Winter Wrap Up Cover and some PONYMV's!

    Is there anything this community doesn't do?

    Also have some Ponymv's! My poor side bar can't take the insane length titles anymore.

    1.) Rainbow Dash Sings about "friendship"

    2.) Seasons of Love

    3.) Guiles Theme Goes with Everything (Yah, I know it's old)

    30 kommentaari:

    1. That Seasons of Love one had a very calming effect.

    2. Wow, that first one was a cool little 'memories' type thing, but I can't help but feel it would be better at the end of the season.

    3. @Anonymous
      Derp, not the first one, I meant number 2, which was actually the third one.
      You do weird things with numbers, Seth.

    4. Wow, the Seasons of Love clip so good)
      Cover is nice too)

    5. >2

      God... DAMNIT! I hate this song... And not because it's overplayed or because it's not that great (both or true), but because whenever you put it with something it instantly makes it sad! Now all I can think of is the 8 months I'll have to wait for more ponies once season one ends!

      Also, Rainbowdash = Joanne... I see what you did there...

    6. Don't want to sound mean, but the first vid is awful.

    7. first video tricked me, I thought that huge sing along was finally done ;_;
      Any update on that..?

    8. 2 is cute and very well intended but... to be honest it's a bit of a hack job.

      I love the passion the floating panels are just tacky. Pannels can be done right on VERY rare occasions like the ending of "love actually", but as a rule should be avoided, (and never done more than once.)

      It also needs the High rez versions, the low rez is just not acceptable.
      For the lip syncing it's usually better to cut out frames or simple reverse the animation, than to slow down the video to fit. It's one of the advantage of animation, that most of the body and all of the background is not moving, which makes the editing effect less noticeable than slowing it down.

      Still, I hope he keeps at it, he'll only get better!

    9. @Anonymous

      I love the passion *BUT* the floating panels are just tacky. My bad (also just to be clear the critique was about "seasons")

    10. Why do you call them FMV's?
      Those are cut scenes in a Sega CD game.
      We usually call 'em PMV's!

    11. ugh the first vid was pretty awful. dont try and sing when you have a bad voice

    12. Yeah, none of them were that great, and the cover was really bad.

    13. Man, coming off from that "Escape" fmv of Sonic Rainboom, "Guile's Theme" just seems...kinda...something...

    14. Yeah, Seth, I don't think you know what an FMV is. These are PMVs, the Pony version of an AMV, Anime Music Video. First one's a cover. FMV means Full-Motion Video, usually referring to live-action video cutscenes in stuff that normally wouldn't have it, like video games. FMVs were quite common when CDs first came around.

      Either way, the first one has made me want even more to start recording covers of pony songs and putting them up, simply because I know I can do better than them. No offense meant if the singer's reading comments on this, but the timing was quite off and the audio mixing could've been done better. You should have done a few more takes of it before settling on that one.

      Oh, and I kinda hate that song from Rent, the 525600 minutes one, because it's roughly a quarter-day off from an actual year's length. Granted, it's a damn catchy song from a musical I know NOTHING about, but that's no excuse for inaccuracy.

    15. > that's no excuse for inaccuracy

      "This is Canis MAJOR. Not Minor!"

    16. #0 Actually, the thing that bugged me most about this one was the piano doubling the singer's line. It strictly follows the beat, so it makes it really obvious when the singer moves off that beat (which, by the way, is fine; most singers do.)

      #2 made me sad about the end of the pony season... :(

      #3 Unlike #1, this went on way too long to get to the payoff (which wasn't very funny in the first place). It sould have started at the burning wings.

    17. THe Rent one just makes me think ponies will die of AIDS. That makes me Bawwww like an infant.

    18. Nice to hear some proof of that 10 - 12% female population of this fandom.

    19. I don't think #0's actual voice is bad; there are just a lot of timing issues, and sometimes the pitch is a little sharp. I get the impression that she might not have recorded to this backup track initially.

    20. @Anonymous
      I'd say its closer to 35-40% & climbing. Most the girls just say they're guys to avoid 'Tits or GTFO!'...

    21. I spent 2 weeks doing new takes thanks to my allergies and the cold I had that wouldn't go away. Sorry if my voice sucked -_- so much for my trying to find my "talent" Guess I'd still be a blank flank...

    22. ^ Fuck the haters, your voice has great tone.
      You're full of potential, don't waste it. :3

    23. @Anonymous

      Sadly I must agree. It's no "Friday"... but it's close. I mean it was pretty obvious she was actually kind of unsure on some of the lyrics and just trying to stumble through those parts. Kinda painful.

      Still, guess it took guts to do.

    24. @Anonymous

      Please let's not turn into one of those "You don't unconditionally love everything everyone does, so you're a hater" types of communities.

      AubadePrism was pretty brave to sing and put it out there for everyone to hear. Shows guts. However, bravery doesn't fill in the gaps for everything.

      AubadePrism: You do deserve credit for trying. But please don't start saying things like "allergies" and "cold"... it just makes you sound like a rejected audition on American Idol having a sulk to the camera. As someone reviewing one of those once said, "A singer with a cold just sounds like a singer with a cold."

      If you really want to sing and believe you might have talent for it, find a good coach and develop it, and learn to take criticism on the chin without excuses... or even reasons, because even if you feel slighted, you look stronger if you just say "I'll do better next time" instead of giving reasons why you did poorly this time.

      You were off key in places, your timing was off, and you don't seem to have made the proper allowances for performing a group piece solo. These are flaws you can fix, so my advice is to work on fixing them and try it again after some hard work... not just waiting for your cold to clear up.

    25. I used to practice 2 hours a day, but then I did actually develop some nasty problems with my nose and throat and am taking medicine to clear it up. I haven't had a chance to really practice like that for 3 years (studio flat with wife = no alone time for singing)It's true that if you don't use it you lose it, it doesn't feel as steady as it did when I was practising all the time. I still think I suck though. Also this was the first time I sang something upbeat, I'm more of a ballad singer, it's hard for me to switch notes quickly. I'll try this again after I move into the bigger apartment and get to practice 2 hours a day again XD

    26. *crunches some numbers*
      525,600 minutes. Someone did their homework.

    27. @Anonymos who critiqued Seasons of Love

      I gotta say, that has to be THE best critique I've ever gotten. I'm grateful for everypony who complimented me and loves the video, but I'm especially grateful there was somepony who could give me something to improve upon. To be honest, after completing this one and receiving nothing but positive feedback, I didn't really want to make a second one, but just hearing that there's a challenge to overcome has motivated me to keep trying.

      Thank you fellow bronies :) that's just the hot and cold I needed to keep moving forward.

    28. Oh BTW I lol'd at Rainbow Dash's song XD

    29. 1 & 3 are freakin' awesome! XD
      D'awwwww, I adore "Seasons of Love," such a beautiful song...:*}

      Wow, the cover is very impressive! Not perfect, but I can't imagine the kind of standards somepony'd need to have to find it poor...you've got a great voice. Get well soon. :)
